Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Upon waking each morning and gently shaking off the sleepiness of the night,
Bring to your awareness who You really are -
Waking up with this realization each day of the most beautiful Divine Self that resides within
will assist your spiritual Self to come forward within the physical vessel for You to be more
conscious of it as the real You who looks at life through the eyes of the Soul.
The physical vessel is your home for this Earth journey, but once the inner-light becomes
more prominent, throughout your day your spiritual Self will be the One that you associate with.
It is the Divine Self that is permanent, not the physical Self.
Think deeper than the physical and enjoy an illuminated Life each and every day.
*~* N A M A S T E ~ T A R A *~*