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Space is not empty. It is composed of several mediums. These mediums are 'matter-antimatter potentials' that can undergo polarizations. They especialy do so in the vicinity of charged particles. This creats literal auras around charged particles. Carefull thinking of the structure of such auras in the living bodies will show you that they form a living bodies on their own! As a carrier of consciousness in the photonic (positron-electron potential) plenum, yes, it is a light body!
Remember that during growth, the cells that once formed your 'self' turned 'inanimate' matter (the food) into cells that could then carry your 'self' consciousness. The cells in a given body has the ability to turn inanimate matter into animate matter of its kind. This happens by a process similar to formation of charged 'auras' of inanimate matter around the cells. These 'auras' then develope into a body on its own, hence growth.
Thus we see that cells has the ability to induce 'self' into the auras around them.
Frozen Light In Remort
This is equivalent to disembodied spirit or even 'soul'. So these issues reduces neatly to the very simple question 'can vacuum polarization occur in the mid air'? As you may understand, it is easy to wonder why not? It is often the case that given polarization in the vicinity of a polarizing factor, polarization can also persist after the polarizing factor has been removed. There are several examples. In chemistry, this is termed 'catalysis'. The body 'catalyze' the formation of polarized vacuum. An interesting example is the formation of proteins in the vicinity of ribosome. Ribosome is necesary to bring amino acids together. But once brought together, they can henceforth persist without the ribosome.
Infact, all formation of memories work that way. Once neurones fire in some way, then in future, it fires that way without the input signal in what we term 'remembering the input signal'. Same might be the case in 'vacum' and the light firings forced to it by our neurones.
What Is Light?
Light is an ephemeral seperation of charges that is propagated like a wave. In vacum, the charges in question are those of matter and untimatter. (the snapping back of charges was called 'displacement current' by James Clerk Maxwell). As you see, if you know of neuroscience, this understanding of light rings a bell. Neural signal? Keep that one at the back of your mind for a moment. This ephemeral, seperation of charges is termed 'light'. But I like to call it 'dynamic light'. Then permanent seperation of charges as 'frozen light'
Now, of course you understand that the existence of light body as 'frozen light' in the vicinity of a body is unquestionable scientificaly. Also, 'dynamic light' can exist in remort, away from the body. What is tricky is the existance of 'frozen light' in the remort. This light will take consciousness with it!