Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Due to this, there will always be choices, polarities, dualities, different sides of the same "coin" of Creator expression
There are two paths that emerge
Service to Others, positive- Love with Free Will
Service to Self, negative- Free Will over Love
These are the hallmarks of each- One is giving, one is taking. One is loving, one is hating. One is open to possibilities, the other is limiting through control.
In my humble 5 years since my decision to get off the fence, and choose a path consciously I have seen 99% Service to Others inclined and 1% Service to Self inclined. Service to self requires immense control of the will and self over the natural flow of Love and it is a path most do not take. Many exist and still exist as fence sitters, but the vast majority are Service to Others.
I have never met any pure Service to Self in person (negative polarity master), most people are just stuck in beliefs, perceptions, judgments that make them appear selfish. I have seen some inclinations of some via the internet or perceptions via certain news (examples certain dictators- example Robert Mugabe: he let the people starve to death and die of disease while he lived in luxury). I think there are reasons the service to self masters are so few and far between- because it is not natural to block Love.
Anyway just some thoughts.
We are about to take the greatest leap experienced in the galaxy ~ breaking new ground ~ it is no wonder we must work in unity to go forth into the light of a new day and new dawn. Where we are going now, has never been gone before, we are trailblazers who have the close attention of all universes whose representative are here and in so many ways observing us, it's like being on candid camera 24/7 ~ so if you feel you have company, a presence or presences, it's because you surely do.
There is no thought, no idea, no action, no creation we do that is not under the closest scrutiny at this moment in time. Pretty exciting ~ we have become transparent and will become conscious of this very soon. Since so much guidance is at hand (no pun intended) we are asked to call upon t
What distorts people is a LACK of LOVE.
-Mellen-Thomas Benedict, an artist who survived a near-death experience in 1982.