Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Dear friends ~ The Ascension process we are well within at this time is the reconnection, in full awareness, of our divine selves. We are moving away from living horizontally in a time-dictated existence in a third dimensional world, to living more vertically, meaning that we are delving deep, very deep within our fundamental roots of our spiritual connection to Source/Creator God. Each individual soul on Earth who has not awakened yet to the fact that they are actually divine Beings, has a lot of self-enquiry work to do. It is about the transformation needed within our psyche to bring to this present consciousness that the life we have been living on Earth is but a Play - a Divine Play! This can be quite shocking to the senses to awaken to this fact.
The pull of physical life with all its traps and sensory pleasures is a very strong hold to break away from. Yet, when One has chosen to investigate their spirituality, the path opens up before them as long as their mind and their focus is fixed on that path to self-awareness and freedom.
I have found a paragraph from OSHO's book called Awareness which explains it in a few sentences:
" Time is the world and eternity is God; horizontal is the world, vertical is God. Both meet at a point - that is where Jesus is crucified. Both meet, the horizontal and the vertical, at a point - that point is here and now. From here and now you can go on two journeys: one journey in the world, in the future; the other journey into God, into depth. "
The depth of our spirituality is enormous.....the deeper we go within our divinity the higher our vibrations go. When we have awakened to our divinity and live in that awareness, we see very clearly that time is man-made. The more light that fills our auras and expands them beyond this 3rd dimension, we ascend to the next dimension. The higher we go, the more we live in the moment and that is what living in 5th dimension is like. By living in the Now we expand our own space around us continuously, filling our world with our heightened awareness and divine light. We are much lighter then as the physical world of 3D is left behind. Our bodies are vibrating higher, sped up by our spiritual connection to our Godself within. We create our own world around us through our awakened state and the knowledge within which opens up to us. We carry everything we need within ourselves, and also raise the vibrations of the area in which we live, joining with others of same vibration raising up the whole world! This is necessary to bring about the changes in structures of society that are desperately needed. Moving everyone into an altruistic world where no one is more important than another. Hence: bringing Heaven down to Earth.
Let's continue to raise our vibrations by focusing on connecting to our divinity within. Many changes are happening throughout the world, necessary for the breaking down of the old to make way for the new. We are all part of the new structure necessary to be implemented on Earth. It all takes effort and determination!
Namaste and Love to All ~
Namaste to you too dear sister,
love and big hugs,
Tara Mary.