Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
As I sat down at my computer this evening, the first word to come into my mind was 'authentic.'
And then the thought progressed to 'how can we serve ourselves in the best possible way?'
Well, always being authentic, which means being ourselves, is the best thing, I think, that we can
possibly do for ourselves and also the people in our lives.
We started this earth-journey as though we were starting life from scratch, when in fact we were
quite experienced at life on Earth. When you look at it like that, each re-birth we are born into a family
(perhaps, or a single Mum) and we learn an entirely different view of life through our parent/s eyes and
values. When we are very young, that is our only world and nothing else existed. Then we grow old
enough to fend for ourselves and leave home and through life experiences we get to broaden our outlook
and see that what we were taught as a child was just a tiny slice of life.
In a competitive world it is easy to copy others and act in a way that 'fits in' with the crowd. It soon
becomes obvious that the Self gets smothered with other peoples' ideas and ideals, taking us
away from developing the talents that lay dormant within every-one just waiting to be discovered.
Who wants to be like everyone else? With maturity, copying other people fades out and then the
journey within to find true self and what else is in there, is awakened.
When we are young and trying out different lifestyles and generally having a good time, we don't realize
that we are actually drawn to experience these different lifestyles, whatever they may be, as it is a
training ground for our authentic self to make itself known to us later in life. This leads to that which in
turn leads us to meet other people, perhaps groups, and then we share ideas, etc., etc., etc.
Our younger years really set us up with amazing experiences, perceived good or bad, to help us to grow
and stretch our inner selves and see what we are made of.
After many experiences and life changes we come to a time in life when we just want to be ourselves.
Life has shown us that being a photocpy of this one or that one is a useless exercise. It sets up a false
impression to others, but mostly to ourselves whom we have to live with forever! I suppose we need to
be comfortable with ourselves first in order to even face the idea of being authentic........the real deal!
Honesty to oneself, in my opinion, is of utmost importance because if you are not you are setting yourself
up for total disharmony within, and that of course affects physical and emotional health.
We are well into the Ascension process now, and if anyone is still searching for their authentic self,
they need to start dropping all labels and false identities. Yes, many still live in the illusion of what they
have created for themselves and this is obvious mostly on the Television screen with many people who are
labelled 'personalities.' I won't go into that arena, it is too complex!! But for spiritually minded folk who
are serious about being authentic it is not a problem. The only person you really have to please in life is
YOU. Giving your authentic self up for someone else to please only ends up in pain and losing your
identity in the process. Many actors/actresses suffer drug abuse and other addictions due to loss of Self
The best that we can do for ourselves is to be Authentic !
That is my thought for today ~ Love to All ~ Tara Mary
Wow Guys and Girls, thank-you so much for all your kind comments!! Very appreciated!
I would love to see here more blogs written by members as it helps us all to get to know each other, and I am sure that many of you have some great thoughts and insights to share! I would rather read what you did in a day than to read something from 'elsewhere.' I love to hear about peoples' gardens, their hobbies, their thoughts on spiritual and other matters important to them. It's all about Love!!
Love to A. Mahachandra, Davide and his picture, Maya and Hannah with her extra rose,
big hugs to you all, Tara Mary xox
Thank-you dear Hannah!! So happy you resonated with this also.
Beautiful flowers, you spoil me!! hehe
Luv'Ya and hugs, Tara Mary. xox
Thank-you Julian, totally agree!
have an awesome day, love Tara.