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Symptoms of Energy Shifts

Symptoms of Energy Shifts

got it on link now

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Catherine Hislop <> wrote:

by catherinehislop

Symptoms of Energy Shifts

As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher frequencies.

HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth.

FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and don’t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.

MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN: Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

DEPRESSION: A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too.

CRYING FOR NO REASON, FEELING EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE: When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body.

EXTREME TIREDNESS: Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY: This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.

EXTREME SENSITIVITY: As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.

BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND ELECTRONICS: If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.

ANIMAL REACTIONS: You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.

FOOD CHANGES: As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.



Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 09:20:49 -0700

Subject: time-collapse period.

a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year. These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013. This collapse process can cause fluctuations in the Earth field, causing imbalances to your physical bodies. Furthermore, this process reduces the alternative scenarios that the dark cabal has available to it to try to circumvent the divine plan. These collapses are being implemented by the galactic Time Lords in order to prepare your realm to gracefully enter this single new reality. These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary, but Heaven wishes us to slow down our work on your bodies to compensate for the extra physical stress upon you during this time-collapse period.


Galactic Federation UPDATE
Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
"We watch in joy as the various elements of this complex operation make their appearance and settle into position as if guided by an invisible hand. This setup is one that Heaven has spent many millennia bringing to you."


Ummac Dan

5 Ben, 1 Tzotz, 9 Eb

Sept. 25, 2012

We return with more to discuss with you. At present, your ongoing body ascension programs are being temporarily suspended by divine decree, while a series of time collapse points goes into effect in the run-up to the end of your Gregorian year. These time-collapse points represent the juncture at which alternative timelines are integrated into your present ascending reality, because this is the sole reality which is to go forward into 2013. This collapse process can cause fluctuations in the Earth field, causing imbalances to your physical bodies. Furthermore, this process reduces the alternative scenarios that the dark cabal has available to it to try to circumvent the divine plan. These collapses are being implemented by the galactic Time Lords in order to prepare your realm to gracefully enter this single new reality. These collapses can create various physical side effects in many of you, which will include headaches, pains in your neck and spine, and assorted aches in the muscles of your legs and arms. These discomforts are only temporary, but Heaven wishes us to slow down our work on your bodies to compensate for the extra physical stress upon you during this time-collapse period.
New social operating structures for this reality are starting to manifest but are not yet apparent to the uninformed. The more sensitive among you are sensing that 'something is in the air,' and this something is the setting-up of the new grids in your various local time dimensions which will precipitate your long-promised new reality. Our task is to safeguard these new structures and assist in their formal manifestation in your local reality grids. This operation is being given the highest priority.


We have watched the dark cabal try to dismiss these changes by use of special, esoteric weaponry given to them decades ago. We dismantled these devices, and by means of our counter-measures we rendered impotent their various mind-control and psychic mischief-making equipment. The dark ones are now in an even higher state of panic as they can see that special measures to further contain themare being prepared. This will begin shortly. Our primary goal is still to ensure that this reality possesses its new grids before late December of this Gregorian year, as these will enable the corresponding social operating structures to roll out smoothly.
This date in late December marks the moment when your world passes through a special point in its travels through this galaxy. Your sun, like all the stars in this galaxy, rotates around the galactic core and transits various points along the way. These points can be calculated by a formula that was given to the ancient Olmec over six thousand years ago by visitors from the Pleiades. These Pleiadean scientists bequeathed the Olmec Timekeepers with a means to begin a count which leads up to a grand shift in this reality. These sacred disciplines were passed on to other Timekeepers and became a most sacred part of the daily rituals of the Maya. In their honor, we have used this count to express the date for each of our messages to you. The moment chosen for the beginning of this shift is to be given to you shortly. The Andromedan and Pleiadean scientists, who are the prodigy of those who brought this knowledge to Earth, feel very honored that this sacred date is soon to be revealed to you.
The Gregorian year is to end just after this chronological and spiritual phenomenon happens. Very shortly afterwards, we have planned a series of events that will usher in a whole new physical reality for you, in which we intend to bring about full disclosure as well as proceed rapidly with the changes in the way your world operates. The dark cabal knows that its rule over your world is wearing thin and indeed, the collapse of your reality's old grids is fully underway. The replacement grids are in place and awaiting Heaven's manifestation of them. Meanwhile, our fleet is preparing in like manner the grids of all the other planets in your solar system for this grand shift. This time is extremely close.

We expect the dark to continue its charades until it is finally pushed from power. This, too, is close, and our liaison personnel are working with our allies to firm up the dates for this. We will talk further about this in future messages.


We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with more on what is happening. At present, your reality is continuing to topple. The grid points which hold the structural integrity of your reality together have begun to develop a new grid, and we are told that it is to come into being globally at any moment. This enables the dark ones to see that their secret technologies can no longer hold back the tide of change. The Holy Spirit has touched every part of this sacred orb, triggering a series of events that will ease us into a new reality. Time, as you experience it, is ever changing, producing wondrous effects upon the Sun and all her daughter worlds, and Gaia is no exception. You have all noticed the odd weather patterns caused by displaced jet streams, with huge amounts of precipitation and flash floods, and unaccustomed wind and weather phenomena everywhere. These all herald a new time for your realm - a moment when the dark is finally eclipsed by the Light!
All our associates are working toward the divine moment put forth by the decrees of Heaven. We watch the dark cabal trying desperately to seize the moment by creating a state of global chaos intended to somehow stem Heaven's divine tide. We comprehend the depth of desperation that has taken hold in the cabalists' mindset, as we see them scurrying around like mice on a sinking ship, seeking for ways to sneak onto a lifeboat of any sort, but all in vain. It is time for them to face the music and surrender to the piper of divine fate. The moment has come for each of them to 'let it all go,' and accept that they are part of an immense shift in consciousness that is washing with abandon into every nook and cranny of this precious globe.
We watch in joy as the various elements of this complex operation make their appearance and settle into position as if guided by an invisible hand. This setup is one that Heaven has spent many millennia bringing to you. The dark did not suspect that such an immense task was in store. Each decade we moved the process forward, using our intentions and our sacred rituals. Heaven, in turn, acknowledges our actions by showering ever-increasing blessings onto this work, intensifying the glory that is our truly divine world. We ask you to acknowledge Heaven with your special blessings whenever your meditate, pray, or present sacred ritual to the glory of the Light of eternal Creation.

We rejoice in what is happening around this world, and we thank the mercy and the divine grace of Heaven and the Creator!
Today, we continued our messages to you. We thank you for your support and for your wondrous prayers and meditations that are moving us forward swiftly to a new reality. The divine moment we have all waited for is upon us! We will shortly witness events that are to change your world positively and forever! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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