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Today is the New Moon (according to my Guidance and to the  Kabbalists, when the first glimmer of light shines from our Moon); thus it is a  perfect day to do Ceremony, if so guided, and for aligning with lunar energies  to help us step further into the New. As we have been still in the Dark Moon,  reviewing what shifts have been taking place in our lives and in our  consciousness, we now have the lunar energy to move us forward again in our  bigger vision of life; this is more than making an intention, as intentions are  more of the intellect and visualizing is of the Heart. What are your visions for  your New Life?
Since the beginning of the year, and perhaps since  December 21, what shifts in your life have you noticed? Many are experiencing a  revisiting back into things they might have thought were complete. Do know we  release in layers, like peeling an onion, so as we release one layer, a deeper  one emerges. Many are also experiencing some old physical manifestations as  well. Know you’re not going backward; you’re merely releasing a deeper layer.  Also, what we experience is not as intense as last year, for we’re also filled  with more Light that fills us with Grace. Trust that however it is happening  for you (not to you) is according to your Soul Plan. Just stay  in the Flow and keep moving forward. Also notice just how many synchronicities  you’re experiencing. When you are in the Flow, they become more and more  present.
It is essential to stay grounded to Source and to the Earth  Crystal Cluster at the core (Coeur: French for Heart) of Earth. This helps you  integrate the New energies and New Life within you. We are moving along a   continuum with no break between the old and the New, so our transformation is  fluid and not separate. In this way, we are transforming/ascending with Grace  and Love. And, as always, it does not have to be difficult unless you want it to  be (because you’re used to life being hard, which is an old belief), or because  you’re trying too hard or pushing to make things happen (all a part of the old  life). Slowly and gently we are integrating Heaven and Earth as  One.
Remember that this shift is guided and created by the Divine  Feminine. And as we embrace and integrate our own Divine Feminine (men and  women), we also create the New Life. The energy of the Divine Feminine has to do  with all of the Soul Essences of Love, Allowing, Reception, Joy, Peace, Responsibility, etc. It is the shift from the old way of making things happen,  pushing, doing, trying, striving, working hard, and following the intellect to  opening the Heart, listening, being, feeling and being guided. She is Alcyone,  our Mother Source. As we embrace Her, we embrace Gaia the Goddess and then we  realize we are One with Her and all of life and that truly, there is no  separation.
As part of the New, we are also guided to begin to drop  labels and categories as we are led to. Labels tend to separate. One such label  is the word “spiritual.” When we say we’re spiritual, does that mean that we  separate ourselves out from all religions and cultures? For instance, many put  “spiritual; not religious” on their Facebook profile. Is this not separate? The  word spiritual was useful when we realized we were unique and didn’t want to be  a part of the general population or world view. It served its purpose and now  can we see that we’re all One, dropping how we describe ourselves, which keeps  us in a box? We have come to a place where we don’t have to separate ourselves  out from others, a place where we may embrace all. The New is more about walking  our talk, living the New every day and realizing this is the new norm (of  course, the norm will never be normal because we continue to shift and evolve  infinitely). Take a look at all ways in which you describe yourself; do they  unite or separate?
As we continue to shift into the Oneness of our Divine  Souls, pay attention to things in the past that want a revisit. Be clear if it  is to go back to the old comfort zone of predictable patterns, to complete an  old pattern or to bring that energy to the New, transforming the old limitation  to a new expansiveness with no borders. This could apply to jobs, relationships  or old ways of being. You may discover that it is too uncomfortable to stay  there for long or that there is a gift to bring forward or just to show you how  much you’ve grown. You may discover a talent you left behind that now wants to  come forward in a new form that more matches your current vibration or that it  no longer belongs in your current space.
Lately I have revisited the  desire to move elsewhere. I reviewed all the possible places that I’ve thought  of in the past. There was one place I absolutely knew I didn’t want to be, even  though so many marvel at its sacred energy. I went once and couldn’t stand it.  So last night I asked for Clarity. And guess what came through this morning? The  very place I vowed I’d never go to again. My energy completely shifted from  resistance to Openness. And this is how it goes; our perceptions shift as we do.  So be open to the past, forgive if necessary and step into the energy of  miracles, for surely they are available to us in unexpected ways.
Many  are also discovering talents they have had in other lifetimes being activated  now. It is good to explore where you’re guided with an open Heart. It may be  that you are not guided to bring the gifts forth or perhaps you’re guided to  bring them forth in a New way. Be open to where you are guided by listening to  your Heart Wisdom; your feeling-state.
As we continue to integrate the  high dimensional energies of last year (and continue doing this year), be aware  of where you place your attention, for where you place your attention is what is   empowered and becomes manifest. Observe your words and thoughts. Are they in the  Present or are they future-tensed? Anything in the Present-tense is empowered.  Anything in future-tense never is manifest, because it always stays in the  future. Some future nonsensical words are: hope, try, wish, intend, will,  should, etc. Present-tense words create. They begin often with I AM. I AM taking  responsibility; I AM meditating, I AM…(fill in the blank), as well as I choose.  As Yoda wisely said, “Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.” Observing your  words and thoughts takes being aware and present. They also show you where your  consciousness is. Words are energy; they create; and what you create is solely  your choice and responsibility, being a sovereignly Divine master. As you shift  your words and thoughts, this affects your consciousness and thus shifts your  life to reflect your consciousness. It truly is your choice. If life doesn’t  seem to be changing, observe your words and thoughts and see if they are aligned  with who you say you are.
As we move further into 2013, we also move  further into our mastery. We continue to bring in higher dimensional Light and  continue to release the old. Be aware of how you have and are releasing the hold  the 3D has on you and you on it. Notice how much freer, joyful and loving you  feel and are. We indeed have shifted so much and will continue on this beautiful  Path of Love forever more.

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