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Preparing for Atomic Mutation

This idea of human metamorphosis is not really a choice at all. This IS the evolutionary momentum for the entire human race shifting into a hyper-dimensional planetary interface. With our conscious awareness engaged upon it, we can determine what types of adjustments are needed in this rather intricate process and to better serve those around us.
We have some exciting revelations to share...

Literally penetrating right to our core, the action of this plasma ray effect is likened to an atomic accelerator. Its ionic particles are liberating the components of the atoms from their binding electromagnetic force. This alters the ratio of protons, electrons and neutrons so that we can vibrate in a much faster spin. This frees us forever from the carbon code.
It is the absorption and conduction of this rarified plasmic light from the sun that is greatly contributing to the alchemical transformation of our bodies.
This can be why so many of us that have pure bodies and are the cutting edge of understandings are still experiencing limiting feedback loops and degenerative patterning. Having a pure body and peaceful mind is not the key to complete morphogenetic shift, not if the body's communication system is still reading the old code and not if we are still with the same atomic make-up.
We are referring to the point of convergence, where the two energy fields meet. Due to a variety of reasons, such as energetic vulnerabilities or lack of appropriate circuitry, this is causing blockage and a building pressure from within. This was referred in our recent article as, morphogenetic field implosion.
What would happen if we put more conscious attention upon a quicker dissolution of our carbon barricade so that these plasma waves can get fully absorbed to more easily fulfill their alchemical purpose?
Now Revealing...
The Morphogenetic "Stress Web" of Decay
We know that stress, in general, is a major factor of human mortality. Among the the leading causes of ageing and death in the United States alone, chronic, low-grade inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of the vast majority. Of the causes of inflammation, bodily stress is the common denominator.
There are many different types of stress that fit into two main categories. There is short-term acute stress coming from the highs and lows of life experiences in general. Then, there is chronic stress that gradually grinds people down and eventually destroys body, mind and spirit.
There is another type of stress, not talked about by science, which seems to be the catalytical KINGPIN to all the rest and, quite possibly, the main cause of the human degenerative nature.
It is the morphogenetic stress web, which has its tenacious tentacles wrapped around all of our bodily matter. This stress web is what imprisons us to the carbon encodement. It ages us and sustains dense feedback loops, keeping us with boxed-in thinking, unresolved addictions, reactive emotional triggering, mental disparities, nervous habits and more.
This is an energetic encasement that shrouds every cell of our body setting up a ring-pass-not from the limiting human experience. It is likened to a carbon blockade fortified by an army of degenerative, time-coded programs that eventually stresses the body's entire energetic matrix. It locks us up and keeps us spinning on the morphic wheel of decay.
In other words, we are programmed to eventually be at the mortal fate of systemic stress.
Stress Web held in Place by Programmed Consciousness
The fear based morphogenetic blueprint feeds this monstrous stress matrix. It is also fueled by a genetic program that has evolved into place, layer by layer, as human consciousness progressed away from divine understanding and into severe states of limiting self-identity.
The declining ability of the body to respond to stress is primarily due to the constancy of identifying the Self with human mortality. This deeply held identification activates the degenerative program that runs the body through a time-coded ageing sequence built into the operation of the nervous and endocrine systems.
When we reach a certain number of years, the biological age alarm goes off, initiating a cascade of pro-inflammatory genetic signals that ultimately results in deterioration, propagating cell death throughout the body.
Until we can break through this shell and release our true Self, we will continue to be grounded in the same morphic vortex of mortality. This is quite possibly a major breakthrough in understanding to help us make a progressive leap in our advancement as a collective!
So many of us have purified, transformed ourselves and reached the point of seeing the grander vision. We have even lifted ourselves from the struggles of life, but all the while, we are still encased in the degenerative shell.
It is from inside this time shell that the all-encompassing stress web adheres us to a locking mechanism, preventing the full opening of our crystalline seals. The stress web and the carnal locks work synergistically, one feeding the other.
Unlocking the Crystalline Seals
Programmed within us are certain energetic signatures, that when unlocked, override the human genetic code of degeneration. These 'crystalline seals' give passageway to the dormant DNA programs that are tightly coiled up, lying within the chromosomal strands.
There are many crystalline seals in the body, all interrelated and synchronized. They will all be eventually unlocked as we raise our vibration and progress into the expanded DNA expression. As one seal is opened, a chain reaction occurs to eventually open all of the others.
This particular focus today relates to the crystalline seal of 'Divine Immanence'. The morphogenetic stress web and its carnal locking mechanism imprison this God code. This is not just about intellectualizing that we are God beings. Opening this seal helps us to embody it, fully and completely.
KEY: Release the Mortal Identity
To open this seal, we have to release our attaching identity to the human body as who we are. This is referring to the very deep mortal belief in death and rebirth and our emotional coherence to the form. Until we loose our consciousness from these concepts, we will not realize the immortal morphic resonance.
It is to know without any fiber of fear or doubt that we do not die and neither are we reborn. Our consciousness is vastly interconnected and it is ETERNAL. Our bodily form simply falls away when it is no longer needed. Reincarnation is a dogmatic concept that has been exaggerated far out of its context.
By living according to past timelines or in thoughts about who we used to be, about our age and eventual death, this perpetuates the program of human self-identity, and ultimately, degeneration in the genetic code.
We spoke about this in the recent article, Shifting into Immortal Morphic Resonance.
KEY: Master the Human Perception
We are like a family of chicks pecking our way out of the time-coded evolutionary shell. We were sealed up and sent on our way. It is when we could reach a point high enough in our 'collective vibration' that the shell could begin to break. We can see our freedom clearly now, but there is still some required effort to get our body all of the way out.
Let's remove this shell together, shall we?
KEY: Remove the Morphogenetic Stress Web
As advanced as we are in our intellectual understandings, many of us do not have the ability to pull this obstinate webbing up and out by ourselves.