Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Video Message
The interior of the Earth is not a solid mass of molten rock as Earth scientists believe. It is hollow and resembles a tennis ball in structure with the crust being 300 miles thick on average. At the center of the Earth is a softly glowing Sun that provides a permanent twilight atmosphere and constant 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the many Christed advanced civilizations who have lived inside The Hollow Earth for many millenniums. Indeed, nearly all planetary races live "inside" their planet and not on the tumultuous surface as the fallen race of Earth does. The Hollow Earth permanently resembles a semi-tropical paradise at twilight. There is no night, no wind, no rain, no snow, no cold, and no desert. All water needs are met by the countless crystal clear rivers and lakes found throughout The Hollow Earth. Many "Surface Dwellers" have accidentally stumbled into The Hollow Earth and met the advanced beings living there, dined with them, witnessed and experienced their incredibly advanced technology first hand, and related their adventures upon returning to the surface of Earth. Not surprisingly, most Earthlings did not believe their stories. And in ALL military cases the individual was ordered to remain "silent" or else! (see Admiral Byrd).
yes you must pay only one way ticket heh