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Blood (family, clan) passes through the veins on its way back; once shared our love, it returns to the heart (house) with the love it has received from our environment.
Venous problems indicate that we find it difficult to accept or receive life, love and joy and allow a space within.
It can also mean that we are experiencing a devaluation conflict related to not being able to accept, manage, face, any family situation. "I am not able to carry this cross" "I have to clean the dirty blood of the family"
Necrosis in the veins: It mainly affects the legs and speaks of a devaluation itself, a devaluation that we perceive in ourselves.
Conflict of having "tied legs", "eggshells".
We have the feeling that "something" or "someone" binds us, we do not want or wouldn’t like to do; it is treated as an impediment to do something or we stop. We are as "trapped in a situation"
- Women who want a fulfilling professional life and an unexpected pregnancy prevents it.
- Women who want to work, but when she married, her husband opposes her.
- Men who want to travel to study, but his family is not allowed.
Conflict of not being able to go home for something ugly to expect. "I cannot go home, the center of familiar territory"
In the peripheral veins, we must add a conflict of abandonment.
The legs are a reflection of our mobility in life, in our relationships. We express that we are disappointed because we have involved a lot in life, in the family and we feel dissatisfied because we have received very little in proportion to what we have given. There is a lack of return of life, family, etc.
We are upset and tired, because what we have lived seems bleak, without passion or joy.
We have a feeling of helplessness and a feeling of not knowing how to live our desires and our desire for happiness.
Varicose veins:
Veins that dilate and become tortuous. They are commonly found on the back of the calves or on the inner side of the leg. They develop when venous valves that allow blood to flow to the heart stop working properly. As a result, blood collects in the veins and causes dilatations. They are more common among women.
The biological meaning of varicose veins is to try to keep "dirty" blood from returning to the heart (home) and to the lungs, to be cleaned. Respond to dirt that we want to hide.
Conflict of devaluation, separation and stain.
Conflict of separation from home, repentance for having left home or separated from family: "I am away from home". "I'm trapped in a situation". "I want to go home, even though it's too late". "I have been a fool, I should not have left my house or my family for that man (that woman)". "I cannot go home". "I would like to have contact with my family again".
Conflict of the stain, to drag a sentence (personal or familiar): "There are too many things to clean in this family".
Sexual conflict added to a conflict of not wanting or not being able to return to the nest (to the home). We are experiencing a sexual conflict with our partner that is not pleasing to us, but we do not have the courage to abandon this dynamic and return home.
Varicose veins can also manifest in people who, accustomed to living a good life, suddenly lose that level, either because they have gone to live with a humble partner, because they have been disinherited or repudiated by the family.
Similarly, varicose veins can express that we feel overworked and overworked. It is possible that we have the tendency to take charge of everything, that we have many tasks to do (washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning the house, taking care of the grandchildren, etc.) that we find tedious and tedious. worry if we do not. To make matters worse, our husband does not help us, he treats us badly and we are the ones who must attend him, lest he be angry. We would love to run away from here, but we do not!
Added to this is the fact that everything we do, we do for duty, without joy.
"I feel drowned in this family". "I never feel at peace, at home". "I'm trapped in a situation". "I am the servant of the house". "I got tired of looking after my grandchildren". "I've had enough of living with my husband".
With varicose veins we want to express that we need more time for ourselves, that we want more free time, that we want more freedom in our life, because we lack it.
In the same way, it can indicate that our work does not like us or even, it annoys us; but we continue to do so because we are those people who are forced to stay in a situation even if they hate.
Recommendations for restoring physical, emotional and spiritual health:
For the circulation to be restored we need to change our attitude, our thoughts and try to resolve this loss of contact with the family, assuming and accepting that if we have moved away from our home and our family, it has been to live other experiences that have made them learn and grow, even though they were not as we would have liked them to be.
The man must be like water: first, you must learn to adapt to everything that is presented; and secondly, you need to always be moving to be kept clean and pure.
We must commit ourselves to the stream of life, without expecting anything in return, free of expectations.
We must do things with absolute responsibility, not out of obligation or to give us thanks.
It is better guided by the voice of the heart, always knows our true needs.
The right way is the return on oneself to rediscover the spiritual realm: "I am the truth and live and act with joy" "I love you so much I give my place" "Now I know that I must delegate responsibilities"