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Archangel Metatron Channel
The Energy of the 11-11-11 The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface (Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis) Part One of a Two Segment Channel
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet you all in a vector of unconditional love! And so as the 11-11-11 rapidly approaches, the powerful Atlantean Temple Crystals across the planet surge into greater potency. The Platinum Crystal brings forth the facilitated access into higher dimension, and brings the completion of the Divine Feminine Energy through the Platinum Ray.
The magnificent Platinum Crystal, long held in dormancy beneath Magnetic Mount in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, achieves its activation & initial potency at 11:11 A.M. on the morning of November 11th, 2011, and awakens from a long sleep. The Platinum Crystal is the Crystal of the Law of One, the highest balanced frequency of your planet.
Masters, no place on the planet will reverberate as powerfully with the Crystalline frequency on the 11-11-11 as the crystal vortex of Arkansas. Indeed the initial surge will occur there and then trigger the other awakenings axialtonally from inside the Arkansas Crystal Vortex.
Core Purpose of the 11-11-11
We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals via Tyberonn of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequential portals sequenced in base 12. These TDPs are purposed to activate the Crystalline Transition. And although many of humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor of these date-portals, they have somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their substantive significance. The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the activation of the 12 geo-pentagonal aspects of the 'double penta-dodecahedron' of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid are accordingly integrated with the 'human' interface codes in the gatherings and meditations occurring on these frequential aperture dates. And Masters, that is so appropriate.
And we emphasize that in 2011 continues the grand exponential flux and harmonic expansion of the great Atlantean Master Temple Crystals of Poseida, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. On the 11-11-11 the Great Platinum Crystal awakens, and joins into the Crystal Vortex network with the other mega Crystals of Arkansas, the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing.
The diamond phase of the Crystalline Transition of Earth was realized on the 10-10-10, in correlation to the 10th dimension and 12th Chakric resonance. The Platinum Phase begins on the 11-11-11.
The Platinum Crystal & Platinum Ray Release
The Platinum Crystal exudes a beautiful, calming energy of brilliant magnificence. It brings forth the balancing between the new emerging dimensional realms of the New Earth, particularly the force that will allow for greater interface, greater access into the 'Angelic Realm' which is in truth the antimatter phases of your parallel dimensions. As such the Platinum Crystal is the surge protector that both feeds and harmonizes the proportion and parity of the 'Harmonic Cycle' between matter and antimatter. It also adjusts and stabilizes the unified crystalline synergy in coalescence with the enormous crysto--magnetic forces released in the phases of the Cosmic Trigger. That is specifically why it was located beneath Magnetic Mountain near Eureka Springs, as those magnetic energies are being transformed by the crystalline forces as the Magnetic Grid is reduced and replaced in dominance by the expansion of the 11-Crystalline Grid.
Accordingly will polarity-balance be more easily achieved and obtained in human expression of the Divine Equity on the planet of duality. Indeed will it bridge the gap in the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and of the conscious-ego mind to the supra subconscious of Divine Mind. Understanding of soul path, of priorities in life and indeed the process of decision making will be greatly clarified. Requisite aspects of nurturing, kindness and brother-sister hood will be far easier to manifest into reality on both the micro and macro levels. That termed 'Unconditional Love', previously untenable in the third dimension will be closer to the reality of each on the path, as the fifth thru seventh dimensional resonances are drawn closer. |
Coherent Energy
The 'Crater of Diamonds' in Arkansas is now releasing coherent energy of diamond resonance into the Crystal Vortex. On the 11-11-11 this expands into the Platinum Ray and further connects to the Sun Disc, in their shift into Coherency of the Crystalline Frequency. Dear Ones, Crystalline energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequential light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter.
It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality and the vitality spring of the Cosmos itself. The very thoughts you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All is crystalline.
For within these time-sequences, the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12, the 144-Crystalline Grid completes into full conscious projection, and that projection is indeed a tool of and for your own expansion. Such it is with the crystalline grid, you see; it too is a system that will allow your nurturing into a higher resonance, a higher more fulfilling expression.
For that you call the Ascension is upon you, and in but a wink of the cosmic eye it will be done! In our realm it has been done already you see, and indeed it is a wondrous event, one heralded throughout the Universe and observed by many on this realm and others.
What then remains for the Ascension program in 2011 and 2012 are specific astrological gravitation refinements and frequential boosts needed to complete & polish the Crystalline Grid and refine the Crystalline Transformation of the Earth as it reinforces the spanning of humanity into great and greater dimensionality consciousness, and that is indeed Crystalline Consciousness. |
The 12-Primary Sun Discs
We have told you that Arkansas will be one of the most powerful vortex-portals on the planet by 2012, and it is indeed happening. The Crystals are tuning the Sun Disc and in kind the Crystalline Grid. The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. These were placed by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the earth in order to program and network energetic frequencies.
The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serves in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.
There are 12 major 'Discs' on the planet, and some of the previous patterns and locations have shifted. Each of the 12 carry specific purpose and code, and each of the 12 feed 12 satellites...the 12 connecting to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry.
The Cosmic essence of the sun discs is 'coded' crystalline coherent light, the light of higher dimension. The energy of 'home'. The terrestrial essence of the Sun -Disc frequential harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized with the human theta grid. One creates the other and the other supports the first. Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to human consciousness and are key elements of the Ascension up shift..
The more that humanity understands that its own higher consciousness is based in paradigms of sacred geometric light-codes, the more the geometry becomes multi dimensional and so the geometric expression of these will up shift in the Mer-Ka-Na field. This is happening now, you see. It will become first one, then the other, just as the Earth is now the 3rd dimension and then the 5th and then to 12.
What is it that will move it to the 5th? To the 12th? Not static consciousness but the dynamic activation of higher consciousness. The activation of the consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that grid which in turn complements the cosmos, and is reflected back again via the Sun Disc. We realize this is complex, but we assure you that in your source higher perspective, you understand the workings quite clearly. So myriad factors play a role in this terrestrial to Cosmic shift. Arkansas - Pinnacle Mountain Again we emphasize that each of the major 12 discs support 12 satellites. Each of the 144 satellites are strategically placed, some of which are greater in pulse, greater in frequential range, according to the energy grid and node in which they are located.
The Ark of the Law of One
The areas currently termed as Arkansas and Brazil, were colonies of the Poseidon 'Law of One'. They were specifically chosen because these two regions contain the planet's largest mineral deposits of quartz crystal strata. Hyper dimensional tunnels were constructed with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance from Poseida to Arkansas and Brazil for the maintenance of the massive crystal beds there. Because of its radium waters, natural caves and magnetic lodestone, Arkansas was chosen as an area to program fast-growth processes within its caverns. Many savants of the spiritual scientist priest, the Atla-Ra -Law of One, worked within these caverns to imbue specific patterns into the crystals.
Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. Indeed these now energize the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet, and with the paradigm of the 12 crystal Skulls , in forming the sacred 13 pattern. That of the 13-20-33, you see.
In Arkansas then, many are called, and many will come to participate in this awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012. And so on the remaining Triple Date Portals, those of the Law of One are called, for this time the Crystals will not be misused, they will not be taken from you by forces of dark greed.
Atlantis - The Master Temple Crystals of the Sacred "ARK" Atlantis is indeed the missing link of Pangaea, located in mid Atlantic. We will share with you its story in detail below. But be aware Masters, not all of the great Temple Crystals of Atlantis were lost. Indeed some of you were involved in their rescue.
The first Temple Crystal saved was the Blue Crystal of Knowledge. It is below the earth below the crown center of the Vortex, termed Talimena Ridge, in a sacred chasm, built long ago. The Blue Crystal of Knowledge stands erect, forty-eight feet in height and twelve feet in diameter. It pulses and exudes a rainbow of silver, turquoise and cobalt blue as it activates in sacred contract. It holds the multidimensional wisdom and knowledge of the ages. The second one saved was the Emerald Crystal. It is now beneath Mt. Maga, the heart centre of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. It is approximately 20 meters in height and 5 meters in breadth. The third Crystal placed in the Ark was that of the Platinum.
The Platinum Crystal beneath the Magnetic Mount near the area of Eureka Springs awakens in 2011 on the 11-11-11. The Platinum Crystal is truly clear in color, but it projects a shimmering field of platinum silver consisting of sub atomic particulate termed Bio-Plasma. The Bio Plasma is a conscious field, self aware. The Bio-Plasmic Field emitted by the Platinum Crystal harmonizes the gateway spectrum of physical matter and anti-matter. You all exist in anti-matter dimensions, and the corporeal structure is quite different than within physical matter; it is a much higher frequency. ( This has been reviewed in other essays...)
The Platinum Crystal is enormous, over 100 meters in height and far deeper below the surface than the others. Its reach is Cosmic and its energy by 2012, will encircle and span the planet, networked with the other crystals and disseminated through the Crysto Sun Disc
Revisiting Atlantis: The True Legend of the Fall Dear Ones, these crystals were saved from destruction, and now you are offered the memory of why. For such magnificent crystal beings offer all of you so much. The expansion, the sacred completion applies to ALL! It is time to remember who you were, in order to become all you are in this awakening time, this return to the Quantum Crystalline Field Atlantis was a Golden Time, a magnificent epoch, that was betrayed by its unseemly end. And so we tell you the true history of that demise. You see, Atlantis existed for over 200,000 years. The vast majority of the Atlantean times were epochs of light! Only the final phase, the period from 17,500 BC to 10,500 BC was in your terms, a dark era, but one rich in lessons.
The Golden Age We tell you in fact that the Golden Period of Atlantis was the highest level of Light Consciousness ever achieved on the Earth Plane in any advanced civilization; higher than LeMuria, higher than Mu, higher than Rama, higher than Ignacious. It has become somewhat fashionable to consider LeMuria as being the utopian civilization, and though they did achieve a relatively short lived phase of high consciousness, most in that era were not truly in physical bodies, rather in Devic-like etheric states, and did not face the difficulties required of the physical earth stage. Indeed LeMuria never achieved the highly advanced level that existed in that Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when Gods walked with men, and all knew joyful expression It was the hallowed time when many of you walked as Star Children, and later chose biology and the lesson cycles of reincarnation on the Blue Planet called Earth. So when you consider Atlantis, DO NOT only remember it's sad demise! It was but a short phase of the magnificent antediluvian world, yet it must not be forgotten, so very much is to be gained by understanding the final phase, and Dear Ones, it is time to remember.
So we speak of once mighty Atlantis, and we speak to all of you, for Atlantis is a great hologramic lesson, and ones whose time has returned, for the memory of Atlantis is not just a healing. Indeed, for some it is a requisite healing, a necessary cleansing, but for others it is also a benevolent empowerment. It recalls a time when you walked in wisdom and harmony. Regardless of your myriad roles in Atlantis, and Dear Ones, 70% of all on the planet at this time experienced physicality there, Atlantis now calls to you. And the call is not just for those of you of the Law of One, it is equally called to the Aryans, to the Sons of Belial. Indeed many of you experienced lifetimes in both ideologies. Does that surprise you? The Deluge of 17,500 BC - Downward Spiral of the Final Phase The time is after the second deluge, when the utopian Golden Age subsided and Atlantis split into 5 islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og. The two smaller islands were under the rule of Aryan, and were known as Atalya and Eyre. And so in the days after the second break up of Atlantis, the benevolent government rule by kingdom passed into the phase of a confederation --state governments, in your terms, that ruled each of the islands. An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two major components of these were the 'Law of One', based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and 'The Sons of Belial' based on the Isle of Aryan. The island of Aryan was the most populated and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre. Poseida was the planet's most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis. The Poseida grouping and isle housed the Temple of Healing, the Temple of Sound, the Temple of One, the Temple of Regeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida housed most of the major centers for higher learning. These were placed on Poseida because of its advantageous location within the geodesic grids and its proximity to beneficial electromagnetic energies that spiraled upward from the earth's core. An incredibly potent healing spring flowed on Poseida, near the Temple of Healing, and its lore spawned the myths of the 'Fountain of Youth' passed down by the indigenous peoples of Florida. It flows yet into the oceans near Bimini. The tall ones, the golden race of Atlantis, of Pleiadean seed were centered in Poseida, these ones averaging 10 to 12 feet in stature. These were a gentle race of giants, involved in the cultural, artistic and educational pursuits in the heart of Atlantis. Poseida was also the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline power grid and interdimensional tunnel system. The most advanced, complex and beautiful of the crystals were here. They were of Arcturian and Sirian-Pleiadean construct, a living amalgam of many crystalline forms imbued with an alloy of platinum and gold.
The crystals were housed in magnificent Temples, some built of marble, others of crystalline sheets of beryl, corundum and diamond. Poseida was also the capital city of the island, and was called the Emerald City. ( Its bio plasmic field was projected into a shimmering glowing Aurora of Emerald Green, visible for miles ). The Atlanteans had perfected, with Arcturian technology, the ability to grow crystals of every structure and essence in an accelerated growth within the underground crystal beds of Arkansas, Tibet and Brazil, all being Atlantean colonies, accessed through the interdimensional tunnel system.
Poser Fields & The Crystal Satellite
Poseida Each of the Master Crystals, and there were 12, were networked with a series of satellites. Prior to the deluge of 17,500 BC, most major cities, including Meruvia, the Capital of Aryan had such power domes over the perimeter. The one in Aryan was a soft ruby red. In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the Pyramids were three and four sided, depending on their utility and generally made of marble, granite and complex crystals. The three-sided pyramids were used as antennas to draw and amplify energies and fed them into the Poser grid to power homes, factories and create energy fields for various utilities. The crystalline satellite was used to reflect the angled stellar energy waves into these triangulated grids. There were over 100 of these triangulated pyramidal grid complexes.
They were set up in concentric triangulation patterns all over the planet. They established a hemispheric grid network of crystalline and electromagnetic energy dividing the areas of Atlantis, America, Africa, Mediterranean Europe and South America into different demographic centers-for powering population centers, and to modulate weather patterns and tides. The areas of Mongolia and Tibet were also part of this complex, connected by interdimensional ley tunnels. But the largest groupings of these were in the homelands of Atlantis. The four- sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. These were not triangulated, and generally sat on hilltops or along the coastlines to receive both telluric and celestial energies. The lands below the center plane were excavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron design construct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below. The 'Law of One' contingency of Poseida were devoutly spiritual people and sought equality among the people and a unification of Oneness. Their society was Matriarchal in the sense of nurturing . They were not seekers of power, rather of harmony. They were a tall race, their skin appeared toned as a golden hue, but was very translucent. It was in fact their auric projection that glowed golden.
Their auric fields were visible to all. Thus the stages of spiritual mastery were immediately discernable by the colors and size of the Auric Mer-Ka-Na . The highest among the Atla-Ra exuded Mer-Ka-Ra, the energy of the Avatar. They were able to operate in complete consciousness of multi dimensionality, to manifest and regenerate at will. As such they cannot be truly compared to present humans, the bodies were luminous and the degree of physical manifestation was far less dense than humans in the present paradigm of reality.
In Mer-Ka-Na and Mer-Ka-Ra format, the Masters of the Atla-Ra did not truly consider themselves of the Earth. The Mer-Ka-Ra field of the Avatar, even in physical manifestation in 3d, was primarily in Earth via 12d . They required very little food consumption as their bodies were bio-plasmic in nature. Thus the longevity, for they were above linear space and duality time. When they did eat, it was of a form of krill.
In their wisdom and nature, they were quite detached from the density aspect of the Earth. They existed above the polarity, yet were in a form of light physicality. That detachment above polarity is in part, the reason they did not karmically oppose the Aryan decline into physical density, as the 'Sons of Belial' became engrossed in what may be termed military-corporate power lust.
Craig Flentke