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Illumination Mind Elohim

Understanding the Ray of Love & Wisdom

From The Elohim Masters Appollo & Lumina

When we embrace the energies of Love and Wisdom through the Essence of the Elohim Masters, it brings forth a feeling of gentleness and understanding of the Golden-Yellow Ray Spectrum of Light.  Elohim Apollo and Lumina share with us a feeling of understanding how to fully allow the aspect of Perception and Wisdom to be experienced within the human condition.  They both ground this energy for each of us within the Earth including Gaia.  It is through their understanding to us that we start to allow our Divine Wisdom to be illuminated within our world.

Apollo and Lumina are also known as Cassiopea and Minerva in various esoteric teachings.  They represent the Divine Flame of Illumination which allows the Mental Mind to surrender into the concept of receiving and acting upon God’s Divine idea and direction of understanding how to manifest it.  Lumina is the Goddess of Wisdom as she personifies the essence of God through her extending her hand of knowledge to each of us so that we may see our own Divine Will being manifested within our Wisdom of the Self.

Both Apollo and Lumina share their extensive knowledge and expertise with the Divine Flame to show us our way of understanding it and accepting our divinity upon this Earth.

We are, Apollo and Lumina, keepers of the Divine Flame of Illumination for Love and Wisdom.  It is our divine pleasure to speak to you in this moment.  We ask of you how many times during the day do you express your breath to accept your own Divine Flame?  This is a very important question to ponder as the energetic exchange coming from your Higher Essence into the body cannot be felt unless you command it to be so through your breath.

The breath is the divine connection of the Source of Light and many times it is forgotten unless you are completing a task in which it is important, like walking, running, exercising, deep periods of meditation, and exerting your physical energies.  But it is more important to reflect on these elements in your day.  You body cannot survive without the breath and the deepest reflection that can occur happens through this action of your physical self into the spiritual self and then back through the physical essence.

This will help the Mental Mind to surrender into your highest wisdom of light.  When you start to meditate, don’t you take deep breaths and allow your body to relax?  Yes, of course you do; and if you don’t, then you are missing a very good point in your acceleration process.

This is the entry point of you learning how to create and allows the Mental Body to accept the process of illumination.  Trying to do it from just the mental thoughts will never work as you are a supreme being of light so that source of light must be manifested from your Higher Self.  How does the Higher Self find the illumination it is searching for?  By allowing the frequency from God’s Source to come within the mental thoughts through the frequency of the breath.

It is so very simple to remember but yet, many of you forget time and time again.  If you think of yourself as beam of light filtering into all areas of existence, that light is manifest by the pure essence of its arrival.  When it enters the body, how does the physical self know what to receive?  These are the questions that you must ponder when realizing the essence of Illumination.  We cannot feel illumination from within the physical as we are just acting within that response of experiences.  As you come within the physical body, you bring the fluidness and light of God’s Will in your breath.  By allowing yourself to breathe through it, you are accepting you have acquired Wisdom that needs to be shared and acknowledged to the Earth.

This is when the Mental Mind becomes the Higher Mind, and you accept the definitive light within your totality.  Thoughts can become reality as you perceive it from the higher sense of yourself and not the lower self trying to create the changes necessary.  This is where Love and Wisdom is acknowledged within your physical reality.  Perception of the moment is a necessary aspect to allow the initiatory response to be fully active within your consciousness.  It can only work in this manner by activating it through your breath to the Higher Mind into the Physical Self.  This is the chain of events that must be created in order to have the illumination of the mind within your physical creation.  This will then help you to understand your Wisdom allowing the depth of Love that is being given to you in each of these moments.

We know that the transition of learning this process is not an easy one but once you acquire it and fully act upon it in all of your moments, then you will be able to perceive your life as the Light and God Force that you are.  You will see that God’s illumination is truly yours.  You can accept, acknowledge, and embrace it fully.

We honor each of you for walking this pathway of Light and want you to know that we will help you to honor yourself in the process.

We are the Elohim Masters of Love and Wisdom,

Apollo & Lumina

So Mote It Be, In The Light of Oneness


Written & Channeled by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page; WalkingTerraChrista-Elohim Appollo & Lumina, 2nd Ray of Love & Wisdom.

22 RAYS Challenge is a powerful email course to understand and incorporate the Rays of God by receiving background information on each ray with an attunement.

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On Sunday, February 10th we experienced a New Moon which was very interesting as it moved from Capricorn into Aquarius representing being restrictive within ourselves and learning to flow with the energies.  We have been experiencing some very powerful energies which Spirit has been speaking that the time in February will be very parallel to what we experienced in December 2012.  It is a time to fully understand what you are going through, allow the process to happen, and walk into the new way of thinking and feeling.

This can be a very challenging experience for individuals who do not understand how to tap within themselves to awaken into a new perspective of awareness.  Just because an individual ‘wakes up unto their beginning essence’ does not mean that they will understand how to process the feelings and thoughts that are happening in their lives.  This pathway is one riddled with great challenges, but also enhances the best that we are in each moment.

February is going to help us expand further into our own consciousness.  We all come to this Earth for a purpose and some of us have more responsibility than others to help create the new frequencies to be fully grounded.  But one thing is certain; if you are reading this material, you have an important role to fulfill within your existence.  These energies are helping us to be better, to be more confident, loving, and compassionate, and to express it to others.  So instead of worrying what you are feeling in each moment, allow the essence of Grandmother Moon to assist you into the next phase of our awakening.

This New Moon has also brought us more activation(s) within the Angelic realm to be integrated within our Being.  This energy started in January and with each new moon we are being activated to remember more of our Angelic Presence.  What this means is that the angel that We Are is intertwining into the human that we have become.  It is all very exciting as we reach into our angelic essence to remember and acknowledge those timelines that we have forgotten.  We are learning to become the Angelic Beings grounded upon the New Earth.  So if you have been feeling unsteady and unsure of yourself, know that it is changing you deeply.  We may not understand how the process is working or the depth that it is occurring for some time.  Our job is to just expand into these frequencies and allow the newness to settle within our physicality.  Your mind is going to want to try and understand; please know that cannot happen as the Higher Mind is now being fully activated within your physical structure.

As we experience these elements, we may be finding that we will do things in a completely different way than we did before; or we may realize that a part of our-self is now our true reality.  The changes that are happening within each individual are so minuet that it may not be detectable without a fine microscope so just allow the feelings to project within your consciousness and accept your new reality.  It is a wonder of love and grace.

As we expand into this new paradigm of Light, we experience a beautiful day of Love on February 14th.  If you take the time to truly accept the energy of Love within your Heart coming from your Highest Essence, you will start to acknowledge how deeply you are loved and in so many ways.  Jonathan Parker facilitates a World Sound Healing Day, ( in which every individual chants the sound of “AH” for five minutes at 12 Noon around the world.  This sound resonates from the Heart of God into each of our own hearts and has been utilized by the Divine Mother & Father God in our transmissions from the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  So take some moments on this day to accept the Love that is being guided through your Angelic Essence into the One Being that You Are.


Greetings and love on this day.  It is very exciting to share and experience the new paradigm of light that is being acknowledged within the Earth Plane levels and to have each of us expand deeper than we ever thought possible.  We, of the Unified Whole Command, are also within our expansion process just like each of you are doing so it is no mistake that we should celebrate our Light with each other.  We plan to do just that.

This month of February is going to help each of you to understand a deeper part of your expansion with feelings.  As you have gone through the changes and elevated your vibrational levels, you have also had to adjust within the physical reality that is changing for you.  We understand the process of not accepting the conditioning process that you have had to experience through this transition of Light unto the planet.  We applaud you that you continue diligently even though the feelings and thoughts you may be having do not reflect the essence that is expanding within your creation.

As we delve deeper into the core of GAIA, there are many levels of timelines that she has held onto that are affecting each of you greatly.  It is not just your personal timelines that you need to process, but her essence is changing with each step that you make within yourself.  The conditioning factor of this transition is one of great sacrifice and without your diligence we could not have created the opening doorways into the New World.  BUT WE ARE ACHIEVING IT ~ and we want to share with you our excitement that is paramount to what you are experiencing presently.

We know the process you have been undergoing, and understand the challenges that are resulting from each of those intense moments within you.  We also understand that you are receiving wonderful gifts each time you go through another intense doorway of change.  The acceleration that is occurring presently is due to the creation of you wanting to do so, and none of you understand the depth of your ability to continue the walk into your future world.  Actually, what is being achieved presently is having the capability to accept the changes as the information has not surfaced except in small bits and pieces as each new development of your world has been revealed.  But that is about to change and you are going to experience it yourself.  You must remember that it must come in waves of light for you to accept the nuances of your future to become manifest in who you are presently.

Changes are resulting within your world and around you for the explicit reason that IT IS TIME.  The creation of your planet has become stable, whereas, previously it was uncertain of the outcome of Gaia.  But with the transition of more individuals awakening upon the planet, the residual effect of the transmutation has taken GAIA’s world into a new existence where love and acceptance is the common rule and not the lower worlds that have resulted in your experiences of the past.

It is now a time of complete reversal within your world and we are excited to experience it with you.  The changes that are about to occur must first be felt within your Heart as all of our Hearts are blending together.  You see in order for us to make the manifestation of the New World occur we must honestly take a few moments with a breath of light and experience the essence of the Purity of Love to be within.  This is going to take practice because the lower mind forgets and wants to run forward with the thoughts.  It is imperative that during this week to not to allow that to happen.

As you move further into your Acceptance, you will start to feel it.  You see YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO EXPRESS IT WITHIN YOU.  You have a body and that body has taken precedence over everything in your world.  But that is no longer the case.  You are learning to accept the light formations that are being transmitted to you in your sleep state, in your meditations, and even your awakened state of consciousness.  It is coming in Light Codes to intertwine within your physical reality.  But you must take a moment and allow this essence to be fully within you as you walk through your days.  Without it, it will be lost and so will you.  This is the power of the light at this time.

Previously we spoke about the Rainbow of Lights that are emanating from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace.  They have been continuing to be commanded into each and every soul, but now is the time to understand that you must accept them.  You cannot work without them; they are the commanding energy from the Essence of the Divine Will and Love of God.  You have been created through your physical essence by these commanding light frequencies but that is not All That You Are.  That is the beauty of what is occurring presently.  You are all of these and more and will see the Power, the Love, the Joy, and Expression of ALL THAT IS to be commanded within you.

This week all these frequencies are coming within the planetary level once again on the next phase of Light.  It is assisting everything you know to be and all will change within these essences.  Your world needs it deeply and it cannot change overnight but it is happening within the increments of light formations with each passing planetary exchange of the Sun, the Moon, and all inter-related elements of creation as we come into the Creation of the Oneness.

What does this mean to you presently?  Well, we say to you, “What is it that you do not understand?”  Or let us put it this way, “What is it that you are not seeing within yourself?”  The Rainbows of Light along with the Angelic Transmissions are activating seeds of creation that you previously forgot to help you remember while deflecting the parts of yourself that do not fit your present reality.  Taking some moments and allowing these essences to intertwine within you is going to allow the Acceptance that you have been searching for.  It will help to remove the parts that have been lost, the elements that you need to purge in order to have the full functionality of an ascended being of light.  Mind you, this is just the beginning and it will not occur instantaneously but each of you is going into the depth of your Soul’s Essence to find what you have been looking for.  BUT YOU MUST STOP AND FEEL IT COMING.  Let it flow within you and expand your auric field beyond the frequencies that you never thought you could hold within you.  It may stay for a moment or longer depending upon where you are within your own consciousness.  BUT IT MUST BE IN THE SUPREME LIGHT OF THE PURITY OF YOUR ESSENCE AND NOT WITHIN YOUR PHYSICAL SELF.  It is a gift and it is time for you to receive it.

Expand your consciousness in these moments as you fully accept a new part of your Divinity into your World.  Doing so is going to help the essence of human consciousness to accept itself deeper than ever received upon this planet.  It is the awakening of GAIA and now is the time to fully reflect and enjoy the ecstasy of Oneness Within.

Learning to expand these essences within you daily will help you to acknowledge the deeper parts of yourself.  You will also be able to remove the lower thoughts and feelings that need to be put into the light.  They will arise and utilize these frequencies of your angelic self to turn them into the purest essence you have ever experienced needs to be the defining rule in your life.  But if you choose to stay within them, you shall go deeper into the abyss and pain that you have endured for a very long time.  The Light and the Dark are moving into Oneness but holding onto the Dark will only separate the Light from you as the gap between the two will become wider.  Then there will not be Light and only Darkness which will cause the separation within and then within the world.  But the Light is so strong upon Planet Earth presently that the Light will win but everyone needs to do their internalization of the Self to allow it to happen more quickly.  It will be like a wave as more individuals receive the Light, there will not be anything else, but the LIGHT of GOD.

It is time to understand yourself more deeply than you ever thought you could.  It is not from your physical mind but with a breath of fresh air that the acceptance will enfold within you.  Your lower self will cease to exist but you must allow yourself to surrender within the process of Light.

The choice is yours to fully embrace your Light and Power within God’s Embrace.  We look forward to walking with each of you in the Oneness of Light that we Are.

We are the Unified Whole Command standing amongst each of you in Oneness.

So Mote It Be in the Light That We Are!

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

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Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
March 18,2012

My dear friends, we must talk now about something we take quite seriously, ascension. At this time you are feeling changes happening to your bodies, your lives, and your emotions, which should confirm for you that you are indeed on that path.

These will continue and accelerate. A great many changes have been promised to you, and we assure you again now that they are all coming. Not everyone will experience the same things at the same times, but they will all manifest those which are meaningful to themselves. Not everyone displays the same characteristics and talents now, and that is how it should be. It will be the same after ascension. But after ascension, if you should need or desire to learn something new, it will be taught to you easily and joyfully.

The only qualification is that you be desirous of it. Describing to you what your lives will be like is not possible, but the things we do tell you about are true and serve to motivate your actions. Most importantly you will find will be your freedom from limitations of any kind. All of the attributes that you have dreamed of in your current lives will be easily attainable. Knowing this as fact may eventually change some of your priorities.

For instance, when you no longer need to worry about money, your need to acquire wealth will melt away. Your need to impress self or others will disappear when you find that you and all others are magnificent creator beings. You’re most frequent thoughts will involve loving service and enjoyment. Anything necessary to those ends will be yours as sons and daughters of the most high.

We have promised personal changes and technologies to make your lives easy and enjoyable, but most wonderful of all will be your freedom. That, my wonderful friends, approaches rapidly. It may not be won smoothly, but have it you will, and soon. Begin spending a little time each day imagining what you will do when you have no limits. That little, fun exercise will only help speed along the process.

And if there are steps you can take toward those goals, take them now, no matter how tiny they may be. Imagine yourself a little bit closer to your goal and that process will be sped up as well. In fact, some are already beginning to see almost instant manifestations occurring. You see, you feel you are waiting, waiting, waiting; but in fact, you are moving, moving, moving. And the effects of the changes are building one upon another.

Do you feel like the same person you were a year, two years ago? No, of course you do not. Those changes will seem many, many times greater before this year ends. Our anticipation for you likely exceeds your own. We know what awaits you. Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home.

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Sacred Circuitry

Excerpt from Sacred Circuitry, 20.06.2010

[…] This transmission we would like to focus on the idea that we called in your language “sacred
circuitry”. You all have diagrams of some, just a few, of the sacred circuits.
What this is a reference to, is a particular tool, a particular technique, a
particular reflective idea that is unique in a very specific way. Most times,
what we have shared with you, as tools and techniques and permission slips,
have come from our own society’s understandings, our own society’s applications
of these principles that we discussed with you.

While we have ourselves adopted and adapted this idea within our society, this particular
technique comes as a gift, as a sharing handed down from other societies in
Creation. We will only go so far back as to say that while it did not originate
with them, what is relevant to this particular interaction is that this
particular technique was also adopted and adapted by the civilization, the
physical civilization in the star system of Sirius and handed down to the
hybrid civilization that we have already spoken of, that we call “The First
Ones”, The Shalinaya or the Yahyel, who have handed it down to our
civilization, the Sassani people. And now, we hand it down to you.

So this is the first time that we are sharing a technique, a tool, a permission slip, a gift handed down as a gift from other civilizations
in a specific succession. And you are next in line to receive this gift, this
sharing. So we bequeath this now to you to make it your own, to adopt it and
adapt it to your own imaginings, your own civilization.

So, while we will give you some brief instruction as to how perhaps to utilize this particular permission slip, please understand that in
time, you may also rely upon your own imagination – the conduit between your
physical mind and higher mind, your spirit guides, your synchronicities, your
own understandings of the choices that you have made to experience this
reality; you may rely on these things to adapt this idea, this tool, in whatever
way, shape or form suits you best, individually
and collectively.

But the basic idea is that it will tap into – like many permission slips – a collective consciousness and unconsciousness of your
civilization, the collective world spirit of your civilization. And that is
why, even though you may adapt it in a very personal manner, it will have some
effect on most of you, even though it is a permission slip and you are giving
yourself persmission by simply using this as a reflection to become more of
yourselves, it will key into those things that are extremely common with most
of you because it taps right into the idea of the wiring of the brain, the
neurological wiring of your brain.

As we have said before, there are 3 levels to the idea of the reception of information in the idea of physical reality. There is The
Higher Mind – which is the conceiver, there is the Physical Brain – which is
the receiver, the antenna, and there is the Physical Mind – which is the
perceiver of the experience. This permission slip, this gift, this sharing
handed down, is specifically designed to assit you in rewiring and adapting
your receiver, your antenna, your brain, your physical brain, in such a manner
as to allow for many different things, one of which is greater communication
between your Physical Mind and Higher Mind, allowing your brain to become not
just super-conductive, but hyper-conductive, allowing information to go
smoothly, effortlessly in both directions, from Physical to Higher, from Higher
to Physical. Thus, acting also more as a network, allowing you to associate
more readily, tap into and access more information more readily, gain
perspectives that allow for broader understandings of various levels of your
reality experience, and allow you to tap into broader capability at perceiving
other levels of reality, other dimensions of experience.

Of course, as we have also said, each and every thought you have changes the wiring of your brain and that is based specifically on what we
spoke of last night of your time (note: in “Shifting Through Infinity”
transmission) in terms of shifting through parallel realities, the idea being
that you are truly a different person, a new person literally every moment. The
idea of learning how to consciously re-wire your brains in specific ways, will
allow you more efficacy in becoming the person that you wish to become, that
you prefer to become, who you prefer to be and thus then, along with that, the
attendant parallel reality that’s reflective of that state.

Now, as you gaze at the first 15 of the sacred circuits – and there are many many more, but we will start here, we will keep it simple.
The idea, first and foremost, one way that you can begin to utilize these,
would be to take some time, on your own time, to turn each and everyone of
these into its own, as you call them, flash card, individually – 15 flash
cards, each one with one symbol and one word upon it. As you thus create these
flash cards, 1 to 15, with each attendant circuit and attendant word, the idea
would be to sit in a quiet and meditative way, a relaxed and peaceful way, in
an environment that you find relaxing and peaceful, with music if you wish,
with colours if you wish – however you wish it to be, that to you represents a
peaceful state without interruption – the idea being that you will take and
gaze at each one of these in succession, in order, 1 minute a card for 15

Do this 3 days in row, 1 card at a time, one minute per card, in order, 1 through 15, in 15 minutes.

And as you simply gaze and ponder and allow your mind to drift, and just absorb the idea of the shape, just absorb the idea of the
attendant concept, without thinking, without analyzing, just let it in, just
gaze at it, just let your eyes be the true windows to your soul, your spirit,
your mind and everything else. Allow yourselves the opportunity to just sit
with these shapes and know that as you do so, what they are doing is that they
are specifically designed to allow the neurological circuitry in your brain to
re-wire itself to be representative of each and everyone of these symbolic
shapes so that it may function in accord with the concept that is attendant to
the shape. And overall, over the course of those 15, allow you to more
holistically function in a hyper-connective, hyper-conductive associative
accessing way to knowledge, information about yourself, about the Cosmos, about
All That Is in whatever way, shape or form is appropriate for you as an
individual aspect of Creation.

After you have done it 3 days in a row, in order, 1 through 15, each time, thereafter, thereafter you may do it in any order you so desire,
any order you are attracted to, whatever is in that sense, you are wishing to
focus on, You may do it in that way and you do not necessarily have to even do
them all. You may find yourselves sometimes gravitating to simply 1, 2 or 3 or
more in any given day.

The idea, however, is that how many ever you decide on any given single day – and you do not need to do this more than once a day – you
can do it twice, you can do it three times; I would not suggest you do it more
– the idea is that you need to allow your brain time to adapt, time to
incorporate, time to absorb, time to crystallize these effects, these
adaptations, these circuits.

So, start slow, start soft, let it take whatever time it is natural for it to take. And if you only do less than 15 in any given day –
after you do the first 3 days in the order in which they come – then allow
yourself again, in any given sitting, even if you’re only using one, to not do
it for more than 15 minutes.

As we have spoken of before, in the session that we entitled “15 Minutes & Counting”, and as you have observed and will observe, with
the meditation that is attendant to the holotope experience, 15 minutes is the
time frame in your reality that best suits the absorption of information and
the alteration in the re-wiring of the brain for a specific task. Longer than
that is really not efficient. Longer than that can actually, in some senses,
before it is in that sense absorbed appropriately and adapted appropriately,
before it is crystallized can actually allow you to lose the effect a little

So, keep it simple, keep it short, always keep it to 15 minutes. You do not need more than that. Guaranteed.[...]

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Triad Love Portals Meditation from Metatron

I am Lord Metatron. This third of the Triad Portals of Love opened today. A vortex of energy has opened today which is the final release of love pulsing in from the Central Sun, through each Planet and Star System in your Galaxy. This intense energy will continue over the next three days. There is a burst of energy coming through the Sirius Star System, which is a trinary system which includes Earth. All of the energy pulsing through is being concentrated on Earth from the Suns in our Milky Way Galaxy. This coincides with the Ones leaving through the Scorpi Black Hole. The burst of love will be too profoundly powerful for their low density to remain. This burst of love is the energy necessary to exact such an enormous change. This energy is one which can heal anything which still needs healing in the next three days. If you are still, you will feel it merging with you through your heart. I will facilitate this healing and you may do this meditation as often as you like to clear all lower energies from your Being as we prepare for the final phase which is disclosure and the acknowledgement that we are a Galactic Society and always have been. We are Sovereign. We are Free. As this profound portal energy opens up onto everything on Earth, I begin this meditation with a Blessing. Take deep slow breaths and allow yourself to relax. Know that this is a Healing which is available to all who ask and allow. Be Still And Receive This Blessing Of All Blessings And Activation Of All Activations Now, If You Would Like To Receive It. See Pink Platinum Light coming to you, into your crown chakra. This Blessing is the balance of Love and Wisdom telepathically transfered from Metatron to the 20 + 4 Elders which surround the Throne of Grace. This is done through the Language of Light from the 352nd Dimension, from the Ashram of Metatron. As this is done, now receive a second Blessing of unfathomable magnitude. There is a Cosmic clearing and purification. We have moved beyond the beyond by the Grace of Metatron. Feel the deep penetrating love and light in every one of your trillions of cells. Feel the love moving the kundalini energy up through your body. It is complete. New Earth is anchored in. The crystalline grid surrounding Earth pulses with 5th Dimensional energies. All that have not passed their tests will leave to another place; parallel Earth, another Planet, or out to the Void beyond the Void where all is released back to Creation and is no more. We are on the New Timeline. Be In Joy! Know that the rejoining with your Galactic family is in process and nothing can stop it from happening Now. With you here are the Angelics, Galactics, and Ascended Masters who have been with you hundreds of millions of years. You have All completed the Master Plan Together. We will all be back on Earth, together now. Beloved Presence of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Cosmic Council of Twelve, Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron, Mother Sekhmet, Archangels Michael and Faith, all Elohim Councils of the Light of God, Archangels of the Tree of Life, all the Archangels and Angels of the Light of God, Hyos Ha Kodoish, Paradise Sons, all The Monads and Oversouls of the over six billion Souls incarnated on Earth at this time, Great Divine Director, Melchior, Lord and Lady of Sirius, Lenduce, Vywamus, Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, Atlanto, Adonis, Archangel Sandalphon, Helios and Vesta, Ashtar and the Asthar Command, Archangels Jophiel and Christine, Chamuel and Charity, Gabriel and Hope, Raphael and Mother Mary, Uriel and Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Apollo and Lumina, Heros and Amora, Purity and Astrea, Cyclopia and Virginia, Peace and Aloha, Arcturus and Victoria, Mahachohan, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Zoser, Dr. Lorphan and all The Galactic Healers, Platinum Angels, Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna, Lady Masters, Lady Helena, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, Portia, Vista, Lady Nada, Lakshmi, the Six Buddhas of Activity, El Morya, Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Office of the Christ, Office of The Divine Mother, all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram and all Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain, Eagle Command, Celestial Command, Order of the Golden Robe, the Mountain of Mt. Shasta, the Earth Mother, Dolphins and Whales, Pan, Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, the Devic and Nature Spirits, the Elemental Kingdom, Ganesha, the Manifestation Council, Divine Mother, Silent Watcher of the Cosmos, Lady NESARA, Lady of the Sun, Lady Liberty, Lady of the Light, the Native American Master Elders, Hanuman, Multi-Universal Logos, Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light, the Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance, Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command, the Goddess Lodge, the Christed ET Lodge, the Eastern Masters Lodge, the Occult Western Lodge, the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, the Core Group and Friends. We Are One and It Is Done. Peace. ~Metatron Beth and Mark
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