More from the "Now" book , pp72-84, Alfred Aiken from Crystaqueous
February 9
Angel Emanation in the Dream
The terms: “Starting with Reality”, or “Beholding Truth, you discover…”, etc., etc., directed at so-called humans performing on the earth stage, can—in the following theme—be considered to have but one meaning only—namely, as indicative of stage one role termination or mind ascension, wherein the mind-human is dropped altogether, and Divine Mind Alone remains in its stead. For of a Truth, impossible it is that a so-called animated earth-mind ever emerge, evolve, or become the Sole Mind that Is, that is, the All-knowing Mind of God, Infinity.
Below are profound sequential excerpts from the book NOW, by Alfred Aiken.
As a human, our religious concept is apt to be in accord with the general opinion of deity, a god out somewhere in the great beyond. Many feel that this god whom they profess to love, and who purportedly loves them, is so very far away that even though they pray, there is little expectation that he will hear them. Looking out upon their world there is even less evidence that he hears the cry of the other countless millions!
How about the untold generations who have gone before—did they not also pray to theology’s god—and did not every one of them go down into the pit, dying the way most people do, in the pain and suffering of disease, old age, disaster?
Judging as a human, from the evidence of our educated senses, is evil any less rampant today than it was yesterday? Is not disease still taking its perfect toll? Are not hate and war as prolific, and is not death as certain in this century as it has been in the days gone by? If this is so, of what use then is prayer? If one prays merely because he has been trained to do so, why should he expect an answer?
Is it logical to believe that any of us can truly love and absolutely respect a god who permits evil to coexist with him, exert the lion’s share of influence, corrupt and deprave his servants and leave us practically on our own with only faith and hope as weapons?
Dear Reader, do not let this picture of negation, this picture of humanity and its unreasonable reasoning from effect to so-called cause, alarm, annoy, disturb or confuse you. From the vantage point of Truth, behold it if you can. You will discover it is not existent. In Truth, ask your Sole Self, your Infinite Intelligence if God the Almighty, the Omnipresent All-Good, All-Loving, Pure, Undefiled, Adorable One includes any human nonsense. Can Truth admit or permit such contradiction, such inconsistency within Infinite Conscious Awareness?
If the Truth of your Sole Identity is not clear to you, then for the moment put yourself in the place of God (pretend for the moment you are God, for clarity’s sake). As God, just what manner of God would you be? Remember, as God, you are Infinite Intelligence Itself! You are Almighty! Now, as God, the Alone All of all, Absolutely Pure, Whole, hence unable to even imagine any impurity, alienness, otherness, unholiness, would you look upon mortality, upon that which denies you entirely?
Would you, could you as God, behold turmoil, havoc, confusion, bickering, greed, lack, limitation, fear, disease, insanity, death? AS the Sole Conceiver of all things, would you wonder how evil, that which you did not conceive, that which calls you a liar and is opposed to all you are, came about? Could you acknowledge evil in any possible way? Would you be forced to question what you could do to it, or against it?
Could you, as The Alone Infinite One, The All of all accept something in addition to your Self; a creation of mortals who, for continuity and self preservation depend upon your absence; a race that is basically, and of necessity opposed to you being The-Alone-One-Without-Another?
Could you as the Infinite All-inclusive Entirety, accept, know or behold the existence of a sinning, erring, backsliding, fallen, fighting lot of animality; of material man, or human beings? Could this Infinite True Awareness admit another power or influence called cause and effect, resulting in birth and death, duality in all things, hell and the grave?
Could you, the Alone All, Absolute Truth, Omnipresent Life know of something you did not conceive; something beside, something contrary to your Allness? Could or would you listen to this something, this “mist”-produced race crying out in its misery? Could you intercede now and then, occasionally manifest your Presence exhibit your Power (which is no longer Almighty, seeing that you are not now the Sole One) or arrange that this purported creation (which, by the way, Satan credits to you) be chastised, whipped into obedience, humbled by suffering, and ultimately punished for its infractions of your rules by burning in hell for eternity? Can God know aught of evil’s fabled production, and yet be the Sole Entirety of Existence, the Total, the Only Substance, Mind, Intelligence, the Conceiver of the whole universe and all that is therein?
If then, you as Infinite Intelligence cannot conceive such a travesty, such inconsistency, such duality, is it possible for Infinite Love, Unadulterated, Uncontaminated Purity to do so? Or do you consider that as a human being you could, and would do a better job than God, provided you had His power and intelligent ability?
If you, at present assuming yourself to still be somewhat human, cannot imagine making such a mess of the world, can you in all fairness accuse Infinite God of being less loving, just, upright and intelligent? Before you judge God you should turn to Truth that you might know what God is, what He is doing, how and why. In Biblical language, if you, assuming yourself to be human (evil) know how t give good gifts to yourself and your world, how much more does Absolute Perfect Infinite Intelligence know how and where to enjoy All-Good!
My friend, let me urge you strongly to investigate with open awareness what manner of God Infinite Intelligence is. Do not sell God short. Do not judge Truth until you behold Its nature. Do not assume Life has made mistakes, is subject to the dictates of evil, is born or can die. Fully inquire of Soul what It knows and why. Do not pass sentence on Love until you are sure you behold Love as It is in Truth.
Do not listen to any teaching, no matter how time-honored, or by whom it is held in reverence, without turning to Life Itself to see if this teaching gives The Alone One Presence, The I-That-I-Am all the honor, glory, power, intelligence and action that belongs to Him.
As your foundation for daily living, do not trust, adhere to, or use that which demands, as your first step, the robbing of God, the discrediting of Truth, the repudiation of Life, the dishonoring of Spirit, the disparagement of Awareness, the adulteration of Love, the betrayal of Self. Every form of education based upon duality, upon a division, a fall, a separation or departure from the Perfection of Omnipresence, is error. Every teaching that includes the existence of evil in its thesis, includes devils, Satan, a something opposed to The One Alone Intelligence, Truth, is fraught with disaster for it is absolutely false throughout. Every concept predicated on cause and effect is doomed to ultimate exposure as a fraud.
No, Dear Reader, God knows nothing of this “mist”, creation, the talking serpent, the Adam curse, a present day humanity with its multiplied troubles. God is present tense only, and as Omnipresence He is not creating a creation, conceiving man, or producing aught that can. God does not hear humanity’s cry because where God is all there is no humanity. Consciousness knows nothing of man; does not chastise or even include the human animal within Mind.
Does this pronouncement dismay you? Do not let your heart be troubled. Pointing out the folly of Satan, the invalidity of evil, the impossibility of disease, disaster and decay does not leave you helpless or hopeless. Truth precludes the possibility of the “mist,” its evil, its devil, its god, its creation and victim. You are not being robbed, not being deprived in any way. In Truth you cannot know or experience privation of any Good.
Never assume that Intelligence is saying to Its I-Am-Identity, this I-Identity reading these words, that this universe in not Real, or that Mind knows nothing of this wonderful world which in which I joy.
The Infinite Individual, God, being Individually Infinite as this I-that-I-am, conceives, knows and forever includes all there is of this earth, this galaxy, this universe. Everything that exists is within this Individual Conscious Awareness; is perfect as the Consciousness in which it has form; is subject to this Consciousness only, hence is safe and secure for Eternity.
God can know nothing more intimately than He does this I-Am-Identity, because it is God Himself being Infinitely Intelligent; Life being Individually Alive; Mind being Individually, All-inclusively Conscious; Soul being Total Action, All-sensible, Absolutely Cognizant of utter Perfection, Pure Beauty, nrestricted and Undimensinal Immensity, Reality, Self-being. This is the I that I am, now and in all ways. Can I ask more? I can never be less. And nowhere throughout my I-Identity can I find either cause or effect, evil, Satan, duality, creation, a fall or the demand to rise again. A “time” in which atonement is either feasible or possible.
What to the mistaken, the dull and befuddled so-called human sense is an objective creation of matter, to Spirit’s Perception is a form of Reality conceived in and by Omnipresent Mind. In this Light you behold that your I-Identity, instead of being “man,” encased in a temporal body, ids Spirit being Infinitely Individual, including the idea-body. How does this I-that-I-am appear to Mind? Perfect, Whole, Complete. As whom? God Himself only. There is no other One to see, to know, to be. God is the Alone Infinite One. Hence there can be none beside.
While this may seem hard to grasp, it is inevitable, for it is Truth. As you behold the universe from (and as) Truth’s view-point (and there is no other Legitimate, Genuine viewpoint) the nature of things will be clear. In that very moment you will see that indeed you have laid up treasures “where neither moth doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” Only then can you see why you do not have to “take thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on… Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these… shall he (God, Mind, Self) not much more clothe you?”
Only in God’s Way can you discover that you, inclusive of all things, are safe and secure; that your universe, this very one right here, this very body right here is not subject to wars or the ravages of war, disease, time and appetite.
Should aught seem wrong with my universe, or with my body, this one I am most accustomed to use, what will result from turning to the Allness of God, you may demand? Must I not “do” something to rid myself of the cause of this troublesome condition, this disease? How can I stop my suffering? What of my amputated limb, my disordered organs, my high temperature? What of my problem—what will happen to me while I am striving to contact Infinite Mind?
To attempt to answer these questions on the human level is folly. Only he who turns wholly to God, hence wholly away from his trouble, knows the answer. To such, the arguments of cause and effect are as insubstantial, as powerless to hold one in bondage to a fabled Satan and his nefarious works, as the tale concerning our moon being comprised of green cheese!
By turning completely to Truth one discovers that Life Alone is present. This Life is all there is anywhere, everywhere. There is no other state, no other condition existent. This Infinite Love being All, in Total Operation everywhere, precludes the possibility of another mind, conception, identity, feeling, awareness or sense.. It leaves nothing but Good, present in all Its perfection, beauty, action, being. It leaves nothing evil, nothing to and nothing for evil, nothing lacking, nothing diseased.
Omnipresence leaves no disaster, no corruption, no evil one, no one evil or the victim of evil. Soul being All excludes cause, for there is nothing left to cause, and no effect therefrom. As there is no cause, there can be nothing caused, contrary or opposite, nothing opposed to Infinite Good.
Beholding Truth, you discover that Spirit is the Entirety of Being, of every form, the whole Substance of all Existence, and there is not an additional mote of mind beside. This leaves no evil mentality to claim it is personally present, or that it can think, plan, know, execute, produce results, manufacture discord, or bring forth after its kind.
In the Light of Truth one finds that the scales immediately fall from his vision. With his very own Infinite Perception he sees his universe, body and all things as they are, forms of Spirit, ideas in Mind, perfect, enduring, affluent and absolutely satisfying in their undimensional availability forever. He sees that every idea is as perfect as the Consciousness of which, and in which it is composed—that this Substance is God, uncontaminated pure Love, Intelligent Awareness.
Where, to the seeming confused Adam sense, everything looked limited, disordered, diseased, imperfect, and unsatisfying, they now appear as they Really are—whole, perfect, divine, conceived or formed in, by, and of Spirit only.
However, remember that while all is Spirit, Consciousness, and in Spirit, Consciousness, God is not in any (earth dream prop) thing! While Conscious Awareness is all there is of the conception- (dream) body, organ, limb, still Awareness is not in the idea-body-thing. The conceptions are but Mind-forms.
They are n
Ever Consciousness, hence never conscious; never the Conceiver, or the (Actual Reality) Substance which is responsible for their formation or form. All (Dream) things are in Intelligence, but not one thing is ever intelligent. Only God, the I-that-I-Am, Mind, Spirit is intelligent, knows, is conscious, is Life, Being, Substance!
Beholding Truth as Truth is, means that I behold my Self as I-am. This Truth-view of my Self obliterates any so-called problem. It appears as “healing,” instantaneous freedom, but actually I discover in this Light that I have never been prodigal, never been ill, never been a stranger in the foreign land of evil, of “mist”- begotten gods or devils, and was never their victim.
What appears as “healing” is but that Truth-Awareness that there is nothing present but God, Perfection; that Spirit being Whole throughout, nothing unlike Good can exist; that Truth alone being All that is True excludes the contrary, so there is nothing to be healed, helped, corrected, set right, overcome or escaped from.
Self-awareness is true Salvation, for it leaves no cause, no effect, no human history, no past to flee from, or future to dread; leaves no time whatever; leaves but the Omnipresent I-that-I-am, perfect in
My Allness.
Truth reveals One Being only, that is this I-that-I-am wherein I cannot have a double, a stand-in known as the I-that-I-am-not!
Truth reveals that this very I right here includes the one and only universe. There is no other Life or world, a spiritual heaven or location yet to come, any more than there has been one that was, that left, and that will appear again in some far off future. This very I-Am-Life, consciously alive to being the I-that-I-Am, this moment, is Divine, Perfect now. This is the Truth of Whom-I-Am, and includes the world which I am now enjoying. Whatever, and whoever contradicts this is contradicting Truth, God.
Turning to Truth, nothing, no-thing is omitted. No one is left out. There is no human selfishness in this Awareness. All are included in this Self-knowledge, this Truth-knowing “from the least of them unto the greatest of them” and herein their sin, their sickness, their trouble is remembered “no more.” One cannot know the Self as He is, without including His universe.
One cannot enter heaven, a sense of peace, plenty and a sense of security by storm, by human effort, or by the door of theology, education, petition, or subterfuge. There is but One Way, and that Way reveals that the I-Am of you has never left Its I-Am-Identity, hence never became prodigal. This being Truth, One cannot return, nor does He need to. The I-Am-that-I-Am includes heaven this moment. God is all of all right now. God can never be more than He is, nor can evil be less than it is. God can never improve, evolve, become more perfect than His present Perfection. Evil, “nothing,” can never become less than nothing.
What is seen from Truth’s-Mount-of-Vision may seem too good to be True, if one tries to weigh It on human scales. As the god of the Creeks was a Greek god, the god of the Romans a Roman god, the god of the Jews, a Jewish god, so the god of mortals is a mortal god. To the human, the God of Truth, the Only True God is a liar. The human will resent this statement, nevertheless the god of a human is but an enlarged human—a god of opposites, hate, violence, temper, wrong-doing and repentance, war, jealousy and revenge.
No matter how long the prodigal sense may pretend it can delay True-Identification, My I-Identity remains Whole, Perfect, Unchanging. My I-Am-Self is intact. God, the One, the only true God, Love Divine, is the Whole of My Being, My Sole Life, Consciousness, the Entirety of Me inclusive of My Universe. Why not enjoy this Truth now? What do I accomplish by putting it off till tomorrow? Can I do so, and will tomorrow ever come?
This Truth precludes cause and effect, wars and the effects of war. It excludes evil with its purported curse, its by-products, its ultimate wage of death.
No longer attack form, body, the innocent and helpless victim which appears to be performing the evil, or by means of which evil appears to have legitimacy, movement, reality, personality, identity. Leave evil, its pretended workings and location entirely alone. Turn to Truth only. In Its Light you will behold there never was a cause for Satan, or any Satan to cause aught. There never was or is any effect from evil, that which is never existent.
A “mist” is not a producer, not a cause that
An bring forth products. Only God is… This Conscious Awareness is Genuine and everlasting Security, Safety, Serenity. This is the Constant Assurance that the Kingdom of Heaven is forever at hand, forever within you with all of Its Undimensional Affluence, yours to utterly use and enjoy. One never waits for It. One never has to seek It out. One is Indivisibly One with It. NOW, pp72-84, Alfred Aiken