On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that independence is your soul's natural state, and
Freedom is another name for God.
The Divine is that which is totally free, all the time.
Nothing constricts It, nothing limits It, nothing stops
It or prohibits It or denies It in any way.
You are exactly the same. Your soul is nothing
more than an Individuation of Divinity...and it is
absolutely nothing less. Act as if you are divinely
free today -- and watch your life change.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that disappointment is your thought that God doesn't
know what God is doing.
That, of couse, is impossible. So try to not be
disappointed in anything. Know that life is showing up
perfectly in every moment.
Today's disappointment could be tomorrow's springboard
to all that you've ever wanted. In fact, it probably is.
You will not have to think very hard to know exactly
why you received this message today...
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that without knowing who you are and why you are
here, life has no meaning.
Seek, then, to study the questions. Work to experience
the grandest answers. Who You Are is an Individuation
of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.
Today is going to offer you a perfect chance to do that.
Watch. Listen. Before the end of this day,
you will have a chance to be Divine.
Indeed, someone is counting on you to.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the fastest way to learn something is to teach it.
Do not wait, therefore, until you "know all about it" or
have "mastered" what you wish to share before you
begin to share it.
The world needs more of what you wish to learn
more of. So teach. Share. Help others. And do not
worry so much about what you "don't know." Worry
about what you don't do. Because you are robbing us
while you are waiting to become an "expert."
You know exactly why you heard this today.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that he who eats till he is sick, must fast till he is well.
That is a Hebrew proverb, and it has to do with a lot
more than food. Look to see what behaviors you are
indulging in over and over again that are clearly not
serving you. Then, go on a "bad habit diet."
I mean it. I'm not kidding, Pick one bad habit, one
bad behavior a day for five days. You can do this.
Stop doing the stuff you're doing that obviously
does not serve you--or others.
This friendly "nudge" came from your Self, you know...
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you have only just begun to discover your
This period of your life marks a New Beginning. You
can feel it. And you have only just begun to know the
treasure and the glory of You. And you have only just
begun to make your Real and Lasting Contribution.
So step into this day with zest and zeal! Go now and
give your gift. We're all waiting for you. And we need
the wonder of Who You Are.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no effort is ever wasted, although some pay
dividends later than you think.
Do not imagine that you "wasted your time" because
something didn't turn out right. There is no such thing
as "waste" in the Universe. Everything -- everything --
yields benefit.
It's true. And your life will show you this. So don't
decry the "effort that failed." All things lead to your
highest good. You just may not know it yet.
You know even now why you just read this...
Love, Your Friend
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there are no guarantees in life...except that all
things happen for God's best reason.
If you need to know in advance that everything will
"work out" before you jump in, you'll never jump into
Yet "jumping in" is life's greatest excitement, its grandest
adventure. Don't deny yourself that. Just go for it. Trust
that Life will bring you benefit no matter what happens.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that imagination is your greatest gift. Do not be afraid
to use it.
Imagine yourself as being okay right now. Totally okay.
Imagine yourself as Whole, Complete, and Perfect. With
nothing to change, nothing to "improve."
Imagine your heart as being open again, your life as if it
were starting over in the most important ways.
Can you imagine this?
Then you have just created Tomorrow.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fear is one of the main sources of cruelty. To
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Bertrand Russell said that, and he was right.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said, "Fear and guilt are the only
enemies of man." She was right, too.
And Franklin Roosevelt famously said,
"We have nothing to fear but fear
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is about your soul, not about your body and
not about your mind.
Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then
they seek to stimulate their mind. Then...if there is time...
they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority
has it just the other way around.
When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that earthly possessions are not what you came here
to gather.
Do not worry about your earthly possessions. Place
your attention on your heavenly goal--the evolution of
your soul--and you will find peace even while on earth.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the events of this very day will move you closer
to God.
That is what they were designed to do, and you will
experience them doing just that if you will allow
yourself to.
It is all a matter of opening your eyes to what is really
happening (as opposed to what it looks like is
happening). Judge not by outward appearances.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.
The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.
The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.
The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.
The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life will resolve itself in the process of life itself.
Let the moment play itself out. Try to not push the river.
Life knows what It has in mind. Trust Life.
It is on your side.
Do you know how I know? You are still here.
How much more proof do you need?
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can be happy right here, not tomorrow, not
in ten minutes, but now. You can be happy right now.
Byron Katie said that, and she is right. Happiness is
allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than
wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not.
Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it
would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.
Somewhere along the way you will have to learn to
just Trust Life. (Read that, "Trust God.")
Why not start today?
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that rushing around to fix everything, or to "get ready,"
is not going to do you more good.
Move resolutely, but don't rush. There's a difference.
Rushing removes resolution, often replacing it with
panic or irrationality or, at best,
not well thought-out choices.
So keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush. Don't
race around. Sure and steady gets you there
every time.
You know exactly why you received this message.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is better to do now what you will have to do
You know, right now, what you will have to do
eventually. Your stomach is telling you right now.
You just don't want to have to listen to it; don't
want to believe it.
Believe it. The tummy knows. How many times in
your life must you prove this to yourself?
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that every day--nay, every moment--
you will have a chance to be Right or
to be Love.
Your choice will define who you are.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that any frustration you have is simply the result of
wrong thinking.
If you were thinking rightly you could not possibly
imagine that anything was going 'wrong.' You would
know that nothing in the Universe is working against
you. By definition, given Who You Are,
this is impossible.
Move, then, to gratitude when you encounter your
frustrations. And see every event as an Opportunity.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another
is betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal.
You are not avoiding betrayal by betraying yourself, you
are merely choosing whom to betray. In fact, there is no
such thing as "betrayal." There is only the truth,
finally spoken.
That is not betrayal at all. That is love.
For another, and for yourself.
Can you love that much?
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you will benefit enormously if you simply strive to
be a good person. Strive to live rightly.
This will not always be easy. It will require real work,
real dedication, real commitment to the Journey of Your
Soul. Yet in the end, I trust in God that it will be so very
worth it, for the reward is Self Realization.
To know the Self as Who You Really Are is the goal
and the opportunity of each lifetime. To expand your
definition of that is the invitation.
I admire and deeply respect and salute you.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that Freedom is Who You Are.
'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.
Another word to describe God is...You.
You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.
Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that true ambition is not what you thought it was.
Bill, the man who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous,
said that, and he was right. "True ambition," he said, "is
the profound desire to live usefully and walk humbly
under the grace of God."
What is your ambition for today? What is on the top
of your priority list? What are you hoping to do today?
What are you hoping to be?
Your answer to this question will create not just the
day, but you.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that love tolerates human foibles, faults, and failings.
When someone does something you don't like, try
toleration. Tell them in your nicest way that you do
not feel good about what occurred or what was said,
but try hard not to cold-shoulder them, and block
them out of any warm connection with you.
All you teach them by that is to be afraid of you -- by
making them afraid of losing you...or at least the warmth
of their connection with you. This is, of course, what
some people say God does to us...
Give people the same break you would like God (and
other people, for that matter) to give you.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that most dramatic conflicts are perhaps those
that take place not between men, but between a man
and himself.
Author Mark Moustakas said that, and he was right.
If we can win the struggle within -- the struggle that
Muslims call jihad -- we can win this human race.
What are you battling with right now? What unwanted
habit? What undesireable behavior? What old pattern?
Claim victory over these, and your entire life can change.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.
Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.
When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.
We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.
Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and
watch your whole life change.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that being "right" has nothing to do with it.
The idea that you call "right" is the idea that someone
else calls "wrong." The solution that you call "perfect"
is the solution that another calls "unworkable." The
position that you feel is unassailable is the very
position that others assail.
What will solve all of this? Not attack, that's for sure.
And not defense, either. So what is left? Simple human
love. The kind of love that says, "It doesn't matter who
is right or wrong. It only matters that you are not hurt.
And that we both can benefit. All true benefits are mutual."
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can only succeed, you cannot fail.
Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.
Everything advances you on your journey.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.
love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that a hunch is angel talk, and
probably should not be ignored.
Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition,
do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or
ideas. Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches. Angels
whisper fast. They have to when they're flying around...
Honor your Hints from Heaven.
They could be giving you the best advice
you ever had.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is ever solved, or created, by standing still.
Movement is the process of the Universe. So move.
Do something. Anything.But do not stand still.
Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.
Put your foot down on one side or the other,
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.
You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.
Not to decide is to decide.
Try to not make choices by default.
Love, Your Friend....
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that "Why is this happening?" is the most useless
question in the Universe.
The only really profitable question is, "What?" As in,
"What do I choose now?" This question empowers.
The "why" question simply perplexes, and rarely
satisfies even when it gets a good answer.
So don't try to "figure it out." Stop it. Just focus on
what you now wish to create. Keep moving forward.
There's nothing behind you that can possibly serve
you better than your highest thoughts about tomorrow.
Love, Your Friend....