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Shamballa (2)

City of Shamballa One Year Plan

Wanted to keep you all informed about my plans.

First of all, I love all of you and love the content here. I love the continued posting by Steven, the continued postings of attunements, and other content being added. I love seeing the love behind all of the content here.

Right now, I'm waiting on another 10 year renewal of the City of Shamballa trademark, this keeps the website going online without issues. In order to do that I have to show proof of the trademark being used in business, so I am keeping as is for right now. This should happen this month of September.

Once the trademark is renewed in the system, these are my plans.

I love the content here and the energy, but the website appearance needs an upgrade. The colors/images/design are fine but the width is somewhat narrow. Also text is sometimes bunched together. Also the website is not mobile friendly. In 2015, Google rolled out an algorithm that indexed mobile friendly web pages more highly. Even though I secured the domain name city of shamballa and have text references to the city of shamballa on the site, as well as the website being viewable by search bots, the network is still ranked 15-20 on the search results when it should be within the top 10.

I am strongly considering upgrading to Ning 3.0 hosting sometime this fall or winter. Under Ning 2.0 hosting I am unable to change the width, specifically the html viewport code necessary to view the website on mobile devices and widen the width. is an example of Ning 3.0. Notice how wide the website is compared to the City of Shamballa. The cost will be 30% more a month for hosting under Ning 3.0, which I plan to pay through book sales, city of shamballa donations and city of shamballa premium access subscriptions. My whole goal in life is to be of service to the whole, and I want this website to continue to be of service to all people, and continue to attract more love and light from sources worldwide. 

In September I plan on approving the proof copies of my paperback and hardcover Path of Oneness books and then they will be on Amazon etc. by October. 

Also I am increasing my You Tube videos to draw a larger group of people here. The books and the videos should draw an audience as well as increasing the search ranking. My future Youtube videos include the topics of mindfulness, opportunities/lessons/non-resistance, universal love/onenesss, divine will/surrender/desirelessness, polarity and choices, and love in alignment with free will despite the catalyst. I also might do a video on the Divine Laws mentioned here on the website. 

Also started cross posting my content on to hopefully bring more people here. 

This is all a test of my Gene Keys versatility/mastery and determination/invincibility and resolve/divine will and tenderness/equality. 

In the end, I wish to do God's Will and I will go with the flow to be of the greatest service I can be to humanity. I wish to be love to all of you and continue to be in Loving Service to all of you.

Thank you all of you for your continued service to humanity via your contributions here. None of this would be possible without each of you.

I would love to hear your perspectives about this process. What is good here, what needs improvement etc? What are your thoughts?

In Love and Light,


Read more… There is a prelude in the video that last 3.2 minutes prior to the start of the invocation. This is very powerful and drinking lots of water is recommended as always ; )Invocation to the Universal Underworld ~ Day 1I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,and all other Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,as I align with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in South Africa,so I may undergo my initiation of Light to serve with empowerment, strength and wisdom,as a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the doorway of this beautiful Crystal Temple of Light, where I am greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,and request permission to enter into this Crystalline City of Light.I am a seeker of Light, I seek the secrets of the Universe, the keys of enlightenment,I am in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life,and request permission to enter into this Crystal Temple of Light,so I may take on the keycodes of Light that will assist me to come into a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom,so I may transmute all that is not of the Light,so I may take my Service work to another level of Light.The doors are now opened as I enter into this Temple of Light,walking up a beautiful crystal staircase into an Initiation Chamber of Light.I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light,by the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,welcomed and embraced as a seeker of Light.I am now guided into an Ascension Flame of Light,where I will experience this initiation of empowerment and wisdom,Overlighted by the Ray Councils of Light, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High.I am now surrounded in a beautiful red flame of Light,through the first ray of will and power, and through this initiation of Light, I now recite the following:I take back the power I may have given to others and to my sub-conscious mind,releasing any issues of abuse and misuse of power,releasing any addictions or frequencies that hold me back from truly experiencing my Higher Light, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.As I take on this mantle of leadership, I step into a deeper level of my own power, trusting and surrendering to the Divine,and being guided by my I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven.And now, I am surrounded in a beautiful yellow flame of Light,through the third ray of Divine Intelligence.Through this flame of Light, I expand my consciousness to receive the teachings of Light from On High,letting go of "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues,so I may receive the wisdom of Mother/Father God,so I may remember my initiations of Light,so I may assist in co-creating this Golden Age of Light.I now experience the parallel mergers of my Highest Potential through the streams of consciousness of the various times lines, merging into this Now, I now unlock the codes as this first wave human Soul in embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint, coming into full remembrance of my preciousness, uniqueness and individual puzzle piece.I now merge with my I Am Presence and the 144 Soul rays of which I am one,amplifying myself in this energy of Light,receiving these downloads of Light, activating the dormant DNA and aligning me to my sacred contact in this Now.I now receive the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries through my body, energy field and hologram.I now direct these higher frequencies of empowerment and wisdom through the Unity Grid of Light for all Life to experience these ray frequencies of Light.I now link through my heart to the Sun,and now to the Central Sun on Alcyone and to the Great Central Sun on Sirius, and from here, take on all the encodings of Light I need as this initiate of Light in this Golden Age of Light.I now find myself back in my sacred space,surrounded in beautiful red and yellow flames of Light,honoring my Self as this magical Master Being of Love and Light.Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.netCo-created by Adi'El ‪‬Music by Mike Hammer ‪‬To advertise your Light events, go to ‪‬For 11:11:11 Light events, go to ‪
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