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How is illness created?

As Dr. Hamer discovered, illness is the physical response to a stressful situation, to a dramatic, unexpected conflict, which I experience in solitude, in silence, that is, I do not express what I feel and, furthermore, I do not find a satisfactory solution at that moment.

When this happens, three essential parts of the human being are simultaneously affected: the psyche, the brain and the part of the body biologically related to the conflict experienced.

Normally, when I have experienced a dramatic event and I tell someone about it, what I usually do is talk about what happened I talk about external things, I focus on narrating the details about what I think has happened.

But I never express what I felt at the time of the event and that energy is what is repressed in my unconscious and, later, is transformed into the symptom or illness.

Therefore, what is repressed is a very special phrase, something that I have never said to anyone and that comes from the body.

For example: a person who frequently suffers from hemorrhoids.

As is known, this symptom manifests itself in the anorectal area and this part of the body is related to the place where I sit, where I put or rest my butt and feel comfortable, at ease, happy.

How is illness created? The biological sense of having hemorrhoids is for me to leave that place, to go away from that spot, from that territory where I am sitting because I am not happy.

Therefore, what I do not express and is somatized in my body would be beliefs similar to the following: Where is my place within my family?

“I can’t find my place, I feel left out”, “I don’t have my place”, “I want to leave this place”, “I am forced to put my butt in another seat”, “I am at the limit, and my place is not within this territory”.

Similarly, the anus is also biologically related to identity, to the recognition of who I am for others and especially for my family.

This can be seen very clearly in the animal world, when two animals meet, they simultaneously smell each other's anus and from there they obtain all the information and recognition of the other.

Thus, the deep feelings that I keep and do not express related to the lack of recognition, by my family (real or symbolic) in a place that I consider mine, my territory (home, work, team, etc.), would be similar to the following: Who am I?

“I don't know what identity I have”, “I am not recognized in my family”, “Others leave me aside”, “Nobody cares about me”, “I am not respected”, “I am not important to my family”, “I don't know what role I have in this family”.

For that reason, believing that healing consists of taking pills, removing an organ or following a diet is truly irresponsible.

It is not about fighting the disease, but about overcoming it, transcending it.

Transcending an illness involves taking ownership of the patterns of thought and feeling that lie beneath it.

To overcome an illness we need to rise above the conflict and the level of imbalance in which we are trapped until we reach a higher level of consciousness and peace.

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The body is a projection of the mind

We live in a time where it seems that science-based medicine has most illnesses under control. We are frequently amazed by new cures and solutions that seem to be almost miraculous. However, hospitals are as full as ever!

Despite science's great advances and its fierce battle against illnesses, the later continues a step ahead of the game.

What could be the reason for this?

The reason is that medicine has not realized the underlying causes of illnesses yet. It works as if the disease was foreign to the patient, a horrible, meaningless and unjust ailment that possesses and takes over the patient.

It is considered to be a body malfunction which needs to be quickly repaired so that the patient can go on with life as usual.

The patient is treated as a machine with a broken part (organ) that needs to be replaced. This is the major cause of medicine's failure and even though there are great therapeutic innovations and huge investment devoted to research, the percentage of ill people continues to be the same.

Medicine fails since it is centered on the physical and functional aspects of the body only. It does not take into account- for some reason- that within the body there is a thinking and feeling being and that any manifestation in the physical world has been created in the realm of thoughts and ideas, in the invisible world.

Hence, we must assume that it is not the body that is ill, it is the human being. There is only one disease a human being can have, and that is, the lack of harmony in his consciousness.

His consciousness is split, thus incomplete and ill. In order to be healthy or whole, a person must integrate those aspects of reality which he rejects or avoids. He rejects these aspects because he cannot recognize them as his own, he wishes he didn't have them and he wishes he didn't have to experience them. All that which we consider evil, which we don't dare to accept and we wish, would vanish from the earth is what Carl Jung denominated "the shadow." In order to achieve balance and oneness, a person needs to incorporate all these aspects of his shadow to his consciousness.

If a person refuses to consciously own a part of him -his shadow- then, whatever principle was rejected, will go into the body and will manifest itself as a symptom, making it impossible not to experience that which was previously rejected.

The body becomes then the mirror of the soul. It shows us that which the soul does not recognize; it makes visible that part of our soul that otherwise, we would not see. Therefore, the symptom manifests physically that part which is missing, the part that would allow a human being to be complete, to be healthy.

The purpose of scientific medicine to fight disease and want to eradicate it; apart from being something impossible to achieve because, as we have verified, the human being by participating in polarity also participates in the disease and, therefore, is a sick person; what prevents is the evolution of the human being who needs the disease to be healthy.

So believing that healing consists of taking some pills, surgically removing an organ or following a diet becomes irresponsible.

It is not about fighting disease, it is about overcoming it, transcending it. To transcend disease, one must own the thought patterns and the feelings underneath the illness.

It involves going beyond conflict and the imbalance it creates, towards a higher state of peace and equilibrium.

Healing occurs only when the illness has been transcended, since, with the healing process, the patient integrates that which he previously rejected, increasing in this way his level of awareness.

Real medicine, which advocates for health, should contemplate man as a homogeneous whole consisting of body, mind, and spirit.

In this way and contrary to what is believed, we realize that disease is not a bad thing, but quite the opposite; it is an intelligent reaction of our body and our mind that guides us towards a state of balance, of health, of unity from which we had parted.

In short, illness is as closely linked to health as birth is to death.

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Addiction can be considered as the unconditional surrender of a person to something specific, a substance, activity, relationship, feelings or events that take over their will and make them dependent on it.

The unconscious purpose of an addicted person is to achieve a better feeling than the one they are experiencing; it is the attempt to obtain happiness, peace, joy, etc. through something external, an object.

All human beings are addicted to something, to thinking, money, work, success, partner, children, sex, drugs, medicines, food, traditions, etc.

Addiction is typical of the human being who feels separated from himself and tries to fill that void with something.

But that void cannot be filled because the mind will never be satisfied and will always want more and more, of whatever.

It could be a better car, a more loving wife or husband, a bigger house, etc.

We try to solve the addiction by achieving greater external achievements that are also governed by time.

The root cause of addiction and how to address it spiritually: If we want to get out of the addiction we must wake up from the dream and become aware that the compulsion cannot be filled with anything.

The use of any addiction will take us further and further away from our purpose and will lead us to the deepest frustration and suffering.

Sometimes it is said that the solution is to “accept” but, how can I accept something that I do not accept?

The addicted person does not want to be addicted and the only thing that is established is a struggle to be otherwise that has no end and that brings guilt and suffering.

The true healing for any addiction consists in creating a space between it and us, between the object and the Being.

If we establish a distance from what we are addicted to, if we can see it when it arises, without identification, then the addiction will lose strength.

For an addiction to disappear, just like a tree, we must cut the root and the root of addiction is always in the identification with the mind.

If we can see that identification from presence, if we are aware of it, the root will be torn out and, consequently, we will have stopped feeding it. Joman Romero

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LYMPH NODES, emotional and spiritual meaning:

They are small bumps that are distributed throughout the lymphatic system. Involved in defending the body against infection. Symbolically, they can be considered as the "body police".

The lymphadenopathy (swelling of a lymph node) appears after a violent emotional reaction we have retained. We have been attacked and have the feeling of not knowing or not being able to defend ourselves. It is an accumulation of disappointments caused by a person or a situation.

"I feel attacked, trapped in a corner”

"I need to defend myself, I have to protect a strange thing"

Lymphs may indicate a personal devaluation, accompanied by a feeling of anguish, not feeling able to be opened in the relationships.

Lymphocytes: Conflict of anticipatory fear. In each area we have the conflict that protection zone added to its symbolism:

Groin: Angst by that inguinal region.

Left Armpit (right-handed people): Conflict of devaluation in the broadest sense. Conflict of the mother (or father)/child in relation to being a bad parent. "I'm a bad mother”

Inability to fight because of a large, bleeding or in relation to a blood transfusion (the unconscious does not distinguish between blood leaking by bleeding or transfusion) wound. Conflict of diagnostic of blood cancer.

Right Armpit (right-handed people): Conflict related to the couple. He/she is a bad companion, I see him/her as a threat. Conflict also being thrown out of the way, have chosen the wrong path or having bet on the wrong horse.

En los zurdos, sería los mismos conflictos, sino todo lo contrario.

ganglios linfáticos nobles (glándulas en el cuello): Conflicto de miedo a la enfermedad o de una amenaza (para tener el cuchillo en el cuello). Conflicto de miedo masculino, de ataque frontal, donde existe una gran dificultad para afrontar el peligro presentado.

persona diestra:

El miedo a lo que viene de mi cuerpo. Vivido de una manera femenina, (mujer u hombre zurdo) que sería un conflicto de miedo indefensa de una emergencia, sin derecho a defenderse de los ataques.

"Tengo miedo de lo que viene de mi cuerpo" (mordeduras de animales, etc.)

conflicto real o simbólica en relación con "el poder no confiar en nuestro cuerpo, para no tener él / ella” "Simbólicamente, que podría ser el 'personal médico, policía, bomberos, etc.'.

"No puedo apoyarme en mi cuerpo”

"No puedo contar con mi cuerpo”

Zurdo persona:

"No tengo derecho a defenderme”

"No acepto a mí mismo / odio mi cuerpo”

"He dicho algo insoportable”

Para la identificación: "Siendo que yo quiero y tengo que proteger está enfermo, y eso es peor que si yo estaba enfermo".

Los ganglios mononucleosis: Conflicto de miedo frontal del ataque inminente, la confrontación.

Linfoma no Hodgkin: Es conflictos devaluación global del individuo.

miedo frontal de la enfermedad.

Miedo de salir de donde nos sentimos protegidos para enfrentar una pelea.

Células de leucemia de Burkitt o: afecta principalmente a personas muy jóvenes.

La devaluación conflicto con la culpa y la desesperación en el plano amoroso y sexual. "La inseguridad relacionada con el miedo emocional”

Conflicto de dificultad para hacer frente a una situación que lleva secretos.

Recomendaciones para recuperar la salud física, emocional y espiritual:

¿Qué o quién es lo que necesita para defenderse de tanta vehemencia?

Qué / Quién es el enemigo?

Es posible hacer de la lucha contra uno mismo. Hay una parte de ti que no admiten que no lo acepta, puede ser su inutilidad?

Se parte de reconocer e integrar esta parte dentro de su ser.

Tienes que ser consciente de que es imposible, y que no le conviene, quiere controlar todas las situaciones y para todas las demás personas.

Para interactuar, lo mejor es mostrar como eres y no quiere ser de otra manera.

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ANKLES, emotional and spiritual meaning

They symbolize our stability, mobility and flexibility with respect to our beliefs, our ability to decide and to change direction in life. In them, our capacity is also reflected to receive pleasure.

When symptoms occur in the ankles, it necessarily means that we feel devalued with respect to the direction we decided to take, with the lifestyle we lead, or the course that our lives have taken. Any damage to the ankle, tells us that we must put a stop to what we are doing on a daily basis and analyze what we really want to do. You can say that what we have done so far or what we are doing right now, is not what you really want to do.

"This I do is not right".

"This life or this activity I do are not what I want".

Twists, are usually related to a situation or a "momentary" experience that we do not resist and before which, we must be more flexible. They occur during times of emotional imbalance, when we are forced to take a direction against our will or when our position in relation to others, does not suit us or we do not feel comfortable, but we lack the courage to oppose the other criterion.

Devaluation in the direction I take or not take.

"There is a direction or something imposed on me, and a direction or something else, I want to take or do".

A twist provides the necessary justification to stop.

Sprains are almost always related to a situation that we already have lived during some time and we greatly dislike. They warn that it is better that we stop at what we are doing.

"This I do is not right".

"What I do is killing me".

The ankle problems also may indicate that we have difficulties to change or make a decision in our lives: "I'm not taking the right path". "I'm not going on the right direction". "I'm not sure which foot should support me".

If the external lateral ligament is affected, it may indicate a conflict related to gallbladder problems, it may express resentment, injustice, unexpressed anger, etc.

Or it may be a conflict over the territory.

If it affects the internal lateral ligament, it may be due to a conflict of concern for any children.

If the problem occurs in the left ankle, it will be related to the masculine, father, son, boss, work, etc.; whereas if it is the right ankle, it will be related to the female, mother, daughter, boss, company, authority, etc.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

Developing the courage to defend our own judgment. This ability will bring us the flexibility to also see the point of view of others. Before prejudging and believing that we are imposed with something contrary to what we want, it would be more appropriate than we find out the motives of others.

Learning to trust in life and in ourselves.

Accept and understand that insecurity is a feeling that we also need to integrate.

Learning to enjoy life.

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SHOULDER, emotional and spiritual meaning:

The shoulder is the main axis of the arm and connects it to the trunk. It is an extremely mobile joint that allows making movements in all directions. They represent our ability to act, our deepest act on someone or something desires.

They are also related to the ability to carry the responsibilities and obligations of life: "carry the burden on the shoulders", "to shoulder the entire weight of the world", etc. They refer to responsibility as an adult; either as a parent or as a human being in society.

The shoulder problems tell that we have difficulty expressing, we found a resistance to our desire to act; either by a lack of support for an external opposition or a feeling of worthlessness.

We believe that the outside world will not let us act.

Left shoulder: it can indicate a devaluation conflict as a parent image itself.

"Devaluation in the mother/son or against any other person you want as a son relationship"

Identity conflict as a parent or child.

"I'm a bad parent or a bad mother or I'm a bad son/daughter to my parents", the head of the left humerus is affected.

"I have not been protected enough"

"I have not been able to keep under my wing to someone close” (affects the head of the humerus).

Right shoulder: "Conflict of devaluation of oneself in reference to the partner or one's social position.

Conflict of identity as husband/wife (no sexual connotation) or as a worker.

"I'm not a good husband, a good wife, a recognized worker or a good student", it affects the humeral head.

"Affective devaluation for failing to hold someone under the next wing", the head of the right humerus is affected.

"I have not protected my partner or co-worker enough" it affects the capsule.

These lateralities are so only for right-handed people, for left-handed people will be the opposite.

Luxation or dislocation: Often, a dislocation occurs after a stroke, a fall or forced movement.

"Conflict of devaluation accompanied by dishonor upon me and my parents”

When the dislocation is recurrent, it tells us that we have the feeling of being caught, "as if we are put in a box"

We want to express: "I want more freedom in my job as a human being", "I do not want to cling to my family, work, etc., I want to be myself"

Shoulder blades: The scapula is a flat bone, long, thin, triangular shape. With the collarbone, shoulder blade serves to attach the arm to the trunk.

(Symbols of Freedom) "They are preventing me fly with my own wings"

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I earn consciousness of freedom that I have within me and let in inner light in all situations.

I become aware of the burden and decide to continue taking it voluntarily or get rid of it.

Assume the responsibilities.

When we do something for someone, it must always be for love and not obligation.

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The energy of February - Messages from the Guides

For a few days I kept on having the thought of doing this post and finally I managed to get the time for it. By the look of the 3 cards that I have pulled from different decks, this month has a very feminine energy about it as all of them had a woman/ girl drawn. The feminine is passive energy, so prepare to slow down, observe and be open to whatever comes!


The main theme of February comes from the Osho Zen deck, the card of Patience. The first thing that caught my attention was the drawings of the moon at the top of the card. Indeed, February has a very “moon” energy as we will have the first 2 eclipses of the year on the 10th and then on the 26th of february. As we know eclipses are a period of massive change, so just like the woman in the picture it will be a time for us to sit and watch the waves that flow around us. 

The symbolism of pregnancy is very interesting too, especially that I have dreamed twice in the past 3 months about being pregnant and “seeing” it at month nr.2. No, this doesn’t mean i’m pregnant, its just symbolism that the seeds that we have planted are in the process of growth! So what we have been working on manifesting now will start to give us signs that it’s going to happen! Yay for us! But let’s not forget growth takes time, just like pregnancy, so be patient! The things that the eclipses will stir this month are events that are helping our wishes to come true. No matter if it is a negative event or a positive one, both are a blessing in disguise and even if the result may not look good now, in time you will see it was worth it. 

The message that this card bring is:

There are times when the only thing to do is to wait. The seed has been planted, the child is growing in the womb, the oyster is coating the grain of sand and making it into a pearl.This card reminds us that now is a time when all that is required is to be simply alert, patient, waiting. The woman pictured here is in just such an attitude. Contented, with no trace of anxiety, she is simply waiting. Through all the phases of the moon passing overhead she remains patient, so in tune with the rhythms of the moon that she has almost become one with it. She knows it is a time to be passive, letting nature take its course. But she is neither sleepy nor indifferent; she knows it is time to be ready for something momentous. It is a time full of mystery, like the hours just before the dawn. It is a time when the only thing to do is to wait.”


The second card I pulled was from the “Daily Guidance from your Angels” and it brings the message to take care of ourselves, especially in regards the matters of receiving. Not only to receive something that was owed to us, but receive guidance and messages too! The Eclipse season is a very psychic time, our dreams and intuition are full on with synchronicities and symbols, so do pay attention to it! As well it’s important to take care of oneself as the waves that come ahead may be quite strong, which may leave us depleted especially that January has been very intense energetically! So rewarding yourself with some self care, a break from work or just a pause in nature may do wonders to you!

The last message for this month comes from the Kuan Yin Oracle and it assures as that we are manifesting and that energies are moving even tho we might not be conscious of it. Here is it’s message: 


Kuan Yin brings you guidance that you are creating something important right now, something that is aligned with heavenly forces and light, that is significant for the path of spiritual awakening on this planet. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, it IS happening. Your spiritual light is flowing into the physical plane with the intention to manifest certain life situations and circumstances. These manifestations are in accordance with your spiritual path.

To cultivate Yin power to allow creation to manifest in your physical reality, you can focus more on allowing, flowing, surrendering and participating in the greater flow, rather than the usual ways in western culture of doing, making things happen, forcing, intending and holding. She guides you to Sky Dance with her now, to become receptive to heavenly energies and to allow the manifestations to blossom, like flowers falling from her divine feet.

Didn’t I say February is a VERY feminine energy month? Waiting, being receptive, receiving… woah! I don’t know how about you, but I’ve been already feeling all this and honestly what’s to come it’s pretty awesome! 

Buckle up, things are about to shift big time! / Facebook: LoveLightWork

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EYES, emotional and spiritual meaning:

They are the organs of vision. The mirror of the soul. They do not only collect impressions from the outside but also express any emotion and feeling that is experienced from the inside. Through the eyes, we recognize immediately emotions like anger, fear, or love. The eyes represent the ability that one has to approach life and see others. All eye diseases tell us of our inability to see life objectively, they highlight our view and our way of seeing things and situations as they really are.

Cornea: In the front of the eyeball there is a transparent membrane, like the glass of a watch, called the cornea. The cornea with the lens focuses the light entering the eye.

Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), Conflict of visual separation:

"I lose eye contact with my beautiful girlfriend”

Conflict of forced contact: "I'm forced to see ... all day”

"I'm very upset, I have anger and courage for something I saw”

"I want to hit the first thing that I see".

"I want to harm...”

Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis: "What I see makes me dirty”

Keratoconus: Alteration of the curvature of the cornea, which takes a conical shape. If I have keratoconus in one or both eyes, necessarily, it means that I have lived a conflict in which I wanted or have actually achieved that people around me do not see what is inside me. I do not want to show that I am weak, vulnerable, kind, etc. Fear of being myself for fear of being rejected. Afraid to show my weaknesses. Inability to reveal my feelings.

Obsessed, I hide some of my personality. "I do not want others to see what is inside me” "What is inside should not be seen from outside".

"Nobody protects me from what I see. My eyes are put under a protective wing. "

Fear. Insecurity. Distrust. Shame.

Dry lachrymal glands: "Wanting to catch the eye". Fear of not being able to catch the moment, in the sense of not being able to see what we would like it to happen.

Conflict of inability to make one thing we like to see, that is, visually not catch/get something.

The absence of tears perhaps it may be because the person is prevented of mourning, he/she refuses to express his/her emotions.

"It is forbidden to mourn, to express feelings, to let someone else see them” Often, these are people who try to hide their great sensitivity because they are afraid of being taken advantage of them.

It may also be of angry eyes, who refuse to forgive, to look with love.

"I see all furiously, because they are not as I want to be".

"I see all furiously, because they do what I want to do"

"I'm disappointed and hurt".

Ulcers: Severe visual separation. "Losing someone from our view"

Scleritis: The sclera protects and maintains the shape of the eye.

Conflict of protection in a visual tone. Protection from what we see.

Devaluation by a (visual) territory that we are losing and we feel powerless to defend it (intolerable).

Chalazion: Meibomian gland is a cyst in the eyelid caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, located close to the lashes, usually on the upper eyelid. It differs from a sty that they are not painful.

A meibomian gland secretes the fatty substance of the tear film, which is a protection for the eye. There has been an excess of demand for protection, and this has blocked the duct.

Conflict spot by something I see, either abroad or in myself.

Devaluation conflict: Not wanting to see more of passive, childlike way.

Conflict of blindly trusting in something or someone who failed us: "I should be alert".

Conflicts with the vision we have of religion.

Dishonour conflict and separation: "It's wrong not to see him/her again"

Stye: Conflict of separation and dishonour and something we have seen and made us feel dirty.

"I've seen one thing I did not like anything"

"I feel dirty for something disgusting that I had to see"

"I have problems in my marriage or with my partner"

"I saw something that made me angry"

"I just like to see things that interest me"

Eye pain: We will not see what is happening. Pain causes us what we're seeing.

Attempt to escape from life as we accept see how it is.

Exophthalmia or large googly eyes: The muscles around the eyes are in a permanent state of shock, reflect an expression of fear experienced as a result of childhood experiences. Conflict dam which increases their visual field to see the danger coming and escape in time. "I must catch the image of danger as quickly as possible”

Blindness: Conflict of the ostrich. When it is afraid, an ostrich prefers not to see anything and hides its head under the sand; where everything is black, and cannot see anything, and solved, no problems!

Was it necessary to see the day?

Was it necessary to hide my presence in the mother's womb?

Because of a shock, trauma, etc., we refuse to see, in order to avoid confrontation with reality. We do not want to accept what the eyes tell us.

Eyelids: Conflict of motor function. You cannot see and not see, at the same time.

Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids): The eyelids are like a curtain that closes to protect from external aggression, to rest or not to see. Inflammation often comes from an anger for something that we are seeing and cause us pain. "That hurts my eyes”

Motor conflict: Related to the children, the neighbour, with our identity.

"I cannot see without being seen” "He's my son!".

There is disappointment or difficulty in something visual: "I do not want to see, I do not want to see...” related to the children or to something symbolically considered "childish" as a book, a painting, etc.

Our identity, what we want to be or what we want to and what we do not want to happen. We are not accepting some of our past and we see it again in the present. We had forgotten something, we see it again reflected in our children...

Conflict of "dirty vision" related to seduction. We want something but at the same time, we tried to stop ourselves. "I see something that stains me".

We prefer not to see the day that begins, not face life, for lack of ideas.

It can manifest itself in blepharitis those people who refuse to close the eyelids to rest or sleep, for their anxiety to see everything not granted.

Or those which, by excess of activity, and not having any help, nor have a deserved rest; which irritates them enough. We do not protect adequately against external aggression, that is to say, that we easily let ourselves be influenced by what we see.

Blepharoptosis or palpebral ptosis (drooping eyelids) is the manifestation of great sadness ... as when the curtain is lowered.

Conflict of impotence for something we see. Refusing to look at this world considered as childish and immature. Resignation.

Conflict of "danger". Not being able to see things that seem horrible, ugly or aggressive: "I cannot go back to see my son, my country, etc”.

In women, it usually appears in the left eye and speaks of apathy and sadness, in her marital relations, having chosen a husband who disappoints her. It may also indicate a problem with the child.

Similarly you can refer another person to which you want to avoid seeing.

"You can see and not see at once” "We cannot see without being seen”

Ectropion: The eyelid (most frequently, the bottom one) is folded or twisted in the opposite direction the eye surface. This causes dryness and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyelid.

Open your eyes to maintain a vision on the environment.

Conflict of fear of being alone or abandoned by something we see or related to the vision of something.

Conflict of fear of death, what lies beyond, to sense everything (spiritual vision).

Terrible conflict and ambiguous relationship with the father or whoever performs the paternal function on us.

Entropion: It is the investment of an edge of an eyelid, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eye. In most cases it is observed in the lower eyelid.

We close our eyes to not see something unpleasant.

Separation conflict, being ignored.

Controversy vision of something that is attacking us.

Conflict of relationship with the people around me, because the people who matter most to me (parents and family) have not looked after me enough and have not put their attention on me. I have not had physical signs of affection.

Gravis: Conflict of impotence for something we see.

Trichiasis: The tabs are bent towards the eye irritating the conjunctiva.

Separation conflict and guilt.

We maintain our view of biased way, because we feel guilty of "seeing or being seen”

Conflict of the father’s protection.

Amblyopia: Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is defined as a decrease in visual acuity without there being any organic injury to justify it.

Conflict: "I want to join what I see separately”

Nystagmus or ocular parkinson: To some extent, it is a kind of parkinson disease in the eye. Controversy wipers. Nystagmus is an involuntary and uncontrolled eye movement. The movement can be horizontal, vertical, rotary, oblique or a combination of these.

Nystagmus is associated with a malfunction in brain areas that are responsible for controlling movement. Those affected with nystagmus often put their head in an abnormal position to improve their vision, annulling as possible the effect produced by the movement of the eyes.

Emotional conflict: "I cannot look straight things, the danger comes from different parts". "I do not know where to look" "Survival depends on my balance; I have to stay stable" "I must watch the entire width of my territory".

Retina: The retina is the layer of light-sensitive found in the inner back of the eye and acts like the film in a camera: images pass through the lens of the eye and are focused on the retina. The retina then converts these images into electrical signals and sends them via the optic nerve to the brain. The retina is normally red due to its rich blood supply.

Retinal detachment: Intense Conflict, visual image of stress. Example: The child falls off before our eyes. The adult feels horror at such image, but the view is protected.

The retina prints... "I do not want to print what I have seen” "Feeling of having seen something terrible” A small child who does not have this protection mechanism, remains fascinated by the horrible things he/she sees. When we are struck, the child prints the image on his/her retina. Later, with all his/her stress concentrated in vision, he/she will suffer a retinal detachment.

Fear that comes from behind. What can fall on me? "The danger is coming from behind”

Macular retinopathy: This is the alteration of the capillaries of the macula (the central retina).

Stop seeing a person or thing irreversibly.

"Seeing a family member die".

Retinitis pigmentosa: Too much pigment in the retina. Melanin accumulates in the back of the eye. It is the visual equivalent of melanoma: vision of horror, ugly, nasty, with stain vision. "I've seen my father/mother with another".

Colour blindness: It consists of not seeing a colour, the relationship with a fact that is stressful. Example: alcoholic father, addicted to red wine. Red = horror, fear.

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COLD SORES, emotions and spiritual meaning

Cold Sores: it is commonly called “fire”, or sore fever. It is a condition caused by a virus. Vesicles on the lips accompanied by pain that cause tension, pulling, tingling or burning are formed.

It is the physical manifestation of an inner contradiction. You want something that attracts us but at the same time, we are afraid of it.

This “fire” on the lips can be caused by a harsh judgment against someone of the opposite sex that has not been expressed, at the last moment, we have retained it on the lips, in our expression.

Herpes can also manifest when we consider that someone or something is disgusting. Repulsive vesicles represent disgust that we can externalize.

Similarly, herpes can be the perfect excuse for not kiss others or a particular person, with whom we are angry, because she made us feel humiliated.

Conversely, cold sores can say that the person has not received enough kisses:

"We don’t have our dose of kisses".

"I'm waiting for a kiss, but it never comes”

"I would have liked to kiss her, but it is no longer possible”

Dirt + separation conflict: "I feel dirty or sullied because they have not kissed me" "So much sweetness makes me sick”

What contradiction causes me suffering? What difficult situation does not dare to attack, but tries to do so? What gives me this disgusting feeling? What disgusts me? Have we said something that has burned us? Who wants to kiss us? Who would not want to kiss us?

Who do we refuse to be kissed by?

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Free Spirit Energy

Good evening,
soon initiation and training for practitioners of FREE f SPIRIT ENERGY.
This is a new system of Reiki is channeled in 2011 by Zoran, rev.Velizar Usui and Karuna  Reiki master teacher, johrei master teacher and spiritual worker.
Be among the first in the world who will be personally initiated into this phenomenal system of spiritual growth only 2 degrees.

My system is proud to present, symbolizing unity and Light - The road walk brave. Break the illusion and dogma, assumptions and vanity. vested videt will be recognized in the system itself, mean that there is. The teacher does not choose their students, but they elected him. In my new system, which is piped in 2011, we have two levels. The first level is the practical, theoretical, working part where you get all the knowledge about the work itself, the unity and work with new symbols , healing yourself and others. system allows you to make a gift 4 new symbols. 
Chevron is used for grounding the chakras with Mother Earth, and also serves as a protective symbol. Chevron to connect with the higher realms, working with the Gods, start an contact with the Higher Self, is introduced in order and MATRIX breaks all boundaries and imposed blockade. third symbol symbolizes the power of love, connects and harmonizes left and right sides of the body, spreading the love in all directions, absorbs the power of the love of nature, takes you back to the unity of a comprehensive presence. Extremely effective for dealing with emotions, traumas and all psihosomatskiim disorders. fourth symbol symbolizes the bridge between heaven and earth. Connects the power of heaven and earth to you, it leads to harmony and balance. On another level, you get the fifth symbol is used for meditation. Gets the description, and practical explanation of the process initiations. Reiki Master, Zoran rev.Velizar founder of free spirit energy system.10900612655?profile=original

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Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara is an amazing gentle, wise, and powerful ascended master who many love and honor.  This week in the Clarion Temple of Oneness we honor him as he shares his thoughts of the upcoming Wesak energies.

Sanat Kumara is considered to hold many roles in our spiritual history.  He is known as the Lord of the World, Father of Spirituality or Humanity, and Founder of the Great White Light of Brotherhood.   Whatever title that he is given he is still the most genuine spirit that an individual can connect with for their spiritual pathway of mastery.

He is the leader of the Venusian Flames and the Flame Holder for the Violet Flame.  His is originally from Venus and worked as the Planetary Logos for several thousands of years.  He was the Silent Watcher of the Goddesses from Lemuria which was when he started the Brotherhood of White Light so as to keep the secrets of the Goddesses from being revealed.  This was when Lemuria was at war with Atlantis which eventually was the downfall of both continents.

His post as the Planetary Logos was taken over by Lord Buddha in the 1950’s, but he played a very active role within the humanity of Gaia and all her inhabitants until the New Millennium.  It was at this time that he went back to Venus to prepare for the New Earth.  He is now very active to assist lightworkers on the pathway of Mastery in preparation for leadership roles that will be activated on the 5th dimensional frequency known as Terra Christa.  (If you would like to learn more about the Venusian Rays of God, please see our special online program, “Venus Meets Gaia for Terra Christa”.)  His work with the Goddesses is unprecedented and is available to every initiate to fully accept their role upon the New Earth.

His role during the Wesak energies is to hold the light as Lord Buddha descends into Shamballa to receive his next initiation.  He holds this frequency with Lord Maitreya (Office of the Christ) along with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, and God Force.

A special message from Sanat Kumara:

Greetings, My Lovely Beings of Light,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you for this energy transmission.  Whew, we have come a long way together.  Centuries of blood-fearing energies being dissipated at the same time to allow for the entrance of light that is way beyond what you have ever experienced from Lemuria and Atlantis.  Thank you, God, for those times to be gone out of our consciousness.

I just ask you one question.  Do you feel you have removed all elements from these timelines to find your true purpose?  This is very important as the Wesak energies in 2013 are going to surpass any others that we have experienced.  We cannot measure the depths of the frequency or the changes that you will be able to feel just by explaining it to you in words.  It has to be felt by each of you individually to fully allow the consciousness of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be felt through the entire experience.  Otherwise, you will not be fully prepared to have the most exquisite moments of your soul’s life to be shown to you in the physical creation.

Some individuals may think that Wesak is just another spiritual holiday and in a sense, it is.  But it is quite different if you fully allow your consciousness to participate in the energies.  Preparations are being made presently to allow all souls in humanity to understand the depth of their own origin and to receive the highest form  of acceleration within their physical world.  Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy work especially hard to allow this moment to occur for humanity but it is up to each of you individually to full integrate its essence.

It is important to take your personal inventory of the last year.  What have you been doing, feeling, and experiencing within your pathway?  This is of a personal and professional nature.  Those of you that are in the healing, coaching, counseling, and sharing with others your knowledge need to listen intently.  You will change if you allow it to be.  But you must not think it is going to happen automatically just be asking it to be.  What work have you done for yourself and have you seen improvements throughout the year?  Have you fallen behind once or twice?  This is imperative because you need to understand the lesson in each movement either forwards or backwards so that you don’t allow the pitfalls of the experience to affect you again.  These are all part of the learning experiences and will help you to mold your future. 

Take a look to see what you have accomplished, if it has been to your highest desire, and what could you have done to make it a better experience for yourself.  These are all important aspects to consider when stepping into another level of your initiations.  The more you accept about who you have been, the more you will aspire to deeper levels within yourself.

So as you can see Wesak represents the ability to look within, be truthful and honor who you are even in times of not liking what you experienced.  They, in truth, are the most powerful moments in your pathway.  They will help you to mold a new essence that is trying to emerge from the depths of your soul. But you must be honest within and know when something does not feel right as the transition occurs.  You see, your Higher Self is expanding within you deeper within each moment and it allows you to not only understand the process of your transformation but to accept it within all parts of your existence as you become fully integrated of the Light and Power that you are.

You can expect major growth changes within you as long as you look in the mirror in front of you, remove what does not fit the new essence, and accept the existence of your world changing from your soul’s perspective and not the physical mind.  This is what Wesak is going to do for each of us by allowing us to go deeper into our experience with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  We are all excited to be part of the ceremonies with each of you.  It is our time to fully come together and co-create all aspects of the self within the embodiment that You Are.

I deeply honor each of you and so many ways.

I Am Lord Sanat Kumara at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a public ceremony in Mt. Shasta for the Wesak energies.  We are also recording the morning and afternoon meditation.  You may order these MP3 downloads on our website,  Additionally, if you cannot attend, and want to be part of the energies, please submit your name and location to MelandMike@WalkingTerraChrista . com to have your name put on our Altar.

Lord Sanat Kumara will be our guest speaker in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on May 13th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific, 12 Midnight GMT.  If you would like to join this live call, you may do so on a call-by-call basis without joining the Membership Program.  For details,

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

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Many lightworkers do not connect with this amazing energy and it is only because his presence has not been made well known.  But that is going to change this week as he will be our Guest Speaker in the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

The Lord also known as the Logos of the Great Bear Star System is the higher aspect – the cosmic level of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos, Helios.  This also includes the star systems under the Great Bear Constellations of Arcturus, Sirius, Pleadius, and Andromeda.  He also aligns his energies within the dimensional frequencies from the 20th through the 36th level which represent the Christed-Extraterrestrial Beings of Light.

  He is a majestic Being that many do not know about his essence.  He is the overlighting energy of the 21st Ray of God, Eternity and Divine Structure “Learning to Access Spiritual Harmony of Light Within”.  This ray becomes the 21st chakra in the 5th dimensional chakra grid that is aligned within the Third Eye with the colors of Blue Gold.

  Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and healing of All Timelines whether they are active or inactive.  This opens up the doorway for Clarity and illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light.

 We will be honoring the essence of the Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the Clarion Temple of Oneness mediation on Monday, April 15th, 2013.  This call is held via teleconference and you can sign up to be on the live call via our website,

Lord of the Great Bear will be sharing with us the energies that will be occurring on April 22nd, 2013 within the skies, a Meteor Shower of Love.  He has asked to be our guest for this week and we honor him with his presence.  We believe that this represents many Inter-galactic races of the Christed Universes that are gathering to show their presence amongst our skies.  This should be a very powerful meditation and we hope you will decide to join us.

Individuals may join the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the live call.  Please click the link to see the details to join on a per-call basis.

Also check out our Facebook event page,

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Abstention from Harming Others



                                                     THE FIFTH APHORISM OF PATANJALI

                                When a person is steadfast in his abstention from harming others,

                                 then all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in his presence.

Patanjali's statement, "abstention from harming others," includes not only actual acts of harm but also thoughts of jealousy, judgment, and injury in any fashion. Steadfastly renouncing violence in thoughts and in all dealings with others creates an atmosphere wherein all violence and enmity ceases to exist because it is not reciprocated.

This a powerful awareness that you can begin to incorporate into your life immediately. Any situation where you experience anger or even mild discomfort involves thoughts of enmity toward the other person or people. Patanjali explains that other people will not feel enmity or anguish if you steadfastly abstain from having harmful thoughts toward them in the first place. Amazing ! By you working at not having any judgments or harmful thoughts, those around you will be free of anguish also.

Coming to this awareness of being steadfast in abstaining from harmful thoughts is a potent tool for accessing a spiritual solution to problems involving relationships. When a person is talking to you and you are slipping into the mode of feeling angry about how you are being talked to, you can remind yourself in that instant to abstain from thinking harmful or angry thoughts. I find it is quite effective to use the following words, first internally, and then I say them out loud. They are, "You're right about that!" Not sarcastically. Without rancor, I simply allow the other person to be right, which is all their ego really wants.

This tool does not make the other person right, it merely allows someone to believe that they are, and it allows you to be steadfast in your abstention from harmful thoughts. As you practice allowing others to be right, you are beginning to live from your higher-self rather than your ego. Eventually it will be your authentic way of reacting to others, even when they are being insulting.

There is a story concerning the Buddha, who is in the company of a fellow traveler who tests this great teacher with derogatory, insulting, disparaging, and bitter responses to anything the Buddha says. Every day, for three days when the Buddha spoke, the traveler responded by calling him a fool, and ridiculing the Buddha in some arrogant fashion. Finally, at the end of the third day, the traveler could stand it no more. He asked, "How is it that you are able to be so loving and kind when all I've done for the past three days is dishonor and offend you? Each time I am disobliging to you, you respond in a loving manner. How is this possible?"

The Buddha responded with a question of his own for the traveler. "If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong?" His question provided the traveler with a new insight. When someone offers you a gift of their insults, and you refuse to accept them, they obviously still belong to the original giver. And why would you ever choose to be upset or angry over something that belonged to someone else?

In this aphorism, Patanjali states, " all living creatures will cease to feel enmity" in the presence of one who does not think or act in a violent manner. This suggests we can affect the animal kingdom when we are steadfast in this attribute. You've heard the stories of how Saint Francis of Assisi would tame wild wolves who were decimating the livestock, merely by being in their presence. Moreover, doves would fly to his hands and all manner of wild creatures would feel the love that emanated from him and would cease to feel enmity.

I have experienced with this notion on many occasions myself. Once while jogging in Egypt a pack of dogs came running toward me at 4:30am barking ferociously. I stopped jogging and also stopped thoughts of fear or violence and they became calm and harmless.

As you contemplate this idea of abstention from harmful thoughts or intentions, keep in mind that those areas of your life, which you have labeled as "problems," could no longer exist if you were to be this idea each and every day. The reason you are not experiencing bliss at this precise moment is because you are focusing on what is wrong or missing. Begin the process of filling your mind with love, gratitude, and forgiveness. Ernest Holmes wrote, "What a load is dropped from the shoulders of personal responsibility, when we realize that the eternal mind holds naught against anybody."

Being in the space of the eternal mind is what you need to do as you pursue spiritual solutions in your life. Hold naught against anyone, and while you're at it, keep in mind Albert Einstein's helpful hint about why it is important to change around the way you process everything and everyone involved in what you call your problems. Einstein said, " The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which created them."

Problems are illusions of the material world. Solutions are attributes of your immersion in the world of spirit. Yes, there is a spiritual solution to every problem. But you will have to move to a higher lovel of thinking to do so. These then are the five basic aphorisms of Patanjali that will guide you to change the mind that created the problem.

1. Identify yourself beyond ignorance.
2. Calmness is the peace of God within you.
3. You create obstacles, you do not sin.
4. Be steadfast in abstaining from falsehood.
5. Be steadfast in abstaining from harmful thoughts and acts.

As you face a problem, remind yourself that you created it with one mind, and you will solve it with another. "Problems" come from a nonspiritual mind-set. There is a spiritual solution available, and you can create the energy to access it at will. As you work at mastering the five aphorisms of Patanjali, know that they represent the higher places you can attain in the world of spirit. One step at a time, you will find grace, and peace supplanting the strife. You will literally be creating a new energy field for yourself.



                *** Typed from the book: There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer ***

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Enlightenment for the Sake of Evolution ~ Tara Mary


~*~ Dear Friends ~ When we think of enlightenment we think of the Self. This person who incarnated into a family and given a name, a home, schooling, all under the supervision and watchful eye of a parent or parents. We grow up and find our own way in the world and decide to follow the path to enlightenment.  There are many, many paths to enlightenment and each one is unique and tailor-made for the individual soul. As we become aware of the fact that we are individual souls and at the same time all joined as One under the huge energy of Source, 'our' journey to enlightenment becomes far more than just a single person's journey!

~*~ Yes, we are doing this journey as Dick or Jane Smith or Jones, but, underneath that human guise is one soul that is also connected in energy to a vast mass of energy that the human mind cannot possibly comprehend. Nevertheless, using earth terminology we can come to understand that our single journey is inevitably going to raise the collective consciousness of humankind. If everyone could just see how our intent to gain enlightenment affects this whole planet, and turns the Self-enlightenment into a journey for collective enlightenment. Enlightenment for the sake of Evolution of our planet and all upon her.  This puts a whole new perspective on our motives and intention.

~*~ Enlightenment cannot be taught, nor can it be handed down from Buddha to Buddha. Each enlightened soul who reincarnates with a human birth still must go through the process of earth-life to reach enlightenment in this present incarnation. The Dalai Lama had to do it, and he never discusses the process or the experiences he had along the way, or the precise date or time when he actually became enlightened again on Earth. That type of information is private and sacred to each soul. Who is going to understand even if one wanted to share it? No, it's for each person to keep privately to themselves, to cherish and experience that sacred awakening.

~*~ A spiritual awakening is different to enlightenment. Spiritual awakening is like the veil of earth life has been lifted to see the reality of this earth play, for the first time. Awakenings continue throughout life to show, piece by piece, the true nature of our being and the depth of life itself. The shallowness of earth life is revealed and the layers peeled away to show why we are here and even perhaps the feeling of knowing we have done this all before. Our eyes widen to each and every facet of this awakening and the yearning to learn more is ever present.

~*~ Enlightenment is a far greater spiritual awakening at the Divine level of who we are. Enlightenment puts us in touch with our Godself and expands our consciousness taking in the mysteries of creation and bringing us in alignment with Source. All fears, expectations, desires, needs, etc., all fall away as the soul merges with the One Divine Source.
When one needs an answer to a spiritual question, it is there. No need to strive to search for it in one's mind as the mind has merged also with the One Source. All information is available at will. Divinity takes over the earth personality and the soul is free. One can still converse on an earth level with others, but the love and compassion and all the attributes of being divine are all there while one continues their earth life. It enhances one's view of life itself and you also find that when you converse with another person, you have a strong feeling you already know them......and you do, because on a higher level you are all One. The mind, thoughts and actions all come from a place of purity.......if another acknowledges that or not, the heart of the enlightened soul has purity of motive and intention, always.
The Me has disappeared to encompass the All.


        Love and Blessings, Tara Mary *~~

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The Happy Monk



                                                                     The Happy Monk

A young man in search of happiness heard of a wise old monk that was enjoying a happy life. So he went to see the happy Monk, who he found in the garden. He approached him as the Monk was weeding and asked, "Please,Brother, would you show me how to enjoy life?" The Monk stood up, "I am busy weeding the garden." Then knelt back down and began weeding again. The young man left and came back the next day as the Monk was cooking his dinner. Again, he inquired, "Brother, please, can you tell me how to enjoy life?". The Monk took a deep breath as he inhaled the aroma of the stew he was stirring and replied, "I am busy cooking dinner."
The man left and came back for the third day, asking the Monk one more time, "Please, Brother, share with me your wisdom of how you are so happy and enjoy life." The Monk shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "I keep telling you but you aren't listening."


original Zen story by Laura Barrette Shannon


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There is a lot of activity on this site and similar ones, relating to many questions and interest about spirituality. I include here an excerpt from Book One: The Upliftment of Consciousness, in order to help clarify what we are all doing on this side of the globe. Perhaps it will ring true for more people than just me. This wisdom is from a discussion which is linked to recorded communications from the Light Being Osiris (who is channelled by Jacqui Gilbert).

“Many people search on the fringes of conventional belief systems in order to expand their spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Behind this seeking is always the desire for a stronger and more direct route to what we call God, or Divine Source. Generally, this book refers to Divine Source, or God, as the state of Being of the consciousness of the Godhead, the collective state of Bliss, or the state of Oneness. Whatever this God-being or God-state is understood or named as by different cultures, religions or peoples, the search for Bliss by each individual amounts to the same thing: we are all seeking enLightenment which amounts to the re-integration with Oneness within that Bliss-state we call Heaven, or Nirvana.

One way or another, we hunt not just for more meaning in our own personal lives, but for the meaning of life here on Earth – individually and as the collective group of humanity. There is a reason for this life and that meaning has been written about, preached about, set forth and hinted at, ever since man has been on Earth. Since time immemorial, governments and social institutions on Earth that offer spiritual teachings have gone to war to ensure that the power base of their own theories and structures are upheld.

The main aim behind these ideological-based wars is to control humanity. In this manner more and more believers have been hustled into the fold and riches gathered to maintain the system. Divine Truth and the pursuit of the genuine spirituality of the Universe have frequently fallen by the wayside in the process. Ideological-based wars are neither a dead practice of the ancients, nor a mythical fantasy story of by-gone eras. Rather, they are as current as our modern lives.

All the wars on Earth which are currently being fought have been brought about various fanatics. These actions amount to intolerance and result in people being killed in the name of God. Any disagreement, including modern war, which is based on the idea of upholding or imposing a belief system may be regarded as religious in one way or another. This is the antithesis of what religion professes to be about: God. This is the case, no matter how disagreements or war are presented in the media, nor which government is involved.

Clearly, the stakes of war are high and it is essential to those in power that they protect their ideology at all costs, even if it is based on false pretexts. Human beings pay the price both physically and spiritually on a massive, global scale for the power pursuits of their leaders. Nevertheless, no matter which story of religion, government or industry we subscribe to, the fact that there are those who are still searching for truth, meaning and enLightenment is a clear indication that we have paid dearly for our lifestyle.

We have sacrificed truth and knowledge within ourselves for other external, man-made and blind-faith based belief systems. Until we acknowledge that we have effectively been stripped of our personal power as individuals, we will continue to struggle to fully grasp the significance of life – globally and Universally. It is this meaning which, once known, could truly satisfy us deep within the inner reaches of our being. Until then we are destined to continue to tread the path of seemingly endless incarnations on Earth, leading lives of varying degrees of difficulty in the process and using each other to try and work our way through the chaos.

This is in direct contrast to what was intended for us from the beginning of Creation. We are supposed to be seeking ever-advancing, further enLightenment within a state of far greater Illumination than the state we are currently in. Unfortunately, events in our long-past history on Earth changed humanity’s direction on the pathway of enLightenment and we have to find the right direction in order to go forwards again. We find our way on this pathway of truth both by understanding the past and by learning how to negotiate our daily lives from a different perspective. We are assisted by the Light Beings to go in the direction of the Godhead on the pathway of enLightenment, by virtue of the expanding wisdom and knowledge base of all human beings – in a state of unconditional love.”

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Encounter with a negative polarity person

Recently, there was a person who was upset at the amount of love and light I radiated. is their page. This person sent an email full of hate, anger, control, ego, etc. It was my perception that this person was a follower of service-to-self. What was I to do? Unfortunately for those learning, I deleted the email or I would have reposted it here. It said something about how Shamballa was working as a group to enslave humanity to a false God. No mention of love in the email. Without judgment and not sure of my response, I simply did not respond, deleted the email and prayed that love would envelop this individual and accepted the polarity as a distortion of the Law of One that needed to be accepted with open loving arms and blended into the Whole. Now It is my perception, that if I responded prior to deleting the email I would have written, "You are accepted and loved with open arms. May you be blessed. We are ready to assist you when you need our help. " Still learning now, and on second thought a response probably would have been better than nothing. Avoidance does not solve only action does. But as with everything, we all learn at our own pace. As duality no longer holds the power, it was another test of dedication to the Law of One. I could have argued, what was better or not, but that would be service to self and ego and not service to others. It is their choice to take their path. I am waiting with open arms to accept them when they want to come to the gates. Why be full of ego when it is satisfying enough to blend all into One? The encounter began another phase in development which led me to the Law of One material from Amen-Ra. Check it out, you will learn a lot about how to merge the like and unlike into One. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From the Law of One material: Questioner: For the general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One? Ra: I am Ra. Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and useable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking empowers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential. Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise. Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator. Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator. The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit. Questioner: Would this be against the Law of One? Would I be making a mistake by grabbing one of those entities? Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes under the Law of One.
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The nose is the organ through which the air enters, which allows us to breathe and perceive smells.

The nose analyzes the air that we inspire and informs us about the pleasant or hostile character of the environment. By smelling, we can feel and perceive beings and situations.

The nose, symbolically represents power (the ability or inability to take the lead in personal or social life), intuition (have business sense, smell a problem from afar, realize that an affair smells bad) personality (the one sample image itself) pride, sexuality, curiosity, inspiration and spirituality.

Nose, smell: As in the case with the ears, the nose also cannot close. In the animal world, smell is a crucial sense. Smells warn of the presence of dangers (predators, toxic substances, etc.). By smell, they are set to be recognized, they discover the identity, belonging to the other (body odour, flavour, etc.), detect the situation of the dam, they recognize the good and bad foods and receive sexual messages (pheromones).

Olfactory conflict:

-Of not wanting to smell. What a bad smell!

-Of pestilence: (be working in a place or with a person whose scent is awful). What a plague!

Nose, mucosa: "I want to get rid of the smell. I no longer take any more his/her smell or his/her presence!

Conflict of anguish:

It is a conflict of fear/apprehension. "It’s smelly, it’s my fault"

Conflict of territory". I smell the danger, the predator" "I sense prey, hunting, good hit" "I smell ... sniff that  ...” What are you up to?

Are they talking about me?

Olfactory Paranoia: I hide something, they walk with subterfuge.

Conflict of fear/distrust: The danger is ahead or around.

"I want to separate myself from the bad smell, it does not affect me"

"I want to ward off the world around me, I decreased sense of smell"

Right nostril = affectivity.

Left nostril = danger.

Nose bones: Conflict impairment respect to marking my territory. "I was unable, or I did not know how aggression smell reaches my territory"

Deviated septum: My life is built wrong. I desire to join working life with emotion, example: "I wish that everyone loves me in my work”

Nasal polyps: The polyp is a benign tumour that develops in one breast or in the corresponding nostril and having the effect of obstructing more or less completely the affected side. The presence of the polyp smell decreases.

Bad odour conflict: "It is possible that it smells so bad”

Something dirty. Perfume I do not like at all.

Nosebleeds, epistaxis: It is understood by all bleeding epistaxis originated in the nostrils. Hidden things related: "I have the feeling that something will happen"

Conflict related to fear of death (having witnessed slaughter an animal). See the blood flow itself, it reassures.

"I want to leave this family”

"I want someone in the family is gone”

Edema and nasal scabs "I want to separate myself from the outside to be at peace"

Rhinitis: Separation of great danger.

It may be a conflict with sexual subject lived outdoors. At that time a difficult incident that we did not want to take happened.

It could be when our partner informed us that we have been deceived when our girlfriend told us that our relationship was over, when our partner somehow forced us to have sex in a place that we were in danger of being seen, when our mother told us that our parents were getting divorced, etc.

But although we have repressed within, every year, when plants release their pollen, it becomes to revive our old wound.

Sinuses, Sinusitis: This sinus infection is linked to impotence against a person or situation: "I cannot smell it"

We are angry with someone very close, someone who is on our side, we cannot handle and don’t want to smell him/her. This anger may be related to the difficulty and at the same time, the need to defend our position or our ideas, that is, with the fact of having to "deal" to something in a particular situation. Expresses the difficulties we have to impose our authority or to "deal" to the authority of another.

The mucosa of the sinuses is an extension of the mucosa of the nose. The function of the sinuses is:

  1. A) Relieving the weight of the bones to which they belong.
  2. B) Acting as a sounding board for the voice. Adapting to external barometric pressure.

Sense of danger. You may sniff advance a danger or threat. The danger may be real or imaginary.

Bad odour conflict: I have the feeling that "something does not smell right," there is something dubious". "This thing smells bad”

Conflict front and olfactory fear. Fear of a vague threat, disguised latent". Something smells bad to me, unable to understand or foresee"

Through the different sizes and variations we can know many aspects of the human being.

"Bringing high nose" is a symbol of pride. A person with the "aquiline" nose usually has a very rigorous character and a certain hypocrisy.

A "snub" nose often said that always goes to his/her air.

The long, sharp nose has a tendency to stick their noses everywhere.

A cover nose "warts" reminds us of the image of the witch, an evil and full of danger being.

An alcoholic person will have reddish nose; while a slightly curved nose denotes elegance and a nose "enough" is synonymous with stubbornness, etc.

Runny nose, mucus (breasts): This is an inner cry because we do not value and we would like someone to protect us and help us.

Conflicts of fear.

"Something smells bad to me, this smells fishy to me”.

Runny nose inward: Internal moan by a sense of victimization.

Stuffy nose: We do not appreciate, and accept ourselves as we are.

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