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REIKI (19)

This question was asked on another website

The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand.


So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates? 


Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the attunement or healing session, you read or say the words to receive in the book, and receive the attunement or healing session.

In 2009 I created most of the attunements and healing sessions. Some other ones like Distant Healing Session and Purification Healing Session were created more recently. All attunements, empowerments, healing sessions were created and then sent to each recipient's higher self for custody until the recipient is ready to receive. My attunements, empowerments, healing sessions, can be received 100 years from now, a 1000 years from now, it doesn't matter, since they are held by the higher self which is Spirit which is eternal. The key ingredient is intent to receive. Each recipient needs to intend to receive to receive, by thinking or saying the words to receive. This obeys a law called the law of free will.

So basically I upload the attunement or healing etc. to the higher self (a multi-dimensional level to avoid free will interference) using a chi ball (basically an etheric zip file), and then when the recipient intends to receive by thinking or saying the words (aligning personal will to Divine Will), the attunement or healing session is unzipped from the chi ball and downloaded. The chi ball can transfer from multidimensional to etheric dimension and is basically similar substance to our chakra system (which exists in etheric and connects to the physical via the nervous system).

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Taken from the Book Brilliant Light by Madabusi Subramanium the chapter titled: Lost Reiki Symbol Retrieved
Prosperit (Yvasudha):
"It gives prosperity. Also used for initiation and spiritual upliftment.  Found in Agastya's literature and used extensivly in ritualistic worship in Kerala"

The preview is available on Google Books: Brilliant Light by Madabusi Subramanium

Presumably it is used for Initiation into his system of Nadi Yoga which is based on Palm Leaf Manuscripts.  108 are commonly used these days, but there are supposed to be 1008.

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Bible Quotes about Reiki and Oneness

Blessings to all of you in the name of the One Infinite Creator.

Here are some quotes I found in the Bible that support Reiki and Oneness.

These are my perspective. May they resonate with you.

Resonate (verb): to relate harmoniously : strike a chord. Be in tune with.

Reiki in the Bible (my perspective- I believe Reiki is part of the Holy Spirit): "When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit." Acts 8: 14-17

Oneness in the Bible (my perspective): "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." Romans 12: 3-8

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Our Energy Connection

10900642679?profile=originalOur Energy Connection

Understanding and respecting our connectedness to all matter, all living things, will greatly improve our relationship with the earth and each other. Mindfulness of the unity of all life will impart honor, well-being, and greatness to the individual and to the Universe.

Much of the way we think about ourselves is gained through distorted information we accumulate from our culture and our mundane lives. Sadly, these misconceptions regarding our essential nature have caused many to develop poor habits that deny them an opportunity to experience true spiritual awakening.

To better understand self one must become familiar with the multiple dimensions of our being and the intelligent energy that works through these dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self. This understanding will lead to embodiment, realizing the divine self within and then manifesting it in our physical form. The enlightened self is able to make use of this power for healing, personal growth, and experiencing a better connection with the creative source.

This path of self discovery begins with accepting and engaging the multi dimensional self and the energy that moves through it. The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another and the whole of the universe.

The individual consciousness is able to engage the essential energy of all creation for a wealth of personal power. This empowerment allows us to create the life that we desire and the ability to share unconditional love with the all of existence.

Take back your power


The New Universal Church

A nature based church with focus on healing and self empowerement.

Please visit website to learn about our Reiki classes and minister ordination. 

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Reiki Facts

Reiki Facts

Our physical self is always healing itself. Always! There can be no reasonable or legitimate denying of this elementary fact. When something, anything, affects our body, it will immediately begin to heal. We are always in a natural state of healing. Always! With Reiki, we have a conscious intention of this healing.

Reiki is a heightened state of awareness and acceptance of this healing. Reiki is an energy healing modality, a healing of intent, which is comfortably aligned with the most fundamental laws of the universe and the natural world.

Energy is everything and everywhere. It reacts with our bodies internally and externally. This is not a new concept. Most Eastern systems of medicine have always been based on these ideas.

All matter is simply slow moving energy. Einstein stated that all matter, energy, time, and space are relative to each other. These elements are also directly related and affected by the presence of a human observer. Any experiment will always be affected by the presence, attitude, and intention of the experimenter.

With Reiki we choose an intention of healing. It is an attitude that expects the total wellness of the whole self. This includes all aspects of the physical, mental, and spiritual self.

“Reiki is one of the leading safe energy medicine approaches.”  C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. Founder, American Holistic Medical Association

We have provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999. Reiki training is offered on a regular basis in several U.S. cities.

New Universal Church; a nature based church with focus on healing and self empowerment.

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Why you can perform exorcisms with Reiki

For thousands of years, shamans, priests, and holy men have cleansed people and places of unwelcome negative beings. How come certain people are able to "cast out demons"? Why do space clearings work? Why do negative entities latch onto you? What is the significance of the cross and why is it important? What other beings are at work when an exorcism takes place? 

I have found an answer. I realized exactly why I have been capable of exorcising spaces and people and how Reiki ties into that. Not only am I able to make a real difference by relieving those people of pain and suffering, but I can now teach others how to do the exact same thing that I do, in essence, using Reiki. Most people wonder why their space clearings didn't hold, or why that annoying entity is back even after an "exorcism." It is because they don't know what exactly is needed on the part of the exorcist. They don't understand the need for specific beings to be there along with sacred symbolism. They also need to know about the difference between an unwelcome being and a welcome being. Without this knowledge, no exorcism would ever work.

So I want to know if you would be interested in learning the art of this specific form of Reiki. However, I do want to specify what each level covers and requires. 

Exorcism Reiki Level 1-Space Clearing

Required--Reiki Practitioner (Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level 2) is required with valid lineage

Every once in a while, a person can come across a space or home that just doesn’t feel right. Most of the time, this is due to energy or entity that is roaming this area. Sometimes it can be benign, but startling and unnerving. However, it can be due to an evil being or energy (a curse, hex, evil eye, psychic attack, ill will, an evil deed previously done in the space, and/or any number of negative energies). In the second case, an exorcism must be done in order to have a healthy environment in which to live and/or work in. The Level 1 of Exorcism Reiki is meant to remedy these issues, protect, and bless the space. 

Exorcism Reiki Level 2-Auric and Energy Body Exorcism 

Required--Reiki Master/Teacher (Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level 3) is required with valid lineage

The idea of performing exorcisms on individuals is as old as history. Human beings are spiritual beings living a physical existence. As such, we are vulnerable to negative energies, like hexes, evil eye, ill will, evil intentions or wishes, and many other forms of negativity, and impression. Impression is when one or more evil beings are having an impact physically, emotionally, and/or, although rarely, physically, and spiritually. Level 2 of Exorcism Reiki is meant to clear the body of negative energies and/or free them from the influences of the evil being(s). 

Reiki Space Blessing 

Required--Any level of Exorcism Reiki

This blessing uses a special technique to protect the space

Exorcism Reiki Master/Teacher

Required--Exorcism Reiki Levels 1 & 2

This level allows one to pass on attunements to exorcism reiki in person and via distance, teach the student how to perform an exorcism, and connects the Master to a strong form of protective energy source permanently. 

If you are interested in learning this very very very powerful just visit my website HERE or PM me through this wonderful site!!

Warm Regards,

Rev. Alex, RGM

Founding Director of


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Animal Reiki


Reikiis a wonderful natural healing modality that is beneficial to humans, plants, and all animals. It is an awesome way to share love and healing with our pets.


If your animal is happy, calm, and healthy then you will be too. They are our friends and companions. They are very aware of our emotions and changes in our environment because of their intuitive nature.


Reiki is simple. We don’t need to analyze it, believe it, or prove it. Reiki is our intention to heal. Animals recognize and respond to Reiki.


All animals benefit from the healing powers of Reiki as it works to restore health and harmonize the body's natural balance.


Reikiis totally safe and can be given to any animal without the need of restraint or confinement. This is very helpful with animals in shelters or those who have been seriously friends, wounded or abused. The animal becomes an active and willing participant in its own healing.


Reiki is not a substitute for professional Veterinary treatment. It is a complementary holistic practice that will help reduce stress, induce relaxation, and provide wellness to all of our animal friends.


Animal Reiki classes are held in several cities. 

Healing TodayReiki Home Page;



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Ohm shantih Harih

Hi everybody, I am Pieter Franciscus from the Netherland, I am a wicca, practionar of Reiki, and a meditation teacher, I help people with dream traveling, and to get of rid of mental blockades, and fear. Most of the time with guided meditation.Also with spirirual problems with your religion,family traditions.  I am initiated in the yoga and the indian religions. And wish you well

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Hi! In this post I will teach you how to clear a room of negative energies and spirits,

and how to capture a spirit in a jar!(More on that later.)

Clearing a room is pretty simple. All you need is a chair or something you can sit on and relax on in the middle of a room.

So to begin, sit on it! Now, depending on how many walls you have in the room, most have four, you will need to do this at each wall -- direct the Reiki Power symbol, Emotional symbol, then Power symbol again, towards each wall, as if you are making a 'symbol sandwich'.

Now, direct Reiki to these symbols and will all negative energies or spirits back to their home in the light.

If you don't know that there is a spirit in your home, learn a basic Chakra meditation and practice it for a week or two, to attune yourself to the spiritual energy around you, when you meditate you will be able to see the spirits.

Now, what about putting a spirit in a jar? Well, it is all the same general stuff, but with a twist in the 'home in the light'.

So, again, sit comfortably, not necessarily in the middle of the room -- hold a jar of any size, in your hand. I suggest you put a gemstone in the jar or you may not be able to keep the spirit in.

I also put some sand in the bottom, to make it look pretty and for an emergency grounding, if this goes wrong, you want the spirit back in its' body, wherever it is in our physical world.

As it is, you may not actually HAVE a spirit about, this is really simple to overcome as you just need to get one.

Sit there and meditate for a short while to get into the 'zone of energy' then ask your higher self for a spirit, make sure you are clear on whether it is a positive or negative spirit, as this may be a bit tricky for your first time in clearing energy.

Now, just as you did before for the room clearing, will the spirit into its' home in the light, but this time -- will it into the brilliant light of the gemstone in the bottle, request that is stays there until you ask otherwise, and that it does not harm to anything or anyone, unless you ask otherwise. You may want to ask your spiritual guides to help keep it there, if it is a negative spirit it may make up its' own mind.

Make sure you put Reiki into the bottle to keep it full so the spirit does not anger and become negative.

For this point, remember also to keep clearing a room how I showed you above to ward of spirits, just in case they want to hang around. Do it every few days for maximum safety.

Thank you for your time to read my post.

Love and light,


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Voodoo with Reiki.

Voodoo, as its' self is really just another way of saying "Everything in our world is connected by energy."

This is the same as Reiki, and a lot of other Spiritualist beliefs. (I don't know many but they seem to go round this.)

So it is really simple, all you have to do is as follows;

1: Make your voodoo doll. You should do this carefully so that is is a like the person you wish to heal.(Please do not pick me up on this, I only do this for good purposes.) 


2: When preparing for healing, cast the Reiki Distance and Power symbols on the chest of the doll.

3: Envisage you are directing Reiki to the person the doll was made for. Remember that it is very important to not constantly have this healing line open, or you could get energy vampires, or damage the person you are healing by moving the doll when it is still in use.

4: When the healing is over, make sure you close the line and store the doll in a safe place with a nice environment, as in -- not a dark larder or cold cellar. 

There, not to hard, was it? Pretty simple to get your head round.

I hope you enjoy working with this, but remember to ALWAYS close your healing line.

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Reiki does not have to be expensive

The most frequently asked question we get is: why are your classes priced so much lower than others? The answer is simple; because they can be.


There is no reason for Reiki classes to be as expensive as they have generally been in the USA the past few decades. Reiki is a natural healing modality that is very easy to learn and master. The energy that we connect to is equally accessible to everyone.


We believe it is important to share and teach about Reiki in an honest, practical, and realistic manner. Our main intention is to motivate the student to use and appreciate these wonderfully abilities that we all possess.


Utilize a strong intention and focus of healing and you will appreciate the benefits. 

Healing Today has provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999 across the USA.

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Researcher Krinsley D. Bengston witnesses multiple cases of cancer remission associated with a hands-on energy healer. Bengston then apprenticed with the healer to learn how to reproduce the healing effects.

Bengston obtained 5 experimental mice with mammary adenocar-cinoma, which had a predicted 100% fatality between 14 and 27 days following injection. Bengston treated these mice for an hour a day for a period of 30 days. The tumors developed a “blackened area,” then ulcerated, imploded and closed, and the mice lived their normal lifespan. The control group of mice with breast cancer, sent to another city, all died within the predicted time frame.

The results were so remarkable; three replications of the experiment were done in different cities. The studies were done with skeptical volunteers trained to do hands-on energy healing. In these three studies, 87.9% of the energy-treated mice lived, and 100% of the control group mice died. In addition, the mice in remission from two of the four experiments were re-injected with cancer, and it did not take, suggesting a continuing, stimulated immunological response. Histological studies confirmed the viability of cancer cells through all stages of remission. 

The studies were published in The Effect of the “Laying On of Hands” in Transplanted Breast Cancer in Mice,  by Krinsley D. Bengston, Journal of Science Exploration, 2000; 14:353-364.

Bengston wrote “The tentative conclusions are that belief in laying-on of hands is not necessary to produce the effect; there is a stimulated immune response to treatment, which is reproducible and predictable; and the mice retain immunity to the same cancer after remission.”

Info on Reiki and other energy healing modalities;

Reiki is growing in use at many hospitals and clinics in the USA. Healing Today Reiki classes are very practcal and affordable and are designed to help one with self healing. This Reiki training  also prepares health care professionals to offer Reiki to others. The Reiki workshops are presented in Chicago, Tampa, Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, and other cities around the USA.

Reiki USA;

Healing Today has provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999 across the USA.

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Reiki; a natural healing modality

Reiki is a wonderful natural healing modality that is very beneficial to one’s self healing program as well as for helping others.


Often referred to as energy healing, Reiki is more correctly defined as an intentional healing modality. It is the focus and intention on the part of the healer that makes Reiki so effective.


Healing Today has been offering Reiki classes since 1999. Our home healing center is in the Tampa Bay area but we offer classes in cities all over the United States.


The training is in traditional Usui Reiki. 


A wonderful community of people has attended Healing Today Reiki classes and we are happy that so many of our students are now actively teaching.


Reiki is a wonderful tool to help with self healingand personal empowerment. It is very easy to learn and master.


More info on Reiki here:

Healing Today has provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999 across the USA.

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Our Energy Connection

Understanding and respecting our connectedness to all matter, all living things, will greatly improve our relationship with the earth and each other. Mindfulness of the unity of all life will impart honor, well-being, and greatness to the individual and to the Universe.

Much of the way we think about ourselves is gained through distorted information we accumulate from our culture and our mundane lives. Sadly, these misconceptions regarding our essential nature have caused many to develop poor habits that deny them an opportunity to experience true spiritual awakening.

To better understand self one must become familiar with the multiple dimensions of our being and the intelligent energy that works through these dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self. This understanding will lead to embodiment, realizing the divine self within and then manifesting it in our physical form. The enlightened self is able to make use of this power for healing, personal growth, and experiencing a better connection with the creative source.

This path of self discovery begins with accepting and engaging the multi dimensional self and the energy that moves through it. The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another and the whole of the universe.

The individual consciousness is able to engage the essential energy of all creation for a wealth of personal power. This empowerment allows us to create the life that we desire and the ability to share unconditional love with the all of existence. 

Take back your power.



Our Energy Connection

Healing Today is proud that we have provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students all over the USA since 1999.

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I wanted to share these photos. They are a medium for triggering a blessing to you if you want to receive. My intention is that your greatest good be served; as well as the greatest good for all!

I have asked for Quan Yin and the ethereal and devic energies of these stones and crystals and metals to help minister to your current condition no matter when you look at the photo or ask to receive the blessing. I also asked for many forms of healing energies, angels, ascended masters, Melchizedek, Holy Spirit Shekhina, Divine Mother and Father, and the Source of All to help you in whatever way is best. I trust the wisdom of Spirit to deliver whatever is beneficial and that no harm can be caused to any by this. May we All benefit and be raised to a higher potential for communing in Joy and Freedom!



The physical presence of this photo consists of Gold, Silver, Copper, other 'non-precious' metals (no disrespect intended!), Amethyst, Citrine, Herkimer Diamond, Apatite, Laboradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Sunstone, Moldavite, Larimar, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Hematite, Fluorite, Unakite, Carnelian, Onyx, Emerald, and Malachite.

The figurine and plate are ceramic. Blessings to All!



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Reiki Meditation Part 1

NamastheThis is a very power meditaion combining aii the values of other types of meditatin. Such as Transcendental Meditatin plis the healing power of the Reiki Energies. It can halp to bring about physical relaxation. Mental relaxation clarity including improved ability to visualise , clairvoyance .enhanced healing skills. And expantion of consciousness.It can also be used to help solve problams and achieve goals and and it has the amazing tendency to surround all the are of concern in your life with a soft white reiki mist. It is best done in the morning and. Or night or also whenever you have time.Method1. Sit comfortablly in a quiet place with your hands on your things or wherever else comfortable.Close your eyse and take three slow deep breaths. Imagine you breathe in a pure white light through the noseand breath out rubbish and toxic through the mouth.2. With your eyes still closed, draw the reiki master symbol in front of you with your right(or dominant) hand.At the same time as you draw, visulaise white or violet light comming out from your middle fingure.3.Visualise the image of the master symbol to be just in front of you after drawing and say silently to yourself its name 3 times. Hold the image for about 5 to 10 minute do not worry if your mind does drift to some other thoughts. Just be aware that your thoughts have drifted and them just return your focus back to the symbol in front of you(you will get better and better with practice)(If you cannot visualise at aii draw the symbol on a piece of paper let you eyes focus on it and relax. Then close your eyes while retaining the image)4. When you finish meditation in the symbol imagine it moving up into a field of light above you and bring your attention back in front of your eyes.5. Repet steps (2) to (4) using the power symbol mental symbol. And the DH symbol6. After the meditating on all the symbols you are now centered and charged with creative healing energies.You are now ready to go to the part two of the meditation(part two teaches you to send Reiki to the projects and challenges of the day actulize your goals and hepl or heal others at a distance)Manifesting Goals. Part Two1. State yourgoal silently to yourself ,create a picture of it in your mind of having already accomplished it and visualise the four reiki symbols around it, with the master symbol on top. CKR on the right SHK bellow and DH on the left of the picture. Hold the image in your mind for several minute or. On the left of the picture. Hold this image in your mind. For several minute or longer with the thoughts and feeling of accomplishment,Do this for each goal or project or send to help or healing to others. When you are finished with the image ,state, if this be oossible within divine love and wisdom them let it be so. .then send the image up to the field of light and place it together with all the other .reiki symbolls with a feeling of fullfillment,Accept the idea that the prosess is complete and that your goals has been established.Belive this to be true, then completly relese it from your conscious attention(If you are not able to visulaize simply write out the goal or healing on a piece of paper stating that it has been achived along with the four Reiki Symbols and hold it between your hands accepting the idea that it is surrounded with light)2: if you have reiki grid hold the master crystal in your right hand during the meditation to charge it.Then hold it between your hands and channel .reiki into it by projecting the four reiki symbols into it then your charge your grid now3. To the end the meditation place your toung to the root of your mouth and focus on the area just behind your navel. Then draw the power symbol down the front of the body with the spoiral around the area just bellow the navel and part your stomec 3 times at the same time saying its names 3 timesThis wil realise any excess build up of energy in your head and store it in the power centre4. Then breathe deeply and slowly and open your eyes when you are readyRakesh chenicheriLove and light
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