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Guides (2)

The energy of February - Messages from the Guides

For a few days I kept on having the thought of doing this post and finally I managed to get the time for it. By the look of the 3 cards that I have pulled from different decks, this month has a very feminine energy about it as all of them had a woman/ girl drawn. The feminine is passive energy, so prepare to slow down, observe and be open to whatever comes!


The main theme of February comes from the Osho Zen deck, the card of Patience. The first thing that caught my attention was the drawings of the moon at the top of the card. Indeed, February has a very “moon” energy as we will have the first 2 eclipses of the year on the 10th and then on the 26th of february. As we know eclipses are a period of massive change, so just like the woman in the picture it will be a time for us to sit and watch the waves that flow around us. 

The symbolism of pregnancy is very interesting too, especially that I have dreamed twice in the past 3 months about being pregnant and “seeing” it at month nr.2. No, this doesn’t mean i’m pregnant, its just symbolism that the seeds that we have planted are in the process of growth! So what we have been working on manifesting now will start to give us signs that it’s going to happen! Yay for us! But let’s not forget growth takes time, just like pregnancy, so be patient! The things that the eclipses will stir this month are events that are helping our wishes to come true. No matter if it is a negative event or a positive one, both are a blessing in disguise and even if the result may not look good now, in time you will see it was worth it. 

The message that this card bring is:

There are times when the only thing to do is to wait. The seed has been planted, the child is growing in the womb, the oyster is coating the grain of sand and making it into a pearl.This card reminds us that now is a time when all that is required is to be simply alert, patient, waiting. The woman pictured here is in just such an attitude. Contented, with no trace of anxiety, she is simply waiting. Through all the phases of the moon passing overhead she remains patient, so in tune with the rhythms of the moon that she has almost become one with it. She knows it is a time to be passive, letting nature take its course. But she is neither sleepy nor indifferent; she knows it is time to be ready for something momentous. It is a time full of mystery, like the hours just before the dawn. It is a time when the only thing to do is to wait.”


The second card I pulled was from the “Daily Guidance from your Angels” and it brings the message to take care of ourselves, especially in regards the matters of receiving. Not only to receive something that was owed to us, but receive guidance and messages too! The Eclipse season is a very psychic time, our dreams and intuition are full on with synchronicities and symbols, so do pay attention to it! As well it’s important to take care of oneself as the waves that come ahead may be quite strong, which may leave us depleted especially that January has been very intense energetically! So rewarding yourself with some self care, a break from work or just a pause in nature may do wonders to you!

The last message for this month comes from the Kuan Yin Oracle and it assures as that we are manifesting and that energies are moving even tho we might not be conscious of it. Here is it’s message: 


Kuan Yin brings you guidance that you are creating something important right now, something that is aligned with heavenly forces and light, that is significant for the path of spiritual awakening on this planet. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, it IS happening. Your spiritual light is flowing into the physical plane with the intention to manifest certain life situations and circumstances. These manifestations are in accordance with your spiritual path.

To cultivate Yin power to allow creation to manifest in your physical reality, you can focus more on allowing, flowing, surrendering and participating in the greater flow, rather than the usual ways in western culture of doing, making things happen, forcing, intending and holding. She guides you to Sky Dance with her now, to become receptive to heavenly energies and to allow the manifestations to blossom, like flowers falling from her divine feet.

Didn’t I say February is a VERY feminine energy month? Waiting, being receptive, receiving… woah! I don’t know how about you, but I’ve been already feeling all this and honestly what’s to come it’s pretty awesome! 

Buckle up, things are about to shift big time! / Facebook: LoveLightWork

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We are Coming!

This just in: And so it is ~ (snip) the Celestials and Great Higher Beings say, "We Are Coming! The end of the darkness has come and the Light now resides permanently on Planet Earth" and further, "the meek shall inherit the Earth." It continues to say, within the next week. (snip)I am happy to report this great news to you! It changes everything and is glad tidings, indeed, for all our hearts this day and forevermore.Let me explain: Before this could happen enough light had to be projected from EARTH TO HEAVEN and it's taken a very long while in linear years to get there. It seems that the Earthquake visited upon Japan, no matter how dastardly this was from the dark, put us over the top with all the heartfelt compassion that came from it ~ and this allowed much negativity to come forth and be released from Earth to get us over the last hump of darkness and negativity at long last. Stranger yet, the dark never considered this possibility in their deeds against us. Well, too late now there is no going back!A quick review: First it took eons in linear time to receive Divine Intervention. This was only possible once a Feminine Christ Consciousness returned to Earth (this I learned two years ago) but it was limited until another benchmark could be reached requiring enough light, again, to come forth and light up a new grid to overcome the dark that had been unleashed upon the world by our own collective consciousness ~ prior to getting OPEN Divine Intervention. Now we can get outright OPEN assistance to begin cleaning up the Earth ourselves with benevolent guidance from Celestials. We know these to be the Sirians, Arcturians and many others of the Galactic Federation of Light. I call them the Heavenly Hosts because that's what they are comprised of ~ Too many to name here.They know what they are doing and will catch us up on releasing technologies long held captive from us for the last 60 years and longer and then once that is accomplished and new governments are in place, who actually work for us, they will share their own technologies with us.In the interim we will be able to learn about our true origins and purpose and everything will finally make sense. Those who desire to ascend with our beloved Earth can ask for and receive assistance in getting their frequency high enough to ascend ~ if it is the desire of their own heart. Anyone who asks ~ will be granted this gift.There are Crystal Chambers within Inner Earth where we can go with our closest Angel Guardian Mentor with us since birth to work through any last vestiges of negativity that remains from our previous lives and incarnations on Earth; where we will be Clarified, Purified, and Sanctified. We've created many parallel universes within our own beings that require integration and unity of purpose. All the fragments of our many beings can be healed and united into One. Mentors will be made available for any who so desire this and many other great services and kinds of assistance. Something called, the "Knowledge" is a source open to us even now at this moment in time to ask any question and tap into Akashic Records and much more like the contents of the libraries at Alexandra. Again, this will be a free will choice and no one will be forced to do anything that doesn't come from within their own hearts. We will be able to "see" those we have believed were lost to us; our loved ones and family members and other Star families. We will understand for the first time our Karmic choices and ties to those we've chosen to incarnate with over and over again and our real relationship lines; where they come from and where they go.Those who aren't ready for it and who like things as they are now ~ they get to choose ~ it is still very much a free will arena by Universal Law and they are under no obligation to do so ~ as working towards ascension is happening on millions of other 3D planets in various stages of ascension and they can go there and progress at their own pace. There will open, many dimensions, that have been closed to us prior to this time. Our own frequency is the key that opens these doors unto us. For those with lower frequencies assistance will be granted again, if asked, to enable them to achieve higher levels of frequency.No one makes these judgments for or against us. We may not realize it but we are the judges of ourselves and true masters of our own destiny ~ it has always been so. We reap what we sow by the frequency of our own being. Negative thoughts and actions reduce and put us into lower vibrations, attracting events that match and find resonance within our own hearts. It's a pretty scary thought when we were wandering around the wilderness there ; ) Positive thoughts and actions through kindness and compassion increase our resonance with the higher frequencies and bring true happiness and bliss. Unconditional love is the goal and it's frequency is well known to be 528 HZ and open to any willing to put forth the effort to catch up at any time and even go beyond these frequencies.Many hearts will change as the Solar Winds blow Adamantine Particles and blessings upon us ~ to raise our consciousness. This is becoming a joy to watch among our brothers and sisters at this time. Don't know if you've noticed or not. If you are not in tune with these particles it is true, they can damage your body. They tend to bring things to the surface to be expressed whether it be anger, frustration, hate, or love and amplify the effects. Addictions rise up to the surface to be addressed and overcome as they hold us back and limit our progress ~ it is necessary to work diligently to be free of them enough to raise into higher vibrations. All influences will be amplified 1,000 fold! Whether you do good or things of a lower vibration. Frequency has become more important now than ever before. The higher your frequency can be maintained the easier your way becomes when there are less negatives to amplify. Peace and serenity are possible and can be amplified as well ~ even as they increase and are felt more strongly as days go by.New ways to increase our frequency and assist in own healing will flood the earth and we will be assisted if we ask ~ and a vital necessity to receive help ~ is that we ask, and eventually no illness will be found on Earth. Can you imagine a world without the need for drugs, hospitals, doctors? No health plans or socialize medicine needed. Each of us will become the healers we have always been. All of our gifts will be restored as Masters.No money will be needed either as we will be provided literally the Bounty of Heaven freeing us up to create our hearts desire. While I can't speak for anyone but myself and through my own experiences, my Heavenly Father told me of his great love and desire that his children be provided with the desires of their own hearts. It's of the greatest importance to him. I believed him when he told me this and that will never change. He asked me to teach his children how to love again and I have done this on every occasion when I could do so. If we believe, we can all join in teaching about love to one another. It is not asked just of me. He said that we should walk barefoot and let our roots grow deep within the Earth, Gaia. And swim in the oceans and lakes, again growing our roots ever deeper to anchor her in love and light. This, we, all can do and in great joy.Before anyone gets too excited ~ know this: No one is coming to conquer the Earth; what is coming is our own higher selves and Celestial brothers and sisters and even the Agarthans from Inner Earth will be with us again. They have always been here as our Angels and Guides, as our I AM PRESENCE, and Higher Power, and have arrived in great force and numbers to assist us OPENLY. Expect to see millions of Mother ships of all sizes to arrive in the skies above us and do not be afraid when you see them, let your hearts be filled and mirror back the greatest love and adoration between us as in days of old prior to our Earthly experience.They are there now but haven't de-cloaked yet. Many of us can see or sense their presence and it's the greatest show of force I've ever witnessed with the greatest love and adoration towards us. Even now these Mother ships are open~ if we wish to visit them. Most of us have been visiting them at night while we sleep on other etheric and spiritual planes and dimensions. Again, to do so, requires only the asking and is open freely to all.They say that certain media sources will announce them finally and that it will come first to those in communication with them at present ~ as in channels and other spiritual connections before these public announcements. It is said that we each will take these events through our own hearts and find the meaning there.That's what this is ~ for your benefit now. There is a whole different feel in the air today, have you noticed? Time is very short before wonderful things begin to happen. Woo Woo! What the "government" does or doesn't do will not have much effect on us either way since this makes it a whole new ballgame, indeed. Many have ridiculed the idea of Divine Intervention, and now, they can judge for themselves whether it be true or not!I'd like to take this opportunity to express in an open forum, my deepest and abiding love and appreciation for these Great Celestial Beings and Heavenly Hosts who have been with us every step of the way since we left the preexistence to come and experience duality upon the Earth. Although, we may have forgotten it, we were once anxious and eager volunteers, and now, after all the endless incarnations (some say 400 lives) through so much darkness for the last 13 million years, we have arrived back to our origins once again. Full circle. Wow! Let's take a deep breath and appreciate this accomplishment. Imagine our long journey to get here! Appreciate our diligence and passion to see these most exciting times arrive and be fulfilled.We have achieved what no one in the Universe expected and they are thrilled on our behalf that we have done what was impossible to do up until this time! Yes, it's never been done before on any other 3D planet! This comes from the highest authorities! All the World Councils on Saturn and All Universes including 50 New Star Nations and all members of the Galactic Federation of Light are present and watching these developments ~ and at long last, we go forth into the light of a new day! May the trumpets sound the notes of our celebration! I call my Silver Mac Air, my trumpet, as in days of older equipment and other silver and gold trumpets.If the Celestials are amazed at our progress and achievements, don't you think we should be, too! Well, it will all come back to our memories soon! Ask that all veils be lifted, so we can become ready and able to see again.Most of us, have no real concept yet of all that has been achieved but that shouldn't diminish our joy! It reverberates throughout all Universes and Solar Systems in delight! Can you feel the great joy and celebrations? Tune into it, it's available!This calls for group hugs here and in throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and far, far beyond! Let the celebrations and reunions begin at long last! And in my absolute gratefulness, let me express the fabulous gratitude I have to have lived long enough to see this day arrive. It is enough! Let us gather together now and begin to experience all that the Earth has offered throughout these eons but for which we were unable to partake of freely and fully until now in the fullness of time. And so it is... Amen. xoxoxoxoxox
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