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Emotions (6)

COLD SORES, emotions and spiritual meaning

Cold Sores: it is commonly called “fire”, or sore fever. It is a condition caused by a virus. Vesicles on the lips accompanied by pain that cause tension, pulling, tingling or burning are formed.

It is the physical manifestation of an inner contradiction. You want something that attracts us but at the same time, we are afraid of it.

This “fire” on the lips can be caused by a harsh judgment against someone of the opposite sex that has not been expressed, at the last moment, we have retained it on the lips, in our expression.

Herpes can also manifest when we consider that someone or something is disgusting. Repulsive vesicles represent disgust that we can externalize.

Similarly, herpes can be the perfect excuse for not kiss others or a particular person, with whom we are angry, because she made us feel humiliated.

Conversely, cold sores can say that the person has not received enough kisses:

"We don’t have our dose of kisses".

"I'm waiting for a kiss, but it never comes”

"I would have liked to kiss her, but it is no longer possible”

Dirt + separation conflict: "I feel dirty or sullied because they have not kissed me" "So much sweetness makes me sick”

What contradiction causes me suffering? What difficult situation does not dare to attack, but tries to do so? What gives me this disgusting feeling? What disgusts me? Have we said something that has burned us? Who wants to kiss us? Who would not want to kiss us?

Who do we refuse to be kissed by?

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When Feeling Overwhelmed


The ups and downs of this Ascension Process is still affecting many. One day we can be feeling quite stable within, "Yeah! got it all last, " type of feeling, then the next day we can be highly emotional and shedding some tears. There are some things we can adopt into our daily routine, no matter how emotional we may feel, that can perhaps lessen the impact of "those" days.

One way is not to take on anymore than you can handle. I will share some excerpts from The Tibetan Art of Serenity from the chapter - Feeling Overwhelmed -

" We can spend ten minutes at the start of our day by determining what our priorities are and then focusing on them throughout our day. Don't let yourself be pulled towards anything - from business meetings to casual conversations - that feels time wasting. Instead, make space in your day for the things that are important to you: from projects, to exercise, to family time. Hold these times as sacred."

Absolutely ! It's so easy to be pulled into another project thinking we have plenty of energy, only to find out after getting halfway through it that we don't have the strength to take care of the most important assets in our life, like our kids and their needs re school, etc. And also don't forget the needs of pets - dogs tend to get bored and destructive if not given their exercise!       I have found out.........

" Revolutionize the way in which you communicate - Learn to speak from your heart. By this I mean don't talk about what is wrong but concentrate instead on what is right. Don't complain, belittle others or predict disaster. Instead, use your speech to praise, appreciate and be optimistic. Let your speech be a starting point of harmony and a tool to disentangle the confusion that creates the state of being overwhelmed.

" Change the way you work - Does your work contain the passion of your self? If not, reclaim your life. If your work is making you sick, bitter or no longer reflects the way you are, release it, for it is a contagious disease, which will be affecting the whole of your life. Choose instead to find work that supports who you are and your dreams, hopes and abilities. Too often we are hostage to work, believing that we must do jobs we hate in order to earn money. Have the courage to leave behind this way of thinking and the support you need will come to you. "

I have to agree with this, but not only in work issues. In everyday life, in general, we need to adopt a transformational  way of assessing HOW we think as life on earth contains much higher spiritual energy than ever before. I have found that the old way of doing, thinking and being on earth is changing rapidly to suit our higher personal frequencies. We are gradually aligning with the Universal Flow which puts us in situations that are compatible with our personal frequency. What this does is we ALLOW ourselves to be living in the consciousness of the Now which means our whole focus in any moment is on what we are doing in that moment. We are aware of our physical movements and the task at hand. When our minds are not overtaking our lives and stealing energy from us, we have crystal clear focus and a much higher energy to do the task at hand.

The Universal Flow is the way of living in the future when we all are living in that higher dimension on Earth. I do not believe in predictions of time and dates of when this will occur as the breaking down of the old 3D way of life is in process and the awakening of humanity IS happening, but I feel we have a long way to go. When we do, life takes on a very different, lighter feel. For one thing, we are less dense. Gone are the cumbersome days of heaviness. Life flows beautifully in this higher dimension and we live as One with the Universal Flow. We know instinctively where to go and what to do as though it is a part of us, which it is! And this will be the way of following our individual energy flow to have the things that we need in life; flowing along with the energies of Source which contains everything anyone, including the animals, will need for survival.

Back to sharing from the book: " Create calm - To find a sense of inner calm, take five minutes a day to practice paying attention to just one thing. This may be anything - your breathing, a flower, an object, anything you wish. It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that you observe the divine within it. Like the muscles in our bodies, the brain becomes stronger as we train it. And this focusing exercise trains the brain to recognize and accept calm. The calmer you are, the less overwhelmed you become, for from calmness comes the path to serenity. Focusing on just one thing starts to awaken your inner consciousness and allows you to recognize that the ability to meditate is naturally within you and not something you have to acquire or do. Single-pointed focus stabs fear to the core, while drawing out serenity within you to the point where it spills like a flood out into your everyday mind, imbuing all things with well-being. "

That is the end of the chapter from - The Tibetan Art of Serenity - by Christopher Hansard.


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This post is about our emotions and thoughts enslaving our lives to the point that they cloud the light of Our Divine Nature ...

It is about Self-observation and Being in the Moment,

freeing the energy that is being used for negative emotions

to return it to the I AM and its fulfillment.

This post is for who feels the Beauty and Sacredness of their Soul,

and yet feels in a maze as far as overcoming one of the most, IF NOT THE MOST, important requirement in the Stairway to Heaven, or Ascension as you may like to call it ....

the Control over our Thoughts and Emotions .... without this control Initiations cannot take place, and it may take more than a physical life to be able to master them.

With Love and Reverence for you All,


Once you realized

you are in prison,

then and only then

you can design your escape.


Downloadable pdf and at the end of the post downloadable FILM (A MUST SEE !!!): 
Italiano - Clicca qui- formato PDF
English - Click here- PDF format

It takes courage, a lot of courage,

to get begin deliberately eliminating beliefs

that make us suffer.

Maybe you don’t believe

you have the power

to create your own reality,

but if you accept this premise

you can truly create a different reality from the one that you’re suffering.



Everything starts with a thought that appears within our Field of Consciousness.
Initially, this thought is essentially an image, a vivid flash, which is not accompanied by any words, because it comes from a place where words do not have any importance. It's a thought/image that has enormous power, because it is the initiation of a creation: a thought that outlines a possible reality, that we might choose to create or not, knowing that we have the possibility to choose. What we do, however, as the result of little or no knowledge of the phenomenon, is to comply instantly with it like conditioned androids.
Until we intervene to shine a light with our Consciousness, these powerful thoughts/images are generated involuntarily, unconsciously and focused on repetition and the rooting of experiences to which it’s generating, or has already triggered, a strong emotional attachment. These experiences will become habits, and habits will become emotional addiction, that is the primary support of the Opponent, and one of the primary means of our energetic and vital disempowerment.

So we can say that until we intervene to shine a light with our Consciousness, almost all of what we call free actions and creations are under the control of the Opponent.

Your anxiety is nothing but the anxiety of the Volador; always fearful that his stratagem is discovered and his food denied.Through the mind that, after all, is their,the Voladores instill in the lives of human beings what suits them best;guaranteeing a certain level of security that will calm their fear.


A Warrior has control.Not on other human beings,but on his own emotions.He does not repress them,he expresses them,fearless,but only at the right time.


An emotion usually represents

a pattern of thought amplified and loaded of energy.

It wants to control you,

and usually succeeds,

if you get drawn into an

unaware identification

with the emotion

for lack of Presence.




Concealment is the passive phase of the Opponent, in which it momentarily moves back, and uses the advantage unconsciously acquired on us to keep us in a low energy state and out of balance, so as not being able to cope a later attack with Energy and Consciousness. How does it succeed in all this? Through over-feeding the Surface Mind, with a useless tangle of thoughts that will produce low energy emotions and moods, such as anger, jealousy, envy, resentment, concern, and similar ... all shades of the same emotion: Fear.

Which is ultimately the Opponent's fear of being discovered.

Thoughts that are facing automatically, changeable, erratic, contradictory, which trap us in a very simple way: they think theirselves with the 'I' pronoun. 'I think'. 'I feel'. 'To me, what he did is bad'. 'Did you see what she did to me'. etc.. etc..
But who is this 'I'? How many 'I' are in your head? Is it possible that this 'I' wants one thing, and five minutes later wants another, sometimes very against the first one?

It is not possible answering these questions without Consciousness.


All it takes is a choice,a simple decision:

whatever happens,I will not create pain for myself anymore.

Although it is a simple choice,it is also very radical.

You won't make this choice unless you are really tired of suffering,

if you did not really have enough.


As we have seen, the Disempowering Spiral is triggered by a thought/image generated by The Opponent in our Surface Mind; thus, before going back to the source, in the meanwhile we can act into our inner selves to reduce at the minimum possible the energy losses caused by the Disempowering Spiral.
To counter this loss, there are two powerful disciplines:
•The non-expression of negative emotions
•The resurfacing of the Deep Mind
One of the Opponent's primary goals is generating negative emotional energy, capable of paralyzing our good intentions, making us prey of any kind of emotional addiction and transform our lives into a hell totally powered by unreal illusions. However, this outcome may effectively achieved if and only if this emotional energy is expressed in an action that manifest it. If internally we perceive an emotion of anger, and we transform this emotion in action venting it against something or someone, we have taken the final step in the energy support of the Opponent because, we could say, the Opponent is greedy of the emotional short circuit generated by actions that manifest negative emotions.

Do not express negative emotions, and therefore do not transform them into action, means introducing an element of detachment between our perception and the action. The negative emotion continues to exist, but we do not express it, basically because it was generated by a force that we are not, through tools that have been, let's say, usurped from us without us noticing it.

But beware! Not expressing a negative emotion does not mean denying it, or pushing it in deep, because this would introduce an additional element of suffering in our Field of Consciousness. Not expressing a negative emotion means accepting it totally within us, letting it be everything it has to be and burning it in the fire of our Total Attention. Means being totally present in front of it without any backward step, but without turning it into action. Means observing what we perceive and realizing that our Surface Mind is interpreting an unpleasant bodily sensation, such as tingling or tightness in certain parts of the body, and is giving it a name associated with a series of actions, or rather, reactions, to turn it off or push it back or in deep.


Not expressing a negative emotion requires much, much energy, because normally what we do as unconscious human beings is exactly the opposite. It seems paradoxical, but human beings typically do not exhibit positive emotions and turn into action the negatives. It seems paradoxical, but it is not because it's a precise tactic result.
Yet, emotions are very, very important: all traditions of inner research show us tools aimed to develop and express them at their best. For example, in Kabbalistic language, emotions are called measures, since it is right through them that humans can measure theirselves to realize how much they have really progressed on the path of the growth of Consciousness. In the normal state, however, human beings come to produce emotions by the misuse of the 

Surface Mind for the only benefit of perpetuating the presence of the Opponent within their Field of Consciousness.
Do not express negative emotions, can and must begin with small steps. There are big demons handled by the Opponent within us, and it is crazy beginning the reconquest passing through them. Something simple enters our Field of Consciousness, shaking our views on the World, and generates a negative emotion: anger, contempt, depression. Face the emotion that occurs; see how this emotion springs from a thought automatically generated by the Surface Mind; look at the nature of this emotion, its taste, the purely physical sensations produced in the body. Look, let the emotion be, but don't manifest it in action. Do not vent the anger or contempt we feel, against us or something else. Do not express our depression in actions that confirm it. Observe emotions, but do not express them, because none of all this is us. 

If you can remain vigilant and present

watching everything perceived internally without being overwhelmed,

you'll be given the opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practice

and a rapid transformation of all the past pain will become possible.


A negative emotion, intended as an emotion that dissipates energy, which is unbendingly observed without being fought, without being denied, without being expressed in a reactive manner, passes quickly and starts almost immediately to decrease in intensity. Then, with our inner being so cleaned up, if it will necessary an action to ensure that all of the excitement passes away entirely, we will act, but our action will be clean, creative and not reactive. All qualities that will make the situation functional and in support of our Field of Consciousness, rather than a new, umpteenth and unaware energy supply paid to the Opponent.

Do not believe yourself.

Do not believe all the lies you are telling about yourself.

Do not believe what you say when you affirm not to be enough of something.

Do not believe in your limits.

Do not believe all this,

because it is not true.


Enjoy the movie!

Lo Sfidante: download documentary movie
Part I: The Enslavement
Format: Xvid 640x480
Audio: MP3
Size: 811.8 Megabytes
Part II: The Reconquest
Format: Xvid 640x480
Audio: MP3
Size: 631.3 Megabytes
Full movie
Format: Xvid 480x360
Audio: MP3
Size: 957.8 Megabytes
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Losing a Piece of the Self versus Wholeness

As we develop love within and learn the truly fine art of self forgiveness and self love, we glow with ever more Light. As our Light shines from within us, straight from the heart, we literally illuminate the space around us. On more subtle levels our high frequency vibrations extend their reach throughout the world, and out into the Universe. They affect, through resonance, all who encounter them. I am sure we would be truly astounded to learn just how far our personal reach of Light is.

With this in mind, it makes so perfect sense to embark on a personal healing pathway without delay, one which includes methods that support the release of our issues - no matter where or how deeply they are squirrelled away. It just makes absolutely no sense to hold onto anything which is of a lowered resonance, because this hampers our progress into other realms. Resonance with these realms allows us to have actual reality experiences, or lives, which are so much more pleasant than anything we have known, yet are everything we have ever dreamed about. 

In support of this process of healing, or maybe as a result of it, I would like to comment on something that made a profound impression on me. I (and others) heard some more truly amazing wisdom tonight - again - from ENKI. He discussed the concept of non-judgement (and other so-called negative tendencies such as anger and criticism) at length, and included in this discussion the reasons why it would be helpful for everybody to practice maintaining themselves in a state of balance, with love.

He basically reminded us that whenever we criticise, judge or get angry - and this includes directing these emotions, thoughts or behaviours towards ourselves - we lose a piece of ourself. When we stay balanced, we maintain our Wholeness.

Personally, that is enough to give me pause for thought.

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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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a post from Marlene Marion:

also check:

with a lot of information on the heart/emotional physiology/heart-brain interaction/intuition/emotional energetics

According to the Heartmath Institute the heart has neurons like the brain, see pictures below


thanks go to Luis Angel Diaz of Cellular Memory on his ning for this information


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