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EARTH (25)


Walking Terra Christa is holding our second class “ENERGY POSTURE” in our series, “Transcending Energy – Ascension Clinic”which teaches on the subject of preparing the full body system to receive the higher accelerations. Our introductory class with Dr. Lorphan on the Crystalline Light Body gave an excellent background and Healing for anyone interested in learning more about, or already experiencing, the challenges of incorporating the Light Body (including what are termed “Ascension Symptoms”).

We have learned that it is essentially important to prepare the body to receive the initiations of light so that those energies can assist in raising the Light Quotient within the body and become grounded within the individual’s “FOUNDATION”.

The Foundation is located under the Earth Star and can be seen as a spiraling light formation that is created within an individual’s field. If that Foundation is filled with other elements that do not fit the higher dimensional levels that are entering the body, then the incoming energies cannot be held within the full body system.

In this class we provide some tools and techniques and explain why they are essential. Some of the subjects will be:

  • Protection for the Self and Your Environment – key elements,
  • Art of Journaling – working with the Mental Body,
  • Breathing Techniques – Preparing the Body,
  • Relaxation of the Physical – A visualization to go through all the body parts to prepare for the higher energies. We will pass on a special guided technique called “Spiraling Light”, which is a meditation that Dr. W. Brugh Joy developed that we infuse with the Higher Octave frequencies of the Rays of God.

We work with Lord Melchizedek to bring all of these steps into initiating the four-body system to prepare for the accelerations of light.

As awakened individuals, we have to go through a process to receive the energies, which will in turn, facilitate the process of healing. Without the proper foundational steps, the higher forms of healing do not take root. This is why we have to go through the purging process of removing the old elements such as fear, anger, frustration, low self-esteem issues, co-dependency issues, insecurity within the self, (just to name a few along with the Ascension Symptoms), as well as the many lessons that we encounter in order to fully accept our Divine Self Embodied Within.

It is when we go through these frequencies of the planetary changes that these elements arise within our full consciousness for us to look at them, acknowledge them, so that they can fully be put into Oneness. Many of these elements are coming from the Etheric Body, which has housed debris from the many timelines we have experienced in other times. Without going through this process, the Lower Ego can stay intact too long and cause many particles to arise within an individual that then create the opportunity for more lessons that are necessary to make the changes.

It can also cause the Mental Body to be so active that the Emotional Body cannot go through the many feelings that need to be processed. We have come from eons of the Masculine Divine being the rule of the world. As this is no longer in alignment with the Higher Octave Energies we are experiencing, it can be very challenging to step into the awareness of the emotions, allowing the Heart to heal within. This is the process of the Feminine Divine blending with the Masculine Divine, (which is exactly what the New Earth requires to come into full creation).

What all this means is we have to prepare the four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) to receive the Higher Bodies (of the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence) so that we can expand into the seven-body system.

It requires a step-by-step process to allow the energies to full be integrated through the four bodies. When an individual can automatically go into the higher state of awareness, it makes it easier, but it takes great diligence and practice to get there. As individuals, we have to teach each of our four bodies to work with one another through this process.

Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning and restructure how we achieve things in our life. As our body changes through the process, we need to be cognizant of the tools that are necessary to allow this flow of exchange. This is what our work brings forth so that a pathway that can be more easily walked to the New Earth is created.

A Message from Lord Melchizedek:


It is my Divine Pleasure to be part of these teachings. As many of you already know, I work with all of the initiates within the Mastery Pathway, and my energies are an integral part of Walking Terra Christa.

Let’s speak about what it means to have “Energy Posture”.

As a human, your body is not accustomed to receiving the higher light frequencies. It is in a period of adjustment so that it can be aligned with your Soul’s Essence from the higher realms. Some individuals become easily adjusted within this focus, but many do not. The majority of awakened souls on this planet do not know how to deal with the ascension symptoms as they come in various degrees of light frequency depending upon the lifestyle and consciousness that a person can hold within themselves.

As you prepare your body to allow the frequency to be integrated within your full consciousness, you become very aware of whom you are, what works for you, and how to get through your days within the higher frequencies of light.

Holding the higher light quotients within the body takes great diligence and patience within the soul. It does not happen automatically although many individuals may think just the opposite. You see, you have come to earth, the planet of Gravity, of Duality. You, as a soul, are probably very enlightened in the higher dimensions of light, but yet, on Earth it is more of a challenge to hold the vibrational essences within the physical body.

So the body has to become accustomed to the process.

As I said, it can be very overwhelming especially if you have not been trained to hold the light within you and ground it. Many individuals have the ability to bring in the higher essences but hold it in their higher chakras so the lower body does not receive the benefits of the higher frequencies. It is imperative to fully ground these energies not only for each of you, but for Gaia, as you are her Beacons of Light.

I believe that what we will embark upon in this class is to help you realize your full potential from a soul’s purpose to fully be acknowledged within your physical body. Meleriessee and Mike have some wonderful tools they want to share;  I will assist in bringing “the whole package together” with my energies. My role is to help you cement all the parts to come into Oneness of the Self.

Working with each of you and this class will give me a deeper opportunity to continue this journey on a more personal basis.

I look forward to working every person that attends this class, as our affiliation with each other will be connected on a more personal basis.

Many blessings and Light,

Lord Melchizedek

If you are interested in attending this class on Thursday, October 8that 4:30 PM Pacific, please check out “Our Class Page”. You may attend LIVE or join just to access the MP3 recording. The series will continue throughout the month in preparation for the 11:11 energies.

Walking Terra Christa also has a great Partner Member Program in which you can take advantage of weekly teachings/channelings at a price that is geared to your income level.  We would love to have you join our Soul Family of Light.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Frequency-update_800_500-001-e1442731984377.jpgThe New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message from the 144th dimension of Light representing the Creative Source of Oneness.  The Unified Whole Command represents a triple flame consciousness of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.  They are the overseeing the energies of Oneness as all souls, Light Beings, of all dimensions step into the Oneness that we all reside within.

Blessings to each of you on this fine moment of our creation together. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

The creative process that is occurring presently is to allow the increased elements that have been lost through the eons of time within this planet to be fully accepted by all of humanity.

What happens through this process is that there is great change to be felt, experienced, and seen through the eyes of the many. As each individual self makes up the whole essence of human consciousness, each of those souls has a major part in the transitions within the Earth. It is important that everyone has a purpose and a reason of why they react as they do, what they do with those reactions, and how it is interpreted within their human and spiritual consciousness.

Each of you must understand that every person within the planet plays this role, as they seem fit to do so by their previous ways of doing things. It is not until a person “wakes up” so to speak that they see the way they have been feeling and acting is truly not part of their Divine Purpose.

Or is it?

This is a question that is happening at this time as the light infractions within the earth are changing greatly and if an individual does not adhere to those light elements within their life in a positive manner, than catastrophe will result. Great changes are coming and it is up to each individual soul how they are going to incorporate the incoming energies.

The planet is moving quickly into its transition of light. It has been doing so for quite some time. The foundation was set in the early 1900’s with information being revealed through many texts of work. Those souls that brought that information forward truly are the pioneers of this planet for awakening.

You see each of us were together during the Lemurian and Atlantean times. Those knowledges were lost with the sinking of those continents so the planet had to be regenerated in a new and different way than it had been existing previously. You would say that in those aftershock moments Gaia went into the existence of raw energy. Everything had to be restarted and learned in a completely different way.

Many lifetimes ensued with great traumatic events as souls were fighting for what they believed in. The entrance-way of the non-christed beings from Atlantis and Lemuria caused the prior belief systems of the earth to be sacrificed while these alternate understandings became very commonplace in the renewal of the earth. So the lifetimes upon lifetimes with war encasing the planet, all were part of the fighting of souls against each other. It has continued for many eons of time as cities around the world were destroyed with greed and lack of faith from the Source of Oneness.

It has continued for such a long time but within the changes that have been felt since 2012 more light infractions have been placed within the earth. This means that more souls in the human form are looking at life quite differently than they did before. A remembrance is happening within human consciousness to assist Gaia to continue her transition. She is moving out of darkness and into the light in a very slow process.

2015 has brought this light more fully into the planetary structure. Her foundation is still very fragile and cracked in way too many spaces, but she sees that there is progress even if it is minuet. There is hope where before the faith had been diminished.

More individuals are awakening to feeling these energies in a new and balanced manner. But, yet, there is still great skepticism and lack of faith that it can survive. Many think that there is no change and then others are so hopeful that they hold it within their hearts very deeply. Change is inevitable and this month brings more of what has already been experienced but within the power that is greatly magnetized in various ways.

It was decided through the many Universal structures that Earth should be a mirror for other planets to follow suit. It was believed from the Source of Light that the inhabitants of the planet would be able to walk through many trials of darkness in order to find their highest hopes to be realized. So the pressure was put upon Gaia and each of you to uphold the highest level of integrity to move through the process of the Rebirth.

Gaia is now coming very slowly out of the darkness but many areas of her existence are still encased within the old paradigms that need to be regenerated.

The energetic exchanges throughout this year have been a step-by-step process of allowing the light to be infracted in many different ways.

It started out with regenerating the energies and very slowly went deeper into the dark places to allow the light to shine even brighter. The change of the seasons brought more of the same into the planet and each of you. The Solstice in June proved to be a stepping ground to allow the angelic essence to become more of a reality within the planetary existence as had been in previous times. It was just a very small remembrance of the Lemurian and Atlantean way of life. It has continued through the months to allow the infractions of the angelic self to be felt more within each human field.

The point being is that not all humans feel this change. It is still a very small minority of individuals that can access the higher part of their existence. The planet is still in deep duality and holding unto the 4th dimensional relationship that pertains to the movement of dark timelines that are continually being ignited. The sad part is that when the energetic exchange is so strong individuals that cannot get past their own involvement of the self is when they are challenged the most. So this causes the planetary system to feel these reactions through all of the thought-forms and lower vibrations.

What happens through this evolving energy is that the power of the light infractions are very intensified in order to assist each individual upon the planet to open up their energies unto a higher presence within themselves. Sometimes if feels like a loosing battle as many individuals do not see the picture that is in front of them and all they have to do is to receive it; that is when we step in to assist.

We are at a juncture of time in which the accelerations that are occurring are deepening within the core of Gaia to assist all of humanity.

The reason we share this information is to help each of you understand why you may be feeling the intensity of the energies much deeper than you realize. As each planetary transition occurs, it brings those elements that have been out of balance to start to move in a forward movement of Divine Love and Divine Power. The elements that do not fall into that category then must go through a renewal process in which the old vibrations must go into the light. Now that is not easy, as most of you realize, because it causes the elements that have molded the old self to be ripped apart in many different ways. Then, the regeneration process has to begin.

With the incoming energies of the Solar Angels since the June Solstice, many individuals have not accepted that open doorway, so the Solar Angels do not have the capability to assist that particular soul within the physical arena. They help through the Higher Self and the Dream State, but it is not as focalized as having it within the physical self. So that causes those thought forms that do not reflect the angelic self to be put out into the full consciousness of the Earth and beyond. This means it makes it more challenging for those that are aware of this essence and want to bring it forward on a deeper level.

So this is why August may have been very challenging for you. The energies surrounding the planet can be very dualistic which meant that each of you had to work harder to find your core essence of love. You can do it, but the work becomes more challenging for each soul trying to access the angelic essence.

Now that September has arrived and you are in the midst of more challenges; first, with the partial Solar Eclipse of the New Moon and then the Equinox, followed by the Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon.

We have to remember also that the Super Moon in August started these energies to be commanded in a very high degree of acceleration and will continue through the next Super Moon of September.

Just as all those unawakened individuals are challenged to stay in their duality and not accept their higher essence, each of you within the awakened level are struggling to stay within your Higher Essence to combat the lower dualities within your Etheric body. This process brings forth the element of tug and war within the self.

As the energies shift this month, the power of your struggles should be greatly minimized as long as you continue to adhere to the Higher Essence you have become. It is a time of great lessons and understanding how to combat the lower forces that have ensued within you as a soul from lifetime to lifetime.

The frequencies of these elements is beyond what the human mind can fathom as it has never been felt or done before. It has only been talked about”.

As the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon brought the frequencies of more light infractions into each of you, it becomes a testing ground of what you can hold within your physical self.

It is important through these phases to realize that the power of your Soul’s Essence is beyond your comprehension and all you have to do is stay within your Higher Self’s energy as much as possible. It is the one process that is going to help you get through these hurdles.

If you can imagine being in space as a beautiful Being of Light; you are then bombarded by this ball of energy that is so amazing that your eyes cannot hold the picture.

The light is so bright.

You then hold out your arms and receive this Light Infraction that holds many colors upon colors. As you do this, you command through your I AM Presence to allow the existence of this light to change everything in your world that does not fit. This form of light will transform anything into its own power. You don’t have to do anything but just receive it.

“You feel elated from the experience and allow the energies to run through your entire field of light, you become the Light Infraction.”

Then, all of a sudden you felt little balls of darkness filled with negative thought forms circling around you. You expand the light you just experienced and hold it deeply within your Heart Center. It expands in and around you.

You may feel the lower energies but they don’t interact with you as their level is much lower than what you have just received. This is allowing the Light Infraction to fully be integrated within you as you become One with it. There is no separation so anything below this field of Light cannot penetrate within you.

This is exactly the process that each of you needs to bring forth during these times of great changes. The Equinox is the next acceleration which is a huge element. It occurs on the 23rd of September and brings with it Great Enlightenment of the Self. It represents facing your darkness and other elements around you, but being at peace with it. It is a step into the period of harvesting what you have learning and put it into practice.

If you have had difficulty with financial stability in the past couple of months, please know that you are not alone. Sometimes in order to find the silver lining you must surrender to the process of the old elements. This means the 3rd dimensional world and how you interact within that world. The Equinox brings forth a new and highly evolved energetic exchange.

Now some of you may say,

“Well, Mercury Retrograde is occurring right now and how can I be abundant when that energy is occurring”.

Let me tell you that if you learn to rise above the energies of the planetary systems around you, then you will not be affected adversely by their changes, but will actually benefit from those energies.

Remember, we shared that Earth is the poster child for 5th dimensional energies. Mercury represents the 3rd dimensional reflection. So increasing your consciousness beyond the 3rd and 4th dimension actually means you will not have the same experiences as others.

Then the Full Moon of the 27th/28th of September occurs with a Lunar Eclipse. This is the powerhouse of energy that is going to assist you to move out of your present circumstances into the full existence that you desire within you. It represents moving further into your higher essence yet again and opens up the doorway to be a Trailblazer of Light within you. It will be another powerful Super Moon.

Each of these activations is occurring to bring more light into the planet and each of you. It is up to you individually what you do with them. As they occur, more purging will happen within the emotions and thoughts but also through the physical body. It is a time when there will be more activation of the cellular structure in order to hold these light infractions on a physical basis.

Be strong in what you are experiencing; know that this is just a portion of your destiny. More is going to come in various ways. But each moment that you are able to stabilize the energy within you, gives you the ability to build a better foundation.

Take time in the silence to receive the energies, to allow them to blend within your full body system, to assist you in elements that need addressing, and then you can hold onto them within your full structure so much easier*.

Yes, changes will happen. Darkness will try to come but the more we work we do together, the less these traumatic events will occur. People will change, hopefully for the better. Some will choose to leave.

The transitions of light are extremely powerful and magnetic. It is a magical time and sometimes magic is not all about the light. All will be revealed within each of you so take time to reflect in the mirror that is in front of you. It is the purpose of each of us being in full Oneness that is the most important aspect.

In the presence of light and love,
We are the Unified Whole Command at your Service
Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

P.S.: Prepare yourself  during these powerful accelerations by joining Walking Terra Christa for a first time event – An ASCENSION CLINIC to help you in TRANSCENDING these energies with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. 

Please also attend these free public ceremonies and teaching events (click the links to register):

The Equinox: Wednesday, September 23rd, at 4:30 PM Pacific (free open public teaching), 
The Sacred Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul for the Full Moon: Saturday, September 26th at 10 AM Pacific (free open public teaching). 

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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The Flower People from the Hollow Earth


So we are here to talk about the flowers, and how they bloom so beautifully and so abundantly in Spring. They lift their heads and turn their faces toward the Sun, and lo and behold, their magnificent bodies emerge from the dirt and you see their full beauty and smell their deep fragrance. They are magical aren’t they? And they have a message for your surface folk now:

Dearest people on Earth, we are the Flower People from Catharia, inside the Hollow Earth, here to guide you also, and to bring you the fragrant scents and smells from the Heaven World through our delicate and beautifully shaped bodies of Light. For we are of Light also, although your five senses do not yet detect our vibration.

We flow our Light to you in currents of waves when you kneel beside us to smell our fragrant petals or to touch our stems. This is especially so in the Hollow Earth, where the people are connected to us in their full consciousness. Soon you will be too, and then we can converse and play together. Yes, we love to play, and we do this easily. Even though we cannot move around, our laughter and voices can be heard whenever you are in our vicinity, and we can play in our thoughts and visions and sing to all those around us. If you listen deeply, you can hear our songs and sing along with us. We invite you into our aura and into our lives.

We were sent here by the Spiritual Hierarchy to guide you into your ascension, and to bring you the beauty of Heaven. For as you connect with our beauty, you connect to Heaven. It is one and the same. For beauty is who you are, and we are here to remind you of this truth. We send our love out to you on the petals of springtime and the aromas wafting through the air. Catch them and connect to us. We await your visit. We are the Flower People from deep inside the Earth.

Copyright © Dianne Robbins 

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(FREE Message from the Crystal Nation with any contribution PLUS Watch a bonus video of me reading the message!!)

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Greetings Dearest Beloveds,

We come to you as the Unified Whole Command of the energies of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director representing the 144th dimension of Oneness. We want to share with you about the energetics of the Earth that each of you are experiencing presently.

As we come to an end of a very majestic year, it helps to understand the process of events that have occurred. There is more light within the planet than has ever been received. Since the Solstice in June there are infractions of the angelic essences being more grounded within each human upon Gaia. Many are unaware of this but it is the pathway of the events unfolding within your world.

This makes perfect sense as each of you and all of us within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light were part of a Divine Plan to bring forth the angelic essences into body upon the Earth during the 1st Root Race. Since that was eons ago then each of you have had to go through a process of remembering these stages within your growth. This is what all of humanity is experiencing presently.

Those of you that are remembering your true essence will stand in front of so many others to help them understand what they are experiencing. Now many of these souls will choose not to remember but the ones that do will have the benefit of so many stepping into this journey of Awakening before them.

The flow of the planetary energies since June of this year is bringing forth the Divine Essence that has never been lost but truly forgotten. As the adjustments are occurring within the Moon cycles, the Eclipses and the Equinox, there has been great turmoil. But amidst the turmoil is truly a depth of peace that is occurring within the planet. The changes that are happening currently represent what needs to arise in order for GAIA to exist in a completely new way of Beingness. She is healing in so many ways and so is each of you.

December is always a powerhouse of energies but this year represents so much more. Do you not remember 2012 when you thought that change would occur more rapidly? I am sure you do and so do we. It has taken us four years to get to the point that more of humanity would start to see that the world would change and this includes everyone upon it. Change is happening as we speak.

As we move into 2016, we have to realize that the four years it has taken for the planet to accept the light infractions, has given every individual more of a stable foundation. Four years ago this was not possible so the changes that have occurred needed to be in Divine Order, and not the order of what many had thought previously. It was seen that so many individuals did not have the capacity to accept the light energies within themselves. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole has taken all that has occurred and put it into wholeness.


Otherwise, Gaia would still be in a process of circling her energies in the same way that has occurred for eons of time. That cycle is now being stopped due to the activations of light within the planet. What occurs presently is that the re-birth is occurring.

Within the process of the re-birthing cycle old elements would need to be revised, purged, and taken out of the existence within Gaia’s pathway in order for the new essences to be integrated within the entire circumference of the Earth.

This is the process that each of you is experiencing presently. Your karma is within your four-body system. Instead of reliving that karma through your outside experiences, it is occurring internally within your Masculine and Feminine Divine. What you have experienced in other timelines that have been out of balance may still be out of alignment within your four-body system. It is part of the Divine Order of Creation to allow all elements to be in balance. In addition, what you have done correctly within your past lives, it being accepted within your four-body system.

The same is true for Gaia. She is healing in the same way as each of you.

This is why there are so many elements that are occurring presently. Tragedies are happening and then healing coming out of those tragedies, or there are events that can almost occur, but then there might be many ‘knight in shinning armour’s’ to show up so to speak. The light is arising within the midst of darkness that has occurred on this planet.

But there is still so much that needs to be done.

The power of the activations in December is preparing the planet and each of you to be ready for more. It is important to realize that your Soul Body of Light – your Etheric Body is holding all of these elements, the light and the dark. And it is being emanated into your Physical Body to be healed and released. The problem may be that many people will not think of their healing in this way and will blame outside circumstances for the challenges they are experiencing within their lives like their health, their physical well-being, their living situations, and the jobs that support all of these elements.


It is important to take this time through the following activations of the Solstice in December to allow the stillness within your heart to permeate through your entire being. On December 25th the Christ Consciousness will be activated through the Full Moon Energies opening up the hearts of many. December 31st will bring forth a day of preparation of going into 2016.

What is occurring for you in 2016?

2016 represents Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self

The planet is expanding into greater cycles of reality. It represents a year of completion in the sense that the old paradigm of elements upon this Earth will no longer be able to exist. Great changes will result from these elements, but there is a grand design that is at work. It comes from the Divine Essence of Light that each of you come from. It represents the accessibility of more light infractions to be placed within Gaia’s Core; but it also brings forth many challenges of instability to order for the grand cycle of time and space to be realized.

This means it is a time to fully “roll up your sleeves” so to speak and dig down deeper into which you are as a human, as an angel, as a Light Being. It is a time to fully realize the potentiality of what mastery will mean for you and that the old way of doing things can no longer work for you. There will be realizations to allow more of whom you truly are as a Divine Being to be realized and less of what you have been as a human mold the vision that you hold within yourself.

As this month has enfolded, it is giving you the grand opportunity to be more and accept more of the Divine Essence that you are. Your soul is engaging within you in a completely and different way than it ever has done before. Realizations will come to the forefront of your reality to allow the expansion to be part of your present reality.

The Universal Laws will become more important to the world. This possibly may not be in a concrete way, but you will see those elements becoming more apparent within the enfoldment of a society that seems to be crumbling but yet is arising into a new sense of Divine Creation. Each soul within the Earth will need to learn from their mistakes and right themselves in this newly grounded process of light. Those that cannot will cease to be upon Gaia’s essence as that will be their choosing from their soul’s perspective.

Change is happening, My Dearest Ones and you are the Ones that will have to step up your game.

It is a time to know yourself inside and out – through all of your reflections, as the energetic exchanges will no longer allow you to hide within. All will be revealed within yourself. You will learn that you will have to travel deeper into the hidden core of the abyss within you to find your true destiny.

The world of being in love with everything and all around you will need to be realized within your own consciousness and deeper into your Soul’s Essence. Soul Psychology will be the buzz word because all of the lifetimes you have lived will be erupting out of your soul to be healed and accepted as the Divine Being that you are.

All of this is so very beautiful to watch as it is finally being realized within the Hearts and Minds of every soul upon this planet. It is a new doorway, a new essence to be revealed. The way of Ascension Mastery will be the way to exist upon the planet. Individuals will want to know more about who they are, as the search will go deeper than it ever has been before.

The knowledges of the past that have been kept in secret will start to be revealed only in the highest integrity of all individuals. Those that use abuse as they main goal in life will be revealed. The way of walking with the Masters will be realized but only with hard work and diligence.

You see, the New Earth, cannot be realized until all is open into the Light. Every person upon the planet will need to see more of themselves. And the ones that have been following these ways of living will show many others. They, too, will go deeper than ever before as the role of Ascension Mastery will be realized in a completely and different way.

There will be strict rules that will need to be adhered to through the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole will be more realized within the Earth as it was in the beginning but more focused on the end result of fulfillment of the Divine Plane.

So take this time in the rest of December to honor yourself; see whom you are, what needs to be changed, and embrace what you have achieved this year. We are at a huge beginning together. These realizations of what we have desired for eons of time are now coming into the Light. Our Journey is just beginning and what a beginning it is.

Change will happen within each of you through this process. The Solstice is almost upon the Earth and will bring about new realizations of the self as the light infractions of the Great Central Suns come into existence within the planet. These elements represent Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, through Lord Melchizedek, through Melchoir and then unto Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun.

On a personal and physical level some may feel these changes more directly than others depending upon the soul psychology work that you have been doing.  The body is holding all the other energies and in order for the Feminine Divine to come into balance, all the other bodies need to come into alignment.

Teachings will be coming to the forefront that have been lost but only in wholeness of the Unified Whole. Otherwise, there will be dark moments that will be revealed and will fall upon those timelines when those teachings existed for the wrong reasons. Right and Wrong will be the focal point so the element of balance is absolutely necessary. Many Light Beings are here to assist in the process but the important element is that YOU ARE BECOMING THE MASTER, and you must adhere to the rules of mastery by learning the tools and techniques and acting upon them yourself. We are here to help you but you are the Ones that are embodied upon the earth so there is much more that you can do.

When elements around the world come more into balance, that is when we will be able to step forward to walk with you. We, then, will be with you side-by-side as you will have learned the lessons of mastery within a physical existence. We so look forward to this time together in physical form. Until that time we are here to assist you in a multitude of many ways.

Now that as we move into 2016 it is an age that has never before been realized fully. The Christ Consciousness is becoming One within Each of You.

We thank you deeply for the work that you are doing and continue to strive to be more than your Heart has ever known.

The Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Reality with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Director with all of the Beings of Light within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.


Note: Click here to listen to LORD ADAMA and LORD SAINT GERMAIN talking about visiting the ROYAL TETON RETREAT (audio excerpted from the Guided Teaching Meditation Journey Walking Terra Christa provided to the WTC ACADEMY STUDENTS this week). We also offer the option to use our Guided Meditation Journey to assist you in your visitations to the RETREAT at this time.

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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Cities of Light

by Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), along with various psychics, prophets, channels and seers, foretold (and still foretell) of potential EARTH CHANGES that are directly related to the coming of a NEW AGE upon Mother Earth. A researcher of the information forecasted by these many sources will quickly find various scenarios and happenings spanning varying degrees of land mass alterations, changes and/or catastrophes, much of which is contradictory between sources.

The existence of such contradictions does not mean the information is false, nor does focusing on any one source mean it is true. The discrepancies exist for many reasons. The primary reason is we are a mass consciousness of humanity that has freedom of will. Little changes within our conscious energy field can have massive positive results, or alternatively, if we collectively are failing to make much change within ourselves, we are passively acknowledging that we are in acceptance of whatever needs to occur on the physical plane to force us to change.

Cayce himself had said we always have the power to avoid earth catastrophes of any level. In those days he referred to it as the power of prayer, of tapping into that connection to God. In our work, we refer to it as our core essence as Divine Eternal Beings who ARE ONE with the GOD FORCE through the Journey of the Soul into Full Remembrance, which is the deepest form of prayer one can accomplish.

The NEW EARTH is indeed going to have GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES OF LIGHT. These cities have been referred to 2000 years ago in Biblical terms as “the Land of Milk and Honey”, which was a reference to vast abundance of two items that were considered delicacies in those times. In our modern days of 1989, the I AM AMERICA organization foresaw 5 of these cities within North America.
Well known channel Ronna Herman who works with Archangel Michael’s messages said in 2010 that “You [humanity] have opened the pathways to the Cities of Light so that you can gradually incorporate higher and more refined frequencies of Light.

Another popular channel Michael Quinsey has said: “The Cities of Light of which you are now becoming aware, will give you a sample of what it is like in the higher dimensions. Yet they are more in the nature of Healing Centres specifically prepared to help you raise your consciousness levels. You will take the fast track to remove all the vestiges of your present dimension that have kept you within it.” (Sept. 2, 2011.) A year later he had this to add: “There will be ample facilities, including the Cities of Light, where you can be healed as you are to be fully restored to a prime condition. Eventually you will also be able to reverse the aging process and return to a youthful appearance, and so it will go on until you become a Galactic Being. All of these changes await you and they are not too far in the future. Think positively about them and you will be helping to manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.” (Sept. 19, 2012).

As Quinsey noted, these Golden Etheric Cities are “healing centers for your consciousness”. Basically what the information is telling us is an emphasis on “consciousness”. Many people simply hear such words and take away the “healing” part and do not consider what the “consciousness” part means, instead feeling it will be something like a free healing clinic. This is not correct.

Louise L. Hay has written and spoken for many years on the topic of dis-ease in the body being directly related to our state of being stating, “I wish the children could be taught early on that our thinking creates our experience.” This is the higher dimensional pathway for healing, and is what Quinsey meant. The Etheric Golden Cities will be centers for learning how to heal all parts of ourselves, not just the physical.

We accomplish this by doing the inner work of self-awareness in our ‘consciousness’ to remove elements within us that have, over eons of time, kept our existence in states of dis-ease or dis-harmony. In short, it is purely about doing inner work just as all the great spiritual Masters have been telling us for those same eons of time.

What form does that INNER WORK take to create this healing? In our Academy teachings, we have spent the last four years tapping directly into exactly what the NEW AGE of the NEW EARTH is all about so that you don’t need to sort through the varied sources out there and patch together an understanding. We have done that for you. We actually visit these cities in our conscious awareness so that we can receive the healing we need. As AA Michael, in speaking about the New Earth, has stated through channel Linda Dillon, “That is a very concrete reality and there are many of you out there who are very conscientiously building and working daily with the Cities of Light. Do not think this is simply a pipe dream, it is not and you are seeing the fruits of this.” (Sept. 8, 2012).

Because of the importance of this work, we are releasing a pre-release set of audio teachings from our conscious meditative journey visits to the GOLDEN ETHERIC NEW EARTH CITIES. What occurs in these teachings is rather profound. We are given a vision of what the CITIES look like currently (as they are also in a process of being built and expanded). We then hear from a Being that has a major stake in having the upper earth citizens raise their consciousness (Lord Adama of Telos, capitol city High Priest of the Inner Earth Agartha Network of Cities), so that the Inner Earth citizens can once again walk on the upper earth with their brother and sisters of GAIA. Next the Spiritual Masters and Light Beings, such as AA Michael, instruct us regarding how we can learn to assist ourselves within these cities. Finally, in each teaching journey throughout the transmission, we always receive the higher frequencies that have our Light Bodies learn to shift and accept higher dimensional energies within our full body system (of the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies) so that it is not just about an informational teaching.

Originally the information received by the I AM AMERICA organization related five (5) cities, their approximate etheric location above the surface of the earth, and the qualities that city would assist us in achieving. They stated the Five Golden City Vortices of The United States are: 1.) Gobean: Arizona and New Mexico; Qualities: Transformation, Harmony, and Peace. 2.) Malton: Illinois and Indiana; Qualities: Fruition (fructification), Attainment 3.) Wahanee: Georgia and South Carolina; Qualities: Justice, Liberty, and Freedom 4.) Shalahah: Montana and Idaho; Qualities: Abundance, Prosperity, Healing. And 5.) Klehma: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska; Qualities: Continuity, Balance, and Harmony.

We now know that there are 22 GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES that have many more qualities than first understood. These cities of Light in fact each relate specifically to the 22 RAYS OF GOD, as each city is organized to bring forth the entirety of healing from a specific Ray (or Flame). Light, as we know, is a vibrational frequency, and each of the 22 Rays is given from the God Force to assist us in balancing and elevating our full consciousness in specific areas of our existence, in short: raising our frequency.

. . . From the Etheric City that I AM presently serving in with certain Members of the Great White Brotherhood, We are releasing specialized Rays of Comfort, Peace and Healing for the wounds of this dear planet and her evolutions. It is such a Joyous Experience to be able to see, as the result of your Decrees, the instantaneous Manifestations of Perfection brought about by the Light Rays We send forth to do your and Our bidding, knowing that that Light of God cannot fail! – 1959; Godfrey Ray King/Guy Ballard (author of the I AM DISCOURSES) through messenger Mark Prophet.

We have also learned that the names of the Cities are also more complex than first thought. For example Gobean, the earthly term for the first city, is known spiritually as Goloneiah. It is the City of the Blue Ray and is not just overlighted by AA Michael, but his counterpart, AA Faith; as well as the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia. Most importantly one of the main teachers of this city is Ascended Master El Morya, the current Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame. His role is to assist us to fully understand the WILL TO DO which is the main quality of the Blue Ray that is required in order to bring about changes within us.

To learn how to access the pre-set recordings, please view our link on the Cities of Light.

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Rev Christie Meleriessee and Rev Michael Hayden

*References or quotes from non-WTC sources does not imply endorsement of any information not specifically referenced.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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The December Leap of Light

New Earth Frequency Update

Blessings and love to each of you within humanity of Gaia. We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service in this present moment.

Now that the month has moved into the last part of the year it represents so many octaves of light that have occurred within the planet during 2014. The changes within each of you are key to the next phase of Gaia’s evolution into 2015.

This month of December will prove to bring forth frequencies of light into each of your hearts and minds to prepare you for the upcoming year. It will represent your ability to take what you have learned and apply it within your role upon this Earth. The act of understanding and sensitivity towards others will be essential as humanity will be experiencing great shifts of awakening within their journey upon Gaia.

We ask you to reflect upon your own changes that have occurred within your life in 2014. We hope that you can see how deep you have had to travel to find moments of clarity and joy within your world. This is because each soul upon this Earth is being asked to travel into their psyche to understand who they are becoming. The accelerations within the Earth are just that essence – a vibrational change that comes into the planetary existence. It is what you do with those moments of higher dimensional frequencies coming within you that matters as they can come into you, through you, and not affect you in a grounding manner. But yet, if you are completely aware of each time an acceleration comes into your consciousness by allowing it to integrate within you, then accessing the emotional and mental responses it may have upon you, and change what is not working, then you are allowing the essence of Unity of Love and Light to be your guide.

If you are an individual that has traveled through these moments of creation and are still unsure of what has happened to you, then it is time to go into deeper reflection of the old self, the current self, and allow the New Self to be borne. Humanity is going to be experiencing many changes within the next month and it is due to what needs to be accepted by every individual soul within the planetary structure. It is a pre-requisite journey of what is to be in 2015.

The world needs to change and this change must come from each of you. If you have taken on the journey of being an awakened human, then you have a responsibility to be part of that contract within your physical existence. It is not just about “thinking of love and sending it to others”. It represents the ability to embody your Truest Essence and allow it to enfold within you.

In order for the New Earth energies to be fully embodied by Gaia, major changes have to occur first in each individual soul. Now there are many that do not have a contract to awaken, or they just have not come to the right moment in their creation to allow it to be. Those are not the ones we are speaking to in this moment. We want to address this transmission of light to each of you that are an awakened human, a star seed, a galactic being, an angel, or a initiate of mastery upon the pathway of enlightenment. Each of you has a role within the New Earth which is not even known at this time. It cannot be; until you fully accept the fact that you have a responsibility to be part of the most magnificent pilgrimage of light any planet has ever seen.

This December you have a Divine Opportunity to allow your purest essence to merge within you so that you can see for yourself whom you truly are. The portals of light that will be arriving in this month will allow each awakened individual to go into a deeper part of themselves. They will be occurring all month but specific dates to watch for are the Full Moon of the 6th; the conjunction of the planets of Uranus/Pluto on the 15th; the Solstice on the 21st; the New Moon on the 22nd; and the culmination of energies on the 31st. Each of these dates are important but the irony of these activations is the fact that one is not higher in frequency than the other. They bring forth a journey of light within the planet as each transition occurs; it represents an increased movement of energy building at the beginning into the end for the climax of allowing the energies to be fully grounded within the planet and each of you. It is important to realize that this is part of the Divine Plan of allowing awakened souls to see them-selves in a completely different way than they have before. It is also an imperative element that needs to occur for the New Earth.

Whatever you experience this December depends upon your own creative process that is occurring within you. This means that your four-body system is going to access these frequencies to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind, pull out the debris that is necessary, and become more aware of the Light that you are. You see, many of you are not doing this. You are allowing the energetic exchanges that are occurring to come within you as you idly sit by and allow it to happen.

These moments of high acceleration are being given to assist the planet but every individual soul must do their part. It is imperative that each of you go within yourself, see the energies that are coming up within you, make the necessary changes by the tools you have learned, and start to become a multi-dimensional being in human form. Just thinking that it is going to happen does not make it so. The internal work needs to be done by each of you for your own individualized self.

First of all, it is Universal Law that these moments of creation come into a planet and must be acknowledged by those that are embodied within the planet. Or else, the creative process cannot stay. It creates a movement of light to come in and go through the planet, but it is not held. Each of you are the ones that hold this essence within your humanly form. It is part of your contract.

Then, what occurs that each soul that receives these light infractions within their physicality have to process within their four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental faculties in order to receive the Spiritual Body or Higher Self essence. You see, you all hold the memories of all the other timelines in which you could not do this work. So feelings of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, and uncertainty can plague your consciousness and life path. It is important that individuals not allow those energies to be the ruling factor as they are very strong within the planetary structure.

This is why you have been so deeply challenged this year with the high accelerations coming into your Beingness. We hope that you have taken the time to remove the elements that do not fit the higher essence that you are receiving as it is an imperative process to be doing. In fact, you cannot continue the way you have been going if you do not allow your higher essence (Higher Self and I Am Presence) to be your guide. But the lower ego, the lower self can get in the way of this progress. Change is inevitable at this time so these elements are very important.

December will be another huge surge of light coming into the planet. So it is within this moment that we share this information to help you through the process. Each of these accelerations will allow the illuminating light that you are to be your guide into the month. The work up to the Solstice will prepare each of you to bring forth great light infractions into your Being and within GAIA. The more ceremonial work that you perform, the easier will be the transition. As December 31st approaches, these light infractions will be more grounded within Gaia which means each of you are being given an opportunity to understand more about yourself.

2015 will be more of the same energies; it will affect all humans upon the Earth in one way or another. Change needs to occur but we need each of you to understand your own process at this time. The New Earth cannot occur without the grounding force each of you beautiful angels provide. You are the ones standing in the forefront holding these frequencies; sometimes they are overwhelming to your physical bodies and can cause you to over react to circumstances and changes you are experiencing. The more individuals that hold these frequencies within them, fully grounded, the easier it will be in 2015.

It is a divine opportunity to be more within yourself, to understand your thoughts and emotions, to take time to connect with your Higher Self, and purge what does not work for you. Do not question any thoughts that arise out of your consciousness that says you are not experiencing these elements, that it is just a sign of depression or sadness. Remove those old habits as they do not serve you any longer.

Stand in the face of adversity, start to understand what it takes to be a Master of Light in Truth and Honesty. Be that initiate and walk through your doorways that have been closed before. Bring in the Rays of God representing the Will and Power, the Love and Wisdom, the Creative Actualizations, the Harmony and Balance, the Truth of your Wisdom in the Science of God, accessing your Inner Devotion to the Self, and feeling the Freedom of the Magic to enfold within your life.

The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have received previously. We had hopes that it would occur within 2012, but the time is right for this Earth to inhabit more Love and Light than ever before. You are the Torch Bearers, you are standing in front holding these frequencies of Love more deeply than ever before.

Hold deeply and you will be able to ground the frequency for the New Earth as many others will be needing your assistance. If the grounding does not occur as we think it should, then we will be experiencing a different 2015 than we previously envisioned.

It is up to each of you, the aspirants of this Earth, to hold true to your divine contract with each of us in the Force of Light of the 144th Dimension.

We look forward to standing with you, helping you physically through this process, as you become the Initiates for the New Earth.

With love and deep devotion,

We are the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension of all Masters and Ascended Beings within the Christ Consciousness.

So Mote It Be~ We Are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Planetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website,  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

But the next most important date we are going to experience is the Solstice which is celebrated for summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  There is a very special doorway opening to allow the energies of the Three-Fold Flame to be grounded more fully.  The Great Divine Director shared in our Monday evening meditation, “The Clarion Light Beings of Oneness,” about the new accessibility of the Three Minds of the Conscious, Sub-conscious, and Super-Conscious to now blend together within each individual and within humanity along with the entire God Force.  This is the first creation of Oneness to be felt that is coming from the Source of Oneness.  (Note, you may access the recordings of the Clarion Temple by registering on our website on a call-by-call basis or within our Membership Program,  We will also be having a special Solstice ceremony on Wednesday, June 19th in preparation for the event.  This can also be accessed via the link shown above, Tele-calls.  It is open for everyone to attend.)

I will write more about the details of how this is occurring but it is very exciting for everyone.  This is a doorway that will not close, and we now have the accessibility to be in full creation with the Source upon the planet as she changes her frequency into the higher levels of existence.  The Solstice of June will truly be a powerful celebration of this occurrence.


COSMIC Level ~ Unified Whole Command


It is with extreme pleasure that we speak to you on this day.  I am the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth and Master Einstein at your service.

The full integration of the higher realms is becoming closer as we move through the year of 2013.  The energies of the Wesak Moon in May of 2013 were not only a very powerful doorway for initiates to move through their physical conditions and accept their higher essence in the way that is designed through their Higher Self but it was so much more.

The veil between the spiritual dimensions and the earth dimensions are becoming very thin.  This has given is a very powerful opportunity to move through the creations of Light to work with each of you more personally.  It is also an opportunity for our essences to come together in unity not just as the Spiritual Hierarchy but as each of our essences come into wholeness so are yours.  This becomes a very powerful moment in history as it has never occurred before.

The realms of light came fully into wholeness during the December activations in 2012.  This has allowed us to speak to you from the frequency of the 144th dimension but also access all timelines that have kept us separated.  We arrived closer during the Spring Equinox when the phase of resurrection was very powerful to remove old aspects that did not fit our highest purpose.  Many of you have been challenged during this process in order to understand more from your Higher Self and Higher Mind.

It is also a time of great inter-galactic wars as the energies that are coming closer to you have caused the warriors of the darkness to be separating from your existence.  So there have been many battles ensuing around the planetary structure to try and keep you in bondage.  You may have noticed within yourself of having to be very diligent in your practices of higher frequency to maintain the equilibrium that you have experienced previously.  There is an active energy that is working doubly hard to stop you from fully experiencing the joy and light that is part of your heritage from the old worlds.  We share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you understand that there may be moments when you have had to fully utilize all of your tools to maintain your equilibrium.  We have been standing with you to help you through these processes as the time is coming when their attacks will become less and less.

The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur.  We need each of you to find your place of happiness within your heart and hold onto it with a clear perception as there is a doorway that is being ignited on this date starting at sunrise, your local time zone and continuing through sunset.  This means that each of you will be able to accept your role in the history of this planet to be accelerated into more light particles.  As you become a conductor of this light frequency, the doorway will be expanded beyond your own fields of light to other fields around you.  It is like a domino effect that will be occurring.  As you are a conductor of the light incorporating within you, you can expand this frequency around you within the planetary system of the lands, waters, environmental structures that house the people, animals, minerals, and all living organisms of GAIA.  You don’t have to do anything but JUST BE.

We are calling this juncture of time as A Moment in Time.  This means that during this entryway the NO TIME ZONE is going to exist for every living being upon the Earth.  It is the reflection of the Higher Self to be acknowledged in all existence being ONE.  During this phase another doorway is being opened as the THREE MINDS will blend as ONE.  This means that the Super-Consciousness of the Higher Self will blend with the Sub-Consciousness to create the higher thoughts into the Conscious Mind.  The three circles will become one Unity of Light.  Now this entryway into the Three-Minds of Integration will be open continuously and will not close.  It is a window of opportunity to allow Oneness to merge within all three minds of creation.

This means that those that have not been working on their subconscious thoughts will have moments of reflection of their own light but it may cause some energies to arise.  There may be feelings of disbelieve and the old aspects can erupt during the process.  The individuals that hold a higher Light Quotient will be able to accept the merging of these essences much easier.  It will be a process for each individual to accept in their own pathway and life circumstance.

It is imperative at this time on the Solstice to be in a very high state of conditioning.  Utilize your meditative tools, high vibrational work, and if possible, gather together in groups to assist each other in the process while helping GAIA to accept these energies.  It is a day in which individuals can arise to their highest purpose but it will be felt within the physical body.  Just thinking about the beauty, joy, and bliss will not make it so.  This energy is going to assist individuals to heal their ill thoughts, dis-ease within the body, and to accept their role within their personal existence.

Those that are within their third dimensional self and very unaware will have the most challenging moments.  This energy is going to assist everyone to move into a higher state of existence so the ones that are following glamour in their lives, using individuals for their own gain, think only of monetary gain or self-gain in relation to others will be deeply challenged.  It is time for every individual to accept their role upon this Earth.  Every person has accepted this contract before entering the Earth but many have forgotten.

This event is going to be magnificent and it will continue through the summer months but at a lesser degree depending upon your intent to work or not work with it.  It will help to create the manifestation laws to become more existent and the Universal Laws to be fully actualized as Supreme Beings that you are.  It is a grand opportunity for many individuals to step into their desired awareness that will assist the process of their enfoldment that has been occurring.  Those that have been struggling can move their essence through this doorway as they will see that changes will result in a very positive manner.  Again, we stress, that you must work with the frequency of light as going against it will be a detriment to your reality.

Every person is being asked to step up and claim their Divine Right as Sovereign Beings to accept their role presently.  But it comes with great responsibility which first is within the Self.  The power of this energy will help you to move mountains in your life, find your love that has been lost, and help you to accept your present circumstances that need to be changed.  We must find wholeness within ourselves first and foremost.  This, then, creates Oneness within each other.

We honor every one of you for accepting this role.  This is a phase that we are happy to share with you.  Many times it is difficult expressing the changes that each of you are going to be experiencing.  This moment we can say “What you ask for, you will receive.”  It is time to accept the Golden Ring of opportunity that will take you on a journey of self discovery.  We have a long way until the Earth changes into this essence, but we are finally able to say, “Our journey together has begun.”

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you in Oneness as we fully accept our Light upon each other in the Source of Creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

In the Name of Oneness, Unity is our expression of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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As the weeks roll by, we are still going to be hit with higher frequencies and changes within our lives.  This week represents allowing the energies we have experienced previously to be fully grounded within our physical existence.  The Spring Equinox was an energy surge that many individuals may have felt more deeply than 12-21-12 and rightly so.  The planet was in a state of preparing for the Spring to occur even though the challenges that we incurred during the 1st Trimester of January, February, and March were to prepare us for the increased frequencies of light.

So the Equinox arrived and now it has passed through us.  What do we do with the energies presently and how do we continue when the upheaval is still occurring within our lives?  Make no mistake about it ~ this last full moon was another interesting energy surge to make us think bigger, be better, and find the courage to keep moving forward.  What I am finding with these energies presently is that no matter where we are within our pathway, the conditioned ones or the new awakened ones, each of us is being challenged greatly to get deeper into the Core of our Essence.  And that core is ever changing no matter what your intention may be.

Master Kuthumi shared this week in our Monday evening, Clarion Temple of Oneness, about the Regeneration of our Essence to prepare for the Lunar Eclipse and the Festival of the Christ which are occurring on April 25th, 2013 which will also be the Full Moon (to listen to an excerpt of this call and buy the MP3 download, see Walking Terra Christa, Master Kuthumi .   This week is our time to allow the changes that we incurred in last week’s full moon to be accepted within our cellular structure of the physical body allowing for the regenerative process of these cells.

Make no mistake about it, when you work through the higher frequencies of light, you do regenerate your livelihood within the physical body.  It is the process of anti-aging as the deeper we become intertwined with our spiritual essence, the healthier we become as a human being.  Our food changes, we are utilizing plant-based herbs and minerals for our well being, and walking away from the conformed society of healing our bodies, minds and spirits.  This, in itself, is going to assist the body in transforming greatly.  If you have not seen any of these changes occur for you, continue with the higher ascension work and you will start to see dramatic improvements.

As our emotional and mental levels start to shift into the higher self, we then start to change our physical reactions within the body.  So it is important to realize that the changes you have incurred during these powerful activations are assisting your body to receive more Light Quotient within your Being.  This process can be unbelievably powerful and sometimes very debilitating, but so very life changing.

So my advice at this time is to relax into the energies that you have received.  We will be coming into a New Moon on the 10th of April which we will once again be filling the Rainbows of Lights Dispensation.  This is ongoing through the year and it is important to tap into what colors of the spectrum you are receiving.  They are coming to you for a reason.  Even if you do not know what they mean, utilize them within your breath, and accept the transformation that will occur for you.  To learn more about the 22 Rays of God, see our email program, 22 Ray Challenge, .

It is important that each of us be in preparation this month to experience another resurrection.  We will be celebrating the Festival of the Christ which is the first of the three Wesak festivals.  This represents removing the parts of ourselves that will not be able to stay within the light frequency as we raise our vibrations during the Wesak event in May.  We believe that it is important to continually purge and regenerate ourselves during the month of April so that when the Lunar Eclipse comes in late April when we will be more prepared to walk through yet another doorway of the Christ Consciousness.




Greetings Beloved Comrades of the Light,

This week is truly representing the effects of Spring to allow the new born self to become accustomed to the new energies that are occurring.  The transitions that each of you are experiencing are taking you into new heights of awareness within your four-body system so that you can be fully activated within the next step of your evolution.

It is important to take these moments and fully accept what you have experienced, notice the differences within your body and your emotional and mental levels as they will tell you how you are adjusting within the totality of your existence.  The changes that have been occurring within the planet are beyond what we can really express and the most important part is having each of you understand what you are creating within each moment.  Make no mistake about it, the challenges of the last full moon compounded the energies of the Spring Equinox and now is the time for you to take inventory again of where you are situated.  This means to understand the frequency you are now incorporating and how you are adjusting to those energies.

Every time there is a surge of vibration within the planet and each of you individually, you must adjust your body to hold those levels of light.  This is an adjustment within itself as in some moments you may feel quite balanced but in others, you will feel vibrations moving through you, your head may seem fuzzy and off-center with your thoughts, you may have vertigo, or ringing in the ears.  It affects each person differently depending upon the level they are incorporating and how much of it is actually being received.  There is a misconception in the mind when you start to feel the frequency running through you as may have a tendency to want to meditate or fall asleep.  The levels of vibrations that you are receiving are not all being accepted at the same time.  It may take quite a bit of integration to fully allow the energies to be incorporated within the full body system.  The surging of energies through your arms, third eye, heart chakra, or other areas are a testing ground.  When you meditate or fall asleep, it means that the body is accepting the frequency as you, the soul, exits for a little while.

Notice how you feel after such an experience.  Many of you will have grounded more energies than you ever thought you would be able to and relaxing the body is the only way to allow the integration to fully occur.  Another way to assist in this process is walking or exercising if you have the energies to do so; taking a bath and allow the vibrational level within the cellular structure to just relax and rejuvenate.

We offer these suggestions so that you can allow the frequency that your Higher Self is intending to be within your physical structure.  It is also imperative to realize that parts of the body that are weaker will gravitate towards the essence of vibration in order to heal more deeply.  So we do suggest that you take some moments of self-care to fully allow the energies to change.

The other aspect you may want to be aware of is that as it enters the emotional and mental levels, issues can arise as a result of the integration.  You may feel emotional, drained, happy, or sad and have thoughts that you thought were gone while experiencing moments of euphoria.  These are all symptoms of allowing the frequencies to be fully activated within your Being.

This is a time of great transition so this week you may be feeling many of these elements centering within you.  Take the time to reflect and see where the confliction is occurring so that you can take better care of accepting the frequencies.  This will alleviate any emotional or mental energies from taking over.  Remember, you are accessing your Divine Self but at the same time you are removing the lower ego and mind from your consciousness.  Sometimes the thought process within that level may not be very excited to be leaving.  Again, it is up to you within your own individual self of what you may or may not need at this time.

Transitional Healing is the most challenging to get through as it can happen at any time within your day as you are experiencing the nuance of initiation within the physical level.  At the same time, GAIA is also integrating the same essences so the planetary consciousness is also going through many challenges.  Some individuals may not realize what is occurring and being on the ascension or mastery pathway is very helpful as there are reasons of why you are experiencing these changes.

Take some moments to fully reflect on what you felt like before the activations, how you were affected during the integration of the energies, and then what is happening as a result of these changes.  It is like being in an earthquake and being shaken up through all parts of your body, and then having to adjust to the process once the energy has been grounded.  Some areas may need healing, others have adjusted perfectly, and changes result within the composition of the body.

These frequencies of 2013 are going to be felt in this manner.  As we move through the month, we will experience more of the same focus pertaining to the dark side of the soul being revealed in order to create healing.  The Lunar Eclipse with the Festival of the Christ will be a period of resurrection.  It is important to take time for yourself before the actual event on April 25th so that you can be more fully prepared for the ensuing energies that will be occurring.  The transition will be much easier to accept which allows for the pulsating energies to be accepted by your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

We do not want to scare you in any manner but to be prepared for the changes.  You are going through them presently and the more care you take on a day-to-day basis, the easier the transition will be.  Breathe and accept the challenges; know what works and what does not; allow the resultant energies to guide you through the process as you surrender within your Soul’s Essence to know you are being challenged to become a better person activated with your Higher Self fully intact.

It is our joy to walk with each of you through this process of transformation.

The Light is always in front of you, step with it, and the unknown shall be familiar and loving to your soul.

So Mote It Be In The Light Of Oneness.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page; http://walkingterrachrista/new_earth_freq_update_04/04/13.

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We have undergone a tremendous upheaval in the last week.  We also have been preparing for it since 12-21-12.  That does not make it any easier to experience or go through the energies in any shape or form.  We did not post a Frequency Update last week for this exact same reason.  Each time I felt the need to sit and call upon the energies to write even the Planetary Level, I became overloaded with a heaviness within me.  I always know that in those circumstances it is not the right moment.  The part that I share comes directly through my Higher Self and I knew that I needed to step back from projecting any messages either from my Highest Presence or the Unified Whole Command.

This week presents to us great opportunities to be more deeply connected to our Highest Presence but yet, will cause great upheavals in our emotional and mental levels.  As of April 25th, 2013 we will be presented with a very powerful Full Moon, 3:58 PM, Eastern US, which resides in Scorpio in the Sun Sign of Taurus.  This is going to open up doorways for more understanding of our inner selves as it represents our outer existence.  With the Lunar Eclipse occurring at 1:58 pm, Eastern, this takes us into a deeper level of ourselves.  The eclipse represents our relationships and especially to our-self so it is another grand opportunity to look at the dark places in our soul that need the light to shine upon them.  It will also represent our role in mastery and we are given a perfect opportunity to connect with our ability to walk in Mastery in all levels of our life.  The ascended masters are awaiting our arrival to do so while they train us to be the Masters for the New Earth.

We also will be experiencing the first of the three festivals of Wesak, The Festival of the Christ.  This energy represents the Resurrection of the Self to prepare to go into a deeper level to prepare our physical bodies to incorporate more Light and Love Quotient during the Wesak moon.  We conducted a ceremony on April 24th to experience all of these events in the City of Telos with many masters which is available for download,  If you would like to read more information about the festivals, please see our blog, The Wesak Festivals Have Arrived ~ 2013, .

Expect the unexpected through these changes.  They are taking us into deeper levels so that we can now experience the magnificence of being on this pathway.  But know, the work must be done.  It is not going to happen automatically just by wishing it to occur.

The best advice I can give is to take these energies and ground them into the lower extremities of the body.  As we do so, the energies will go within Gaia and she will take what you cannot handle physically.  When we receive a higher light quotient, sometimes the body cannot hold onto it.  This is why we are experiencing the highs and lows within our physical structure.  So take time to send it to the Earth by walking on the ground, connecting with water, and eating properly so that the light-headedness does not become overwhelming.  If it does, then take short naps or meditate and you will find you will go into another reality for a short time.  These are the most powerful times of sleep when you acknowledge that you cannot stay awake, and then just sleep for short periods.  I have done this for several years and when it’s time to wake up, surprisingly, you feel refreshed.  It’s important to try and have a dialogue with your Higher Self as he/she is opening up the doorway for you to fully incorporate their energies.

We are coming into some very powerful months so it is important to sit and write down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through the process.  Wesak represents moving up the initiation ladder another level so record your desires of what you would like to achieve.  After the three-month period you will definitely feel and see a change within your consciousness and possibly, your life.

COSMIC LEVEL ~ Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

Greetings Fellow Comrades of the Light,

Happy Full Moon ~ what a beautiful moon it is at this time.  Have you looked at it?  If you have not, we know you are feeling the intensity of the energies.  It is jam-packed with lots of goodies to help you experience your life in full acceleration of your desires.

But first, before you get to the point of accepting all that you have intended to happen, you must go through the Ring of Fire once again.  We know ~ you are tired of hearing about the challenges and the transition and want it to occur NOW.  Yes, we understand and we are not within your bodies so the compassion we have is not the same as someone speaking with you about how to experience these changes in a softer manner.  Unfortunately, these energies in the next few days are not going to be anything but soft.  They can be demanding and cause you to feel uncomfortable about being in your body.

This is because as your are becoming more multi-dimensional as there are other elements that need to be purged.  Each month of this year will take you deeper into these changes but what we want to concentrate on right now is the PRESENT.  Before we continue with this discussion, let’s chat about being in the Moment.  It is an essential component that is necessary in your existence as the energies are shifting into the higher frequencies.  Projecting through the year is only going to bring in anxiety of ‘what could be’ so we ask of you to concentrate on what is happening right now.

Experiencing a full moon with a Lunar Eclipse within Scorpio and Taurus ~ that is quite a bit to handle but then we add the Festival of the Christ.  First of all this full moon is going to make you look deeper within yourself of the ways that you think and act.  Then it will be time to take those energies and expand them outside of yourself.  At first, it may seem uncomfortable to do so as they will have a different reaction that the innerself energies.  But eventually it is going to change so that your inner being is the one that is guiding the outer form of living.  This is an imperative stage to concentrate on as it is going to assist you with the Festival of the Christ energies.

The Festival of the Christ is when each of us as masters within and without a body, full reflect on what needs to be purged in order to receive the next phase of our initiations.  It is a death experience that will occur through your four body system.  Each year at this time it is important to have the realizations of who you are, what you were before, and how to accomplish what you desire.  It is that simple in words but not in action.  As you fully allow your inner securities to arise and take the next steps into your new reality, you must walk off into the unknown energies of experience.  You may have an idea of what you are going through but do not know how to put it into practice.  This is a perfect example of the way that it occurs.  Mastery represents being in the NOW and if you project, then you are creating something to happen that is not focused upon your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It comes for the lower mind and can get you into a frustrated sense within your consciousness and life.

This is why it is so very important to take inventory at this time.  Reflect who you are, what you want, and then the ideas will come to create the new reality.  Without this, you will falter and feel as if you are pushing through doorways that are not opening.  You will not be able to acquire the movement of synchronization within your life.  The flow of your existence will become fully of unopened pathways.  It is when you push in this manner that the movement ceases to be in alignment of the Universal Consciousness of Oneness.  You are working within the confines of your third dimensional body and reality of the Lower Mind.

We share this just to explain what can happen in the process if you don’t allow the flow of ideas from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  In retrospect, what can happen on the opposite side of the energy is life is going to get better for you. You will find fluidness and the power of love and light to be your guide.  You will have to release or purge old thoughts that you experienced within your mental consciousness as they will not work any longer.  Ideas that you though you had will not work in this frame of reference but new ideas will appear like magic.

These energies are going to catapult you into new ways of existence that you would never have thought about previously.  The movement of your life will change within a moment’s notice so you must be prepared for the change.  Nothing stays the same in the higher realms of thought so you will start to experience this.  If you find that you had a project that you were working on and it did not flow, then you need to change something.  The project may be very good, but it is the timing and the precision in the way that it needs to be manifested.

You will be tested during this time to make sure you are very aware of your God consciousness within your life.  Each of these energies during the next few days will enable you to look deeper within yourself but you must not deny them as you may miss a great opportunity that is about to occur.  Know your inner self by meditating, breathing, connecting to your higher presence, and allowing the flow of energies of your masculine and feminine divine to become manifest in your world.

The resurrection process you are going through is going to prepare you for more elements to occur within your life.  Going through these doorways is never easy but so rewarding.  So if you feel ill, tired, and not yourself, take time away from your work, your computer, and your friends to just connect to yourself.  The flow that will come to you within this process will be the doorway that you have been waiting to open.

Take the new energies that you are incorporating and give them to GAIA.  Go to her waters, her lands, the mountains or outside your home.  Breathe deeply as you move the higher frequencies through your body into your Earth Star as you and GAIA meet up with one another.  This will help both of you; she will receive and you will be giving what you have received.

We walk with you during this special time.  The Wesak energies this year are going to be most powerful elements upon the planet and it will be up to each of you individually in how you experience them and put them to good use in your pathway.  This, in turn, is going to assist every one on the planet to receive the light you are allowing to incorporate within you.

Blessings and love in Oneness and the Creative Source that We Are Together.

The Unified Whole of Many Masters Walking with Each of You.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, New Earth Frequency Update, Resurrecting to Receive More, 4-25-13.

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Planetary ~ Shared by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

We have just experienced the most powerful Spring Equinox that has ever occurred within GAIA.  Not only was it intense during the acceleration, but preceding the event could be life changing depending upon your own pathway.

We have spent the last three months preparing for these energies with high activations occurring continually with the moon cycles and other planetary conjunctions.  It prepared us to receive the highest frequency that was possible for each individual.  Every lightworker on the planet was taken to a new level of their consciousness whether they were fully aware of the changes or not.  The Spring Equinox was unique as it made us look within ourselves to see what needed to be changed in order to receive the next level of awareness.  The timelines are being ignited from our Etheric body to help us move along the process as we become mutli-dimensional beings.  This is a challenge within itself as it is affecting us through the four body system so it can become one body of light.

So now we have arrived at a new juncture in our pathways.  It is time to reflect on where we were before, what we experienced during the transition, and allow the transformation to fully take place.  We are being asked by Spirit to remember our humble beginnings and allow those essences to be embodied within us.  The challenges are great so if you are having a difficult time of assimilating what is occurring, you are not alone.  It depends upon the level of healing that an individual is processing within themselves and how honest they can be of their own ability to get into the depths of their soul’s history.  A lightworker that is newly awakened may feel quite overwhelmed with the challenges that they are facing and it takes a strong commitment to fully stay on this pathway.  It is taking us deeper into the depths of our souls and the challenges never stop.  They will continue as long as we strive to be the best we can be.

The Ascended Masters within the Brotherhood of White Light have been conveying these energies to us for a very long time.  They want to assist us in this process, but they cannot totally understand as no species has ever acquired this level of acceleration in a group consciousness.  Each of us individually is on many levels within the initiations, and it is a different experience for everyone depending upon our consciousness, life situation, and the contract we signed up for previous to our incarnation.  Some may feel the need to catch up whereas others may feel they are tired of all they are going through.  I urge you to keep trekking onwards and upwards.

There is great responsibility to step into this pathway, but it is a rewarding job when you communicate with the Higher Beings as they talk with great emotion to the work that you have done.  Our time is coming to be with each of them in Oneness on the New Earth but we have a lot to do in the meantime.  This earth is not ready and will not be for quite some time.  So we have to be challenged in order to shower the way with our Light and Love quotient in order for the One’s that are following us that will be able to accomplish it in an easy and swift manner.  We have to live in-between worlds of Duality and Oneness.  It is part of the plan so that we can remember one day the journey that we took and how successful it was for everyone involved.

This is why this Equinox was so very powerful.  We must hold as much light as we can in order to assist GAIA in her acceleration along with the humans that just might be ready to wake up.  GAIA is readying herself to merge with Terra Christa, her male counterpart, and we are assisting in this transformation.

If we can think of our challenges in this manner of assisting her, then isn’t it all worth it?  Look how much we have changed as a species.  Yes, we still have a long road ahead of us but it is much smoother than it was just 5, 10, or 25 years ago.

So what is our next step in this process of acceleration on Earth?  It represents balancing the opposing energies.  Reflect back one month ago and the challenges that you encountered during the month.  How did you get through them and would you do anything differently? What tools do you use that truly assisted you?  These elements are creating our foundation of our new reality.  We will be going through highs and lows continually through 2013 so we need to reflect each time to help our lower minds accept the higher thought processes that are occurring.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 we experience a full moon cycle at 2:27 AM, Pacific, 9:27 AM GMT.  This moon represents opposing forces of Libra within Aires.  Libra represents compromise and Aries represents taking care of the Self.  So now we put into practice what we have learned in the last cycle of acceleration by creating balance and being in the flow.  2013 represents Synchronization, and now we are being tested to allow the light to guide us through the uneasy areas ~ Being in the Flow.

Take time on this day to create the balance you need with GAIA’s energy.  Walk the ground, feel the energies around you, listen to the birds, and feel the wind whistling in the trees.  In order to feel the movement, we need to continually do the walk no matter what we are encountering along the way.

Join us for a powerful call on Wednesday, March 27th at 5 PM Pacific.  Details are listed on our website,



We have just gone through a tremendous change in consciousness from the higher realms into the Earthplane levels.  The Spring Equinox was better received than we had hoped.  We believe it had to do with the lack of exposure within the media and not centered upon the doomsday effect as what occurred on December 21st, 2013.

This not only means about the changes but incorporating them within the consciousness of the planet.  Spring is always a very beautiful time of the year as the blooms will start showing from the ground; but that is not the question here.  We want to say that within the planet as a huge consciousness the energies were well received.  In the Southern Hemisphere they are moving into the Fall Equinox which still represents growth and abundance.  So it does not matter where you stand within the world, you are being affected greatly by the changes that are occurring.

Change is inevitable at this time and it depends upon your own ability to know thyself and how deep you are willing to travel to find the beauty of your soul’s history to be awakened into your consciousness.  This truly brings it to a point of reference.  Those that are not as challenged as some are definitely not willing to understand the process of what mastery may mean for them.  They may not even know they are on a mastery pathway but have come into this world with great gifts which they term as having mastery.  Not so, my Dear Ones.

If you as a Lightworker are utilizing powerful gifts into this world but yet do not know who your Higher Self is, not willing to go into the depths of healing to be a better person, or are willing to find balance within your Feminine and Masculine Divine, then you are on the wrong side.  You are tapping into timelines when you were quite gifted in a world that did not perform on the Universal Laws.  Many of the extra-terrestrial communities out of the Galactic Whole have been gifted with these abilities, but they are not working in harmony of the One.

We share this knowledge because many individuals are waiting for their lives to get better.  And that’s what they will do is – wait and wait and wait.  Mastery represents responsibility and gifts are not given to an initiate, they are earned deeply and honestly.

So we ask you?  How did you feel about this equinox?  Did you feel the pressure of wanting to change, awakening with dreams that seemed very unreal, and then feeling it within your physical body?  I am sure most of you experience this; possibly not every day but periodically.  It is because your Etheric body is healing so deeply and wanting to merge within the physical essence.  It cannot do so until the debris is removed of the old karmic ties that need to be acknowledged and healed.  This is true mastery ~ allowing the essence that you were to become who you are now and then knowing that the merge cannot be achieved without the removal of the energies that do not fit presently.

We ask you again ~ How did you feel this Equinox?  If you felt happy, go lucky and ready for spring to blossom or autumn to effect change, then we say to you, you are not ready yet for the change.  We bring this information forward not to judge as everyone has free will.  But those that want to be more, must aspire to the highest mountain that they can climb.  We share these energies as a lesson in awareness.  Learning what you are experiencing, how you can get through them easily and effortlessly, and seeing the progress happening within you is the best advice we can give at this time.

This equinox brought many emotions to the surface along with the thought forms associated within the emotions.  The Masculine and Feminine traits are coming more into balance.  The power of these energies was created upon the Earth to awaken individuals into the aspects that do not fit who they are presently.  So it is a personal experience in what is to be awakened.  The more you learn about your Soul’s Purpose and Essence, the more you can reject or accept into your awareness.  The timelines of the past and future crossed simultaneously to create the present to be balanced within each person that was ready to go deeper into themselves.

Presently, the challenge is to balance these elements that were brought to the Light.  Aspects that were not accepted readily need to put into Wholeness as they do not fit an individual’s Highest Purpose within their pathway.  Remember, this is different for each soul embodied upon the Earth and there are no judgments of an individual’s pathway good or bad.  Our purpose in these updates is to share how a person that chooses the Mastery Pathway can best help themselves to move further to create the Divine Love, Power and Wisdom of the Three-Fold Flame.  It is the choice of each Lightworker to stay within their present circumstances or to go deeper within their initiation levels.  Our goal is to assist everyone in understanding this process and just because you are a Lightworker does not mean you desire to walk in Mastery.  Initiates can stop and stay within a certain level while being very content and happy.  Learning to be an ascended master is a long pathway and only the strong can survive.

So in essence what we are saying is that this equinox represented these changes to occur.  In order to walk into the 5th dimension on a physical basis, you must decide to be on the Mastery Pathway.  You can be attuned in a consciousness level but it does not mean you will be able to create your Body of Light with the Three-Fold Flame activated.  Our desire is to have every One of YOU to step into this role and that is why we bring this message in such a direct manner on this day.  There is no time to waste.  The physical existence of your 5th dimensional self is awaiting you to be acknowledged.

Yes, we are intense because the time has come to get down and dirty within yourself.  Look within and understand what fits and what does not fit for you.  We have the power to do MORE with one another.  We reach out our hands to each of you – but you must acknowledge your Self Worth by sharing your Light and Dark essence with us.  We will help you get there, but you must acknowledge what aligns in Wholeness and what will be rejected within that frequency.

There is more to come.  This Equinox was the first of many accelerations for this year.  The next frequency to be prepared for is the Lunar Eclipse on April 25th which will represent expressing the Light to shine in the darkest areas of the Soul.  We express to you that it will take you deeper into the depths of your essence to learn who you are, what you are to create, how to find the aspects that stop you, and bringing wholeness to your existence upon this Earth.

So it seems we have a lot of work to do with each other.  Each of us in the Unified Whole Command had to go through the same process of admitting what we have done in the past may not serve the Greater Whole.  The equinox was just the beginning, but you are not on this journey alone.  Every human being is going through this same process no matter what level they are existing within their initiation and ascension process.  It is going to get more challenging the more you resist – it will persist.

So that brings us to this week.  We have laid down all the rules and what can happen if you do not do it.  But what about the other side of the coin.  What will occur by accepting to be more of yourself?

Well, accessing your Higher Self and I AM Presence is essential on a daily basis and many moments within that day.  They are going to assist you in feeling their energies physically and you will be able to flow through the day even if it becomes a challenging one to endure.  Laugh at yourself, smile deeply, and know that this is just a testing period.  You are the maker of your destiny with your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  You cannot do it without them.  This is the first element you need to realize and then go deeper by allowing the changes to happen within you.  Learn from your dream state and meditations what you need to do next.  You have these abilities.  We would not be speaking to you if we did not.  It is our time to shine together and we so look forward to see the transformative process within each of you.

We are standing by for your approval for us to work with you.  Ask for the Unified Whole Command and we will greatly assist you in learning how to be in Oneness within yourself first within your dream-state and then with meditations.

Honoring each of you deeply,

We Are the Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

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We are still feeling the effects of the Virgo Full Moon from Monday, February 26th.  What a powerful energy we are receiving.  This moon represents our balance so the past can be gone and the future may be revealed.  It has taken us into a tailspin of energies that will affect us through the four body system.  Some of us experienced releasing old timelines from previous lifetimes that were ignited through our Etheric Body before the full moon and others are experiencing those effects presently.  Whatever is the case, each of us is expanding deeper into our Higher Essences for them to be the defining factor in our relations with ourselves and others.

What are some of the symptoms?  Intense energies, tiredness, cannot get enough sleep, extreme headaches or other areas of the body reacting, because they are being infused with the higher energies of light.  Our multi-dimensional bodies are trying to interact with our physical existence of the NOW.  It is important that we take care of the elements that do not serve us as it is changing very quickly which we are learning to move through it all.

The power of these energies cannot be measured by anyone as we have never experienced it before within any planetary function.  We are the pioneers moving into a new paradigm of experiences as we are trying to ground the energies.  The rest of this week we need to take time to allow what we are feeling to be fully activated within us.  When we have the periods of extreme uncertainty, it means that we need to take further steps to feel comfortable within ourselves.  We cannot stress enough how important it is to act within your Higher Self motives and remove the programming that has kept us stuck in dysfunction for way too long.

The fact that we may feel uncomfortable is because we are the new-born essence finding our way in a world that does not support the upgrades that we are receiving.  So it needs to happen for each of us in the way that we can handle it.  The Emotional and Mental bodies are on overload as they are not accustomed to feeling and acting in a new way.  We are the Children of the Light and must act accordingly.  Going too swiftly or slowly is not going to serve any purpose.  The most important pathway is “what is right for you in this moment”.

Express yourself through your feelings with compassion and love.  It is very important for us to speak our truth but understanding the other’s point of view.  It must not be in anger or aggression of the lower energies, but allowing the beauty of who we are to illuminate out to the world around you.  Connecting with the Mental body is essential, but it is important not to get into the states of “worrying” to the point of being judgmental to the self of why, how, and if statements.  Instead use the breath to connect with your Higher Self to activate the Divine Essence you are into your physical creation.  Allow yourself to be in an awakened meditation continually.

As Dr. Joshua David Stone always said, “Fake it till you make it.”  Use this technique to help align you with your Higher Essence within the physical body.  Eventually it will become a practice you don’t even have to think about.  Then the emotions will flow much easier especially in times of high energy exchanges like we are feeling presently.

It is important to utilize your Higher Self continually.  We are now in Mercury Retrograde which is a testing ground for allowing your higher essence to be your guide.  The cycle of Mercury in Retrograde can be challenging to communicate to others but think about how much better you will feel by accessing your Divine Will continually.  We, then, will not feel as challenged with the planetary interactions as we do when living in a physical world only.

Think about it ~ if you are living as if you are meditating, it is going to affect all of your life circumstances including working with computers, and all mechanical ways of communicating.  If you are traveling during this time, do not let the understanding of Mercury Retrograde effect the way you are living, but use it as a tool to rise above it.  It is a perfect time to work through the old timelines that you have been trying to remove out of your consciousness.  The world of communication becomes very acute during this cycle, but we don’t have to be enmeshed within it.  We can use it as a tool to move through the energies as we are doing with the higher vibrational changes.

2013 will have more of these challenges to help us walk into the world of the 5th dimension.  Most of us do not realize the depth of our essence that needs to be changed in the process.  We are going through a cycle of Rebirth.  Take an inventory of where you are presently to understand what needs to be changed and allow the energies to help you do so.

Each of these weeks going towards the Spring Equinox is assisting us greatly even though it may feel as if you are being challenged continually.  Nothing can stay the same and if you are on this pathway, “Congratulations” as you are going to help many others that will follow.

March is going to prove to give us more of the same so it is important to understand that each stage of growth there will be a short period of integration which will take us to the next level of advancing our physical bodies to receive the higher essence.  Embrace the change and it will embrace you.



What a beautiful week it is!  Each of you are experiencing such an expansion of the Light emanating from the Higher Forces of Light into the planetary existence that it probably has been quite challenging physically.

Grandmother Moon has been holding these frequencies for the past two weeks which is a direct result of what you have been feeling within your bodies.  As the energies have shifted greatly, between the Sun and the Moon they aligned within each individual person a new expression of balance.  These essences were ignited last week, continuing through the Full Moon of this week and allowing it to settle into each individual person.

What does this mean?  More equilibrium is occurring within the Masculine and Feminine energies.  It is common knowledge that physical humans have a tendency to be imbalanced in either the Mental or Emotional bodies.  This is due to your previous timelines that are being activated along with the lifetimes of karma you have endured.  It has nothing to do with the fact that you are a woman or a man.  We want you to understand that fact.

Where are you in your balance of the subtle bodies of light?  Do you have a tendency to be emotionally centered or masculine-oriented in your approach to life?  Do you think quite a bit before you speak along with worrying about every detail and needing more information for each task that you perform?  Are you more flowing and allow your Feminine Divine to assist you in the process of solving problems through your intuition?  Do you cry at the drop of a thought or emotion?  Or do you think about it deeply?

These are the elements to think about this week as the energies are taking each of you into a deeper level of yourself.  It is important to realize that what you are feeling or thinking is important but the flow of ideas must come from the Mental body into the Emotional body so that it is aligned in its true identity.

A perfect example would be:  You are thinking about a project, something to study, or a problem that needs to be solved.  So you sit and write an outline of a list of items you need to consider.  This is coming from your Mental body.  Do you then stop and reflect on who to create the process for the work you need to do?

If you are running in a Mental level, you probably would re-write the list, cross out things, and ponder for a long time.  Then you are not quite sure how to get started so you just jump into the process without looking at other variables.

If you are within the Emotional level, you might feel the thoughts intuitively but then become emotional of how to get started.  You know you can do it but the thoughts are not coming to you, but you see the vision, The Overall Picture.

Someone who is in full balance within the Masculine and Feminine Essence would take some time to meditate on the project or problem.  Get an understanding from the Higher Self or Guides to help formulate the process.  Then upon finishing the meditation, they would sit with their Higher Self intact and write the list.  During this time, they might be activating their Higher Self with the breath as they are bringing forth the ideas.  This is the crucial phase as now the Emotional Level can be activated through the breath.  The visions will come and the ideas will flow more easily.

The Masculine Divine initiates the energies by bringing forth the ideas, setting the groundwork; whereas the Feminine Divine then activates the process to occur through the ability of visionary work allowing the process to be created.

This is exactly what the present energies represent.  Last week we talked about the timelines being purged and ignited.  Now the balance is coming into effect.  Not everyone is going to accept their internal equilibrium to be ignited due to elements that are too strong or weak on each side.  The process of changing it into a balanced state is not easy and each of you is being challenged to do so.

So what do you do about it?  First acknowledge which side of you, the Emotional or the Mental has the deciding rule.  Then, look at the characteristics that support the balance and rid yourself of the weak ones by activating your Higher Self in the process.  Learning which aspects are not fitting your highest purpose will help you, the physical being, to accept the process.  We guarantee you that the effects you are feeling from these energies are trying to help you accept the Divine Union of the Masculine and Feminine to be incorporated.

Also, look at the areas you are being affected physically.  Check which chakras need to be aligned and infused with more light or need to remove the parts that do not fit this higher essence.  It is important to realize that your chakras need to be cleared fully in order to receive the higher chakras.  If you are feeling ill in any of these areas, then attention must be put to the physical conditioning.  Each of your chakras represent the masculine and feminine within them so they must be balanced.  Breathing deeply through them daily will help align the energies.

Then take what you do not need and give it away through the Violet Flame, through Gaia, through the Rocks, Trees, and the Lands.  They balance themselves continually and when you ask for their assistance it will be given.  Then you show your gratitude by giving them a portion of your Light that you are receiving.  They will be very grateful and will flourish within the essence of GAIA.  Then, each of you is collaborating with one another.

The changes are going to be getting more intense and some land areas will be affected.  The most important aspect to remember is to not embrace the lower energies of fear and anguish.  But use your Masculine and Feminine Divine Will of God within you to decide what you need to know and embrace.  If you feel the need through this essence to relocate, then do so.  It is all about knowing what you need to do in each moment and be prepared but with balance of both aspects within the Love, Power and Will that you are.

We know it is a challenge presently and more will be coming.  But in between the moments of increased energies, think how much better you feel, are interacting, and accept the multi-dimensional self that you are.

We embrace each of you with the Arms of Light

The Unified Whole Command representing Many Masters of Light

So Mote It Be in Oneness!

To ignite your chakras with balance, check out Walking Terra Christa’s powerful series, Integrate the 22 Rays of God Into Your Chakras which is available for download.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page; Walking Terra Christa/NewEarthFreq Update 2-28-13


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frequency_update-qpr.jpgPlanetary Level:

We start the week off, Monday, with a New Moon in Libra, 8:03 AM EDT which will represent balance in our relationships.  It is also a very good time for creating new projects as the energies are presenting this facet in our earth energies.  The buzz words are to create the NEW but within the Balance of the Self.  This not only represents our relationships but our environment while allowing our new creative Self to be born.  This week will truly help us to embrace the elements that have been purging in the past frequencies recently.  So take time to fully understand what is in balance and what is not aligned in your True Self.

In reference to Solar Flares it looks like this week is also going to be in balance.  There was an ignition of Auroras from a G-1 magnetic storm this past weekend that lasted 15 hours which caused some pretty amazing graphics, see

Cosmic Level:

The frequency of Light this week is going to be one that will assist you as long as you keep the elements in perspective.  Remember that we are preparing for a very important time within two months with the energies of 12-12 and 12-21, 2012.  Each of you is being prepared in ways that your Higher Self is deeming it appropriate for your present circumstances.

You can no longer accept your life in the way that has always been done.  The world is changing into the higher frequencies.  Some are living in the 3rd, some in the 4th, and very few in the 5th.  But each of us aspires to that point of creation within the 5th dimensional frequency.  So each of you must be prepared to step into this doorway of your awakening.

We are not talking about new awakenings as in asleep consciousness-minded individuals which there are many of on this planet. We are talking about YOU ~ the one that is reading this text because your life is going to change dramatically in ways behind your conscious reality.  This is what we are preparing for in each week and different stages of growth.

You may already understand the transition that you are going through but you cannot know, until it arrives, how deeply it will change you.  We explain these parts so that you can fully understand the process of each moment you are living within your experiences.

This week will help in creating new definitions of the Self within you to fully accept the potentiality that YOU ARE.  As we draw closer to these important events, then the understanding will go deeper within you.  So this week will help you to realize more of yourself.

It is time to fully acknowledge the parts within you that do not fit and allow them to be removed which is not part of the higher aspect of your reality.  If you continue to allow yourself to be in the old spaces of existence, then this transition will become ever increasingly difficult for you to handle.  It is when you fully allow your physical body to accept the higher frequency that is also YOU, to be within your Being, then you accept the full potential that you are.  And that potential will change with each increasing moment of acceptance.

Take some moments this week to reflect fully on the inner parts of yourself that need to be adjusted and this may include family and friends that have been dear to your Heart.  As you get closer to the inner reality that is you, then you see the perspective changes that need to be made.  This is not easy at all but this New Moon represents Balance in all aspects of living and Being.  You must be very TRUE to YOURSELF, and in order to do so, you must understand what does not fit your present purpose of existence.

We did not say this was easy at all; but each of you that are reading this material, are aligned with a higher consciousness.  It depends upon what you do with it and how you allow it to blend within yourself.  Please know that awakening of the Soul within the Physical existence is not an easy process as you have been asleep a very long time.  You must also know that very careful steps must be taken in order not to perceive yourself as something you are not.  This is the paradigm of the New World that will take effect upon everyone’s existence within them and around their environment.  It is an essential part of allowing the elements to fully grow within you, adjust the changes that are necessary, and full align with the NEW YOU.

So take your time this week in allowing these energies of the New Moon to support your in your own endeavors of creation.  It is a very powerful time, and we must not resist what needs to change, walk into new doorways of Light, and accept that you will be supported, loved, and accepted in so many ways.

It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you during this phase and moving into the New Earth of Unified Consciousness.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

Walking in Oneness with you,

So Mote It Be In that Light That We ARE

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

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A Special Celebration ~ The Torch Bearers of the New Earth Unite

The 25th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence Arrives!


Friday, August 17th through Sunday, August 19th in Mt. Shasta

Walking Terra Christa Mt. Shasta Harmonic Convergence Retreat August 17-19

August 16th through the 18th is the 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence.  Since 1987 the planet has been infused with more light each year.  As we now are in the Golden Era and walking that pathway, each month brings us closer to fully realizing our full potential upon Gaia.  This year will be the last integration of these energies because 2012 is our year to fully bring the planet into the 4th dimensional reality and into the Golden Age.


  • FUN and JOY and MAGIC!!!
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Owning Your Light = Peace Within

We heard some wise words from Osiris (through channel Jacqui Gilbert) relating to living our truth, owning our Light within and knowing the self. If we consider that the our primary objective, as a soul incarnate on Earth as a human being, is to live in accordance with our Soul Intent, we can acknowledge that this amounts to bringing the Divine Light of our Origins into our present lifetime. By doing this we automatically raise our resonance to the state of Divinity. With this comes tolerance, compassion, unconditional love andthe peace which are the prerequisites for being able to experience the reality of the Golden Age of Bliss on Earth.

Although we are all still learning these skills of raised consciousness, we begin with the intent to learn them. Once this intent is set – and it is always better to write intentions down so as to begin the manifestation process in earnest – we are able to start the process of living the Light. Even if we only manage to feel a raised resonance state of consciousness for one split instant at a time, this is sufficient to raise our overall resonance. Energy boosts of this nature exponentially improve our Light-holding capacity.

When living from the perspective our Divinity we would no more hurt anything or anybody else, or be angry with another, than we would hurt or be angry with ourselves. Our purpose, as Souls, is to experience the joy and abundance of physical life on Earth and, when our Light within encompasses our being it shines out from our hearts and illuminates all within existence. This state of consciousness is the state of Oneness. This state of Bliss is Omnipresence.

Omnipresence amounts to being in the all-knowing state. This includes living with, and accessing, our fully developed psychic abilities. This enables us with the ability to bring the entirety of the past, the present and the future into the non-linear experience of No-time. This is where all within existence is accessible by the self.

This apparently far-off state of beings begins with the simple fact of knowing the self in its entirety. We work our way towards this by:

1. Knowing where we come from, as Souls.

2. Knowing who we are, as Souls.

3. Knowing the full extent of the truth, including the correct and most basic history of Earth and our own human past.

Although reading the appropriate books, attending courses and pursuits of a similar nature are highly beneficial in finding our pathway forwards, we are all able to find the truth within the depths of the self. Once we do this, we can go beyond the limitations of the present dimension of existence and bring the Light of Divinity forward to ourselves. We do this from an altered state of consciousness, such as through the state of stillness while in meditation.

Once we own the truth and the Light, we are able to live this truth, from the basis of the Light within. The most important thing for us to do at this time on Earth is to not only work on ourselves and expand our knowledge, but to apply all that we have learnt and LIVE it. How do we know when we own our Light? We have peace within.

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Mother Earth

By Athene Raefiel


Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and young life.
We are merely at the beginning of what will be world conflict brought about by natures need to harmonize and balance. Rather than us killing, torturing, creating wars and fighting for the greatest power and wealth we need to be unifying as a world in crisis to save ourselves and the planet. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this fact; it is plain as day.

The Andes Indians came down out of the mountains in about 1995 to tell us of the devastation humans were creating to nature and her cycle of life. Many did not even know these people existed or that they had been living in the mountains there in natural harmony with the Earth for thousands of years.

Landmasses started moving when the large underwater Earthquakes began setting off Tsunamis in between 2001 and 2004. Old Volcanoes coming back to life after lying dormant for thousands of years is going to continue as the water levels continue to rise and we are having more and more earthquakes world wide.

When Earthquakes occur on the Ocean Floors then the floors begin shifting. This sets off massive changes globally. It is a domino effect, a chain reaction of sorts. Since the Ocean floors make up two thirds of our Planet Earth they are sure to effect all and everything else on the planet.

Since species upon species of Aquatic Sea life has been becoming extinct, the oceans have created a momentum to save themselves. The waters have the greatest power known to this planet and all of its life. The oceans can supply us with all the power needed to heat homes, run vehicles, create electricity and feed us, yet we fill it debris trash, oil spills and over-fishing as well as over-hunting for hides and trinkets we do not need.

If there were a conspiracy theory, I think I would say that we are all living a lie perpetrated by great minds who see the developing world as an entity unto itself that can control not only nature itself but also the nature of life living upon it.

If the greatest wealth in the world is actually distributed between less than one percent of the population then for those few there would be little to gain if it were not for free trade, market and big oil.

The United States has all the resources it needs to take care of itself and yet we depend on other nations for almost all of our food, clothing and practical needs. Survival has become such a powerful entity in our life that we no longer have time to be with ourselves or by ourselves. We have no time to relax and enjoy family, to plant some vegetables and enjoy a sunrise or sunset. While in many third world countries people are being starved and tortured, babies thrown in boiling water and killed simply because others can do it to them without fear of reprimand.

We have lost our balance as a civilized world and we have lost our way as Divine Beings. Everyone has an agenda and almost all believe they are the only righteous ones in Gods eyes.

All wars continue to be about Religion, Resources or Simple insanity. War has no common sense value at all nor does it serve any true Divine Entity. It is always selfish and never selfless except for the warriors dying.

Where is the conscience of the world? When did we quit believing that each and every person has a responsibility to Mother Earth and Nature to honor the life within and upon it?

Depression, sadness and mental illness are becoming a way of life for massive amounts of people. Animals are losing their sense of direction and becoming more violent as humans lead the way. Some species even of insects have just decided to become extinct as they too no longer sense the beauty and love of nature necessary for them to survive.

We as lightworkers have nothing to work with but the Light and Love of the Divine. We are Spiritual warriors fighting always an uphill battle for a place at the table that will allow us to be heard amid the brain jamming devices as well as the brainwashing that accompanies the masses.

Yes we have Nobel Peace Laureates that we adore and appreciate, but by and of themselves, they too must continually battle energies that find them to be a threat to the very core of the negative power structure.

The poles are shifting ladies and gentlemen at an unprecedented rate, see ( ) just as the glaciers are melting., Here are a few other websites to tell you about Solar activity and other Earth Changes as well.

I share these things with you not to frighten you but to educate. Too many of my friends have already quit reading, National Geographic, watching the news or even reading a newspaper, because they feel they are better off just not knowing the truth of the 3D world around them. I do not believe the answers lie in burying my head in the sand.

Human consciousness is strong my friend and every one of us have the potential to change our own consciousness in order to effect the whole.

We must re-program our own thinking, feeling and believing in order to stay on track. There are many beings that have moved into the awareness that they're energetic beings of consciousness over this past century. Some have chosen to live lives as peaceful warriors away from the fray of the rest. I do not believe this an option for me this lifetime. I believe that we must educate and inspire more and more individuals to find consciousness and learn to use it to change the world happenings.

We as a unit within the Divine Light of Source and all of its Hierarchies and Galactic Brotherhoods have the power to shift the Earth and its inhabitants to a new evolutionary path. We may not be able to stop the devastation that will be wrought by Mother Earth to re-balance herself but we can help her as well all species of life still upon her but we must act daily.

Suggestions for Daily Living:

Teach and share only what you practice yourself.

Recycle and reuse at every opportunity, be the example.

Each day you go outside greet the sky the earth the trees the animals and pay honor to Earth, Air fire and Water, North, East South and West.

Avoid wastefulness.

Change your thoughts to positive thoughts if they tell you negative things.

Do affirmations for the beauty and love you want and need in your life.

Look through anothers eyes before you judge.

Take time to breathe and be with yourself.

Learn to like and love yourself.

Learn to Meditate and discover multi-dimentional thought and knowingness.

Anchor Light and Love each morning and night.

Sample of Affirmations:

I am, I am, I am, a child of the Divine Light
I am, I am, I am, special in my own right
I am, I am, I am, sacred as is all life.

I deserve to free to be me. I am worthy to feel joy and beauty.
I deserve to help others help themselves. I am worthy to love and be loved.
I am open to receive Divine Light and Love always.
I am a soul and spirit light.

I deserve to have abundance in my life on all levels.
I am open to receive.
I am riches and wealth.

I forgive myself for being simply human and recognize that to be human is a great gift and honor.
I appreciate the Divine Light that shines within all life and myself.
I trust in the power of my True Inner Light to guide and protect me.

I am the one true power of light that always resonates with truth.
I am free to be unlimited.
I am unlimited.



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Seven billionth person on earth born today

Seven billionth person on earth born todayToday, the world's seven billionth person has been born. It is impossible to say exactly where the seven billionth person on the planet has been born or who they are.So the United Nations have chosen several newborn babies across the world to symbolically represent the global population milestone, including two baby girls Nargis and Danica who were born in India and the Philippines, respectively.However, the stark reality is that if a baby girl is born in the developing world, her future is set to be far from rosy.According to a recent report from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) there is a widening gap between boys and girls in these regions of the world.While they receive the same care and opportunities during early childhood, as they reach adolescence the anomalies in terms of health or education become marked.“While there is little difference between boys and girls in early childhood with respect to nutrition, health, education and other basic indicators, differences by gender appear increasingly more pronounced during adolescence and young adulthood,” said UNICEF deputy executive director Geeta Rao Gupta.If the seven billionth child born was a girl in the developed world, for instance in Europe, Japan or the United States, once she becomes a teenager she is likely to receive many of the same opportunities as her male peers.Her education, health and career prospects may even exceed those of her male counterparts.But if she is born in a region defined as ‘developing’ she is significantly more likely to be married as a child, less likely to be literate than young men in her country and, shockingly, should she be born in sub-Saharan Africa, is as many as four times more likely to contract HIV/AIDS than boys her age.A World Bank working paper examined the real economic impact of excluding girls from learning or work opportunities.For instance, just one teenage mother in India can lose $100,000 (£62,052) in potential income over her lifetime, while a single girl in Ethiopia who has dropped out of school can expect to lose the equivalent of two months’ average pay per year.The financial impacts on the national economies is bigger still: the cost to India of the 3.8 million girls having children at the ages of 15 to 19 is $7.6 billion a year (£4.7 billion) – enough to fill every single car in the US with a full tank of petrol 100 times.The denial of education to 4.5 million girls in Ethiopia costs the country $582 million (£361 million) a year.So beyond the headlines about the seven billionth birth – which will come 12 years after the six billionth, a baby boy in Sarajevo – UNICEF chiefs are urging developing countries to improve the education prospects of their female citizens.Increasing the availability of good and long-term schooling for girls will have a ‘ripple effect’ and help to break the cycle of poverty in those regions.“Closing gender gaps in all stages of childhood and eliminating gender discrimination – whether against girls or boys – are fundamental to inclusive and sustained progress for countries around the world,” said Rao Gupta.“In addition to the harmful and often tragic effects of gender inequalities on children themselves, the kinds of persistent inequalities that we continue to see… are major barriers to the efforts of many nations to move out of long-term poverty and achieve their development aspirations.”
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