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Channeling (15)


Master Thoth teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144thdimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist the Mirror of the Self to be clearer: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

I Desire to Be the Mirror of Myself in All that I Am, Do, Relate, and Act Upon ~ Master Thoth

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

This universal law brings up these elements to be acknowledged within your physical consciousness through each thought, feeling, and action that you create within your life. It is the essence of allowing your higher creative process to be part of your physical existence. It is then that your life enfolds in a new and different manner.

This is what we call “Synchronous Living”.

As you learn to “walk your talk” in that what you belief inside of yourself, through your inner power and truth, it ignites into your outside world with a sense of ease and grace with every element that you experience. The important realization is that the journey of the Self will allow you to fully embody your soul and your spirit through the physical reality you have created.

It has taken you many hundreds of lifetimes to realize these truths. You have been side-tracked from the core of your True Self into believing that the truth you believe in lies outside of yourself. It has been part of the programming that has evolved within this planet for eons of time.

Luckily, the earth is at a very pivotal point in which individuals can start to realize that the potential of their living is right within themselves. And, when you can take time to change the inner thoughts and feelings into positive affirmations that is when you are truly aligning with your Inner Truth. It is a moment in time in which you allow the true Spirit of You to become the Physical You. This allows the enfoldment of synchronicity to flow within and out of you in each element that you achieve in your life.

This is what is occurring presently within the Earth as the changes happen through each moment of alignment as there is more to experience than the previous moment. But how do you stay stable in the midst of the storm is the most important question.

Finding your True Self is important to allow the stabilization of your Higher Essence to be acknowledged within you. Events can happen; relationships will change; and there can be loss on the physical level. The important element to remember is WHO YOU ARE. This determines the cause of events for you in each moment whether it is within your own consciousness or outside of yourself with others.

I am not talking about one fleeting moment when something occurs that gives you joy. I am talking about upon waking up each day and each of those moments fit into each other with a flow that is so beautiful it resembles sitting on a raft floating down a stream and you see everything in beauty as it reflects all around you. The raft continues its journey and you enjoy each moment as they flow into the next moment. There is no hesitation or thoughts that tell you it does not feel right within your heart.

You are One with all that is around you.

So many individuals want to choose to have this existence and sometimes they think that they do. Some souls live in a very illusionary state where the world around them seems exactly as they choose it to be but yet when they look inside of themselves there are feelings of regret, insecurity, or deep pain. They may not appear as such in the world around them as it seems better to hide than to truly exhibit the feelings that are not in harmony.

This represents the statement that Your Mirror Image Is Not Of The True Self, it is of the damaged self. The part of you that has lived many timelines and experienced these elements represents the changes that need to be made. They may come in a fleeting moment out of nowhere but yet it feels very real to the psyche. This is because this experience reflects the past and is locked away within the person’s subconscious. The beauty of the subconscious mind is that it is teaching you to look at the issue so that it can be healed. Many individuals do not have the ability to look deeply within as the façade they carry with them reflects the pain they are dealing with.

As we move through 2016, the Universal Laws are going to become essentially important to every person’s existence. Each soul will experience the growth that is necessary to embody the universal laws, and they will become an important element to consider. In fact, each universal law needs to become a mantra for each soul upon this earth so that every step they take in their physical life reflects the spiritual self that is trying to be realized.

Each individual must live with the Universal Laws as if they already know what they are. But when you read the words of the law, what do you feel inside of your self.

Do you have a reflection of what it may mean for you in your present circumstances or your life?  

Do you see why you have gone through a series of challenges and maybe if you paid closer attention to each moment you are experiencing, then you could see where the problem may lie within your mental and emotional experiences?

These are all important elements to consider, as the Universal Laws must become personal for each person in order to achieve mastery and accept the challenges they are going through as part of their own Divine Plan through their Higher Self, and not the result of others creating the problems.

The Law of Correspondence creates these thoughts to become a reality within a person. The statement of As Above, So Below is something that has been written in many spiritual texts for centuries. But what does that mean for you? How can you change your reality by realizing that you are more of a Spiritual Being than a physical one?

The reason this planet and all of humanity is struggling represents these questions that I pose to you. Each person needs to take responsibility for his or her own reality through the emotional and mental bodies so that the world can be Heaven on Earth. Until each soul takes that step into their own personal evolution the earth is going to still be in conflict.

So that is why we take the time as Masters to work with each of you so that you can remember all that you know and how to apply it to your present life circumstance. It is not your fault that you have forgotten but it is time for every soul to try to remember. So the burden falls upon each Lightworker, as the Awakened Ones, to hold their own higher essence within their physical body. In order for each of you to walk as masters you must walk in the shoes of all that you have been before. This is an important fact that needs to be addressed.

Your Etheric body holds the frequency of the good and bad that you have been. In order for your physical self to hold the Light frequency, the healing must occur within the Etheric level. All timelines and thought processes that you have is being held in this level. So it is imperative to clear as much as you can as it will make a difference in creating the New Earth.

So how do you create it?

Each of you mirror everything that you have ever been within your own sub-conscious thoughts which trigger the emotions. It is imperative to take the time and understand that when the thought comes to you, how you feel about it in your personal reaction.

What happens to you in this process? Are you relating to your Higher Self or is it your physical self?

This is an important consideration because when you access your Divine Mind, the higher part of your existence, then you allow that Mirror of your I Am Presence to be revealed within your physical body. When you are accessing the lower self through the physical mind, then you are putting that energy back into the Universe. So it will come back to you time and time again until your rectify the energy through accessing your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.

This is the Law of Correspondence – as the line of communication from the lower mind will travel through the dimensions unto your I Am presence of the 144thdimension. The I Am or the Monad or the Higher Self receives it. There becomes a realization that this transference of energy does not reflect the Higher Essence. So then this energy sends another communication to you of similar energies – the lower energies do not stay within the Higher Essence but are returned to you to revisit the same frequency. This is why you can be overwhelmed with an emotion or situation you are dealing with. Instead of calling upon your Higher Essence to assist in a resolution, your lower energies are being sent out and returned back to you.

This is a constant motion that occurs in each situation of your life.

So when you realize that change has to occur from your Higher Essence into the physical essence that is when you start to feel calm, peaceful, and loved. You finally allow your vehicle on this Earth to receive what it deserves. Then there is the movement of healing that is created.

It becomes an endless cycle until the initiate can take responsibility for themselves and realize that the reality they are experiencing is due to their ability to move through the challenge.

This is why this earth is so programmed as it was deemed appropriate eons ago that there would not be any remembrance for each soul until he or she could step into the power of their own will to be acknowledged within themselves.

So at this time of great change, it is your responsibility, as the Awakened Ones, the Initiate, the Student to step forward and allow the healing of our Inner Self to become the Outer Self. Each soul upon this planet must take this responsibility. If you think you are completely clear and do not need to address this law to your personal life, then look at your outward circumstances.

The Inner Reflects the Outer Self ~ Synchronization Occurs through this act.

This statement reflects each moment of your day, your night, and all realities coming into Oneness. The more souls that utilize this law the easier it will become upon this earth as the dark energies will no longer be able to exist in this higher frequency.

Take time to realize your thoughts and actions, your conversations, and realizations as they mold who you are in any given moment. Every soul has to go through this process; it is part of learning to be a master. The journey can be challenging to constantly know who you are and allow the Mirror of Your Higher Essence to guide you in each moment. The rewards will come to those that are able to uphold this creative process within all parts of their reality through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies.

This will then change the frequency of this Earth to move into the higher dimensional light. The challenge is being honest with yourself and realize the potential you have to create change inside and around you.

I walk with you every step of the way through this process.

I Am Master Thoth

Join us for our monthly talk with Master Thoth on the Law of Correspondence, Saturday, April 30th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall which is a meeting place for many masters of the Unified Whole Command. Included is an attunement to reflect the Mirror Image of our Divine Self into our Physical Being. Details are available viaGetting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

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Master Djwhal Khul shares his message on the Wesak energies for 2015 along with the responsibilities of being on the Mastery Pathway as requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy for a powerful and fulfilling Wesak experience.


It is my pleasure to walk with each of you during this fabulous time of existence ~ Wesak ~ is now upon us for 2015.

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

The Wesak energies this year is beyond what any of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy could imagine. The power of the frequencies of Light is taking humanity into a new form of existence. I believe that each of you probably understands what the phase of “resurrection” has meant to you. Now, we go into the next journey that allows each of us to expand our horizons, so to speak.

As we step into the element of acceleration, the four-body system must go through a process of elimination depending upon the inner work that you have been doing. It happens every year and in fact, you feel it each month upon the full moon. It is the process of rebirth and is a necessary element in order to grow through the changes. It represents the flow of life, in and out. It is not always an easy process but very necessary.

2015 has represented a year of great change. In order to accept the elements of Freedom within your consciousness, you must get to know what it is like to suffer and be challenged. Otherwise, there is no conceptual knowledge of what being free represents for you. It allows each person to understand that what they were before is not who they are in the present moment.

GAIA has been in a state of inertia for many eons of time. The planet has held the concept of control and the masculine energies of the mental mind to be the controlling factor. So she has sat and waited until a time would come that humanity would awaken to a higher level of existence. This would not just be with the Ascended Masters (that learned they needed to wake up) but in all of humanity.

This year represents those energies. People are arising to the fact that they must be more conscious to the self-imposing thoughts that hold them back from their higher realities. So individuals are slowly awakening to the process of mastery but not the level that we, of the ascended beings, would like to see.

So each of you that have awakened, and have stepped into the role of wanting to be a master of your destiny are being challenged to be more. You are very much like we were in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria, but yet there were not enough of us. It was a time when we could not hold the higher essence of energies within the earth plane due to the duality that had arrived. Now you are at a juncture of time in which you have stepped into the initiation process to clear what has been wrong while knowing there is so much more for you to do.

We are here to do it with you, each of the Ascended Beings of Light, but yet, know we have the frequencies of the Unified Whole in which the Brotherhood of Light has accepted into their world. Each of us represents these energies of Oneness so that it can be expanded unto each of you as we walk together unto the New Earth.

Until that time arrives, great work needs to be done. The role that you have chosen is truly not easy, but is attainable. GAIA is changing with the energetic frequencies and each of you is holding these essences to help you become what you have always know you can be. But great work must be done until that time arrives for each of you personally, and individually.

This is why the Wesak energies are so expansive and alluring. There are more people upon the planet at this time that is aware of this event. This means that there will be more frequencies within GAIA that will assist in this process.

As the commanding energies of Lord Buddha comes forth to command the Christed Self within the planet, each of you stand with each of us, as we arise together towards a new stage of our existence. You, being the Initiates of the Earth, will be asked to ground these frequencies so your job is more challenging to hold than ours. But you are not alone.

In reference to the Festival of the Christ and the resurrecting energies that resulting in the last 30 days each of you that desire to be more, has achieved more just because of what you are doing within your spiritual world. If you are not as diligent as you would like to be, then the energies will intertwine within your Being, twisting you in many directions until you stop and allow the change to occur. One cannot step unto this pathway and not feel the change. But if you try to stop, the experience will become more filled with obstacles. You have awakened to be the Master of the New Earth, so it is very important that you take this pathway very seriously.

The changes that you are feeling is not just because of GAIA, it is due to the acceleration of the planets coming into alignment and everything else must be connected to those energies. It is not an easy process by any means but each of you is doing it to the best of your abilities.

There is always more than can be done.

My message to you at this time is do not ignore the energies of Wesak. Prepare yourself to walk through the next doorway as you have a deep responsibility to do so. You may not even realize how important this pathway is for your soul’s growth and commitment to the Earth. So that is why I am here in this moment sharing with you my essence and the desire to see each of you achieve the very best within your life.

Make a commitment to connect with others for the Wesak energies. It does not matter if it is in person or long distance, but it is very important to allow these frequencies of light to exist in your world.

Some may say that what I am about to say is not something a master would share, but in truth, you must decide for yourself.

I work with Walking Terra Christa and Rev. Meleriessee and Rev. Aranathanara to bring forth the highest information possible. It is my role with them presently. It is a new job for both of us which takes great diligence to provide this information and availability of connection through the waves of dimensions for Meleriessee. We work very hard on the Inner Plane with each other to make sure the information they provide is within the truth of the God Force.

In prior channelings I had shared that there would come a time within the energies of the New Earth that I would step forward and work with chosen individual(s).  I want to tell you that Rev. Meleriessee and Rev. Aranatharna are these individuals that I have chosen.

What they administer to others is unmarked by anyone else on this planet. Meleriessee has achieved her own ascension and chooses to stay on this planet to assist others. Aranathanara is doing the same with great sacrifices. This is what it takes to be an Ascended Master within a physical body.

I ask of you, “Can you take 3 hours out of your day on May 3rd to be part of these frequencies and join Walking Terra Christa with others to connect with the Masters in Shamballa along with Lord Buddha?”

I know that attending this ceremony will assist each individual that chooses to participate as it allows each of us in the God Force to work with each of you more directly. This is the energetic exchange that Rev. Meleriessee brings forth. It will be unmatched by anything else that you experience and will allow your essence to stand with each of the Ascended Beings of Light within Shamballa.

I also want to share that a Spiritual Donation is required because the work that they do is guided by the God Force. I stand by this statement of saying that a small donation will show a statement of faith by your physical essence to receive the highest quality of energetic exchange. It is not the money itself, but the act that represents the Universal Law of Abundance. Ideally, this is why they are requiring a very small donation as  low as $11 to attend this ceremony but in return, you will receive so much more.

This represents the movement,

“Yes, I am an Initiate, and I want to be acknowledged by others. I know that this is an energetic exchange and I want the Ascended Masters, especially Lord Melchizedek to acknowledge I am serious about my Pathway of Initiations.”

I share this information not because of the donation but the seriousness of exchange on the mastery pathway. Many individuals feel that all this work should be free; but yet, those individuals probably are not serious about the spiritual growth. This represents the lower ego and that energy should be free. But when a person who has achieved what both Meleriessee and Aranathanara have acquired, it has taken years of work, learning, and growing through the process of their initiations. They have chosen to do this work to help every living person who wants to achieve more to be able to do so.

This is why I work with them; not because I feel they are special, as they are. But because, I see the steps they have taken to do this work and no others upon the planet can do it as I choose to command it to be. We are partners and I applaud what they are trying to create upon this Earth.

I want to see the same for each of you. Wesak is a ceremony that should not be missed by any initiate. I am happy to see the growth of the planet that events such as this can be experienced through tele-communications as it is helping to connect people all around the world.

This, I would say, is “Freedom Within.”

I look forward to connecting with each of you during this powerful time of acceleration.

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

In Blessings of Love and Wisdom, I walk with you.

The information on the Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa can be accessed via Wesak 2015,  If you would be interested to be part of our retreat festivities via the recordings, the information is available on Retreat-Distance Learning Option,

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Greetings Dearest Beloveds,

We come to you as the Unified Whole Command of the energies of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director representing the 144th dimension of Oneness. We want to share with you about the energetics of the Earth that each of you are experiencing presently.

As we come to an end of a very majestic year, it helps to understand the process of events that have occurred. There is more light within the planet than has ever been received. Since the Solstice in June there are infractions of the angelic essences being more grounded within each human upon Gaia. Many are unaware of this but it is the pathway of the events unfolding within your world.

This makes perfect sense as each of you and all of us within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light were part of a Divine Plan to bring forth the angelic essences into body upon the Earth during the 1st Root Race. Since that was eons ago then each of you have had to go through a process of remembering these stages within your growth. This is what all of humanity is experiencing presently.

Those of you that are remembering your true essence will stand in front of so many others to help them understand what they are experiencing. Now many of these souls will choose not to remember but the ones that do will have the benefit of so many stepping into this journey of Awakening before them.

The flow of the planetary energies since June of this year is bringing forth the Divine Essence that has never been lost but truly forgotten. As the adjustments are occurring within the Moon cycles, the Eclipses and the Equinox, there has been great turmoil. But amidst the turmoil is truly a depth of peace that is occurring within the planet. The changes that are happening currently represent what needs to arise in order for GAIA to exist in a completely new way of Beingness. She is healing in so many ways and so is each of you.

December is always a powerhouse of energies but this year represents so much more. Do you not remember 2012 when you thought that change would occur more rapidly? I am sure you do and so do we. It has taken us four years to get to the point that more of humanity would start to see that the world would change and this includes everyone upon it. Change is happening as we speak.

As we move into 2016, we have to realize that the four years it has taken for the planet to accept the light infractions, has given every individual more of a stable foundation. Four years ago this was not possible so the changes that have occurred needed to be in Divine Order, and not the order of what many had thought previously. It was seen that so many individuals did not have the capacity to accept the light energies within themselves. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole has taken all that has occurred and put it into wholeness.


Otherwise, Gaia would still be in a process of circling her energies in the same way that has occurred for eons of time. That cycle is now being stopped due to the activations of light within the planet. What occurs presently is that the re-birth is occurring.

Within the process of the re-birthing cycle old elements would need to be revised, purged, and taken out of the existence within Gaia’s pathway in order for the new essences to be integrated within the entire circumference of the Earth.

This is the process that each of you is experiencing presently. Your karma is within your four-body system. Instead of reliving that karma through your outside experiences, it is occurring internally within your Masculine and Feminine Divine. What you have experienced in other timelines that have been out of balance may still be out of alignment within your four-body system. It is part of the Divine Order of Creation to allow all elements to be in balance. In addition, what you have done correctly within your past lives, it being accepted within your four-body system.

The same is true for Gaia. She is healing in the same way as each of you.

This is why there are so many elements that are occurring presently. Tragedies are happening and then healing coming out of those tragedies, or there are events that can almost occur, but then there might be many ‘knight in shinning armour’s’ to show up so to speak. The light is arising within the midst of darkness that has occurred on this planet.

But there is still so much that needs to be done.

The power of the activations in December is preparing the planet and each of you to be ready for more. It is important to realize that your Soul Body of Light – your Etheric Body is holding all of these elements, the light and the dark. And it is being emanated into your Physical Body to be healed and released. The problem may be that many people will not think of their healing in this way and will blame outside circumstances for the challenges they are experiencing within their lives like their health, their physical well-being, their living situations, and the jobs that support all of these elements.


It is important to take this time through the following activations of the Solstice in December to allow the stillness within your heart to permeate through your entire being. On December 25th the Christ Consciousness will be activated through the Full Moon Energies opening up the hearts of many. December 31st will bring forth a day of preparation of going into 2016.

What is occurring for you in 2016?

2016 represents Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self

The planet is expanding into greater cycles of reality. It represents a year of completion in the sense that the old paradigm of elements upon this Earth will no longer be able to exist. Great changes will result from these elements, but there is a grand design that is at work. It comes from the Divine Essence of Light that each of you come from. It represents the accessibility of more light infractions to be placed within Gaia’s Core; but it also brings forth many challenges of instability to order for the grand cycle of time and space to be realized.

This means it is a time to fully “roll up your sleeves” so to speak and dig down deeper into which you are as a human, as an angel, as a Light Being. It is a time to fully realize the potentiality of what mastery will mean for you and that the old way of doing things can no longer work for you. There will be realizations to allow more of whom you truly are as a Divine Being to be realized and less of what you have been as a human mold the vision that you hold within yourself.

As this month has enfolded, it is giving you the grand opportunity to be more and accept more of the Divine Essence that you are. Your soul is engaging within you in a completely and different way than it ever has done before. Realizations will come to the forefront of your reality to allow the expansion to be part of your present reality.

The Universal Laws will become more important to the world. This possibly may not be in a concrete way, but you will see those elements becoming more apparent within the enfoldment of a society that seems to be crumbling but yet is arising into a new sense of Divine Creation. Each soul within the Earth will need to learn from their mistakes and right themselves in this newly grounded process of light. Those that cannot will cease to be upon Gaia’s essence as that will be their choosing from their soul’s perspective.

Change is happening, My Dearest Ones and you are the Ones that will have to step up your game.

It is a time to know yourself inside and out – through all of your reflections, as the energetic exchanges will no longer allow you to hide within. All will be revealed within yourself. You will learn that you will have to travel deeper into the hidden core of the abyss within you to find your true destiny.

The world of being in love with everything and all around you will need to be realized within your own consciousness and deeper into your Soul’s Essence. Soul Psychology will be the buzz word because all of the lifetimes you have lived will be erupting out of your soul to be healed and accepted as the Divine Being that you are.

All of this is so very beautiful to watch as it is finally being realized within the Hearts and Minds of every soul upon this planet. It is a new doorway, a new essence to be revealed. The way of Ascension Mastery will be the way to exist upon the planet. Individuals will want to know more about who they are, as the search will go deeper than it ever has been before.

The knowledges of the past that have been kept in secret will start to be revealed only in the highest integrity of all individuals. Those that use abuse as they main goal in life will be revealed. The way of walking with the Masters will be realized but only with hard work and diligence.

You see, the New Earth, cannot be realized until all is open into the Light. Every person upon the planet will need to see more of themselves. And the ones that have been following these ways of living will show many others. They, too, will go deeper than ever before as the role of Ascension Mastery will be realized in a completely and different way.

There will be strict rules that will need to be adhered to through the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole will be more realized within the Earth as it was in the beginning but more focused on the end result of fulfillment of the Divine Plane.

So take this time in the rest of December to honor yourself; see whom you are, what needs to be changed, and embrace what you have achieved this year. We are at a huge beginning together. These realizations of what we have desired for eons of time are now coming into the Light. Our Journey is just beginning and what a beginning it is.

Change will happen within each of you through this process. The Solstice is almost upon the Earth and will bring about new realizations of the self as the light infractions of the Great Central Suns come into existence within the planet. These elements represent Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, through Lord Melchizedek, through Melchoir and then unto Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun.

On a personal and physical level some may feel these changes more directly than others depending upon the soul psychology work that you have been doing.  The body is holding all the other energies and in order for the Feminine Divine to come into balance, all the other bodies need to come into alignment.

Teachings will be coming to the forefront that have been lost but only in wholeness of the Unified Whole. Otherwise, there will be dark moments that will be revealed and will fall upon those timelines when those teachings existed for the wrong reasons. Right and Wrong will be the focal point so the element of balance is absolutely necessary. Many Light Beings are here to assist in the process but the important element is that YOU ARE BECOMING THE MASTER, and you must adhere to the rules of mastery by learning the tools and techniques and acting upon them yourself. We are here to help you but you are the Ones that are embodied upon the earth so there is much more that you can do.

When elements around the world come more into balance, that is when we will be able to step forward to walk with you. We, then, will be with you side-by-side as you will have learned the lessons of mastery within a physical existence. We so look forward to this time together in physical form. Until that time we are here to assist you in a multitude of many ways.

Now that as we move into 2016 it is an age that has never before been realized fully. The Christ Consciousness is becoming One within Each of You.

We thank you deeply for the work that you are doing and continue to strive to be more than your Heart has ever known.

The Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Reality with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Director with all of the Beings of Light within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.


Note: Click here to listen to LORD ADAMA and LORD SAINT GERMAIN talking about visiting the ROYAL TETON RETREAT (audio excerpted from the Guided Teaching Meditation Journey Walking Terra Christa provided to the WTC ACADEMY STUDENTS this week). We also offer the option to use our Guided Meditation Journey to assist you in your visitations to the RETREAT at this time.

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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The Wesak Festival of 2015 is now upon us. On May 3rd, 2015 we will be experiencing the full effects of this enormous event as we have been preparing spiritually as Initiates on the Pathway of Mastery for the past month.

Wesak represents a time of great renewal and growth as the energetic exchange within the planet accelerates creating a “Force of Enlightenment”.

We are at a huge crossroads within this year as the frequencies of Light that represent the Wesak Moon will bring forth great change into the hearts and minds of all people around the planet. It is a time in which the Ascended Masters and all Initiates gather together in Spirit within Shamballa to celebrate the ascension of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos. During these powerful moments all Initiates, Ascended Masters, and Light Beings will step into a new existence within their consciousness and world. It is considered the most powerful energy within the planet.

2015 Wesak represents Strength, Peace, and Love for each person inhabited upon Gaia’s planet which will allow the accessibility of Accepting Freedom Within.

This means that all of the preparation that we have done throughout the year brings us to a culmination of energies to be created within Shamballa that will be reverberated throughout the planet. Last month we experience the Festival of the Christ that meant in the past 30 days we have been “resurrecting” all elements that cannot exist within the Wesak energies as each person is guided to step into a higher part of their consciousness; whether they are aware of these energies physically or not is their choice.

As an Initiate, it is a choice to celebrate the frequencies of light through coming together with others and connecting with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the God Force, Divine Mother and Father God within the Unified Whole Command in Oneness.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, truly look forward to this time each year, as it is a powerful celebration of each person’s spirit becoming more manifest within the physical world. It is helping us to acknowledge the work we have done to get to this space and time while allowing us to ground the energies within GAIA so that we will walk into the New Earth.

What happens through this process for an individual that connects to the Ceremonial Magic that is occurring?

Individuals will feel it differently depending upon their own growth cycle, their initiation pathway, and how they integrate it within their physical consciousness.

The reasons behind this event are guided through the entire God Force; the purpose is represented within the concept of stimulating the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill. It allows each Initiate to fuse together the essence of Goodwill with each other, which represents the Oneness in a responsive and integrated circle of light. Lastly, the invocations that are stated allow for a response from the Cosmic Beings of Light as we work together cohesively to attain the goals desired – Creating the New Earth.

It is a time in which our accelerations will increase substantially. The entire God Force is readying for this magnificent event just as each of us on Earth are doing the same. It is a time when each soul rises to a new way of existence within their consciousness and their lives.

The essence of Buddha represents the Wisdom of God. The Heart of God is very prevalent for Wesak providing Divine Understanding that can reach individuals with the love and service to their fellowman. The Ray of Love and Wisdom is then ignited representing the expression of Illumination of the Higher Mind. The ray essences that are prevalent during Wesak are represented within the Blue Flame of the Will of God with the Pink Flame of the Love of God, and the Gold representing the Power all igniting the Three-Fold Flame Within each individual.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony on May 3rd, 2015 to connect with Lord Buddha and the Ascended Masters, with Divine Mother and Father God, and the Unified Whole Command within Oneness. You may attend this event from your home location via our teleconferencing system, Freedom Within (please click the link to read the details of this event). If you are interested in receiving the recordings from our Three-Day Retreat in Mt. Shasta, check out the details and specials we are offering via

We are requiring a Spiritual Donation of at least $11 for this Wesak Event.  In order for each individual to receive the full potential of this connection with the God Force giving a donation is represented by the Universal Law of Manifestation. Each individual will receive a higher potential of acceleration by showing his or her dedication to the pathway.

It is with great consideration that we have come to this decision as we always share our full moon meditations freely to the public. Master Djwhal Khul has provided a special message on the subject of Wesak and the importance of Service, An Initiate’s Responsibility for Wesak 2015,

Blessings for an amazing Wesak experience.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Sharing Wisdom Creates Healing Within

10900628894?profile=originalThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 19th, 2015.

Good evening,

It is I, Yamteleus. I am very excited about tonight and having Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also known as Master Altebetahn.

I am not quite sure as which aspect he will be coming through, perhaps a little bit of both. I believe his Essence is representative of what each of you is experiencing: Courage, Faith, understanding in your own Pathways. I am eager to hear what he has to say to bring forth the energies within this amazing Temple. These are elements that each of us as souls truly need to embody within ourselves. Especially those of us who have passed over and have no idea what is happening to us when we leave the Body.

Many of us follow the doctrines of religion. Many of those doctrines do not teach us how to walk into the Light or the Tunnel of Light with that Light Body. It is very exciting to have his essence here, not only to share with each of you his words and beautiful communication, but to help the Souls here to understand so much more about themselves. I believe his work truly aligned with what he believed as his Truth. He allowed that Truth to be brought forth to many others.

Let us get started with the energies and bring forth this beautiful Essence for tonight.

Thank you for being with us.

I AM Yamteleus at your service.

Greetings, My Beloved Comrades,

It is I, Martin Luther King Jr., also known as Altebetahn within my Higher Self. I bring you both aspects. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here at this time. My sharing within the Temple has been very limited. I know that my reputation stands for itself, yet that is not what I want to speak about this evening.

Our Divine Mother and Father God shared with you about acquiring your wisdom. When you are in this physical body as I recall, you always look into the higher points of understanding what your wisdom is.

Wisdom is only acquired through the experience of challenges and achievements. It is not felt until after those challenges occur, and you can see the achievements that were acquired within that movement.

Any normal human being walking down the street just wants to find wisdom. What they do not realize is that each moment they experience changes, the resulting energy afterwards, the summation of what that experience represented, is truly their Wisdom.

We can acquire wisdom through physical experience. We can acquire it through the emotional, the mental, and we can acquire it through Spiritual Enlightenment. We can acquire it through our higher aspects. They are waiting to be included within the physical existence. Wisdom can be acquired from different lifetimes, when those timelines represented challenges and achievements. Each of us as souls have many different levels of wisdom within our existence.

Today is an important day. Not only because I am here, but the fact that I am being honored within the world. That is not truly my Wisdom.

My wisdom represents what I have acquired in that lifetime to make the necessary changes I desired. Of course, my life stopped short. If I was a soul filled with grief and regret, then I could have stayed in that level of consciousness, because of what I did not achieve. Instead, I looked to what I had acquired, how I had assisted others to understand, and how I had made changes upon the Earth. I do not regret any of it. The only regret I have had was that I could not continue. Yet that was not to be at that time.

I share this wisdom with you for you to reflect within yourself upon your own wisdom through the ages and what you have acquired.

Many times our Mental Mind, our thought processes take us into a place we should not go. It takes us into the space of not understanding ourselves. Looking at a situation and saying to the self,

“I should have done this, I should have done that, why did I do things that way? Why was I not smart enough? Why did I not see things differently? Why was I not more intuitive? What happened to my gut instinct at that moment?”

This is true for any of us especially in times of trauma and challenges of dysfunction. What you are learning within yourself is to change those experiences of trauma, of what you have remembered, whether it is this timeline or another timeline, or another aspect that needs to be looked at.

Every moment you bring forth the acknowledgments of what you have experienced, that is your Wisdom.

That is how you share it in the succeeding days. This is why we have teachers that have gone through experiences through the years and then come back to mentor others. They share with you a portion of their wisdom. It won’t be exactly their experience, but understanding that the true worth of a teacher is one that can impart their own knowledge of the past to share their wisdom with others.

Today I share with you a part of my wisdom.

I was compassionate, I was loving. I was also very aggressive. I was stubborn. I stepped into areas that put me in harm’s way. I truly was not a balanced Self. Yet my role was to show the existence of what Light represented within Darkness for a race that truly needed to embrace that essence within themselves.

What part of your journey do you feel compassionate about?

What part of your journey puts you in the darkest places?

It does not necessarily have to be that you were putting yourself in harm’s way. We call that the Warriorship Archetype. I truly was a Warrior. Yet, I did not leave leading others astray by shooting. It had to be done in a peaceful way. That peaceful way put us in harm’s way which affected many, many people. I acknowledge those souls deeply.

If I take the Wisdom I learned through that experience, and I impart to you what you may need to you in your own life situation, it is the power of your knowledge and your highest essence of the God Source that you are to be combined within you, as the physical Being you are.

This is the most powerful tool we can share with others. I see what is happening around the world presently. I know where they are coming from. I see what is happening within each of you and others who sit in silence. That is the most powerful tool we can impart onto this Earth at this time.

When I meet each of you personally, I will thank you deeply. You have taken my Wisdom along with others, Mahatma Gandhi, Lord Buddha, Master Babaji, all the great Masters that sit in SILENCE and expand that ENERGY outside of themselves. The airwaves and the light forms go out to Source and then coming back into the Planet, into each of you, around you and to others; it is the most powerful ammunition you could bring forth onto this Earth. I am so very grateful to see this occurring. My way was needed at that time. Your way is needed at this time.

It is my pleasure to be able to commune with you to bring my Heart Essence onto each of you. I know we have the same goal in mind. Peace on Earth. It is not about riots. It is not about demonstrations. It is about each of you being that Christ within your body, to be the Buddha, to be all the Masters you work with.

I, as Altebetahn, am that Master. As Martin Luther, I was not. Today I join forces with each of you in a completely different manner than I have ever done before. I extend to you my Knowledge of Peace. I know what it feels like to see and to achieve Peace in areas where there was turmoil.

As we work together to bring forth these Essences as One, we are a Force to be reckoned with. Nothing can interfere with the global vortex we create. It is my pleasure to be the Center of that Vortex in these moments. I extend onto you my Compassion, my Love, my dearest existence of Hearts within Hearts, understanding one another, and know that Peace will occur upon this Earth. Yet each of us needs to be strong. Within that Strength, as you are bringing forth these Elements within yourself, remove the Aspects that represent Warriorship, Aggression, and wanting to fight back.

The only way we can come together is to be in this powerful Vortex of Light Frequency of Peace within. When we acquire that Peace within, the rest of Humanity shall receive it. I give this unto you in these moments.

In the Light that I AM as Martin Luther King, Jr., along with Altebetahn, I allow myself to fully blend that physical aspect with my highest aspect to represent to all of humanity and to each of you what this means. It represents the deepest compassion anyone can muster up, see, or find. It is the Passion within that, the deepest Sympathy, Serenity and the Light Focus of allowing all Beings to receive this Peace of Light that we are.

Let us now come together within this beautiful Temple of one ball of Peace, Serenity, Love, Divine Beingness, Acceptance, and Enjoyment, bringing all aspects together in the Oneness that we are.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We expand our Circle of Light of many colors of God’s Essence within. We now extend it with our breath of the Light upon the Earth. It expands into the essence of Gaia’s heart as it vibrates to all of Humanity. Let us breathe and extend it together as we are moving toward the Peaceful Planet of Light.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We feel individuals awakening to feel Peace and Allowance within themselves. We bring that back into the Temple now.

As I stand here within each of you, I feel each of your hearts. I feel your passion for life. I feel your Divinity of Light and wanting to extend that to others. Please do yourself a favor and extend it to yourself. Let it expand within your Heart. Allow it to be all that you are.

That is the most beautiful gift you can give to anyone at this time.

Allow it to expand within you, because you are the Peace. You are the Love. You are the existence of all that we are together. This is the Wisdom I extend unto you.

This is what I have learned from my lesson of this timeline upon the Earth. This is what I have learned from the Essence of working with the beautiful Masters in my soul’s healing. It is my pleasure to be considered a Master at this moment in time.

I AM Master Altebetahn at your Divine Service. Thank you for the Healing that my soul has acquired through this dissertation of Light.

My Blessings and Love to each of you.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks each week in the temple before our guest speaker. The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via to read. You may also apply to our Student/ Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery
Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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The December Leap of Light

New Earth Frequency Update

Blessings and love to each of you within humanity of Gaia. We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service in this present moment.

Now that the month has moved into the last part of the year it represents so many octaves of light that have occurred within the planet during 2014. The changes within each of you are key to the next phase of Gaia’s evolution into 2015.

This month of December will prove to bring forth frequencies of light into each of your hearts and minds to prepare you for the upcoming year. It will represent your ability to take what you have learned and apply it within your role upon this Earth. The act of understanding and sensitivity towards others will be essential as humanity will be experiencing great shifts of awakening within their journey upon Gaia.

We ask you to reflect upon your own changes that have occurred within your life in 2014. We hope that you can see how deep you have had to travel to find moments of clarity and joy within your world. This is because each soul upon this Earth is being asked to travel into their psyche to understand who they are becoming. The accelerations within the Earth are just that essence – a vibrational change that comes into the planetary existence. It is what you do with those moments of higher dimensional frequencies coming within you that matters as they can come into you, through you, and not affect you in a grounding manner. But yet, if you are completely aware of each time an acceleration comes into your consciousness by allowing it to integrate within you, then accessing the emotional and mental responses it may have upon you, and change what is not working, then you are allowing the essence of Unity of Love and Light to be your guide.

If you are an individual that has traveled through these moments of creation and are still unsure of what has happened to you, then it is time to go into deeper reflection of the old self, the current self, and allow the New Self to be borne. Humanity is going to be experiencing many changes within the next month and it is due to what needs to be accepted by every individual soul within the planetary structure. It is a pre-requisite journey of what is to be in 2015.

The world needs to change and this change must come from each of you. If you have taken on the journey of being an awakened human, then you have a responsibility to be part of that contract within your physical existence. It is not just about “thinking of love and sending it to others”. It represents the ability to embody your Truest Essence and allow it to enfold within you.

In order for the New Earth energies to be fully embodied by Gaia, major changes have to occur first in each individual soul. Now there are many that do not have a contract to awaken, or they just have not come to the right moment in their creation to allow it to be. Those are not the ones we are speaking to in this moment. We want to address this transmission of light to each of you that are an awakened human, a star seed, a galactic being, an angel, or a initiate of mastery upon the pathway of enlightenment. Each of you has a role within the New Earth which is not even known at this time. It cannot be; until you fully accept the fact that you have a responsibility to be part of the most magnificent pilgrimage of light any planet has ever seen.

This December you have a Divine Opportunity to allow your purest essence to merge within you so that you can see for yourself whom you truly are. The portals of light that will be arriving in this month will allow each awakened individual to go into a deeper part of themselves. They will be occurring all month but specific dates to watch for are the Full Moon of the 6th; the conjunction of the planets of Uranus/Pluto on the 15th; the Solstice on the 21st; the New Moon on the 22nd; and the culmination of energies on the 31st. Each of these dates are important but the irony of these activations is the fact that one is not higher in frequency than the other. They bring forth a journey of light within the planet as each transition occurs; it represents an increased movement of energy building at the beginning into the end for the climax of allowing the energies to be fully grounded within the planet and each of you. It is important to realize that this is part of the Divine Plan of allowing awakened souls to see them-selves in a completely different way than they have before. It is also an imperative element that needs to occur for the New Earth.

Whatever you experience this December depends upon your own creative process that is occurring within you. This means that your four-body system is going to access these frequencies to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind, pull out the debris that is necessary, and become more aware of the Light that you are. You see, many of you are not doing this. You are allowing the energetic exchanges that are occurring to come within you as you idly sit by and allow it to happen.

These moments of high acceleration are being given to assist the planet but every individual soul must do their part. It is imperative that each of you go within yourself, see the energies that are coming up within you, make the necessary changes by the tools you have learned, and start to become a multi-dimensional being in human form. Just thinking that it is going to happen does not make it so. The internal work needs to be done by each of you for your own individualized self.

First of all, it is Universal Law that these moments of creation come into a planet and must be acknowledged by those that are embodied within the planet. Or else, the creative process cannot stay. It creates a movement of light to come in and go through the planet, but it is not held. Each of you are the ones that hold this essence within your humanly form. It is part of your contract.

Then, what occurs that each soul that receives these light infractions within their physicality have to process within their four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental faculties in order to receive the Spiritual Body or Higher Self essence. You see, you all hold the memories of all the other timelines in which you could not do this work. So feelings of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, and uncertainty can plague your consciousness and life path. It is important that individuals not allow those energies to be the ruling factor as they are very strong within the planetary structure.

This is why you have been so deeply challenged this year with the high accelerations coming into your Beingness. We hope that you have taken the time to remove the elements that do not fit the higher essence that you are receiving as it is an imperative process to be doing. In fact, you cannot continue the way you have been going if you do not allow your higher essence (Higher Self and I Am Presence) to be your guide. But the lower ego, the lower self can get in the way of this progress. Change is inevitable at this time so these elements are very important.

December will be another huge surge of light coming into the planet. So it is within this moment that we share this information to help you through the process. Each of these accelerations will allow the illuminating light that you are to be your guide into the month. The work up to the Solstice will prepare each of you to bring forth great light infractions into your Being and within GAIA. The more ceremonial work that you perform, the easier will be the transition. As December 31st approaches, these light infractions will be more grounded within Gaia which means each of you are being given an opportunity to understand more about yourself.

2015 will be more of the same energies; it will affect all humans upon the Earth in one way or another. Change needs to occur but we need each of you to understand your own process at this time. The New Earth cannot occur without the grounding force each of you beautiful angels provide. You are the ones standing in the forefront holding these frequencies; sometimes they are overwhelming to your physical bodies and can cause you to over react to circumstances and changes you are experiencing. The more individuals that hold these frequencies within them, fully grounded, the easier it will be in 2015.

It is a divine opportunity to be more within yourself, to understand your thoughts and emotions, to take time to connect with your Higher Self, and purge what does not work for you. Do not question any thoughts that arise out of your consciousness that says you are not experiencing these elements, that it is just a sign of depression or sadness. Remove those old habits as they do not serve you any longer.

Stand in the face of adversity, start to understand what it takes to be a Master of Light in Truth and Honesty. Be that initiate and walk through your doorways that have been closed before. Bring in the Rays of God representing the Will and Power, the Love and Wisdom, the Creative Actualizations, the Harmony and Balance, the Truth of your Wisdom in the Science of God, accessing your Inner Devotion to the Self, and feeling the Freedom of the Magic to enfold within your life.

The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have received previously. We had hopes that it would occur within 2012, but the time is right for this Earth to inhabit more Love and Light than ever before. You are the Torch Bearers, you are standing in front holding these frequencies of Love more deeply than ever before.

Hold deeply and you will be able to ground the frequency for the New Earth as many others will be needing your assistance. If the grounding does not occur as we think it should, then we will be experiencing a different 2015 than we previously envisioned.

It is up to each of you, the aspirants of this Earth, to hold true to your divine contract with each of us in the Force of Light of the 144th Dimension.

We look forward to standing with you, helping you physically through this process, as you become the Initiates for the New Earth.

With love and deep devotion,

We are the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension of all Masters and Ascended Beings within the Christ Consciousness.

So Mote It Be~ We Are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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There is a great challenge in sharing something new with others. I am talking about something really new; new for everyone, not something that you have never tried before but something that didn’t even exist before.

If your friend goes to see a movie and tells you it was really special, you already understand what a movie is, how it works and what to expect. You won’t know what makes it special but you have a context of what you will experience.

But what about something like skydiving or visiting a remote Caribbean island paradise that you have never experienced? Well even then, you have a context of skydiving from stories, movies or the YouTube experiences of others. You understand the beauty and exhilaration that you might experience. You have a context of expectation.

When it comes to something completely new, something only a very few have a context for, like the feeling and magical wonder of being weightless, that is something you can’t easily share.  Any astronaut will tell you that it is not just the weightlessness but that moment when you see that majestic “blue ball” of planet Earth floating in the middle of the universe; that is the moment when your entire context for your life drastically alters forever.

At that timeless moment you come face to face with how infinitesimal you are compared to such magnificence; and yet you are also powerless against coming to a deep realization that you feel so magnetically connected to that blue ball of wonderment; that you are so much a part of it within each bone of your body. Even more mind blowing is that there is something else you begin to understand.

For the first time in your life you suddenly fully grasp something you thought you knew but now realize your prior understanding was nothing more than an idea, just as a blind person has no concept of true sight. You now feel a sense of all-encompassing energy tingling every hair on your body. What you felt initially at first sight of the blue planet out your little window is nothing compared to what you now feel, something else that brings you to tears of utter amazement. It is the mind numbing awareness that every single living being upon that glorious little gem poised in the heavens is each traveling in the same direction. Each person, each animal; they are all on the same object, having the same experience, going through the same journey.

You realize each one is part of the same family; that each one is a brother or sister to each other. It is so utterly apparent to you now.

But it is a moment that mere words, stories, even movies can only pale in comparison to the actual experience itself. Only the one who is there physically seeing that grand vision can fully know what it really means. They are the only one who will experience firsthand the deep altering within his or her conscious awareness.

This is what happens when you are bold enough to venture beyond experiences which already have a context in your understanding.

Would you easily take on going to a movie if the only experience you ever had was listing to a radio? It would be a mind blowing experience to get into a 3D surround sound THX theater to say the least.

But for the true adventurer, the reward is greater than the risk.

It is the same exact process when we open ourselves up to taking on the Ascension Mastery pathway. We really have no context of what it is going to be like because there is nothing in our life that can prepare us.

What happens to you on the Ascension Mastery path, at least as we experience it here, cannot really be understood any more than you know just what it is to see the Earth from space.

Today the 12:12 is a tremendous gateway of light. We have written about it under our posts section on our website, but it is our goal to have you start to experience it firsthand for yourself, if you are going to be so bold to do so.

This is a very powerful gateway that significantly represents opening yourself up to Higher Frequencies. But like anything else in life that requires a personal stake be made in order to get results, you have to consciously create the experience for yourself within your physical reality. You won’t learn how to skydive by reading a book or watching a movie about it and even though the work of Ascension Mastery seems at first glance to be a subject that is about spirituality, not physicality, it could not be more physical.

It is the process of seeing life from a different vantage point. It is the process of discovering that you are more than you ever thought you were. It is about going into different dimensional realms of awareness that you have never experienced before. It is about having an ongoing series of experiences that only you can fully understand.

It does not mean you will immediately discover what you have not known, as any type of human learning of a new skill or ability can take time. But you will make progress in discovering the unknown. You will build up your understanding and comprehension. Still, you won’t be able to explain it very well either. And that may be exactly what makes the journey of mastership so amazing. It is indeed like nothing else on Earth or beyond.

Here are some of the thoughts we get when our listeners try to put these experiences in words.

“I felt so lucky… so blessed… so special to be with my family of beloved Masters; LOVE is what I felt… a fullness… a warmth… a happy heart; it felt…  HOLY   ~   Thank you.”

“I ALWAYS leave a call feeling so much love, compassion, joy, and a sense of belonging that I never experienced before…”

“The conferences… are so amazing you need to experience one in order to appreciate the full impact it will have on your life.”

“Every call seems more powerful than the one before. In reflecting over this past year, I can see and feel the massive changes that have taken place for me. I am finally able to see a progression…”

“…just blew my socks off. It was so powerful and I felt it so strongly…”

In order for you to be better prepared to accept the 12:12 energies of these 2013 frequencies yourself, we are sharing with you part of our weekly teachings that we held this week as we visited the 22nd Golden Etheric City of the New Earth (city of Havalanchee as part of the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light weekly tel-teaching). In this journey meditation teaching we hear from Lord Melchizedek, who is in charge of the Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of White Light, as he guides us into feeling the energies of this gateway. Listening to this recording as soon as possible will assist more.

Those who set their intentions to step into the energies of this portal of Light knowing beforehand that they do not know what they will experience, we be able to have a deeper experience than others listening to the same audio. This is a 30 minute excerpt from the full 90 minute teaching which prepares you even more as one consciously on the ultimate Mastery pathway.

Please click this link to listen to the 30 min excerpt ~ Scroll down to bottom of post to see the MP3 file link.

Enjoy the grounding and we thank you in advance for your conscious active participation in anchoring these Higher Light Frequencies for Humanity as you will experience them. This is just a step in opening your awareness to more than you imagined. Yes it may involve accepting not only Beings of Light but the art of channeling by Reverend Meleriessee, which may seem very New Age (but is actually very an ancient art of accessing the Oneness). Many Blessings.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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It is my pleasure to take a moment with each of you and share some thoughts of expression.  I Am the Great Divine Director.  I have been asked to speak today about the deepness of creation that is being accessed in this specific timeline of 2012.
Many of you have worked with me in many timelines through eons and eons of the Cosmic levels.  I have assisted the many along with other members of the Karmic Board to move through the karmic debris that has kept many souls stuck in their thoughts and life paths in the many lifetimes they have created.  My message today is not about specifics of what you have done and how you can change your pathway, but truly allowing the essence of whom you are to shine through your physical existence.
We are at a very important juncture of time as the frequencies of Light are becoming stronger and the elements of darkness are fully dissipating as there can be no other way.  We, as the full spectrum of Creation, are now coming into balance with the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  This causes old elements to be fully regenerated into the stages of growth that each individual as a Soul’s Essence has fully commanded to occur in the human form.  Each of us on the Innerplane levels are also experiencing these moments of change in our frequencies.  This is why I have been asked to share some thoughts to you in these moments of transformation.
Yes, transformation is the word I want to express.  Let us take a look back and see how far we have come as a unit of expression.  If you take each of us and each of you as we were in the beginning of time as one nucleus of Light within the Source that We Are and see each of those cells being expressed in their individuality, then you have each of us together.  You see, those of us on the Innerplane levels and the Spiritual Hierarchy do not see any of you any different than us.  Some of us came into mastership in our bodies eons ago and took that role into the expression that we are now.  But that does not make you any less or better than any of us.  We are the same, you know.  And that excites each of us deeply.
You have come to a time in which you are fully ready to accept this role into your physical world.  You have traveled far and wide to receive the expression that your Soul wants to share within you and around you.  As a spokes-being of the Karmic Board, I say to you, “LET IT ALL GO”.  It is time to fully see Who you Truly ARE and not what society says you should be.  You have awakened unto yourself and now is the time of your REBIRTH.
This Wesak is going to be a moment in time like none-other.  The frequency of light coming down from the Source of Creation has deemed it to be the Golden Year for not only Earth but all of creation.  It is very important that each of you fully express within yourself the highest frequency that your body can handle.  It is time to call upon the expression of your Higher Mind through your Soul’s Essence and say, “Show me the way of my eternal Being of Light ~ I Am ready to walk the pathway that you have deemed appropriate for me.”  As you do this, the outpouring of Light will run through you and into Gaia’s Heart of Creation.  It will move through the frequencies of the Earth to every living Being of Creation.  This is turn will flow into the lands and the seas as there will be a vibrational frequency that will settle into every living cell and organism upon this planet.
That is just the beginning.  As you do this, your karma is being transcended.  There has been a special dispensation written from the Source of Light into the Divine Mother and Father God that every individual that truly accepts this frequency into their physical existence for this Wesak through prayer and joining of other like-minded souls that their karmic debts that have not been rectified will be transcended by the Light of the All.  This means that any doorways that have still be open from karmic elements that you have not fully transcended will be transformed by the Light of the Violet Flame as it moves into the Golden Flame of the Christ Within.
This dispensation has been granted to every living being upon Planet Earth which will then be directed into all inter-planetary existence in your Universe and all Universes as we will be able to fully accelerate our existence through the 144 levels of dimensions as never before acquired in the history of our Creation.  Now I ask of you not to figure how this is going to be done through your lower mind but to accept your Higher Mind and surrender into these moments of creation.  It is an event like none other and will set the course of history in a completely different paradigm than ever before.
I say these words with the deepness of my Heart as we all walk together.  My role will be changing with each of you and within me.  Oh, we will still have the Karmic Board for those souls that will not be ready to stand within this Light at this time.  That is also part of creation.  I ask each of you to accept this role as it will transcend all time and space known as Planet Earth as we move into the higher realms of Creation.
It is very exciting and enthralling for not only me but all of the Spiritual Masters to stand with each of you as we walk together hand-in-hand unto the New Earth.  This is our birthing together, and I am deeply honored to share these words and energies into each of your Beings.  Congratulations for the hard work that you have done.  You deserve it deeply.
In the Creation of Oneness That We Are,
I AM the Great Divine Director At Your Service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Vibratory Master of the New Earth

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Lord Adama Shares a Message for 2012!

"2012 & The True Meaning of Our Essence"
     It is my distinct pleasure to be here with each of you on this New Year.  I am happy to be in body and also to be able to transfer my energies to the masses.  I Am Lord Adama and want to share some very important aspects of what 2012 means to each of us within and around the Earth.
     We are transitioning greatly as a mass consciousness.  It is now the time to fully accept our role and pathway as each of us is just as important as everyone else.  We are coming into a time of full acceptability of what Oneness means to each of us personally and collectively. 
     I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center during the last moments of January 2012.  I have many here with me so I don’t only speak from my Highest Essence, but I share the thoughts of all of the Ray Chohans of ascended beings along with many Inter-Galactics of several races along with a very special Team of Light we call the Telosian Council of Light.  We are all in unison at this moment in time to share our thoughts to you through Meleriessee.  It is important that each of us understand that we are here work with one another in Oneness and that each of us has a different role to play but very similar.
     I have been asked to speak for the many levels of consciousness in this moment to help each of you understand your own personal role in the New Earth essence called Terra Christa.  Each of us has arrived at a juncture.  This crossroads is a place where we are all meeting within our essences to share the best that we are to accomplish complete success of accessibility to all levels of Creation.  What does this mean in actuality?
     As I expand my energies within the group of Beings and Souls that I work within here in Telos, I come to you in the official expansion of our Light unto each of you.  The light frequencies that each of you are experiencing at this time are not only allowing you to fully accept your newfound essence within the physical, but to fully realize that not only are you expanding within you, we are expanding with each other. 
     We are coming to a time in which we will no longer be separate entities of the world of Spirit and the world of humanity.  We, in Telos, as you know are fully in physical form, and we aspire to help you to realize that amongst you walk many Masters of the Light showing themselves to you daily.
     Our complete design in this moment is to help each of you to be fully aware of your faculties within you as we do in the Telosian community and all of the Aghartha cities.  The expansion of your physical bodies is exactly what is occurring for you on the Upper Earth to fully realize that in order to accept the many possibilities of dimensional interactions that the body must be accustomed to interact with these frequencies.  2012 is the time for all of this to be realized within each of your Beings. 
     There is much talk about what ascension means to every individual person, but I ask of you in this moment, “Is this coming from your Higher Essence or your physical existence?”  You will not find the answers within the third dimensional reality of your Being as you are not accessing the higher elements necessary to understand the entire experience of what we call “Ascension”.
     This is the year of rebirth, renewal, and remembrance for every individual upon the planet.  It is a time to let the old elements that have served our purpose well but not longer exists in the paradigm of the New Earth.  Each of you that are aspiring to accept the rules of acceleration within your physical existence will truly not understand the process that you are undergoing.  That is the beauty of it all and how it can be manifested within your world.  All forms of thought and what you held dear are being stripped away deeply.  The only part of you that can assist you is your Highest Essence or Higher Self being more fully active within your world.
     So I say to you right now as I speak here amongst many Higher Beings of Light is that you are no different than any of us except that you have forgotten your full Essence.  We are extending our frequencies unto you more fully than we ever have before as there are many posts and roles that are needed to be filled for the New Earth.  Many here are stepping aside to allow others like yourselves to fully accept your new roles.  Some are offering their assistance by bringing forth information that has never been acquired in a physical form and You Are The Ones that are being put on notice in this moment.
     Look around you, feel the essence that you are embodying, and allow to see the magic in each moment.  As your body changes to accelerate into a 5thdimensional nature, you must accept each twist and turn as this is your highest essence showing you the way.  Do not question the process as when you do as then it stops the movement occurring within your body.  Surrender unto each moment of your accelerations as particles of light are being encoded within you for you to access a new surge of information that your Soul knows what to do with, but the physical mind will become confused.
     I speak here with the Telosian Council of Light as we are extending to each of you that it is now time to remember your Lemurian and Atlantean heritage without the mental faculties intact.  The beauty of these moments is to fully stand within yourself understanding that there is so much more to your essence than you are allowing yourself to BE…It is now the time of our reunion and this is the year when the growth cycle is going to fully accelerate you into that time and space you left eons ago.
     There are many reasons why you are on the Upper Earth, and we are in the Inner Earth.  You have acquired great knowledges and consideration to fully understand how the process can work on the Upper Earth.  You will know what to do with your newfound knowledge as it is a wisdom that has been lodged inside of you for eons of time.  The cellular memory is being ignited within you to fully reveal the entire pathway of your Being.
     What I am trying to convey to each of you is that your body needs to accelerate into the 5thdimensional frequency and that is the first step.  You are striving to be more but without the cellular structure fully accepting every part of the transformation then the tranistionary phase will be delayed in various ways.  We, of the Higher Beings and Inner Earth along with Inter-Galactics, are here to assist you in transforming the bodies into the Light Frequency you are trying to acknowledge.  But stop thinking about it.  It will not assist you in any shape or form. 
     Take a breath of your essence as it transforms the body in various ways.  You will know what to do with it from that point forward.  Expand within yourself the essence that you are in light-codes of frequencies from your past and your future.
      2012 is this process of Beingness and each month that continues you will move farther towards the integration process that you have been searching for from lifetime to lifetime.  All these timelines are now coming into a juncture of time.  We are awaiting your arrival so we can all walk together on Terra Christa.  Until that time we are here in the masses to assist you in the process.  Please know that you are not alone.
     Many of you are fully being prepared for greatness in various ways, but you must not let your mental thoughts to get ahead of you.  The Higher Mind of your Soul’s Essence is truly the commander of your ship, and your Higher Heart of the Essence that you are will truly be your guide.
      This year is the time of preparation in these stages.  We come to you in the masses to walk with you in the higher realms but please know being in a 5thdimensional body is not as difficult as you may make it seem.  The bodies you inhabit at this time want to stop you in the process so each thought that is deeply rooted within you which can make you more miserable as the transition even be more difficult than you can imagine.  Visualize yourself being free and allowing magic to enfold in your life every minute will pull you into each moment.  This is where you fully want to be but remember it is a process of continuation.
     We know that many of you are already feeling these moments and this brings us great excitement beyond our wildest hopes.  This is the year of transformation for many, and each of you that feel this excitement will truly understand our words and frequency that we are imparting to you at this moment.  As this is not only a message in words but one in vibrations.
     Accept it fully as it now expands within your Heart as your Soul is singing a beautiful melody of pure love.  This is our Essence unto each of You in this moment as we are so joyful in the realizations of each of your essences onto your physical existence.
     I Am Lord Adama speaking for the Creation of Oneness with the Telosian Council of Light, Ascended Beings, and Intergalactic Frequencies of Light.

Channeled through Rev Christine Meleriessee, Jan 2012

For more information about our Coaching Services including three weekly meditation calls, please see:
Divine Language Newsletter - Feb 2012 ~
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The other day there was a long discussion with someone at my work.


We were talking about why certain beings appear and many other things. Also about channeling and connection to the spiritual world.


This blog is general and about my experience. Your experience may be different so please as always with everything use discernment.


Basically when a person first embarks upon meditation and wishes to connect to the spiritual world there may be resistance from the mind. Confused colors and images fly around until the mind has settled and surrendered. Depending on what you do before meditation makes a big impression on the mind and its resistance. If you listen to loving soft music or watch movies full of love, you attract love in your vibration and that is impressed upon the mind. If you watch scary horror movies, the fear is in your vibration and is impressed upon the mind.


The spirit world has its doorway in Earth and through the heart and mind. The soul/higher self is in the spirit world and is the silent watcher. First of all check out for a description of the spirit world to understand this. The soul/higher self exists in the heavenly realms. It speaks silently through intuition to you. It is above the vibration of the mind and connects through the heart. The subconscious mind can range in connection between the astral realms and Earth. The astral realms span from the lower heavenly realms to the void (known as some as purgatory) to even the hellish realms and also to Earthbound realm and Earth. The conscious mind also can reach those areas but has a limited capability to reach all. It is more finite in its range.


Basically coming back to the point is that you have three parts. You are the conscious mind of your waking day, the subconscious mind of your memory, dreams, and you are the higher self of love which connects into your heart and speaks through intuition.


Now back to meditation. The heart is always love and the higher self sends its love always to the heart. The heart can be blocked by the mind because of our free will and all parts have equal power within ourselves at first. The mind and the heart are different but equal. Gradually as the heart opens the power of Spirit overcomes the mind or the opposite the mind blocks the heart from opening. The choice of heart or mind depends on the choices each of us makes.


Someone said to me, why would someone see a devilish person when they meditate? The answer is fear. The person who meditated had a vibration of fear (anger, guilt, blame, jealousy, greed and the other vices) which attracted this entity. The entity most likely was a lesser one who decided to puff itself up to create more fear on which it lived. (the more dangerous energy parasites are those that attach to addicts...a constant source of nutrition for the parasitic beings). The lower astral beings close to the hellish realms live on fear energy and are quite parasitic. Release the fear and they go away. A good way to test them is to say "Do you love God?" or I bless you with great Love. They will usually run when they hear that word or continue to act confusing and chaotic. They fight for your attention, don't give it to them, it is a waste of your energy. The fear is formed by what you expose yourself too and is often sourced from the mind. When this happens, visualize the angels surrounding you and you are One with God, feel great love in the room and know you are supported. Focus on what you want. This moves energy from the mind into the heart and releases fear.


Now if you have a love vibration you will naturally attract angels and other loving beings through your vibration of love (purity, oneness, satisfaction, generosity, peace, happiness). When you want to channel or reach loving beings focus your intent to connect with them. Ignore the mind, enter the heart and do everything out of love. At first, the mind has more power, but as the heart opens it will flower like a blossom. Surrender to love, let is fill your being, hold the love vibration and this focus will allow you to release the mind. What you give power and energy to, so it shall be.


Basically what happens is when you are loving you send love vibration from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void to Heavenly Realms where it is picked up, attracting loving beings to come close to Earth and communicate with you. You have to ask them for help, they will not communicate without being asked as this is love and respect for the free will God gave you.


Now if you send fear vibrations they are denser/heavier and cannot travel as far. They go from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void and often attract beings from the hellish realms. The beings from the hellish realms then are attracted to you. They often don't wait for your call, they push their way to you as long as you are in the fear vibration and fight for your attention. Stay One with God and Love and don't give them any power. They will leave you in search of the fear vibration.


So you have many choices. To get out of fear, enter Love. That's all you have to do. Blanket yourself with great love, visualize your loving support and you will not be led astray. It's a matter of vibration.


PS. Someone asked me, when they contact the other do those from the heavenly realms appear versus those from other areas? Often when those of the spirit world first contact you, they appear as faces and then once you have a better connection they appear full bodied. My experience has been with people who have passed that came from the heavenly realms and those from the void. The people from the heavenly realms open a door and white light shines from where they are to you. They are dressed in white and smiling at you. On their side are relatives and others who also passed over and are supporting them. On the other side an angel may exist to help keep the connection open (the bridge of light and love). Now, those existing from the void are different, they are not white but grayish in color, they are alone and not happy, maybe sad.....those in the hellish regions are aggressive and angry and manipulative. The amount of love is diminished. They need your prayers to bring them to wholeness and love.

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Dearest Ones,

Blessings, it is an honor to be here with you in this moment.  I Am Sanat Kumara at your service.  My presence is now going to be coming more into the forefront as many of you are part of the Kumara’s of Venus.  Lemuria is being awakened in new ways of Beingness through the energetics of the higher dimensional frequencies.  I am honored to be more present in your lives at this time.
We have been awaiting for this time of remembrance to fully be awakened within the Hearts and Minds of the many.  First, I say, thank you to each of you for the hard work and diligence that you have been doing.  The challenges will continue but on a different level of acceptance within each of you.  No matter what your level of initiation of your chela-ship is at this time, you are being awakened to more levels to assist the planetary awareness.  This month of June is very pivotal for these occurrences to happen.  Please know that your work does not go unnoticed.  We are very aware of the challenges and the triumphs that you are experiencing. 
Prepare for these changes to occur within you more fully than previously.  Be very astute with your diligence of your internalization and the work that needs to be done.  Work within first before you choose to work outside of yourself.  Some of you may think that you are ready, but yet you may not be.  It is important to cleanse the entire system inside and out before you choose to work with others in a higher capacity.  We urge you to take these heeds very seriously as the darkness is very quick to notice the ones that are not fully activated within the higher frequencies.  It can take you down a peg or two and at this point in the whole scheme of creation, it is important to look at your own mirrors and what you are projecting for yourself.
If you have had challenges, taken a pathway that put you in the stages of lessons that you thought you had already taken care of, listen to these signs.  Go deeply within and fully look at yourself inside and out.  Be your own healer and be very strong with yourself as you would for another that you were helping.  What goes for another - must go for you.  The deepness of this healing is essential for you to receive the full effects of these activations.  Do not let any stone not to be turned over.  Express yourself deeply within and allow the changes to occur.
It is important to work with another to remove any debris that you may have received.  The best chela is one in which the energies can fully be actualized at the state of being that is necessary for all concerned.  One small hole in your aura can upset the whole conditioning process that you have been working on.  I cannot stress this enough.  Prepare yourself; are you fully sure that what you are experiencing is part of your essence or is there an outside influence.  Be very cognizant of the elements around you and how you are being affected.  If you need assistance, please ask and if you have never had an individual remove any negative implants, etc., please have it done immediately.
With all of that being shared, then you are ready.  The next step after the cleansing process is “are you assisting others in service to the Divine Plan thereof?”  Are you reaching out to express your Divinity in a new a different manner.  Coming deeply from your heart is an essential component of the energies that are going to be occurring.  There must not be anything that you are unsure of ~ as if you are, then the end result will be a challenge that you truly do not want to experience.  Utilizing the bartering method or a graduated scale on a fee basis is only going to serve your highest purpose.  You will find once you start to implement such changes, then you will receive more than you would have been charging on a regimented fee schedule.
The upcoming energies are wonderful but only as wonderful as the Ones that are truly ready to handle them.  I have expressed the cleansing process as it is a necessary component to embrace the upcoming energies.  Stand within your light with all of your energies fully accessed on the higher levels.  You may not be ready for the 5th dimensional Light Body, but you must aspire to be more than you were previously.  Allow your Higher Mind and your Higher Heart to take precedence over all elements occurring within you.
So now you are ready.  The onset of the energies of the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse are going to totally assist One in being the space and time that is necessary.  I also need to remind you that at this time is the Festival of Humanity, the last of the three festivals of Wesak, which truly represents your upgraded ascension integration from Wesak and sharing it to the world.  Be prepared to do so in love, compassion, joy, and expression of God’s Will within you.  Take this time to fully activate these energies within you to assist you in the next process of your development.
The Summer Solstice will be the next occurrence of your momentum.  Allowing yourself to fully accept the activations of this solstice energy in 2011 is gong to assist you tremendously.  If you have followed the guidelines that I have given you, then this event is only going to catapult you into the next level of your awareness and your service onto this Earth.  Only you can be the judge of where you are but be very honest with yourself.  This is very imperative.  Be aware of the mirrors around you ~ are the people that you are attracting at this time truly a representative of where you are presently.  Are you feeling the synchronization of events in your life?  Are you attracting your desires within minutes, hours, or days of your intentions?
I would like to categorize these elements into five stages:
  1. Those individuals that are fully unaware of their surroundings; in other words, the unawakened ones.
  2. Individuals that are waking up but are still accessing their teachings on a 3rd dimensional level such as self help, relaxation techniques, and affirmations.
  3. Individuals that have been awake, working on themselves but are still very lower emotional and ego driven.  They still are unsure of the symptoms they are feeling even though they may be doing very deep emotional work.  These individuals are resisting the process and are only on the 4th dimensional level.
  4. Individuals that are truly utilizing the higher vibrational techniques such as stating decrees, attunements, vocalization through chants and higher vibrational work, color therapy, has a knowledge of the higher chakras and the Rays of God.
  5. The Pioneers that have walked this path, utilized as many teachings as necessary, are beyond the 5th dimensional consciousness and are working between worlds.  These are the ones that are the leaders of the 5th dimensional level and are teaching the 4th level of individuals to raise up to this level.  They have a choice to stay in this level of Earth or to move into the 5th dimensional Earth; many are choosing to leave.  The Ones that stay are truly walking as Ascended Masters, have fully mastered the Rays of God, understand Universal Laws, and are only driven by the God-Essence within them.
Please know that every individual person who reaches the fifth can always fall.  It depends on their God Consciousness and how they interact within the world.  The Love and Light Quotient frequency is a necessary component.  This means that all individuals on the Earth can also fall or they can rise.  It is up to each of you and where you want to be on the scale.  This month is so very important.
One last point of reference ~ many are channeling at this time.  It is up to you to decide what resonates within your Heart and what does not.  If you are a channel, please make sure that you are very clear and you continually work on raising your Light Quotient, have a sense of the higher vibration verses the lower vibrations.  Some may come as each of us and truly are not of the highest frequencies.  It is a time for many to be showing themselves, and it is imperative to discern within your Heart what feels right within you.
Take the time during the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and Festival of Humanity to make a list of where you are, what you may need to do, and how to go about it.  Sometimes just the intention of doing so is all that is needed.  Please know that we are in a very magical and powerful time but it is Earth-driven.  In order to reach these heights of awareness, it is important to do Service onto this Earth.  That is why each of you are here.  Your karma must be cleared at least 51%; otherwise you will return into the karmic wheel of rebirth.
Please know that I give you these words to encourage you, to show you that possibly it is time to take inventory and take stock of where you are presently in your pathway.   Some of you may already know but most do not.  Part of the process of integrating these energies is the problem of getting lost in the shuffle and when that happens, confusion can set in and the full awareness is not within you but around you.  Again, I reiterate, each of you are doing a fabulous job.  This is an awareness lesson with love and joy.  We will rise to the higher frequencies together as One Team of Love and Light.  You, as the Earth Hierarchy, the Telosians as the Inner Earth Hierarchy, the Higher Vibrational Inner Space Beings as the Galactic Hierarchy, and each of us as the Spiritual Hierarchy as we become one Hierarchy for Terra Christa, the New Earth, the Golden Age.  I reach out my hand to each and every one of you in partnership.  We have been waiting for this time to see for the Gods and Goddesses to reappear in their full glory.  This is your time to shine and we are here to embrace in the Light and the Love that you are.
I feel very blessed in this moment to share my Light with you as we walk hand-in-hand together.

I Am Sanat Kumara in great gratitude for your service to the New Earth, the Golden Era.

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Channeling April 2, 2011

About Focus

(Chris/Qan Dek): Why all this training to focus, finish tasks, and pay attention?

(God & Great Cosmic Beings of Light): You are being trained to focus. You may ask yourself why? You have abundant mental energy. In the physical density it can be a distraction. But on the other side of the veil, increased mental energy moves things. Thoughts are as powerful there as your form is here. You are being trained to focus to direct your energy on your path. You chose spiritual service and all of us are here to support you in the service in this form and beyond.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Thank you Father

(God & Great Cosmic Beings of Light): Trust. Your words are my words. All is well. Have faith that we are here to support you always.

(Chris/Qan Dek): I'm starting to channel! Thank you Father!

(God): You are welcome. You are blessed.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Is this really the Father?

(God): Yes it is. I have many aspects.

(Chris/Qan Dek): I'm so excited I could write it all down!

(God): Continue writing. Continue your focus. You are doing well. Have faith you are well on the path.


(Chris/Qan Dek): Can you give me advice about 2012?


(God): I cannot give you advice about specific dates. The portal you and the entire collective are going through is magnificent and glorious. You will be amazed.


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Channeling April 1, 2011 and earlier

Have faith. You are perfectly protected. You have my word and honor. ~ Archangel Michael

Tend the fire of your heart, with each act of Love the fire grows more toward me. ~ God 

We are all here for you, watching you, and supporting you. You are doing wonderful things. We are excited with your progress. We celebrate with you. ~ Sanat Kumara and the Masters of Shamballa
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2010, A Powerful New Year

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles January 1, 2010 It is hard to believe that we have already completed the first decade of the New Millennium. I do not think anyone can dispute the fact that time is being accelerated. The unprecedented awakening Humanity experienced during the first decade of the 21st century was miraculous, but it will not hold a candle to the shift of consciousness that will take place during the second decade. This shift of consciousness will result in the unification of millions of Lightworkers, whose dedicated service to Humanity and the Light will change the course of history. From outer appearances this statement may seem too good to be true, but actually, it does not begin to adequately describe the wonders that are in store for Humanity and all Life on this planet. These monumental changes will begin in 2010, and they will unfold day by day until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are physically manifest. If you have any doubt about that please meditate on the following Truth: “The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light!” Since the dawn of the New Millennium, Lightworkers around the world have been invoking Divine Intervention to assist with Humanity’s awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. For the past ten years the Earth has been going through an intensified cleansing process, that has pushed everything that conflicts with Heaven on Earth to the surface to be healed. This process is not complete yet, but enough of Humanity’s human miscreations have been cleared to begin the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan, which will be birthed with the New Year, 2010. There are several celestial events that coincide with the birth of 2010. This is not by chance. Through the unified efforts of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven, this powerful New Year is being catapulted into the highest frequencies of vibration that Cosmic Law will allow. 2009, was an eleven (11) year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. These energies have been preparing every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth for the shifts that will take place in 2010. On December 12, 2009, 12:12, our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe expanded the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through this expanded portal, the Earth and all her Life are being bathed with higher transformational energies than we have ever experienced. These frequencies of Divine Love will build in momentum daily and hourly until December 12, 2010. During this 12-month cycle, Humanity will have an unparalleled opportunity to release any of the behavior patterns that are preventing us from tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is a merciful gift of Divine Grace. It is a time for us to focus on our Divine Intentions. On December 16, 2009, the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love was intensified through a very powerful New Moon. This enhanced the influx of Light that bathed the Earth during the Solstice, December 21, 2009. On December 31, 2009, we will experience a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE. The Beings of Light have revealed that this is going to be the most significant New Year we have experienced since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. This is a vitally important time for all of us to empower what we want to cocreate in our individual lives and on this planet. Not only will our hopes, dreams, visions, and Divine Intentions be expanded a thousand times a thousandfold by the Company of Heaven, they will be exponentially expanded by the tremendous influx of Light we will experience on that sacred day. These gifts of Divine Intervention will expand in power and might until January 14, 2010. On that day, we will experience an incredibly powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. During the Solar Eclipse, the patterns of perfection we have empowered will be permanently sealed in the highest frequencies of vibration possible. From that moment forth, they will build in momentum daily and hourly. When our visions reach a critical mass, an unstoppable shift will occur that will bring our cocreations into manifestation. It is important for all of us to go within our hearts to see what our I AM Presence is guiding us to empower in our individual lives. We can also join together to invoke the Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet. The Company of Heaven has given us wonderful and very powerful tools to help us reprogram ourselves. I would like to share one of them with you now. This exercise will help us to release the fragmented and fear-based thoughtforms from our lower human egos. It will help us to give our I AM Presences, full dominion of our lives. THE NEW TECHNOLOGY OF THE VIOLET FLAME The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame allow us to easily download programs or patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God that we would like to manifest in our lives. We begin with an invocation, then we decide what programs we want to download and ask our I AM Presence to assist us. The downloading occurs instantly and automatically, very similar to the way the process occurs when we put a disc with a new program into our computer. After the program is downloaded, our I AM Presence uses the technology of the Violet Flame to scan all of our records, memories, belief systems, fears, blocks, etc., from all time frames and dimensions both known and unknown. Any thought, word, action, or feeling that we have ever expressed in any lifetime that conflicts with the new program is identified, transmuted, and deleted. We also have the ability to download programs for our families, our friends, and all Humanity. All we have to do is invoke their I AM Presence and ask that the program be downloaded according to their Divine Plan. For our collective purposes here, the Beings of Light have grouped the programs we are going to download together according to subject matter. We are also going to invoke our families, friends, and the entire Family of Humanity. The first step involves invoking our Father-Mother God, our I AM Presence, and the I AM Presence of all Humanity: DOWNLOADING PROGRAMS FROM THE CAUSAL BODY OF GOD Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke: My Father-Mother God, My I AM Presence, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, and the entire Company of Heaven. I invoke the full-gathered momentum of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame. I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to downloaded these programs for each person according to his or her highest good and their individual Divine Plans: And I begin... Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Slim, Firm, Flawless Form. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise Habits, Work Habits, Relaxation and Recreation Habits, Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every single day and continually delete anything in my Being that conflicts with these programs. In deep Humility, Divine Love and Gratitude I Decree, It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM. Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization Website:
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Lord Adama Discourse Program


We are holding a monthly class in which Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light will share his insights and knowledge about how to transition into a 5th dimensional way of life.  He wants to include the basic teachings of the Telosian way of living and help us individually and collectively to move from the 3rd/4th dimensional body into the 5th dimensional existence as One Body of Light.

As always, we will call upon the Unified Whole to remove any elements that need to be put into wholeness while activating our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  Lord Adama wants us to experience the beauty of Telos so we will travel in a journey to receive the lesson of the month.  We may meet in the Garden, at the Telosian Retreat House, or a number of other places within Telos.  Lord Adama will give an introductory talk about the topic we will be discussing.  So it is a good time to have pen and paper handy for any of the exercises that he may give to us.  He may also invite any of the Ray Chohans to assist in the activation of the lesson plan.

There will also be an attunement to assist in the lesson plan so that we can actualize the energies not just through our physical self but allow the four-body system to assimilate it through the energetics.  We will work with the 22 Rays of God; he may choose to pinpoint certain rays for each of the classes.

Lord Adama has asked us to put this together as he truly wants to work with everyone on a more personal basis.  An MP3 file will be available after the class for your personal use.

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenThe class will be held on Thursday’s, towards the end of the month.

April 25th; May 18th, June 27th

5 PM Pacific; 12 Midnight GMT via Skype or Telephone

These dates are subject to change depending upon scheduling.



$33 ~


Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

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