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Ancient (4)

Poetry of light.

Light, as in, physical light, is a magnificent thing. Without it, none of us could exist!

But light isn't just what gets you up in the morning, it's something fundamentally complex, something that our understanding of has been given to us by Science! 

Light, is powerful, it has the ability to create life by sparking chemical reactions. It can form a planet, or it can destroy it.

Light exists because of Einsteins most famous formula, E= MC2, where the Energy of a substance is proportionate to it's mass times the speed of light squared. That means that within a single atom, you have enough energy to produce an atomic bomb, the explosion of which is released as light!

An awful lot of light exists within every single cell, every single particle of your body!

Science has given us an awfully empowering thing, just to see that we truly are, energy based beings, for without energy, we wouldn't even have physical bodies!

But light isn't just the rainbow we see! The human eye is not advanced enough to detect all lightwaves. We see just a fraction of the spectrum. Ultra violet, infrared and beyond exist at the ends of the spectrum we see. These other lightwaves, whilst not visible to us, have very different properties to the visible spectrum. Some can pass through walls, allowing your radio or television to receive information from space! All of this light dancing around, that we can't see, and yet, it's there!

But invisible light can be picked up by cameras, a television remote glows brightly when you press a button, if you look at it through a camera or computer webcam!

Sometimes, light is not just empowering and life-giving, but can also be the most powerful crusader. 

Light, as explained by E=MC2, is energy, and therefore has to carry a bit of mass. This mass is incalculably small, but it DOES mean, that it can be effected by physical conditions. Glass and water can cause drag, electromagnetic fields and gravity can bend it, it's the universes fastest travelling putty!

But along wit hit, comes a great burden. One of the most dangerous types of light, emanates from a black hole. As a black hole consumes a star, it can become over-fed, too much is entering the black hole for it to condense at once, and so it 'belches' some into space. These are powerful radiation surges, some of which we cannot even detect. Cosmic blades cutting through space at the speed of light, destroying everything in their path. What a remarkable power, and we can't even see them with our bare eyes! They could wipe our solar system to dust in less then a second, and leave next to no visible evidence they exist!

Light, as well as existing in invisible forms, can sometimes be dangerous when it isn't present. Black holes are so dense, that they can suck light in with their gravitational wells, and this means that any light travelling to them, cannot bounce back for us to see. Instead of bouncing back, it goes there and gets consumed. We simply cannot see a black hole, even a camera would be torn to shreds before it got close enough to give any sensible information! In this way, light has been beaten, and it has left us 'in the dark' on a pressing region of our universe, that we simply cannot understand in full!

The last thing I wish to say about light, is it's ancient story. Light, from the beginning of the big bang, has been travelling all over our universe. Bouncing back and forth, these giant beams are billions of years old. When you see the light of a star that is 140 million light-years away, it has taken that light 140 million years to get here! That light is telling you the story of what that star was like all that time ago. That star might not even exist now, but the light has taken a long time to get here, so it's an old story! In the same way, as we peer into the nights sky. All of this light, comes together collectively from the ancient galaxies, and they piece together for us, the story, of the universe. A light show of pure splendor!

Thank you for reading.

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Eyeopen- Lady describing "vimanas"

Uploaded on 6 Sep 2010

Lady says she saw flying house. Vimana?

Vimanas- ancient flying machines of India

Uploaded on 14 Jul 2011

Vimanas-the "UFOS" of ancient India.

Recorded in the Vimanika Shastra which is undoubtedly a modern version based on earlier texts, these craft along with missiles (brahmastras) and nuclear warfare makes the pages of the most ancient scriptures of India including the Ramayana and Mahabharata which are thousands of years old.

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The Pyramid Code is a documentary that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. It's based on the extensive research done in 25 trips to Egypt and 51 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter formerly from the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary in Canada.

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Think From a New Perspective So As To Evolve

With the shifted dimension of Living Ascension in mind, and knowing who we are and where we come from - as per the background information in the preceding post - we shift our focus so as to look at what causes stress in our world. With the Light Intent of the God Beings in mind, when they created human life forms on Earth, and considering that the Earth is the consciousness and the property of the GODHEAD, it makes absolutely no sense to support any system which operates from the basis of greed or power over others.

I was listening to a radio talk show yesterday, in which the guest was prattling on about theft issues in the mining industry. He was righteously stating that nobody has a right to go into dormant or active mine areas and illegally take what does not belong to them, any more than we have the right to walk into a shop and take a loaf of bread without paying for it. On the face of it there is nothing wrong with this statement, and most of us would agree with it. 

However, digging just a little deeper into the concept of the ownership of the mineral wealth of the planet makes me reconsider my sympathies with mine owners. If all human beings were created on the Earth to live here in order to further the experience of the human, physical life form, as parts of Divine Consciousness, then how is it even vaguely conceivable that any one of us can or should take power over another or take ownership of what belongs to the collective of living beings which inhabit the planet? From this perspective, any form of mine or mineral rights ownership is ludicrous to say the least. 

How is it that we have managed to shift our consciousness to such a degree that we tolerate the individual ownership of what are actually mutually owned resources in the manner we do? Who gave any single person, company or consortium the right to own what belongs to all people? 

Going back in time, the ancient and indigenous peoples of any land knew that the resources of the land belonged to all. While it is certainly possible to have one’s own piece of land to live and farm upon, the greed which has developed, and the level to which our behaviour has degenerated cannot possible be in keeping with the intention of the GODHEAD when physical life on our planet was first created. 

Although I am fully aware that this blog post only scratches at the surface of what amount to a myriad of societal ills, we can use this single example to reconsider how the discontent of miners is so easily fanned into a raging fire of emotion – and at this time most especially in South Africa at the this time of killing and protest – as well as the plight of those so-called illegal miners who are maimed and/or killed on a daily basis. 

The so-called mine owners make a point of making an example of the ‘thieves’ they catch. They chop off their limbs and otherwise maim or kill them so as to send a clear message to others who might be considering the same ‘illegal’ activity. We would be naïve to consider that there are only some isolated incidents of this nature. 

DUMUZI gave us some powerful information about these practices, telling us that they rife the world over, and are related to all types of mining operations. This sort of cruelty in the name of the protection of property must stop, immediately. We need to re-look at what ownership really amounts to in terms of Earth’s mineral resources and ask ourselves how it is that we have lost our way to such a significant extent that we tolerate any of this. 

No matter whether they emerge as youth riots, uprisings against dictators, political agitations, information leaks, anti-whaling protests or anything of a similar nature, as we see outbursts of anger the world over we consider what it is that we need to do personally to shift the collective consciousness of humanity, from the personal perspective. 

Each one of us can do the simple exercise of clearing out any unsupportive thoughts, feelings and behaviours from our own lives. In so doing, we create a positive raised resonance knock-on effect throughout the whole system of human consciousness. This exposes us all to a wash of energy which is of a higher frequency nature than anything that has been available to us previously. This new energy impacts each one of us, from deep within, and it changes us at the level of our DNA. 

With this higher state of energy in place, consciousness shifts more easily and people less readily tolerate what has been a blind state of victim consciousness that has enslaved them to the systems of others for so long. New Light shining on the situations of humanity means that perpetrators are more likely to re-think their behaviour than they would otherwise have been. 

With just the smallest , thought, feeling or action of change from within us, we begin to see the way ahead, clear and shining with Light. This is how we birth the Golden Age on Earth.

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