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DNA Upgrades and Activations

At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information)

expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is

encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could

be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human

consciousness goes from light to dark.


Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells.

The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected

by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially

occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of

cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical body into a physical-etheric body and

change our energy fields. It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our

total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the

reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if

DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.

Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention

is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be

employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as

DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every



The Meaning and Function of the Third Strand DNA Activation-

the death programming is

removed from the cellular memory.


The Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional

light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. This allows us to begin receiving the Light language

of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The Third Eye is like a receptor-prism of the

Light Language that carries instructions to the body’s cells about changing the physical body

into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information flows into our conscious mind

allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensional. Through massive light absorption our cells

remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.


The Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. This means the information we access through our third eye is

expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We have the ability to heal ourselves and

others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.

The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-

the Light language from

the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation

into a physical-etheric being. Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our

conscious mind as we plunge deeper into experiencing life multi-dimensionally. We remember

HOW to control the spin of our electrons. This activates our super human abilities.....such as

shapeshifting and bilocation....


The Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation-

the sixth dimension light filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. Again, that ensues that the information we access through our

Third Eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We are radiators of love's

transfiguration...... we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the

SAME particles of energy.

The 6h and 7th strands go hand and hand.


The Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension

light filter on the Third Eye Chakra is dissolved. The Light Language of the seventh dimension

feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric

being. As seventh dimensional information begins to flow into our conscious mind, we are now

receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.


The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures

that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of

unconditional love. Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We

maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are

joy.......peace.......tranquility and unconditional love... able to transform other energy fields

The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-

your Ascension Vehicleactivates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flowof quantum Christ energy surrounding the body in a 100-ft. diameter cloud. When the 10h

strand activates, what’s known as the Metatron Matrix forms around the cloud containing it like

a vessel so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

You naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through

your purity in the eternal now, you have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane....

through thought and feeling alone.


The Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-

A Planetary Ascension Vehicle

has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect

your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North

Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. Your every thought, action, word, and

feeling is being guided by your mighty I AM Presence. We simply know that we are in perfect

alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as

a sacred instrument of God.


The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-

As the 12th strand activates, your

Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy

through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. When Mother Earth shifts, everyone

connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will shift with her. We live,

breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust

with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God

embodied on Earth.

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DNA Upgrades and Activations

At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information)

expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is

encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could

be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human

consciousness goes from light to dark.


Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells.

The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected

by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially

occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of

cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical body into a physical-etheric body and

change our energy fields. It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our

total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the

reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if

DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.

Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention

is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be

employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as

DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every



The Meaning and Function of the Third Strand DNA Activation-

the death programming is

removed from the cellular memory.


The Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional

light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. This allows us to begin receiving the Light language

of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The Third Eye is like a receptor-prism of the

Light Language that carries instructions to the body’s cells about changing the physical body

into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information flows into our conscious mind

allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensional. Through massive light absorption our cells

remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.


The Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-

the fifth dimensional filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. This means the information we access through our third eye is

expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We have the ability to heal ourselves and

others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.

The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-

the Light language from

the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation

into a physical-etheric being. Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our

conscious mind as we plunge deeper into experiencing life multi-dimensionally. We remember

HOW to control the spin of our electrons. This activates our super human abilities.....such as

shapeshifting and bilocation....


The Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation-

the sixth dimension light filter

on the heart chakra is dissolved. Again, that ensues that the information we access through our

Third Eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We are radiators of love's

transfiguration...... we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the

SAME particles of energy.

The 6h and 7th strands go hand and hand.


The Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension

light filter on the Third Eye Chakra is dissolved. The Light Language of the seventh dimension

feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric

being. As seventh dimensional information begins to flow into our conscious mind, we are now

receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.


The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-

The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures

that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of

unconditional love. Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We

maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are

joy.......peace.......tranquility and unconditional love... able to transform other energy fields

The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand.

The Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-

your Ascension Vehicleactivates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flowof quantum Christ energy surrounding the body in a 100-ft. diameter cloud. When the 10h

strand activates, what’s known as the Metatron Matrix forms around the cloud containing it like

a vessel so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

You naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through

your purity in the eternal now, you have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane....

through thought and feeling alone.


The Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-

A Planetary Ascension Vehicle

has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect

your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North

Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. Your every thought, action, word, and

feeling is being guided by your mighty I AM Presence. We simply know that we are in perfect

alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as

a sacred instrument of God.


The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-

As the 12th strand activates, your

Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy

through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. When Mother Earth shifts, everyone

connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will shift with her. We live,

breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust

with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God

embodied on Earth.

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There is a great challenge in sharing something new with others. I am talking about something really new; new for everyone, not something that you have never tried before but something that didn’t even exist before.

If your friend goes to see a movie and tells you it was really special, you already understand what a movie is, how it works and what to expect. You won’t know what makes it special but you have a context of what you will experience.

But what about something like skydiving or visiting a remote Caribbean island paradise that you have never experienced? Well even then, you have a context of skydiving from stories, movies or the YouTube experiences of others. You understand the beauty and exhilaration that you might experience. You have a context of expectation.

When it comes to something completely new, something only a very few have a context for, like the feeling and magical wonder of being weightless, that is something you can’t easily share.  Any astronaut will tell you that it is not just the weightlessness but that moment when you see that majestic “blue ball” of planet Earth floating in the middle of the universe; that is the moment when your entire context for your life drastically alters forever.

At that timeless moment you come face to face with how infinitesimal you are compared to such magnificence; and yet you are also powerless against coming to a deep realization that you feel so magnetically connected to that blue ball of wonderment; that you are so much a part of it within each bone of your body. Even more mind blowing is that there is something else you begin to understand.

For the first time in your life you suddenly fully grasp something you thought you knew but now realize your prior understanding was nothing more than an idea, just as a blind person has no concept of true sight. You now feel a sense of all-encompassing energy tingling every hair on your body. What you felt initially at first sight of the blue planet out your little window is nothing compared to what you now feel, something else that brings you to tears of utter amazement. It is the mind numbing awareness that every single living being upon that glorious little gem poised in the heavens is each traveling in the same direction. Each person, each animal; they are all on the same object, having the same experience, going through the same journey.

You realize each one is part of the same family; that each one is a brother or sister to each other. It is so utterly apparent to you now.

But it is a moment that mere words, stories, even movies can only pale in comparison to the actual experience itself. Only the one who is there physically seeing that grand vision can fully know what it really means. They are the only one who will experience firsthand the deep altering within his or her conscious awareness.

This is what happens when you are bold enough to venture beyond experiences which already have a context in your understanding.

Would you easily take on going to a movie if the only experience you ever had was listing to a radio? It would be a mind blowing experience to get into a 3D surround sound THX theater to say the least.

But for the true adventurer, the reward is greater than the risk.

It is the same exact process when we open ourselves up to taking on the Ascension Mastery pathway. We really have no context of what it is going to be like because there is nothing in our life that can prepare us.

What happens to you on the Ascension Mastery path, at least as we experience it here, cannot really be understood any more than you know just what it is to see the Earth from space.

Today the 12:12 is a tremendous gateway of light. We have written about it under our posts section on our website, but it is our goal to have you start to experience it firsthand for yourself, if you are going to be so bold to do so.

This is a very powerful gateway that significantly represents opening yourself up to Higher Frequencies. But like anything else in life that requires a personal stake be made in order to get results, you have to consciously create the experience for yourself within your physical reality. You won’t learn how to skydive by reading a book or watching a movie about it and even though the work of Ascension Mastery seems at first glance to be a subject that is about spirituality, not physicality, it could not be more physical.

It is the process of seeing life from a different vantage point. It is the process of discovering that you are more than you ever thought you were. It is about going into different dimensional realms of awareness that you have never experienced before. It is about having an ongoing series of experiences that only you can fully understand.

It does not mean you will immediately discover what you have not known, as any type of human learning of a new skill or ability can take time. But you will make progress in discovering the unknown. You will build up your understanding and comprehension. Still, you won’t be able to explain it very well either. And that may be exactly what makes the journey of mastership so amazing. It is indeed like nothing else on Earth or beyond.

Here are some of the thoughts we get when our listeners try to put these experiences in words.

“I felt so lucky… so blessed… so special to be with my family of beloved Masters; LOVE is what I felt… a fullness… a warmth… a happy heart; it felt…  HOLY   ~   Thank you.”

“I ALWAYS leave a call feeling so much love, compassion, joy, and a sense of belonging that I never experienced before…”

“The conferences… are so amazing you need to experience one in order to appreciate the full impact it will have on your life.”

“Every call seems more powerful than the one before. In reflecting over this past year, I can see and feel the massive changes that have taken place for me. I am finally able to see a progression…”

“…just blew my socks off. It was so powerful and I felt it so strongly…”

In order for you to be better prepared to accept the 12:12 energies of these 2013 frequencies yourself, we are sharing with you part of our weekly teachings that we held this week as we visited the 22nd Golden Etheric City of the New Earth (city of Havalanchee as part of the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light weekly tel-teaching). In this journey meditation teaching we hear from Lord Melchizedek, who is in charge of the Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of White Light, as he guides us into feeling the energies of this gateway. Listening to this recording as soon as possible will assist more.

Those who set their intentions to step into the energies of this portal of Light knowing beforehand that they do not know what they will experience, we be able to have a deeper experience than others listening to the same audio. This is a 30 minute excerpt from the full 90 minute teaching which prepares you even more as one consciously on the ultimate Mastery pathway.

Please click this link to listen to the 30 min excerpt ~ Scroll down to bottom of post to see the MP3 file link.

Enjoy the grounding and we thank you in advance for your conscious active participation in anchoring these Higher Light Frequencies for Humanity as you will experience them. This is just a step in opening your awareness to more than you imagined. Yes it may involve accepting not only Beings of Light but the art of channeling by Reverend Meleriessee, which may seem very New Age (but is actually very an ancient art of accessing the Oneness). Many Blessings.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Clarion Temple of Oneness Transcript, Dated April 15th, 2013.    To receive the transcription from Divine Mother and Father God see,; to purchase the MP3 Download or participate in the live calls, see  This transcript is directly related to the Meteor Show of Love that is appearing around the world on April 22nd, 2013.  There is a powerful activation occurring within our planet starting on this date.  So take a moment to reflect whether you see the meteor shower or not.  Blessings, Mel and Mike.


My Dearest Ones, what a divine pleasure to be here with each of you.  I encompass the dimensional frequencies of the higher realms of your stars of the inter-planets and all the inner galactic of the Christed universes.  We come tonight as the Divine Pleasure to be able to share with you our Light in this manner through a voice this is very exciting for each of us.  I have with me Beings from the Andromedeans, Beings from the Sirians, Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades and many others you may see.  There are many different species here that fill the stage; and we arise your energies and our friends are in the Temple amongst each of you which is the beauty of our energies.

Tonight we want to share, we want to share about the upcoming energies of meteor shower of Love.  It is our way of expressing that we are one with each of you.  This is the way that we can share it in these moments because many are looking for the shifts; they are waiting to see physical appearances because humans have a way of wanting a great celebration and waiting for that ship to land; then all of a sudden all these Beings come out of the ship and welcome them into the ship and take them to different foreign places.  Do you know why everyone is so concerned with the inter galactics? Because you are us, you want to be where we are, and you have chosen to be here now.  You so want to feel those energies once again and to know that you can communicate so we are showing you a way to do so.

I bring to you tonight the 21st Ray of this dimensional frequency of Divine Structure.  You see, some of you have already been there and you come down here to this Earth.  You think it’s the same and it is not.  We send this message to all the Star Seeds that are struggling with their lives now because Earth is not what they wanted to be.  They have a hard time existing in this duality and they fight the system.  This is occurring because they have the gifts, they have the ability to tune in to channel, to feel the energies, to have amazing dream states, geometric patterns that they can understand, what it is to be a galactic high technical essence.  But do you know why so many of you are here?  You are here not to show everyone what you know; you are here to be in Oneness.  This is the planet that is changing and so many souls in the last twenty or thirty years have decided to incarnate to be part of these energies.

So we say to you, let us blend.  You must blend the energies so we are going to share with you the essence of how to do that.  Do you think that each of us could stand here in front of you in all these planetary systems and agree?  Oh, there were times that we could not so I overlight all these essences to come into Oneness which is just like you are communicating with your Spiritual Hierarchy which are the overlighting energies to come into Oneness.  I overlight the inner galactic energies so that we can come together.  This is our time and what a perfect day to allow these essences to come into creation because, because what is happening on your Earth.  The intensity, the thought forms, and the lack of compassion amongst so many and yet others are awakening to that compassion and they don’t understand why it cannot be.  You tap into another world of existence and you want that to be your reality.  How do you think that changes? It has to change because you are changing.  You that are present listening in these moments are the ones that will show how it is done.  Not by what you know, not by how you do things, just by being, being that multi-dimensional self that is acquiring within your physical existence.

It is just amazing to watch the process that is occurring so know we are going to be infiltrating more often.  They say that this meteor shower this month 22nd of April is going to be huge for everyone to see.  It is an expression of Oneness; it is expression of fireworks.  As the fireworks come down from the higher universes into this sky formation of this Earth, it becomes Oneness.  It does not become like “oh my gosh what is going to happen to me”! We must realize that this is the Lights within Lights shinning down upon each of you to help you to remember the part of yourself that is inter galactic and that may have been eons and eons of time ago for you or it may have just been yesterday.  It does not matter when because those timelines become very active within your Etheric self so allowing them to come within your memories, into your dreams, and into your thought processes is going to assist you greatly in creating your multi-dimensional self.

Our essence is going to be able to overlight many of the dark forces upon this planet from other planetary universes.  It is going to assist in bringing in more frequency of Light on a physical basis by a molecular structure.  Not just the fact that there are elements stuck in environmental conditions.  This is a showing of your planetary structure with all the others coming into Oneness, coming into the frequency of Light that is us together.  Don’t we deserve to be with one another?  Don’t we deserve to have what we had from the beginning before we came into this creative process of planetary structures when we were all one-spirit group ball of Light? And we just move from place to place; while this is occurring, I ask of you now to look within the Temple up above.  The Temple is open as there is no ceiling of the Blue Gold Ray filtering within you and the entire Temple.

Let us heal these individuals that are newly upon the Temple of Oneness; let us heal these souls; they may be in a state of confusion because they just don’t know realized what has happened them.  They may have just passed over and their spiritual pathway did not allow them to think something like this is possible.  This is what you share in this Temple of the Light.  That is our expression moving into the totality of complete Oneness.  The beauty of these moments is the movement into expressing many facets of Light into the one essence that we are.  So tonight this is why we are here, we are here to tell you about this as we are here to be One with You.  If you think about what the Blue Gold actually means it represents Divine Structure.  What is Divine Structure in the mental aspects of your mind.  You may not be able to ascertain what that truly means.

If you take yourself out of this body that you are inhabiting and you travel and travel into the heavens up to the 36th dimensional frequency, you will see that there is where I Am and so are You.  You just don’t remember it’s not part of your process at this time to stay in that frequency as your body cannot hold those elements, but you can take a little portion of it to experience your totality.  So tonight I give you a small, small starlit essence to put into your Heart so that you can tap into these elements of frequency to help you become more grounded.  This will help you to know that if you are a Star Seed, you can ground that more.  Because what you are bringing to GAIA, is more Light into the planet to help the places of duality not to hold on to the duality yourself as so many Star Seeds have a tendency to do.

So arise to the occasion; arise to the star you see. This beautiful star is coming down through the Blue Gold coming into the Temple.  Feel it is huge because this star represents each of us; it represents all these beautiful beings that I have here with me tonight.  Some of them you may know Ashtar Command, Lord of Sirius, Lord of Arcturus the Andromedeans, Master Valencia, Lady Voltar, all the beautiful beings that have been here before the Sirians of their essence with the Pleidians and all the Councils of Light.  They are all here tonight; they are all here to bring in this essence because we are becoming complete together.

See the Blue Gold star coming down into the top of the Temple.  It is going to filter a portion of its essence into each of your Hearts.  Then there is a star glyph that is going to activate within your own Heart Center for you to tap into anytime that you need to feel our assistance, that you need to feel each of us, or you need to remember that part of your multi dimensional self that is coming out.

So what does this do?  It creates the ability to remember the Divine Being that you are because it is so much forgotten within this Earthplane.  So we express this essence unto you, as the One Star becomes many more stars within each of you within this Temple.  We will all be Stars within Stars for each other.

Oh, feel the essence of the Star within your Heart.  It now sparkles.  It may be twinkling; just touch it if you like or feel its essence vibrating, vibrating within your Heart.  Feel this essence within you vibrating and then touch your Third Eye because there is another aspect of it that is going into your Third Eye. It should allow you to have the ability to intuitively see an expansion of stars in the sky of the Blue Gold.  Feel this vision now as it comes down into this Temple into each of you.

This vibration will change you.  It will allow you to receive your Divine Essence.  There is an expansion occurring outside of yourself in this moment.  In this expansion it is your Divine Essence now manifest.  This all depends upon your Higher Self and how much you can handle within your physical structure allowing your physical structure to receive more of this essence into your being.  Right now most of you have received just a small spark  ~  it is remembrance, it is an essence of each of us as I the Lord of the Great Bear Star system overlight these energies into each of you and why am I here at this time.  This is due because it is time; it is time for us to communicate, it is time for us to understand that when you receive essences with in your sky that there is a message.  The message is, “we want you to know we understand and we walk with each of you through this process of your divinity to make it better and better and better”.  As it is not appropriate not to have a world full of Oneness and this is what we shine to each of you in this moment.  Let us take a breath and feel these essences.

Just think about it ~ if every human being can feel their own Divine Essence being manifested through their Third Eye  and their Heart,  how much different this world could be.  This is why we are here.  We are here to share with you how to do this so that you can share it with others.  Right now what you have received through this frequency of Light is a vibrational attunement that is going to allow you to center upon the energies within yourself to make the necessary changes.

During this period you may feel fluctuations of emotions, thought processes, flashes of remembrance.  Whatever you are doing, just remember to tap your Third Eye and your Heart; you must connect to both because the Third Eye can perceive deeply but without the Heart Center being activated within it, it becomes a mental thought, it becomes a lower energy.  So you must tap within the Heart Center at the same time alternately and it will help you to reflect in All That You Are.  Without doing them together you will be receiving but not in the space of Wholeness that You Are.  Let us think right now of the star that you have become; a portion of your Star Essence is being embodied within you.  It does not matter if you feel that you are from Pleiades, Arcturus, or any of the other star systems; please know that we are all One together as we were originally.

And now we are coming back into that combined correlation that is us, so what you experiencing and what we are experiencing is because we are totality connected especially after this evening.  Let us think about the Ones on the Earth that are hurting and send them this star glyph now.  With a breath, just breathe and a tap over your Third Eye and your Heart to connect with your own Heart and send this around the globe.

Now Gaia has received her star glyph and now she is relaxing as now we are all connected within that Oneness.  Feel that energy now being reactivated within you as you now no longer send it out but bring it back in, bring that essence in whenever you connect with someone in this manner.  With each of us you must always remember to bring it back into yourself which will create a full connection within our hearts in our essences of this Ray to be fully within each of us representing the Light of the One.  Feel the Blue Gold completely circling within the Temple and within each of us and each other.

It is my Divine Pleasure to be able to express this essence unto you.  I and all the others that are with us feel this essence as we are different species; we are One just as you have many different species on the planet.  :et us come into that Oneness together.  Now that we are fully One as you look for the meteor shower, feel that essence, feel the sparkles of Light, feel the stars upon stars all combining within each other now you are one of the stars.  Even if you don’t see it with your physical eye, experience our essence together.  This is not just about the planetary stars in the skies; it is about each of us being those stars within one another.

I am deeply honored, deeply, deeply honored to be able to speak here this evening in this beautiful Temple and I do hope that I do return.  Thank you for inviting me, thank you for allowing me to be here in your Hearts, within your intuitive minds.  I am real ~ we are all real.  We are just not with in a structure that you are used to experiencing.  So let us come together in that completeness of wholeness that we are together in the frequency of Light.

I AM Lord of the Great Bear Star system embracing you with all beings that are part of my essence and in deep love and admiration of this experience of the Oneness of the Light.

I Am One with each of you.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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OM Wave Crystal Activation


As we now are aware, 2012 is a very crucial year in our opportunity to advance our Light Quotient significantly.  We offer another great tool to specifically utilize the transformation within the Summer Solstice. 

The Solstice will be a grand affair of Light as the energies of Atlantis and Lemuria will merge as the Eternal Essence of OM.  This radiant OM Wave will cascade from within Mt. Shasta itself via the enormous central power crystal that is housed inside the Lemurian capital city of Telos.  This wave will extend across the globe and merge with the energies of the other geographically important central crystals, delivering a new level of light consciousness of compassion and love to all of humanity.  It is the return of the full blending of the masculine elements of our heritage of Atlantis, into the feminine energies that is our heritage of Lemuria. For those that are fully ready to advance into your next level of responsibility as a torch bearer and lightworker, we are celebrating this event in a very special way.

The "Heart of Mt. Shasta" that will attune your crystal.

We are making available high frequency Lemurian crystals that will be physically charged by the mountain of Shasta for a period of three days during the Solstice. You may now purchase one that will be an individually attenuated crystal specifically for you based on a questionnaire you will fill out with your exact intentions.  We will attune the crystal and ship it to you after the Solstice along with a new special visualization from Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, whose main role is the teaching and advancement of all initiates that desire to accelerate into the 5th Dimensional frequencies.  This new meditation enhances and grounds your full chakra system and light body by utilizing the power of an individually attuned crystal  combined with the personal activation meditation, and the power of the OM Wave activation.

This is a rare opportunity as Lemurian crystals such as those in the image above are not in excessive supply.  We will accept orders on a first come first served basis and do our best to accommodate everyone  but be aware that, as we are not in the crystal trade ourselves, supply will be limited.  The closing date to have your order submitted to us is June 15th, 2012, at which time this offer will be ended – or prior to that date if supplies run out. (The above image of the crystals has a United Stated quarter dollar shown for size comparison).   We will do a full shamanic clearing of each crystal, attune them and ship each crystal in a protective pouch.  It will be lovingly packed and insured.  Cost of each crystal includes the cost of the download MP3 activation meditation from Lord Adama as well as shipping and insurance.  International orders will need to be charged an additional shipping fee once we ship it.

Some of you may also want an additional individual session with Lord Adama himself to assist you in discerning the specific issues or areas in your own life that you want to work on using this powerful tool once you have it in your possession.  (This is what we ourselves had done for us). We are therefore offering two pricing structures:

OM WAVE Crystal Activation without a personal session from Lord Adama: $77

OM WAVE Crystal Activation including the Lord Adama session: $154

To order please click the link to

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Vibratory Masters of Ascension for the New Earth

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