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Daily practice for all round healing


This post will go through a list of actions which you can do to make yourself a much more healthy, aware, relaxed, easy-going, loving person.

Step one: Take a short walk to a quiet area, probably surrounded by nature. If you are not near a natural area, or it is not a nice day -- maybe just stay in your living room, or a quiet room somewhere in your house.

Step two: Sit down and relax, to steady your breathing. Maybe practice deep steady breaths, or alternate nostril breathing, to clear out your lungs.

Step three: Do a short yoga exercise, a example is salute to the sun;


Repeat this exercise until you feel relaxed, but not tiered.

Step four: Fill your chakras with energy, generally using Reiki, or another form of energy sharing; like Ethereal Crystals.

(You may want to call your spiritual guides/angels/archangels, to help with your healings.)

Step five: Ground, to relieve yourself of all negative energies.

Step six: Meditate for 10 - 15 minutes. I suggest a simple Chakra meditation, or Zen meditation, practiced in Zen Buddhism.

If you feel stiff between any of these steps, do a few stretches. Like stretching your spine or spinning your arms gentle around in their sockets.

Do this exercise daily, and make sure you have plenty of fresh air around you, so maybe if you are inside, open a window?

 Love & light,

Solomon Azulay.


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5 Garden Tips For Small Spaces

5 Garden Tips For Small Spaces

• Judi Gerber
• March 18, 2013

With spring’s arrival on March 20, you might be feeling the urge to start a garden. But, if you live in a space with no yard, or in the middle of the city, you might be thinking you can’t satisfy this urge.

Even if you live in the heart of the city and all you have is a balcony, rooftop, or a patio, you can still grow some fresh fruits and veggies. You just have to learn what you can grow, instead of focusing on what you can’t grow.

Here are some tips for small space gardening.

Use container planting. Almost any vegetable can be grown in a container, if the container is big enough. Anything can be used, use your imagination, old tubs, old window frames put together to make a box, a wheelbarrow, all make great containers. Think about the size of the plant, how wide will it get. How tall? What about the size and depth of the root system?

Research your favorite veggies, read seed packets, a good seed company puts this important info. on the package for you. Once you have the right container, then you just need to fill it with good potting soil, have a spot that provides full sun at least six hours a day, and water it consistently.

Grow up, vertically. Many crops can be easily trained up poles, trellises, or even lattices attached to walls. Any kind of support that is study enough to use string across it will work. You can use plant boxes in different sizes and stack them to make a vertical garden. When choosing what to plant, think about things that can be trained to grow up. Pole beans or peas are also easily trained to climb up.

Use compact or dwarf varieties. Choose varieties specifically bred for growing in a small area. Look for anything with the words patio, baby, or dwarf in the name. If you want a fruit tree, there are dwarf varieties of apple, peach, pear and citrus trees that can be grown in a container.

Use succession planting to create more space. Succession planting (sowing seeds of the same crop every few weeks), will allow you to have more of your favorites for a longer time. Leaf lettuces are especially good for this because they grow quickly. If you start seeds in a different planter every 2-3 weeks, you will have enough lettuce to last you all summer.

Use companion planting. Companion planting basically means planting things next to each other that benefit one another, by providing needed shade, acting as a natural pest control, or adding nutrients to the soil. For example, not only is lettuce a good crop for succession planting, it is also a great companion plant. Since lettuce is a bit more shade tolerant and actually prefers less direct sun, planting or putting those containers of lettuce beneath your taller plants or vertical planters will help them thrive during the hot summer afternoons. Aside from lettuce, think about other crops that can tolerate some shade, and plant them next to taller ones, especially leafy vegetables like cabbage, chard, endive, mustard greens, parsley and spinach, all cool season crops. Or, think about things that grow faster or earlier like radishes and peas, and plant them with your warm season crops that are slow growing like peppers or tomatoes.

With spring’s arrival on March 20, you might be feeling the urge to start a garden. But, if you live in a space with no yard, or in the middle of the city, you might be thinking you can’t satisfy this urge.

Even if you live in the heart of the city and all you have is a balcony, rooftop, or a patio, you can still grow some fresh fruits and veggies. You just have to learn what you can grow, instead of focusing on what you can’t grow.

Here are some tips for small space gardening.

Use container planting. Almost any vegetable can be grown in a container, if the container is big enough. Anything can be used, use your imagination, old tubs, old window frames put together to make a box, a wheelbarrow, all make great containers. Think about the size of the plant, how wide will it get. How tall? What about the size and depth of the root system? Research your favorite veggies, read seed packets, a good seed company puts this important info. on the package for you. Once you have the right container, then you just need to fill it with good potting soil, have a spot that provides full sun at least six hours a day, and water it consistently.

Grow up, vertically. Many crops can be easily trained up poles, trellises, or even lattices attached to walls. Any kind of support that is study enough to use string across it will work. You can use plant boxes in different sizes and stack them to make a vertical garden. When choosing what to plant, think about things that can be trained to grow up. Pole beans or peas are also easily trained to climb up.
Use compact or dwarf varieties. Choose varieties specifically bred for growing in a small area. Look for anything with the words patio, baby, or dwarf in the name. If you want a fruit tree, there are dwarf varieties of apple, peach, pear and citrus trees that can be grown in a container.

Use succession planting to create more space. Succession planting (sowing seeds of the same crop every few weeks), will allow you to have more of your favorites for a longer time. Leaf lettuces are especially good for this because they grow quickly. If you start seeds in a different planter every 2-3 weeks, you will have enough lettuce to last you all summer.

Use companion planting. Companion planting basically means planting things next to each other that benefit one another, by providing needed shade, acting as a natural pest control, or adding nutrients to the soil. For example, not only is lettuce a good crop for succession planting, it is also a great companion plant. Since lettuce is a bit more shade tolerant and actually prefers less direct sun, planting or putting those containers of lettuce beneath your taller plants or vertical planters will help them thrive during the hot summer afternoons. Aside from lettuce, think about other crops that can tolerate some shade, and plant them next to taller ones, especially leafy vegetables like cabbage, chard, endive, mustard greens, parsley and spinach, all cool season crops. Or, think about things that grow faster or earlier like radishes and peas, and plant them with your warm season crops that are slow growing like peppers or tomatoes.

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5 Common Triggers of Brain Lapse

5 Common Triggers of Brain Lapse

Why are we capable of complex thinking one minute, and the next, our minds are thrown for a loop by the simplest of things?

Our brains balk at the thought of four-dimensional hypercubes, quantum mechanics or an infinite universe, and understandably so. But our gray matter is generally adept at processing sensory data from the mundane objects and experiences of daily life. However, there are a few glaring exceptions.

Here are five common things that unexpectedly throw our brains for a loop, revealing some of the bizarre quirks in their structure and function that usually manage to slip under the radar.



Do you ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind — to get something, perhaps? — only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an "event boundary" in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next, just as exiting through a doorway signals the end of a scene in a movie. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room, and prepares a blank slate for the new locale. Mental event boundaries usually help us organize our thoughts and memories as we move through the continuous and dynamic world, but when we're trying to remember that thing we came in here to do… or get… or maybe find… they can be frustrating indeed.



Which bugs you more: the whine of a digital alarm clock, the sound of a truck backing up, or the shrill reminders that your smoke detector is running out of batteries? Fine, they're all terrible. Beeps are practically the soundtrack of the modern world, but they're extremely irritating because each one induces a tiny brain fart.

We didn't evolve hearing beeps, so we struggle to grasp them. Natural sounds are created from a transfer of energy, often from one object striking another, such as a stick hitting a drum. In that case, energy is transferred into the drum and then gradually dissipates, causing the sound to decay over time. Our perceptual system has evolved to use that decay to understand the event — to figure out what made the sound, and where it came from. Beep sounds, on the other hand, are like cars driving at 60 mph then suddenly hitting a wall, as opposed to gradually slowing to a stop. The sound doesn't change over time, and it doesn't fade away, so our brains are baffled about what they are and where they're coming from.



Just as we didn't evolve hearing beeps, we also didn't evolve seeing photographs. Like your grandmother learning to use the Internet but never developing an intuitive feel for it, we consciously "get" photographs, but our subconscious brains can't quite separate them from the objects or people pictured.


Case in point: Studies show that people are much less accurate when throwing darts at pictures of JFK, babies, or people they like than when throwing darts at Hitler or their worst enemy. Another study found that people start to sweat profusely when asked to cut up photographs of their cherished childhood possessions.


Lacking millions of years of practice, our brains fail when it comes to separating appearance from reality.



Do you ever feel your phone vibrating in your pocket or purse, only to retrieve it and be met by eerie, black-screened lifelessness? If, like most people, you occasionally experience these "phantom vibrations," it turns out it's because your brain is jumping to wrong conclusions in an attempt to make sense of the chaos that is your life.


Brains are bombarded with sensory data; they must filter out the useless noise, and pick up on the important signals. In prehistoric times we would have constantly misinterpreted curvy sticks in the corner of our vision for snakes. Today, most of us are techno-centric, and so our brains misinterpret everything from the rustle of clothing to the growling of a stomach, jumping to the conclusion that we're getting a call or text, and actually causing us to hallucinate a full-on phone vibration.




Ever noticed how car wheels can look like they're spinning backwards in the movies? This is because movie cameras capture still images of a scene at a finite rate, and the brain fills in the gaps between these images by creating the illusion of continuous motion between the similar frames. If the wheel rotates most of the way around between one frame and the next, the most obvious direction of motion for the brain to pick up on is backwards, since this direction suggests the minimal difference between the two frames.


However, wheels can also appear to spin backwards in real life, too, which is weirder. The leading theory to explain the "continuous wagon wheel illusion," as it is known, holds that the brain's motion perception system samples its input as a series of discrete snapshots, much like a movie camera. So our brains are effectively filming their own movies of the external world, but not always at a fast enough frame rate to perceive the wheels in the scene spinning the right way.



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5 Pictures that Will Inspire You

5 Pictures that Will Inspire You

Sometimes a simple act of kindness and improve a person’s day. Sometimes, it can change their life.

We never really know the true impact we have on other people, even strangers. Here are a few inspiring examples of people who decided to share what they have with others. If these images brighten your day even just a little bit, be sure to pass them on to your friends and family!


A man gives his shoes to a homless girl in Rio de Janeiro


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WRITTEN BY A POLICE OFFICER - Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this.

In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation...
This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know.

After reading these9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.


1. Tip fromTae Kwon Do:
The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!



2..Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM.

Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.


3.If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.



4.Women have a tendency to get into their carsafter shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their chequebook, or making a list, etc..


The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go.

If someone is in the car with a gun to your head


Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it .
As soon as the car crashes bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.



5. A few notes about gettinginto your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:

A.)Be aware:
look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.

B.)If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.

C.)Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side... If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out.


IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)

6.ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)

7.If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!

The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.. RUN, Preferably in a zig-zag pattern!

8.As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted his next victim.



9.Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door...'

The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby... He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.



10. Water scam!
If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a
burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full ball so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!
Please pass this on This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on America 's Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana


I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it onto them, as well.


Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it's better to be safe than sorry..

Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life

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5 home remedies that really work

5 home remedies that really work

Health claims backed by science

The newspapers are full of stories about the miraculous curative powers of some herb or natural extract.

We've looked at the claims made by dozens of herbs and plants, and come up with 5 whose health claims are backed by hard science.

Here they are.

Ginger treats nausea

You may know it as biscuit ingredient or the flavouring of your non-alcoholic beer, but ginger also has well known medicinal properties.

Indeed, research suggests that ginger can safely relieve pregnancy related nausea and vomiting.

Scientists are also looking at whether it is effective for nausea caused by motion, chemotherapy, or surgery.

It is generally safe when taken in small doses.

Garlic lowers blood pressure

You may avoid it on your plate because of its pungent smell and its effect on your breath, but garlic has been used as a medicine for thousands of years.

There is some evidence that it may slightly lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

Some studies have shown that eating garlic for 1 to 3 months can slightly lower blood cholesterol levels, though this requires further investigation.

Research suggests that garlic consumption may slow the development of arteriosclerosis - the hardening of your arteries, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Soy lowers bad cholesterol

Soy is a staple of the Asian diet and has been increasingly popular in the west. Soybeans are high in proteins and contain isoflavones, which are compounds similar to the female hormone oestrogen.

Eating soy on a daily basis has been found to lower slightly the levels of LDD - the bad cholesterol.

Scientists are also looking into whether it is effective in reducing hot flashes in women after menopause.

Peppermint oil helps irritable bowel syndrome

The peppermint herb is widely grown in Europe and is used to flavour foods, as well as to make tea.

It is also made into peppermint oil, which is taken in small doses to treat various conditions.

Several scientific studies have found that it can be effective in improving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Other studies have found that when peppermint oil is combined with caraway oil, it may help relieve indigestion - but this evidence is preliminary.

Cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections

More than just a cocktail mixer, cranberries have been used throughout the ages to treat problems as varied as wounds, diarrhoea, urinary problems, and stomach and liver ailments.

Scientists have in recent years found evidence that drinking cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections caused by bacteria such as E. coli.

There is also preliminary evidence that cranberries may reduce the ability of a bacteria called H. pylori to live in the stomach, where it can cause ulcers.

Some studies also suggest that cranberries may be able to reduce dental plaque, which is a cause of gum disease.

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Top 5 Green Houses of Worship (video)

Top 5 Green Houses of Worship (video)
posted by Cris Popenoe

This video shows five unusual and imaginative green houses of worship of five religions:

• The proposed Park51 Muslim center in lower Manhattan
• A Buddhist temple in Thailand built entirely of beer bottles
• A Hindu temple that bans all plastics
• A LEED certified Jewish temple in Illinois
• A church in Scotland that has developed its own 10 eco commandments.

Planet 100: Top 5 Green Houses of Worship

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5 Minerals for Cancer-Prevention

5 Minerals for Cancer-Prevention

Here are 5 of the top cancer-prevention minerals:

1. Calcium: A proven protector against colon cancer, this mineral is integral for maintaining the health of bones and teeth, blood clotting, and cellular metabolism. Excellent sources include: nuts and seeds, carrot juice, dark green vegetables, salmon and sardines.

2. Iodine: This mineral is found in sea vegetables like kelp, dulse, and Celtic sea salt. It helps protect the body from breast cancer and is required for energy and the growth and repair of healthy tissues.

3. Magnesium: This mineral protects against cancer in general, maintains the pH balance of the blood, as well as aids the formation of your body’s genetic material–RNA and DNA. While damaged genetic material can put you at risk for cancer, magnesium helps with the repair work. It is found in many foods, including: nuts, fish, brown rice, whole grains, and green vegetables.

4. Selenium: This mineral helps the body manufacture glutathione, an enzyme required for proper detoxification of the body. Because toxic build-up in the body is linked to cancer, assisting your body with its natural, ongoing detoxification processes helps lessen your risk of cancer. In research, low dietary levels of selenium have been correlated with higher cancer incidence. Supplementation with selenium is a valuable cancer prevention tool.

5. Zinc: A powerful protective agent against prostate cancer, this mineral is also necessary for the formation of RNA and DNA and a healthy immune system. And, you guessed it: a healthy immune system is better able to kill cancer cells. Zinc is found in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, seafood, whole grains, soybeans, and onions.

Michelle Schoffro Cook, BSc, RNCP, ROHP, DNM, is an international best-selling and seven-time book author and doctor of natural medicine, whose works include: The Life Force Diet, The Ultimate pH Solution, The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, The Phytozyme Cure and HealthSmart News. Learn more at

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Top 5 Vitamins That Protect Against Cancer

Top 5 Vitamins That Protect Against Cancer

The best way to beat cancer naturally is to adopt a lifestyle to prevent it. Healthy, nutrient-rich food is an essential part of any anti-cancer plan. Here are my picks for the top 5 vitamins that help protect against cancer. Stay posted next week for the Top 5 Minerals that Help Protect Against Cancer.

1. Beta carotene
This precursor of Vitamin A is found in most orange and green vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, and other leafy green vegetables. An amazing nutrient, it has been shown in research to protect the lungs against toxins that are linked to lung cancer.

Another study found that ex-smokers who ate green and yellow vegetables high in beta carotene daily decreased their risk of stomach and lung cancer.

2. Vitamin B6
This B-Vitamin is essential to maintain a healthy immune system and helps protect the respiratory tract from pollution and infection. In studies it has helped protect against cervical cancer. Vitamin B-6 is primarily found in carrots, apples, organ meats, bananas, leafy green vegetables, and sweet potatoes.

3. Vitamin C
One of the most well-researched nutrients, Vitamin C has shown great promise in the fight against cancer, both in prevention and disease-management. Consider a recent study in which forty patients with cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus, or cervix received large doses of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and other vitamins.

Another sixty-one patients with other kinds of cancer followed the same regime, while thirty-one patients received no vitamin supplements and served as the control group. The control group lived an average of 5.7 months. Of the others, 80 percent of the patients with cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus, or cervix had a mean survival time of 122 months; patients with other forms of cancer lived an average of 72 months. That translates into a length of life 13 to 21 times longer in those who used vitamin therapy.

4. Folic Acid
In studies, folic acid, also known as folate or vitamin B9, helps protect against cervical cancer and is necessary for the proper formation of the body’s own genetic material – DNA and RNA. It is found in beets, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, citrus fruits, and most types of fish.

5. Vitamin E
In addition to protecting against bowel cancer, Vitamin E works as a powerful antioxidant that reduces the damage caused by ozone and pollutants on the cells. It is found in eggs, wheat germ, liver, unrefined vegetable oils, and dark green vegetables.

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5 Smart, Easy Ways to Use Essential Oils in the Home
By Annie B. Bond

During the time of the Black Plague a family of perfumers robbed the dead.

As perfumers they knew well the antiseptic essential oils, and they infused them in vinegar and rubbed them on their bodies; by doing so they protected themselves from certain death. The famous Vinegar of The Four Thieves recipe, sometimes called Grave Robber’s Blend, is a result of this practice.

That aromatic plants possess antiseptic properties has been known for some time from scientific tests. These plants include (from the most potent to least): thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, orange blossom, maize, poplar, pine, Indian hemp, tobacco, belladonna, hop, and poppy.

Try some of these essential oil formulas in the home when you need their antiseptic qualities:

1. Antiseptic Bathroom Spray
Combine 10 drops of essential oils to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray on area of concern, but don’t rinse.

2. Peppermint Spray for Mice
Mice hate peppermint. Add 2 teaspoons of peppermint to 1 cup of water and spray in areas where you think that mice might frequent.

3. Air Freshening Spritz
Sometimes an area of the home can smell stuffy, and spraying a little essential oil blend in the area can brighten the feeling of the space. Combine 1 teaspoon of essential oils to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle, and spray into the air.

4. Sick Room Spray
If someone in the family has an infectious illness such as strep throat, you can spritz some antiseptic essential oils in the room where they are staying.

5. Essential Oil Deodorizer
Place a drop or two of antiseptic essential oils in odor areas of your home.

Caution: Note that you should check with your doctor before using essential oils if you are pregnant or if your immune system is compromised.

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The Quantum Apocalypse of The Holographic Universe

Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.

Holographic Universe ( Part 2 0f 5 ) its all illusion

The Holographic Universe 3 of 5 ( The Kabbalah Connection )

Holographic Universe 4 of 5 ( Dimensional Travel & The Wave Form Universe)

Holographic Universe 5 of 5 ( The Truth about The All Seeing Eye )

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5 Homemade Sugar Scrubs

5 Homemade Sugar Scrubs
By Melissa Breyer, Senior Editor, Care2 Healthy and Green Living

I’m been to known to lean hedonistic, so it’s probably no surprise that I like rubbing (fair trade!) sugar slurped together with some lovely oil all over myself before a long bath. No surprise at all. Sometimes during the winter I am so constantly enrobed that I forgo this pleasure, but during the skin-baring summer, I do it often. So often, in fact, that I am growing a little tired of my regular formula. What’s a girl to do? Check out the trusty Care2 archives, of course. Following are five sweet sugar scrub formulas that I urge you to try. They’re cheap and easy, free of unnecessary chemicals and preservatives, and clearly pleasure-inducing.

Simple Sugar Scrub Formula
This is the basic formula I use (except I add a hint of ylang ylang pure essential oil). It is as easy as it gets.

Homemade Sugar Scrub
This formula comes courtesy of Larry Pleasant, CEO of The Vermont Soapworks. It has has a few more ingredients than the Simple Sugar Scrub Formula, but is still super simple and incredibly effective.

Banana Body Sugar Scrub
This is a formula I came up, with so I can’t really go on and on about how great it is. But, it’s really great. Mushed up ripe bananas, sugar, vanilla–yum.

Brown Sugar Body Polish
This sugar scrub uses spices designed with autumn in mind, but I find something very comforting about the scent of warming spices in the summer. See if it works for you.

Gentle Scrub for Fresher Skin
This might be the perfect summer sugar scrub; it’s cooling, gentle, and includes tomatoes and their alpha hydroxy fruit acid.

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