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Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the June Solstice 2017 assisting us to understand Ascension for Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, transmits a powerful Ascension Mastery message for this Sacred Earth movement. It represents the ability to fully ground the Pink Flame within our physical self as we connect to the Heart of All Hearts of the Divine Mother accessing our Angelic Heritage. THE JUNE SOLSTICE OCCURS JUNE 20TH 2017 AT 9:24 PM PACIFIC, JUNE 21ST AT 12:24 AM EASTERN, AND 04:34 UTC/GMT. 

As the Solstice of June comes upon the planet, it is important to realize the potential of the vibrational energies that can result from this occurrence.

To take you back a few steps from the Ascension Festivals of 2017 Gaia has entered a new phase in her planetary existence. It is like being in one place, but stepping forward into another. I believe this also is very aligned with what most awakened souls are experiencing, especially those actively within Ascension Mastery studies or training.

If the energies that are coming into the planet is assisting humanity to realize the potential that more can be realized within the physical world, then you might say why isn’t it occurring?

This is a very good question to ponder as it is important to realize the many souls that are inhabited on this planet do not realize the responsibility they hold for the ascension of Gaia. Each of those souls have many life experiences as a soul and many have several hundred. If each of these souls is expressing themselves by allowing particles of their multi-dimensional self to be realized, then what happens to the planet as a whole is very important to consider.

As Gaia is also holding many life experiences and realizing the potential to change, then not only is she going through a huge transition into allowing more light to be realized within her full body system, it is actually affecting all of humanity to wake up unto these new experiences.

But how many individuals would you say are actually realizing that change is within themselves? Or is it just within the other person that needs to change?

These are important questions to ask within yourself of how are you helping yourself to accept the new reality that could be part of your consciousness. Or do you think that as Gaia raises her vibration that you will go to that higher place without actually doing any of the work?

The earth is not anywhere near where she wants to be. Does that sound familiar?

I would say that every awakened soul probably ponders these thoughts within themselves but do they actually make a change in their life to see that the transition must come from their soul first and then the physical vehicle. It is a process of understanding that the transition from the soul level into the physical consciousness needs to be an interactive process. You cannot be one without the other.

This is what is causing Gaia to be cautious in her movement into the higher realms because if she moves too fast most souls will not be ready to step into the New World that is waiting for all of us. You may think you are ready; you are meditating, you are feeling higher vibrations, you are allowing yourself to coexist in a world that represents the old, ready to receive the New.

What many do not realize is that they are not ready to be fully grounded into the 5th dimensional existence.

We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, truly understand all that is occurring in your world. We see the changes you are making, but yet most of it is not being grounded. It is existing in the higher realms of thought and not within your full body system. The extension of your light must be realized in all parts of yourself, not just within your Higher Self.

This brings me to the powerful energies of the Solstice for 2017. It is always a moment in time when more light infractions are placed in the earth, when all exists in pure Light and there is not a moment when it is not fully felt by all of humanity.

This year due to the light infractions of the Pink Flame being ignited into Gaia we have even more of a grand opportunity to step into a deeper part of our Soul’s existence. It depends upon how you are going to experience it within your physical self. Are you going to feel the energies come flooding around you for the entire 24 hour period and then go about your life?

This is an important realization that needs to be accepted by every soul on the planet. I know each of you that desire to want more for this Earth are playing a very important role to do so.

I also ask what are you doing for yourself?

This Solstice is going to bring forward the Divine Mother essence in a new and different way. It is a reflection of the Heart of all Hearts to be fully acknowledged within the conscious self. This is a representation of where the elements that represent Heart Centeredness is in your core value. It is a reflection to allow what the Pink Essence of the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence represents for each of you to while you learn to embrace and accept it into your heart..

The intensity of this energy will be extended through the Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta bringing forth the ability to become one within the Heart Essence of Divine Mother. It is an extension of what has already been received since the Wesak Energies, but it becomes more of a physical manifestation to allow the essence of this flame to be realized within the Heart. It brings forth an awareness that probably was not realized within you before. It is an opening of your heart to be expanded into the Divine Consciousness of all Hearts of Oneness.

The most important element I can tell you is to be aware of your own Heart Essence. Allow the energies to take you deeper into your Divine Heart of your Soul to see what needs to be expressed within you. It will also help to remove the elements that have stopped you previously from allowing these energies to become part of your reality.

The vibration of this energy will be very high since it is being sent directly from Divine Mother of the 49thdimensional frequency through each of the Great Central Suns of the Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic, and the Solar.

The reason for this extension of light upon the planet at this time is to help every soul awaken to their true potential. To feel the Pink Flame more deeply than before as the Feminine Divine is expressed deeply through this massive downpouring of light.

Look for feelings of deep love beyond your physical mind, nurturance, and expression of peace to be exhibited within your entire emotional body. It is also a time of great manifestation to occur since the Feminine Divine of the Emotional Self initiates all ideas to become manifest. Allow yourself to sit and bathe in this light as it will serve you on a much deeper level than you could achieve on your own.

This 24-hour period of Light shall permeate every soul, every kingdom upon the Earth. It is being extended more deeply from this ascension point of the Solstice throughout the next few months into the Equinox.

Your role is to ground it.

Notice how it makes you feel; allow any discordant energies to arise so they can be changed. It is a day to fully stay centered within the core of your Being, meaning your four-body system so that it interacts within your consciousness and helps you to become the essence of Divine Creation within you.

I also want to point out that it is essential to fully connect with all that you have become previously. Allow your Solar Angel of the Angelic Essence that you are to become more of your reality, walk with dignity and acceptance of the challenges so that you can fully integrate the higher parts of yourself to walk within your physical vehicle, let go of the past emotions that have bound you to be wounded and dysfunctional.

You have a right to accept your heritage of Light, and we are ecstatic to extend this energy to each of you. Please take time to fully become a portion of what is coming into the planet as it will help the transition completely.

Through this activation energies could be very strange in the outside world; do not let it bother you. Become one with the Heart of all Hearts so that you can sustain the Pink Flame within you and it will be extended to others. The power of this vibrational surge will help all of humanity, but each soul must take the step themselves in allowing it to become part of their consciousness. It is being sent to help every human to see the potential within themselves and move forward with that potential. It is now time to act accordingly through the Physical Divine Self. Change must occur and we are so ready to help each of you serve your best interests for the sake of this Earth.

To continue reading the rest of the article, please use this link:

Walking Terra Christa invites you to actively participate in a Sacred Earth Ceremony with Lord Metatron to Ground the Higher Energies of the June Solstice 2017. Please take a moment to make a Donation for this important energy transmission. Click here to listen to a one hour audio meditation etheric journey to the Golden City of Havalanchee which resides in the fifth dimensional etheric earth over Mount Shasta, California in North America (the root Chakra of Gaia).

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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