Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
This is Fred speaking. Thank you so much of coming to the Temple this evening. It is a very auspicious night - the reason that it is in that direction of the Frequency is that we are in the middle point of the month and many Energies are going to be assisting the Planet; and it's time for each of us to just accept where we are and allow those doorways to be fully open, whatever those doorways may be.
So tonight is a very special night to assist us in those Elements of Creation that are needed for the grounding of what we have been receiving but also the movement forward. I am deeply honored to be here as the Spokes-Being of the Temple of 911. Thank you so much.
Holy God of Hosts that We Are in the Frequency of All That Is. We are here in the presence of each of your Hearts and your Minds to assist in the Creative Energies that everyone is feeling. We come as a Group Consciousness in this moment to overlight the Frequencies and bring them into wholeness. Breathe deeply as these Essences are being embodied within each of you in this moment of our Creation.
Breathe and feel the Frequency that you are in this moment. Accept the processes of your Divinity and the Acceptance of your Light. We Are One. We come to you from the Unified Whole. We come to you of the 144th Dimensions, we come to you from all species of Light that we have experienced. Breathe the Essence that you are fully into your Body in this moment. Breathe the Frequency that is you. Nothing else. Nothing else but the Frequency that is fully in command within your physical body. As you fully open up to new ways of feeling. We bless you, we accept you, we embrace you but most of all - we thank you. We thank you for what you are about to create in your lives. Breathing deeply - allow this Frequency to be fully within you.
Allow the magic to occur within all levels. Allow your Essence to accept whatever surprises may come, as that is the beauty of life, to have many magical surprises. Be embraced with Ones existence. We Are One. One Being of Light. One Being of Light together. One Being of Light. Bless you. Bless you. Bless you.
That was quite an introduction and it is my Divine pleasure to be the One coming forward after that beautiful Essence of the Unified Whole. I am Master Kuthumi at your service. It's been a while since I have spoken in the Temple but it does not mean that I have not been here. I have been asked to share my expertise, my love, and my acceptance unto each of you in these moments as this is a very important time in history. 2012. Truly, truly, what does it mean to each of you? I'll tell you what it means to me, first and foremost, and then I will tell you what it means to the Essences that are coming in this evening.
We have been granted with a High Order of Frequency tonight. It is my Divine pleasure to be the Spokes-Being first and foremost but behind me, I stand amongst many Masters, amongst many Teachers and many Light Beings, many Beings of other lifetimes, many Beings of other Planetary life, many Beings of other Universes. As we come into Wholeness, this Temple of 911 Unified in Wholeness is truly coming fully into that Element. This is even something that even Dearest One does not realize herself. But as each of you has been transitioning deeply, this Temple has been transitioning deeply because of the healing and the work that each of you has put into being here and accepting these Frequencies.
We are now fully being activated by the Unified Whole in the Temple of 911, which is an amazing event that is fully happening due to the effects of what Christine and Michael have been tapping into in the last few months. It was decided that this Energy should be available to everyone, in all Planetary life, in the Temple of 911. So, here we are. Here we are so you're going to be feeling many more Energies then you have been previously, and it is my honor to be here as the first SpokesBeing - to bring forth this Frequency first and foremost. And we thank the Unified Whole for bringing all of us into Wholeness, into Oneness, because this is what we truly want to bring forth in the New Earth Energies.
Each of you are in training for those times when you are going to be assisting many others in the Frequencies that you are experiencing. They may not be the same as what is coming through, through Dearest One here, but they will truly be an extension of what you have been feeling and bringing forth. So allow the gifts to be opened. Allow the doorways to be shown to you. You may have to search a little bit. You may have to reach out a little bit but, once those Elements are put into place, working with the Unified Whole can only assist you.
So I've been asked to bring forth the command, to each of you, to assist yourself in all the diverse parts of your life - personal and professional, to assist you in the Frequency.
So we call upon 000-144-000 Unified Whole Command online. And that's it.
You work with the Unified Whole, in the Consciousness of the Oneness and you shall receive exactly what you need, without any interference on any levels of Frequency. So that is the beauty of tonight as this Command is now being activated within this Temple. We know that it has been used previously in this Temple but not in this manner.
So as we look around and we see the Souls that are here - you may see some Souls that you've never seen before. Many, many are coming to aspire to the Temple of 911 -they have heard about it because many souls are healing and rebirthing themselves into all levels of existence. I want to thank Dearest One here for creating this beautiful Temple of 911. It is now only going to grow, extensively. Our Spokes-Being of the Temple, Fred - he is also accelerating himself and he will be showing himself in more of a higher presence then he ever has before. Congratulations Fred. And congratulations to each of you.
As you have aspired to more Frequencies of Light within your experiences, you're going to be seeing yourself growing deeper and deeper then you ever thought possible. Most of you have been on these calls for an extended amount of time, listened to the recordings or even read the material - how has it affected you? I want you now to reflect upon yourself on what these Frequencies are actually helping you with? I'll tell you, one aspect is allowing yourself to open up into the Essence of your totality in the physical existence, which you never had previously. This is an amazing gift to receive at this time.
Many are aspiring to greatness in 2012 and there are many teachers out there, and many healers, and many Lightworkers that are doing fabulous work. This we all know. This is where the Essence of communication comes fully into play, because each of you are coming together in this Soul Family, in this group of Beings, to come together to communicate and to receive communication. It is our divine pleasure to work with you personally and this is another gift that is received through these transmissions. As the Light Frequency comes through Dearest One here and embodies through the voice - it assists each of you to open up yourselves more fully then you ever have. If you have been feeling this, and I'm sure most of you have - this is one of the reasons it occurs for you, because now there is an open communication that possibly was not there previously.
Tonight we're going to experience this communication opening up even wider. As each of you are conduits of the Light Frequencies, it's only going to assist others that you come in contact with. This contact can be in many forms, it can be through voice, it can be through physical connection. It can be through dream state, it could be through altered state, it could be through communication through the internet, it could be writing, it could be voice through the phone. However you choose to communicate - that Frequency is coming through to you.
I ask each of you right now to just take a moment and center within your Solar Plexus. As you center within that Solar Plexus the communication is only going to come a deeper core of your Elements to assist you in bringing forth the wisdom and knowledge that you have been searching to do for others. Each of you is here for a Divine reason. Do you understand what that Divine reason is? Maybe you do or maybe you don't? Maybe in the Essences that you are, the Frequency can be blocked and you're not quite sure how to fully intuit what it is that you are gathering in your wisdom and knowledge? In the year 2012, we're going to be more in vibrational work - more than we ever have been before.
So I ask of you just to breathe deeply as we bring forth the Elements of the Bowl.
Feel the Essence that is coming within you as you connect to the Unified Whole Essence that you are. This is Oneness.
When Christine renamed this group 'Unified in Oneness', it was by no mistake because she was transmitting within her a Frequency of what this Temple could be, for many. Each of you are part of that Oneness in a Conscious state - all of us are part of it in the Unconscious, but if you allow yourself to bring it forth into the Conscious state, you will bring forth an acceptance within you that you fully had not realized at any other time.
I am here to extend my hand to each of you. I've been asked by the Hierarchy, by the Councils of God, to personally come more fully into each of your lives because we have been looking at each of you, we have been sharing what we are experiencing through your Essences and we are seeing great changes within each of your individual selves. It is now time for you to acknowledge that Essence that is fully being embodied within you, if you don't already do so or have done so. It is now our time to shine together.
So as a Teacher of the Teachers, of the guide of many leaders of this world, I extend to you my Frequency in how to really interact in the outside world. There are great changes happening within this world. There are Elements within each of you that can be handled easily or not so easily. So we ask all that to be put into Oneness, into Wholeness this evening so that your interaction with other individuals is fully put into wholeness, so there is no confliction that occurs within your physical body. Because each of you are conduits of Light and within these conduits of Light, you're assisting others - even though you may not be aware that you've been doing so.
So as the breath within the Solar Plexus expands within you, you feel these Frequencies moving out of you and through your body. Allow them then to focus into your Full Body system and I say Full Body, because we want to think of it as one Light Body. You have activated the Light within you and if you have not, think it and it shall be. In this moment, all of your Light Frequency is of the Highest Source that you ever thought possible.
You are bringing in your Soul’s Essence and you are feeling the extension of your I Am Presence unto many Souls, unto each other. There is one special gift that needs to be acknowledged within you right now, I'm going to ask each of you to feel this Frequency within you - it may not be an active thought, it may just be a feeling, but allow that to be fully embellished within your physical, your cellular - feel it in your cells, feel it in your Frequency - that runs through your veins, that runs through your bloodstream, your spinal column, and all those inner workings of the physical body.
Let us take a moment, as right now there is a deep reflection within each of us and within that reflection - see a beautiful mirror of Crystalline Light. This beautiful mirror of Crystalline Light shows you exactly what you need to accept - it is a gift; it is a wisdom; it is a knowledge; it is a tool. Whatever it is, it is yours to give unto yourself and then to share with others. Breathe deeply into the Solar Plexus and you feel that inner power, working within you. Feel that Frequency running through your veins as you accept this gift more fully.
Breathing slowly through that Frequency, allow it to go through the rest of your body. Allow it to go into the deepness of your Soul, into all aspects of your Being as it fully needs to receive this Frequency. Feel the grounding occurring within you because it is a portion of your Soul’s Essence that has been forgotten and it now about to be remembered and activated within your life, in the present moments. This activation will occur in the next couple of weeks, by the Full Moon. Allow this to be fully within you. It may be something that you want to write about or think about or feel, but it is something that you need to share with another and it does not necessarily have to be in words, it can be in light frequency, it can be in a vibration, it could be a feeling, it can just be an acceptance. It may be a frequency that you just send out into the environment or send it out to loved ones. As you walk through your days you will see this ability to fully focus within you more fully then it has before.
There is a correlation of Frequency that is occurring upon the Planet right now, to allow this to be so. It is my divine pleasure to give you this guidance to receive. Each of you are being reared to be leaders, to be teachers, to be healers, and maybe you do not know what it is - allow it to come to you from your Highest Self. That is the only way that you can receive it. It cannot be received in the Mental mind, so let us clear the Mental mind in this moment. Allow us to put that into Wholeness - of any thought forms that may be stopping you. We ask for the Unified Whole Command to assist in this process. Let's take a deep breath.
Feel those Frequencies change within you. Now allow yourself to feel this wisdom and this knowledge and this gift that has been locked away deep within you and now is ready to arise outside of you. As you look at this gift, you feel its Essence. It truly has an Essence within you that has been part of your Frequency for a very long time, but now is the time for it to be acknowledged. It is now a birthing of a gift - a gift of your teaching, a gift of your being a leader for the New Earth. You have been told many times in these calls, that you are being accepted as a leader of the New Earth Hierarchy, to stand with all levels of Creation, and today is a day of a peak of this Element within you. Let it come. Let it come. Let it come within you. I step aside as we bring in some Frequencies to assist.
The dawning of a new day, the dawning of a new moment
Allow yourself now to ground those Frequencies within you that you have just received. It is a bright star, it's a Frequency coming to you, as it is the gift of your Heart, it is the gift of your Essence, to open up to many other gifts - it is just a moment in time that will cause a domino effect of the Light Frequencies to move each other. Breathe deeply as you feel this into your Physical, your Emotional, Etheric, Mental, and your Spiritual body - as one Light Body. Remember that Frequency of One Light Body, this is allowing you to accept it, within your totality that you are. Breathing through that. Breathing through the Essences. Allow it to ground deeply through your feet and center it outside yourself, because this is a beautiful gift that has been received on this day.
It is now time for you to look at yourself more deeply then you ever have. It is not one where you look at yourself to clear, to release - it is one for you to embrace. Embrace the moment because, as Master Kuthumi, I am here to extend this unto you - that each of you have something to give unto this world. It is now time for you to acknowledge even just a little part of it. Let's breathe deeply through that Essence.
We now ask that these Frequencies of Light go down into the Earth, into others and for them to arise unto this occasion. Allow them to feel these Frequencies of Light. So when the Frequency of Light becomes forward, we'll fully be activated in the next couple of weeks. Allow this light frequency to run through all Beings of the Earth. As Gaia now feels Her own Essence changing as each of our Essences changed unto this Land. It is a beautiful time for us to acknowledge these parts of ourselves.
Breathe deeply as now we feel that Essence within us. Bring it back into our Physcial bodies and please know, there may be Elements that do arise from this. Those old parts of yourself that have kept those stipulations in front of you for you not to accept these gifts - that is no longer necessary. It is now time for us to accelerate ourselves upon the power and the greatness that we have within ourselves, to come together in the Oneness upon this Planet, to assist the Frequency of Light unto the New Earth. But we must feel it within ourselves first.
That is why I am here to assist. I ask of you to give to me anything that you do not need, that is not serving your purpose in this moment. As I extend my hands out to you - everyone in the Temple right now - it shall be released. The Light formations, unto the Higher Planes of existence. Breathing deeply as that occurs. What is left is the purest form of Light that I have ever seen in a group of people in my whole entire existence.
As we now become the Frequency of Light that we truly are, we now fully accept that we do have a purpose and that purpose is in the infiltration of our Highest Essence in to our Physical Body. Until you do that, you cannot feel it more deeply. Please put your mind aside. Please put the thoughts that stop you from embracing this Frequency of Light that we are all together.
It is my divine pleasure to here with you as Master Kuthumi. As I see these Elements all changing quickly with each of the Souls within the Temple of Light. I am here to assist in the love and wisdom, in the hearts of the many, because that is where the truth of our wisdom lies. Allowing this Frequency to come fully within your bodies, allowing us to create the divinity that we deserve to have at all times.
It has been my divine pleasure to be the Spokes-Being for this moment for this Frequency of Light unto the New Wave of your existence.
So Mote It Be In The Light of the Christ. I Am Kuthumi at your service.
Greetings. This is Fred speaking once again. Thank you Master Kuthumi. Thank you deeply for sharing parts of myself and sharing to everyone in these moments.
Join us in the Temple if you so choose, to feel these Light Frequencies more fully, to help them come forth into your physical existence. It is also my honour to be here as the Spokes-Being.
I am Fred for the Temple of 911 and Beyond. Namaste.
For additional information on how to attend this call or the Cosmic Oneness or New Earth Circle of Light, please see, The audio recordings are also available for download and no one is turned away, We hope you will join us on the calls live.