Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Stop! Be still! Listen to your heart and the love you have for self
and others and know your truth
Put aside the seduction of mind and the glamour of this or that option
and truly listen to you, yourself.
You will know the essence of truth when you allow your spirit to be.
Take time now to meditate, for in meditation you empower your spirit to Be.
As thoughts arise, acknowledge them and put them aside but allow them no energy.
Sit and observe that you are spirit, you are mind, and you are physicality
Observe your mind, separate, you can observe your body, separate,
and you can observe your spirit, your essence, essential being.
You have the answers within and they may not fulfil your expectations.
Put aside expectations and your spirit will love you beyond all previous understanding.
You will be free.
How? That’s not easy I hear you say.
Not true, it is as easy as you are willing to allow it to be and as hard as your
clutch to the known and familiar will make it.
Mind and physicality will not easily surrender to your spirit just because you have chosen
to increase your spiritual awareness.
Others have trodden this path, some, a few, have seen the clarity of truth that
is a distillation of the essential you.
You are your spirit; it is only your mind that is holding you back in fulfilling your truth
and becoming all you want to be.