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High Council of Orion 20 November 2011

Dear ones we come to guide and support as the new energies unfold across the planet earth.
Many of YOU are now beginning to find your feet once more as the energies begin to be
anchored deep within YOU. We are the High Council of Orion and we come to help guide and
support YOU through the new energies.

We wish to guide on the process of grounding energies and we guide that many are walking in
illusion around this process that is vital in the coming unfolding of the new. As we have guided
previously illusion teaches even within the ascension process and this is beginning to become
apparent across the planet. Many are now holding on to that which must be released as the
old dissolves and the new unfolds. The ways of BEing on planet earth have changed dear
ones and the old energies dissolve. Much of what was “supported” in the old energies is NOT
support in the new energies and many are struggling.

There are many teachings across the planet earth and our guidance is and always will be for
each human BEing to process the guidance from all realms within the heart. For the heart
knows TRUTH and will lead you out of illusion. The logical mind will take you further back into
illusion and in many cases will blind your vision and dull YOUr hearing to that which is TRUTH.
We wish to guide in particular within the field of GROUNDING OF ENERGIES. We are aware
of many teachings across the planet earth in relation to the grounding process and we wish to
help YOU move through this. Grounding is vital for every human BEing alive on the planet.
Whilst YOU walk in human form YOU are connecting to the consciousness that is YOUr
mother, mother earth is alive and conscious and YOU walk the planet in the form of a child of
Gaia. This for many is an illusion wrapped up in a present. For many walk the planet and
allegiance to Gaia whilst ignoring her and reaching for the stars. We guide strongly for all
to detach from this teaching for it is borne of illusion.

Human BEings are the bridges that are between the stars and the planet earth, each one of
YOU moving through the human life experience and moving through the emotional states that
occur whilst YOU inhabit a human body. Anchoring into the earth is vital for YOU to stay
balanced and awake and able to move through the human life experience. Many human
BEings alive across the planet are able to accept the TRUTH of their planetary origins and we
applaud this. Many trapped in the lower energies of illusion are not able to process this TRUTH
and we ask that YOU hold love and compassion for them at all times. Many who are able to
process the TRUTH of their heritage are still in illusion for many of the teachings of illusion are
around how to process the higher vibrational frequencies that need anchored when processing

We ask the following questions not to judge nor to lead for neither is our role, we ask simply for
YOU to be open to the answers. Each of YOU here is in human form, this incarnation
accepted and chosen by the energy that is YOU to enable YOU to walk on this planet IN
human form. That human form is connected to the energy and the consciousness which is
planet earth. YOU ARE SHE and SHE IS YOU. This TRUTH is one that should be processed
fully by the heart. Many are reaching for the stars and are not anchoring. Much illusion is
around the whole concept of grounding with much teaching stating that higher vibrational
states do not need to anchor.

We draw YOUr attention once more to the fact that YOU walk the planet earth IN human form.
To be able to react to mother earth and her teachings as YOU are a child of the planet when
IN human form YOU must be able to hear mother earth. If YOU are not anchored and
grounded then YOU will be deaf to the guidance of YOUr mother, for YOU will not be anchored
into the consciousness that IS planet earth.

Many are stuck in the illusion of escaping and we guide that to escape is not an option in
human form. YOU walk in human form for a reason dear ones, that reason is seeded within the
heart on incarnation onto the planet earth. ALL human BEings came from the stars for planet
earth was seeded from the universe but the walk in human form is to help move the
consciousness of planet earth upwards and onwards. This is not done by escaping from the
human body dear ones and we guide for ALL to process this through the heart.

Much of what many humans have to do across the planet earth, the gifts if you will that they
carry are to be shared in human form. The energy which is YOU has chosen this human life
experience to help ALL of human consciousness at this time. The gifts are found by going into
the heart space and listening. To not be grounded will see your logical mind take over and that
will lead you deep into the illusion of ego and “knowing better”. We guide for all to be aware of
this. Much like small children who refuse to listen to their mother as “they know best” many
are walking this path and finding the frustration arise within them that they fuelled by not
grounding. For only by grounding can you move forward dear ones, for the logical mind will
keep you bound in chains going around in circles. It is not the organ to FEEL this human life
experience with, that is the role of the heart. Those who move into the mind will see the mind
come up with various scenarios that keep them in a holding pattern of thinking. This is illusion
dear ones and we guide for all to detach from this.

By anchoring deep into planet earth YOU are able to draw strength and nourishment from
mother earth, YOU can clearly hear her and she showers YOU with the strength to see and
hear that which will move YOU into the sharing of the gifts that YOU brought to this planet to
help YOUr fellow human BEings and ultimately Gaia. The information that many of YOU can
bring through may be from the stars as many are now awakening and remembering their
origins but YOU cannot help YOUr mother if you do not hear her. Do you understand our
guidance dear ones? Do you see how illusion robs YOU of the power that IS YOU by pushing
YOU back into the mind centred life experience?

The human energy system if not grounded will move upwards and the energies will flow
around the top half of the energy system. Whilst this may mean lots of wonderful information
flows through and is able to be processed by YOU it does not enable YOU to move through
the life experience and to FEEL balanced and energised. If YOU view for one moment the
bridge that YOU are, the energies flowing upward into the body and flowing downward from
the stars, the energies of both balancing within YOU. The power that flows clearly through
YOU as YOU are in balance.

The balance is important dear ones, YOU cannot be in balance if YOU deny YOUr earthly
existence any more than YOU can be in balance by claiming allegiance only to planet earth.

We do not walk the planet earth in human form as that is not our role at this time, we walk the
planet as the energy that we are, the only difference between YOU and us is the human body
and that is there for a reason dear ones. We fully appreciate that for many illusion teaches
deeply and that the human life experience lived within illusion may be a hard one that is full of
pain but that is illusion and can be moved out of. The route to this dear ones is to anchor fully
into the mother that is the strength and protection of YOU in human form.

We fully appreciate how our guidance may trigger and we guide that if it does trigger then look
beneath the emotion that arises within YOU to see the teaching of illusion that is driving that
emotion. For no lower energy emotion can survive without fuel and the fuel is the teaching that
has been anchored by the human concerned.

We are the High Council of Orion and we walk with each and every one of YOU as YOU move
into the new energies. We guide for all to be aware that the planet earth has changed and as a
result YOU in human form as her children will also change, for SHE is YOU and YOU are SHE.



Channeler: Karen Doonan

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  • @William,  How wonderful, amazingly enough I think about drinking from that fountain from timt to tome and never really put any meaning around it, but do now.  Thank you for the insight.  So many seemingly obscure memories from my life and especially childhood have been flooding my waking thoughts lately.  What fun :)

  • Well well well, we ARE kindred souls my Brother.  I lived in Dunsmuir just south of Mt Shasta as a teenager.  I often long to go back their; however I live on the beach here in San Clemente and it IS the land of the lotus eaters.  I love that Indra story and it is the inspiration for the name, and believe me I can relate to it, 1000 phallus's and all.  You very eloquently wrote what I would have liked to write about the body.  I KNOW this body is a condensed image of the entire universe and there is no better place to be.  I can only address one concept at a time :)  I am nothing more than a servant of the Goddess, in a sense, and derive male power from it.  Yes the blood of the human female is where it is all at. I have been married to a wonderful and aware woman for 30 years and she is unreceptive to much of my mental rumination, especially seeing herself as the Goddess, yet she does in essence fill her shoes well.  Yin convergence is the path I walk upon.  Male or yang manifestations are the obvious form and easy to relate to.  Our (both sexes) yin essence is the creative force.  And again the power is in the blood.  Woman being more of blood while we men are more of chi.  I am in many ways on the fence with all Masters, however I do address them daily, which seems to be paradoxical.  I have many Angelic friends as well, however the reality is very different than what I see written, for me any way.  Masters and Angels are focused stations of lovelight we can depend on, in a sense, while in this world of duality.  In my book they point to self and have little to say to me.  Self realization is the true game we are all playing.  Cosmic personalities, while interesting and very charming are just that, interesting and very charming.  At best they point to self.  I love the romantic game, much like writing to your interesting and charming personality, it is great fun and inspiring...but truth, uh I always come up with I dont about a story and a lovely cup of tea.  THIS is the beauty of being human, tea, conversation, wonderful and irritating family, making music, hot sex.  Ahh that is happiness as fleeting and maddening as it may be.  Above all I truly believe at some point it has to be easy and natural.  The beings I hang around with in silence seem to be a whole lot like me.  My God who would want to spend eternity with rule following bean counters who have no idea of what fun even is.  Thanks for reminding me of the Indra story, I have no thought of that in many a moon.  Jai Ho!

  • @ William x 2. Love you my Brothers!

  • @William,  I agree with you.  I take ALL channeled stuff with a grain of salt. I am simply am responding to this information.  Unless we all just agree and agree with platitudes of new age niceness, calling each other dear ones and such; the information is going to be flawed.  Yes these guys do nothing but talk, they always have.  I was present in the early 80s during what was probably the best "show" of this sort...The Church Universal and Triumphant with Elizabeth Clair Prophet channeling every Master imaginable at the old Gillette mansion in Malibu and everyone jumping up throwing Nazi style salutes and shouting Hail St Germain.  I nearly lost my identity completely with that group of fanatics.  That being said much beauty and wisdom came through her.  (shrug) it seems to be like that.

    When I first came across this starseed stuff a couple of years ago, I was appalled.  I had been quietly practicing Acupuncture, reading old Taoist books and getting up early to meditate each day.  I suppose I have drank enough kool aid to see the roses from the garbage and have become some what addicted to the internet input into my lonely personal journey.   As for using wisdom...short of treating folks inexpensively with my healing talents and the magnificent beauty that comes through me, especially while meditating; I would love to know how.  I am very good at giving what sounds like sage advice, living by example, being healthy physically, plain living and high thinking, being loyal to my wife and family for 30 years, oh I could continue to sound real holy here.  Is this using wisdom?  I basically can feel like a ineffective farce in a heart beat. Lol  I am learning is all I come up with at the end of the day.  Exactly who is it you tell or they tell you that...OK now you are a Master.  Wear these Orange robes.  You have passed this initiation, make sure you tell everyone about it. You are OK now.  When does this happen?  I suppose it happens all of the time.  In the peace of meditation.  In the movement of power in the Heart and spine.  In the I love yous and thank yous.  In the color of the sky. the song of a bird.  Working in the Garden.  Damn William my Brother, which cliche do we hold onto as the last compliment to "prove" we are wise enough, virtuous enough, powerful about just good enough, OK you are a good enough example of what a human being is.

    These concepts and ideas have been driving me on and driving me mad since I was a good little alter boy.  Nothing is the truth outside of the Heart as far as I can tell.  I love poetry but it gets dull after a while.  So here we are. Volleying ideas back in forth in a game of spiritual ping pong.  Oh my idea is more truth back to my Master is better than your Master back to is the it is the is the Heart damn it is obviously the third eye you fool.  Who ever sends the "truth" over the net last can lick their chops in satisfaction and relish the truth at the expense of "that idiot".  Oh and then there is oneness and the ascension and 12-12-12 and and and another silly carrot on a stick to keep us mortals,( yes dear ones we ARE mortals each and every one of us), in line long enough to perhaps stop all of the criticism, oneupmanship, level consciousness, and sophomoric ideas of gain long enough to enjoy the now... the merry sunshine, that look of love, the entire bittersweet I cant quite grasp it, that being a temporary human being implies.  Yang certainly grows to fullness and slips sweetly downward toward yin.  Our mortality certainly move into eternity at some point in time.  Walt Whitman and others wrote about the "truth" much better than I can, years ago.  I will continue to look here and there for the jewels amoungst the garbage while I can.  My name is William as well my Brother, Indra is my old hippey/yogi name from what feels like another lifetime 30 or so years ago.  I have always enjoyed your intelligent re

  • Thank you

  • This sounds so true to me.  All I can seem to make sense of these days is the wonder and joy in my Heart.  Sifting through the layers and layers of fascinating "knowledge" steaming into my crown has become an ambient noise, like the babble of a brook.  I can hear it, I am resisting the notion to cling to it and identify it as this and that...I feel this stream of lovelight from above is information for the background me or DNA.  While the Heart joy and its connection with the Heart of Gaia is my identity.  This is how it feels this morning. :)

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