Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Blessed Sons and Daughters of God, as the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, the Great Divine Director, orchestrating the coming forth of a new wave of lifestreams, I proclaim the Day of Coming! First and foremost for your own Christhood as you pave the way for engendering into the consciousness of the mankind of Earth a Purity, a Consciousness that upholds the Truth of Cosmic Law, that forges the Will of God for each lifestream, and that establishes Wisdom beyond all measure so that these lifewaves coming forth will not be met with the negativity that is so prevalent in the land.
When you have the awareness and the understanding of the importance of your role as the Christ, it is hoped by all of the Cosmic Councils that you will adopt a way of life for yourself that will establish the Christ Virtues, the God Qualities, and the inherent Body Consciousness of your own Mighty I AM Presence so that the fabric of life will ring loud and clear as the pealing of the pure Tone announces: “All is ready. Come, receive the Cup of Life that is offered to you.”
Surely, there are those of you at the level of your Mighty I AM Presence who could witness your own coming — that natal birth into the physical octaves — when you, too, were to bring forth your Christhood and establish that Consciousness of your own God Presence through the Office of that Christhood, all the while learning, establishing
momentums of creativity to be offered upon the Altar of your God
Presence as the glad tidings and gifts worthy of the Presence of God.
It is a story long told that you know well already: How there was the
departure of consciousness from that pristine estate. And then the fall
from Grace when you were obliged to begin to forge your God Identity
in a more difficult manner, balancing your karma as you went along,
receiving your daily allotment of that karma that you had lost track of
and did not remember — by the Grace of God — which would catch
you unaware. What a glorious day it should have been — and was for
some — when you discovered that you could transmute that karma by
your calls and your devotions to God, by the release of the Violet Flame,
and by the correction of your conduct and affairs so that there would
be the establishment in your life of what was right in the Face of God.
You are not called to continually put your attention upon the
negativity of the Earth. It is enough to know that it is present. And
likewise you are not obliged to ignore it; for by ignoring that which
is so prevalent in the land, the calls of your own Heart Flame are not
going forth sufficiently to enlist the Angels of Heaven, the Ascended
Masters, and the Elohim to release their Cosmic Light, their Momentum
to put to rest and transmute all of the forces of negativity that abound.
How does this age-old story relate to you? Most especially as
you recognize the imperative that you put on the garments of your
Christhood, that you attend to the Will of God − not the fantasies
of the ego, of the outer mind, of the eruptions of the emotional body,
or the desires of the flesh. But you attend to that pure stream of God
Consciousness that flows into the Heart Flame and reports to you — in
sometimes the most subtle manner — those things which you should
be taking to heart, establishing new patterns of identity, correcting
the old habits that you have fostered far too long — for some, over
the course of many incarnations. And all the while, you are preparing,
strand by strand, fold by fold, the garments of Light that will wrap
about you through the Threefold Flame of your Heart as it begins to
expand and take dominion in your life. When this occurs, you are no
longer befuddled, confused, disoriented regarding your Divine Plan
or what the future holds for you.
Certainly, it is easy to know where you have been karmically; and for
that, you have the Violet Flame and the calls of Purity and Perfection
that you can direct into these outer vehicles. But the future is built upon
this very moment and the vibration that you are engendering. Will your
tomorrows be filled with God Consciousness? Will there be Peace and
Harmony? Will you have the Christic Fire ready to stream forth as the
Emerald Matrix establishing the Divine Creation and Momentum that
you were intended long, long ago to fulfill? Will your tomorrows be
held in the embrace of God Love? Will that Christic Fire so resonate
through your vehicles of consciousness that that Love is so unmistakable
to all you contact that they will desire to find out for themselves how
to have that Love in their own heart? What is the secret that you have
learned? How have you opened the Door of the Heart and embraced
them in your Love?
The Office of Christhood is a very real Office. You are intended
to move, create, live, and be in that exalted state so that as the Christ
is performing the many duties that are required by your own God
Presence, as you are balancing your karma, as you are loving God in
life, you will understand how the fabric of life upon the Earth must
change. For there must be a shift in consciousness so that the timetable
and cycles for the Seventh Root Race will not be forestalled. And
they will come at the appointed hour, not to rescue the Earth but to
breathe in the Pranic Breaths of the Five Secret Rays and know that
with every breath, with every engagement, they will experience the
rarefied atmosphere that is befitting the Christ.
O Blessed Hearts! What a glorious day that will be! And all who
partake in the celebrations of that Day of Coming will look to the
history of what each one of you has accomplished, preparing the way
and ushering in a new era. Greater Service can no man or woman
experience than being the Hands, the Feet, the Mouthpiece, the Heart,
and the Vision of God. For then, when each one is fulfilling their part,
the fabric of the Golden Age will be established.
Think of your lifestream as an integral part of that fabric. Perhaps
you are a Cornerstone, perhaps you are the Heart, perhaps you are
the wave of Energy carrying out from the core center that Divine
Estate of Purity, perhaps you are charged with the responsibility as
the priest or priestess of the Sacred Fire to hold open the door to the
Great Central Sun. All these are Offices that must be fulfilled. They
require many lifestreams, not just a few. But we understand that it
begins with the few. You are those lifestreams when you elect to take
up the Scepter of Authority, where glows the Will of God as an orb,
radiating the Diamond Shining Mind of God in all directions, to feed
into the consciousness of those who are yet to know of their Mighty
I AM Presence.
This Holy Day, blessed hearts, you will come to commemorate
as the Moment in Eternity known as the “Great Beginning.” Most
assuredly, it is the beginning for your lifestream, as you will mark in
your consciousness a new establishment of Light that flows through
your being. Likewise, you will mark in your consciousness the etching
of your Mighty I AM Presence, as a finger of Light, writing upon the
screen of life for the Earth: “A new day has arrived. Behold the Great
ALL THIS is the Promise and the Vow that your God Presence
has extended to you in physical incarnation. This is why your Mighty
I AM Presence elected to incarnate, fashioning the Threefold Flame
of the Heart to carry the Engram of that Divine Will that you are to
fulfill and all of the aspects of God that are required for you to call
forth by the Christ Command.
This is your Day that we will celebrate each year — when there is
somewhere upon the Earth a lifestream who has reached maturity in
their Christhood, where there is no turning back, no shadow in any
form cast upon their lifestream, for the Light of their God Presence is
there burning brightly upon the altar of their Heart and is evidenced
for all to see. This, blessed ones, is the Holy Day that all will celebrate
for each other. It will be a Day of Commemoration for those who have
reached that level of Attainment and a reminder of the Promise to those
who have not. And when there are sufficient numbers, as the voices are
raised on high to proclaim the Victory, the Seventh Root Race will
stream forth into incarnation as quickly as that shift of consciousness
upon the Earth has dawned.Yes, there are those select few who are protected in certain areas
of the world who have already embodied; but they could be numbered
on one hand, and this so that the anchor point of the Seventh Root
race could begin by their Pure Consciousness to hold open that Manu
Yuga of Divine Coming.
Blessed hearts, you are entering into a time of celebration where one
Son of God is revered and honored. Let that be an example of this New
Day of celebration that is to be established as its own consecrated Holy
Day when each one will honor the birth of their own Christ Presence.
Surely that can occur even as you are celebrating the birth of Jesus.
However this new Holy Day of which I speak will not be commingled
with the birth of Jesus the Christ but be a cycle wholly dedicated to
celebrating the coming forth of each one's own Mighty I AM Presence
into the Eternal Light and into incarnation.
As you move through these days of celebration, understand that
great purification will be required; for, after all, you are following the
example of one who proved the validity of the Path of the Ascension.
Let your heart be filled with Joy as you welcome your own Christhood
and as you proclaim the coming of the New Day for the Earth.
I, the Great Divine Director, as the Manu of the Seventh Root
Race, seal you in this Divine Edict from my Heart. Grasp quickly your
Christhood! Put away the childishness of your human ego and the
meanderings of the many incarnations that you have had, and establish
once and for all sufficient Purity in your life to behold the Face of God.
As you welcome this New Day, know that I will hold you and your
Victory in my Vision while you walk in procession to that glorious day
of awakening in your own life!
Great Divine Director
Copyright © 2011 The Temple of The Presence, Inc.
"All truth passes through three stages:
first, it is ridiculed;
next it is violently attacked;
finally, it is held to be self-evident."
-- Schopenhauer