Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Dearest Sun Children,
We have heard so much about the global and personal opportunity presented within these portal days upon us...the sequence beginning with the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 20 and followed by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, June 4th, then culminating with a spectacular Venus transit, June 5-6.
Now, we are all sensing these energies of massive shift within our feeling bodies and seeing evidence in every aspect of our lives! The feel of these days is akin to being on a roller coaster...climbing and climbing...and just beginning to crest the top where we soon shall gain sight of a whole new world before us! Yet, in this moment, we wonder...what will we see? Wheeeee!
We ARE the ones we have been waiting for, the Creator Elohim, and the world we create with the current cosmic infusion of light codes shall be of our own design! The Divine Feminine returns with the merging of the Venusian frequencies and our beloved Sun, but it is up to us to balance the Gemini overlay of opposites...the Yin and the Yang, the Light and the Dark, the Masculine and the Feminine. We are being called, at this time, to find our wholeness within the divinity of androgyny, in the perfect image of the One Source of all Life!
All around us, we see evidence of the tensions created by the tug and pull in our Heavens. As the Moon overtakes the Sun and then the Earth shadows the Moon, we see increased conflict in our family life, shifts and changes within our life's work and the locations where we live, political uprisings on a global scale as well as erratic weather and increased earthquakes. However, as Venus plays the third act by overtaking the Sun, the Divine Mother reminds us all that we ARE Love and that Love is all there is and Love is all we need!
Beloved Light Servers, as we come together on the Grid this coming Monday, let us center and hold our balance within our hearts and shine our Love for Life to harmonize humanity and our dear Mother Earth! We are continuing to receive so many requests for our Light Transmission Team from brothers and sisters in need of healing and our GEO Teams are greatly needed to stabilize their particular locales in light of increasing drought, wildfires, storms, earthquakes and more. In group soul with unified focus, we meet on the crystalline grid to heal all sexual dysfunction upon our planet.
Most of all, do not forget that our May/June Amazon Expedition Team is transferring their direct experience, related to our current focus, to all of us during the Planetary Grid Transmissions. You may wish to go onto the Grid several times to both send and receive, as well as to utilize our wonderful recorded meditations.
We are so grateful for your unwavering service to the Light!
We simultaneously give great service to Mother Earth, our galaxy and the entire universe. Through our willingness to completely remove the holographic imprint of separation from our own personal vehicles, we help to transmute gender division and its distortions from the macro levels including war and conflict, hatred, victimhood, suppression, control and sexual abuse; to name a few.
We are revealing a completely new way of relating in which each person operates as a sovereign entity, fully balanced and centered from within. This attitude of conscious living serves as a precursor to the emergence of sacred relationships with any and all others who are also operating from this high level attunement.
Dear Hannah and Robert, you are welcome!
thank you for this news.
love and light