Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
~*~ ASCENSION ~ A Quantum Leap in the Evolution of Consciousness ~*~
I feel certain that the above line is more than an accurate description of the transformational event occurring on Earth now. Very soon, in the not too distant future when time does not exist (we will be living in the Now), new words will be replacing our old vocabulary - far more accurate words when everyone's consciousness is expanded and awakened to their true divinity within.
A person will no longer be called 'stupid' for their actions.....'unaware' is a better description, is just one example. At present, the time-bound modes of consciousness in 3D, deeply embedded in the human psyche, are being transformed in the collective consciousness as people become more awakened. This will take us into a new state of consciousness away from the idea of separation: from each other and from the Divine.
The breaking up of old mind patterns or limited thinking, which have dictated our civilization over eons, will rid the earth of humankind's unimaginable suffering including constant wars. Every soul's co-operation in breaking up these old mind-sets is imperative for the survival of the human race. Focus on going forward and not looking back will set the momentum for permanent change.
Namaste ~ Love
Tara Mary ~
Hi Hannah, thank-you so much!
Beautiful flower dear sister.........very appreciated.
Much love and many blessings to you,
Tara Mary.