Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Dear Friends,
The following Energy Transmissions would be sent by me as per schedule given.
There are no manuals but brief notes with links would be posted.
Asma Ul Nabi (99 names of Prophet Mohammad) on Ashura 5th 7pm IST.(IST=GMT+5hrs 30 min)
Asma Ul Husna (99 names of Allah)on Ashura 5th 7pm IST.
Lunar Eclipse Energy Transmission 10th Dec at 7pm ISTBlessing of Bom Jesus and St. Francis Xavior from the Basilica of Bom Jesus Goa India 24th 7 pm IST.
All would be available for 90 days.
Those interested may call in.
Love & Blessings