Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Hiya everybody,
I posted a message yesterday about the important transmission from Spirit via Judy Satori. In this broadcast Judy gives a gift to all listeners: you can download her ebook Sunshine before the Dawn for free (or get 2 hardcopies for the price of one). In the book are activations that are very important too.
Here is the info in her newsletter:
Thank You For Being on the Call Last Night
People from 101 countries assisted with being a conduit for energies transmitted from Nagarkot, near the Himalayas in Nepal. Unfortunately some people tried to get on the call and couldn't due to sheer overloading of the circuits. You will still get the benefit of these energies of New Creation by listening to the audio from the homepage of my website. You only need to listen once. The only reason Spirit wanted as many people as possible to be on the call live was to assist with anchoring this energy through to Earth. Everyone was a conduit. There will be more transmissions coming during the year. I want to thank Bob Charles and the Pyramid One Network based in Charleston, NC and in the studio in Washington DC for their technology and support in helping me to make these transmissions freely available to people everywhere. Something incredible is happening to us all and it's only beginning. With much love and blessings. Judy Satori
Spirit wants us all to understand that we came to the Earth from the Stars. They want you to understand why you are here and what you have come to do. Until the end of February you can read 'Sunshine Before the Dawn' on nook, kindle or PDF absolutely free. Enter FREE in the coupon box and use the MANUAL processing. If you wish to purchase the hard copy version enter TWO in the coupon box and order 2 books. You will receive two copies for the price of one. Use the normal PAYPAL processing for this and other product orders. Please do not use these codes for other products. |
Love and Light