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Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutoinary
Cycle of the Soul
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 1995-2013, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved
The Time of Global Change is at Hand.
What is the end of the World for some is a
New World for those who realize it is.
To surrender logistical mind into galactic
awareness is to surrender fear into Love.
What was, shall no longer be.
What was not, can now become.
.A synopsis:
Earth's Precessional Cross
"within the circle forms the square..."
W.D, Gann
The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and in petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built, but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and for all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life.
The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"--referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000 year, precessional cycle.
.This section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunities this event provides for human consciousness.
This work was first published in the "Proceedings of the IANS, International Forum on New Science, September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle.
Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds--a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry--which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field--reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins--a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."
Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche--and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination--from the inside-out.
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Earth's Precessional Cross