Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Cycles of Becoming
Each person and situation we encounter is part of our karmic path whose energy we transform as we move through our healing journey. We connect to everyone and everything through energy as we attract those frequencies that embody our healing purpose and we release them as we move through learning, healing, transformation and ascension. Then one cycle of becoming is complete and we move on to the next one. With each cycle we have the opportunity to transmute more energy into light, heal greater amounts of karma and move more quickly through our ascension journey.
But before we get too excited about seeing a potential end to this journey, our cycle of becoming continues throughout the universe, in an ever expanding journey of light that really begins when we are able to escape the confines of the third dimension and transmute our own darkness into light. This is our healing journey, to recognize, acknowledge and accept our darkness, taking responsibility for our own fall from grace, and let the divine within us express itself through our willingness to heal. Then we move beyond the third dimension, and are able to transmute energy in multiple dimensions, without the confines of time and space.
While we may be aware of the greater, future aspects of our becoming, our work now is what is important. In each moment, we have to choose our energy wisely. How can we embody a higher frequency, forgive, release karmic cycles, create our spirit/ego partnership so we are moving towards higher dimensions of being? Are becoming in the present moment or repeating the past? Where is the healing and learning in each situation and how can we best integrate it into our path? This is our opportunity to become our highest self, to embody our divinity within our humanity and fulfill the promise of heaven on earth that is our life mission and purpose. Our cycles of becoming are personal and universal, earthly and cosmic, unique and general and our willingness to complete them signifies that we are ready to go home, to create the joy, peace, abundance and love that we think is beyond us but that is actually within.
Here is Uriel