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Ascended Master Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ March 01 – 08, 2013

As channeled by Julie Miller

It is essential dear ones to include the Divine Mother’s energies in all you do. We encourage each of you to begin understanding of the sacred knowledge that she is more than willing to share with each of you – to acknowledge that you are in fact NOT separated from her spiritual essence but a divine expression of her beingness. Through her guidance she will work with each dear soul that truly trusts in her directions to trust and protect the life you hold dear and selflessly provide compassion for ALL that shares the Earth that is home to so many. 

We beseech each of you to always be observant of the strength of your soul. Understandably your soul dear ones provides you your route to the Divine. Clearly comprehend dear ones if you ever become severed from your soul it is understood that the mere mind becomes weakened, unyielding, narrow and often-times exaggerates the facts that are very much present. During such times your mind will attempt to reimburse itself for the loss of connection with your soul. Your mind may become empowered to acquire more inner and outer power and control. It is a difficult but not impossible journey dear ones to reattach to your soul. One must make the conscious decision to re-connect with their soul and they do this by backtracking to where the root of where the separation took place and through careful grounding with nature, once again the journey towards ONENESS of Self prevails. Open yourself dear ones to the numerous possibilities that there are for you to help you bring understanding and awareness of yourself and of the global world around you. The energies of the Divine Mother will help you to relinquish Faith, Hope and Trust and to include them as necessary instruments of your spiritual progression. 

Allow your minds to fully open, trusting the energies of the Divine Mother – expand your boundaries even further…and re-discover the many changes you have brought to the surface when you are able to see through heart that is not fueled by the Ego. A revelation of Universal Life becomes evident as you see with the Divine Mother working beside you creating a dynamic team that will help correct the feeling of being broken to being perfect as you are. Even in a world that is evident of corruption in just about every corner, there are many dear souls that have embraced the divine energies of the Divine Mother and through this heavenly link they flow with a radiant light that is felt by many that are sensitive enough to notice. What commonly follows the dear souls that embrace the Divine Mother’s presence and energy is a state of grace that is divinely sustained by her luminescent light that is always fused with God’s Love and His unyielding Light. 

Even in your modern era of electronic communication and information age it is crucial to recognize that the Divine Mother still has an important part to your own evolution. Within each of you, she is encouraging you to learn and discover new ideas and understanding the responsibility that will be included with each one that will help bring forth a higher understanding of whole Universe as a collective body that is truly and richly divine and beautiful. 

In time, each dear soul will fully awaken and each will realize they are to help anchor in new visions of unity that is sacred and equally essential. What each dear soul will be bringing in is more wisdom, justice, beauty, harmony, love and compassion – these dear ones are the qualities that the Divine Mother will help to improve with each person that invokes her presence and consciously works with her for the betterment of their whole life and to bring improvement to those closest to their hearts and because of the interconnectedness, all that is brought forth through the divine guidance of the Divine Mother will also benefit every dear soul on a global scale. 

In order to bring forth newness, you must let go of old forms of understanding and old ways of living and being and embrace and demonstrate the inspiration that the pure love that resides in your heart has helped to create. The Divine Mother and her energy will indeed inspire you to be Love in Action each and every time and when you choose to act through love, you break down many negative thought forms and illusions – the Ego itself cannot survive when you are living fully from your heart as the Divine Mother will surely help you to do. 

Great changes become apparent when working with the Divine Mother. The Divine Mother will help your bridge the connection back to your soul and she does this amazingly through your own instinctive feelings and expressive imagination that is released through your heart. Understand dear ones your soul is not limited to the psychic-ness of your life. The soul is an immense invisible nature that brings connections to many dear souls and helps to create relationships that may have been concealed any other time. Understandably the soul, your precious soul is immeasurable as well as incredible – a link between your physical world and that of the unknown spirit world that some have ventured for quite some time and where many are just beginning to know. And you get to this point when you learn tread with the pure gentleness of your own spirit and with mastered patience. 

As each dear one wakes from many years of repression, the need to take back the essence of the Divine Mother for individual spiritual growth and for the well-being of mankind becomes ever more important. Even with the many dear souls that are already helping the Earth in the ways that is possible for them, it is still evident dear ones of the devastation of this bountiful Earthly home has fallen to a new race of people that have forgotten the sacredness of the Earth and of the Divine Mother. What we also are seeing dear ones is that the Divine Mother is still being denied by many; many yet still do not seek her for guidance or support – many yet have not attempted to understand the wholeness and the interconnectedness of all life that includes her role in all things. 

We witness many of God’s children become distracted and allow themselves to be led astray only to become hungry to the point of starvation to reconnect with their soul which is fact reconnecting with the Divine Mother and her feminine energy. As you consciously connect your own journey with the world with the guidance of the Divine Mother you begin to manoeuvre through understanding of your spiritual presence within all of creation. All understanding requires time dear ones. All that you are to be from the experiences you have had and those that are yet to come cannot be rushed, but they can be embraced and loved and by allowing Divine Mother into your life you will learn to greet each new challenge with a positive demeanor that will help propel each step into a victorious outcome – and all outcomes can be viewed as positive if one looks at them in such a way. 

Each of you has the capability to bring Divine Mother’s energy and presence into your life and you don’t have to be a woman to do so. You do this dear ones by becoming in-touch with your body; recognize the different cycles that move through you. Recognize the power and wisdom that she brings to you as unique for each dear soul she touches. The wisdom of the Divine Mother is not one to be found through cleverly written books, but it is found by taking the time to go into yourself, rediscover your Inner You through your own natural self. Through the guidance of the Divine Mother’s gentle encouragement you will learn to instinctively know when to respond to the well-being of those you love even if they are not physically present – you will KNOW. This inner knowing dear ones does require you to trust your intuition and it does take practice and patience but when you apply great effort you are rewarded with great results. 

The feminine energy of the Divine Mother is the background of creation and this knowledge has become forgotten and many have turned their back on this sacred depth of themselves that is rich with so much knowledge and wisdom. Each woman even if they have not given birth is empowered by the sacredness of the knowledge of giving birth and it is a primal understanding that has been instilled into each woman – the sacredness of giving her own body, her own blood to what is to be born through her with that also shares the Light of a Soul that has been touched by the Divine Mother. Step forward dear ones and take back this part of you that shines with Divine Love from our loving Divine Mother that is your Divine Mother too. 

Even though it is the woman that has the unequivocal power and ability to conceive and give birth, the feminine energies of the Divine Mother is not only for women to embrace but ALL that is a part of this life. When you make the choice to turn your back on the mystery behind the feminine aspect of the Divine Mother what is also happening dear ones is that you are also turning your back on something that is so fundamental to your very life – you become separated from the sacred core of your own creation. Understand dear ones, the same sacred source that has given birth to each dear soul that lives upon this Earthly realm is required to provide understanding and balance into their life, through the Divine Mother’s ministrations you will become nourished with your own Inner Truth and you will discover you have made great strides to reconnecting your relationship with the Divine Mother and coming home to the wholeness of your life. 

As we have mentioned prior, the feminine aspect of the Divine Mother is not only for the women folk of your world, men also are required to connect to the sacredness of the feminine side of the Divine Mother and allow her to nourish the inner and outer Self through her comforting presence, support and guidance. Men begin to understand and comprehend that without the feminine aspect of each person nothing new can be born – as each is connected to all things that are sacred and with the Divine Mother. Each person, man or woman needs to make the necessary steps forward to reclaim their personal power and find the balance of male and female energies. The living power that is held through the Divine Mother provides each dear soul with transformative possibilities that are profoundly connected to the sacred feminine that is within the Divine Mother. Every time you go out of the building of your home you are reconnecting with the soul of the Earth and with feminine side of creation. 

It is critical dear ones to explore the ancient and sacred wisdom of the Divine Mother and of her feminine role within each of you. Find your Self once again and into the loving embrace of the Divine Mother as she welcomes you into her heart. Through her all peoples will learn to work together instead of being competitive on who can do what – through her guidance you will help to heal and transform the world and she will instruct you through your heart as where all pure love filled intentions are born. We encourage each of you to honour her with your whole body and soul, honour her through the very ground you walk each day and the breath you take from the air that moves all around you. 

Know dear ones that you are divinely loved unconditionally by so many; you are loved by me, you are loved by our Loving Creator and yes you are loved by the Divine Mother of your creation. 

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller  
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