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A Pulsation of Life Becoming Life by Djwal Kul Pt.2


    Repeating the last paragraph from Part 1  -

          As you meditate, then, with beloved Kuthumi, recognize that he has a momentum of auric light which he extends from his forcefield to your own for the specific purpose of bringing about the quickening and cleansing of your soul consciousness.

    Beginning Part 2  -

          As we proceed in these studies to expand and expound upon his work, we pursue the action of the Christ consciousness that develops from the mastery of soul awareness.  We begin then with our meditation on the heart as the seat of the authority of the Christ mind, as the altar of the love fires of being.  And we intend, as it is our assignment from the Darjeeling Council, to present to mankind the noble example, the precepts of the law, and the action of the sacred fire that will clearly mark the way of the expansion of the aura through the mastery of the Christ consciousness, not only in the heart but in all of the chakras of being.

          And when we have concluded these studies and the souls of our chelas have become prototypes of the Christed One, then the Master El Morya will set forth his course on Advanced Studies of the Human Aura presently being given to certain initiates of the white fire attending classes in their finer bodies at the etheric Retreat of God's Will in Darjeeling, India.  As my own humble effort is toward the plane of the Christ, so that of the Lord of the First Ray will be toward the development of God consciousness, not only for the Aquarian age but for all ages to come.

          O you who would become and put on the garment of God, you who would practice his presence, take this our threefold offering of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and pledge yourself anew to the Covenant of the Magi as we come again  -  Melchoir, Caspar, and Balthazar  -  to salute the birth of the Christ and to inaugurate a light that will surely envelop worlds within and worlds to come.  For this age of the coming of the sons and daughters of God!

          In the heart there is a pulsation of life becoming life that is the established rhythm of the cosmos reflected from the heart of God to the heart of the Great Central Sun, through the heart of the Elohim, thence to all lifewaves evolving in time and space.  The heart is the focal point of the flow of life individualized as the I AM Presence, the Divine Monad of individuality, and the Christ Self that is the personification of the reality of being for every soul.  The heart is the connecting point for all being, for all self-consciousness.  Through the heart all mankind are one;  and through the heart the Christ of the One, the only begotten Son of the Father-Mother God, becomes the Christ of all lifewaves unfolding God's life throughout the cosmos.

          Through obedience to the first and great commandment of the Lord, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind," the heart of man is wed to the heart of God and the alchemy of life lived on earth even as it is lived in heaven is begun.  The act of loving produces the action of the cosmic flow;  and it is the flow of energy from the heart of man to the heart of God that rejuvenates the being of man, that strengthens the citadel of consciousness, that expands the auric forcefield, and that ultimately magnetizes the soul of man to the Spirit of God in the ritual of the ascension in the light.


Part 3 will be shared within a week !

Namaste  ~


Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura

by  Djwal Kul  ~

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  • Thank-you dear Hannah for your comments,

    have a lovely day, love and hugs, Tara Mary.

  • Dear Arathura, Yes, he is called the Tibetan Master for a reason!!

    He lectures from the higher dimensions, and those on earth studying Shamballa Light healing on Earth visit him for his lectures on this type of higher-Reiki healing.  They are able to go up in their etheric and attend his lectures.  It is his 'speciality.'

    Namaste ~

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