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Healing Sessions (9)

Free Will Choice

When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme of Earth life. If you want to receive you shall receive, if you don't then that is your free will choice too. God's Will supports free will choice either way. Everything is sent with the intent to be received for the highest and greatest good in alignment with free will.

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How is illness created?

As Dr. Hamer discovered, illness is the physical response to a stressful situation, to a dramatic, unexpected conflict, which I experience in solitude, in silence, that is, I do not express what I feel and, furthermore, I do not find a satisfactory solution at that moment.

When this happens, three essential parts of the human being are simultaneously affected: the psyche, the brain and the part of the body biologically related to the conflict experienced.

Normally, when I have experienced a dramatic event and I tell someone about it, what I usually do is talk about what happened I talk about external things, I focus on narrating the details about what I think has happened.

But I never express what I felt at the time of the event and that energy is what is repressed in my unconscious and, later, is transformed into the symptom or illness.

Therefore, what is repressed is a very special phrase, something that I have never said to anyone and that comes from the body.

For example: a person who frequently suffers from hemorrhoids.

As is known, this symptom manifests itself in the anorectal area and this part of the body is related to the place where I sit, where I put or rest my butt and feel comfortable, at ease, happy.

How is illness created? The biological sense of having hemorrhoids is for me to leave that place, to go away from that spot, from that territory where I am sitting because I am not happy.

Therefore, what I do not express and is somatized in my body would be beliefs similar to the following: Where is my place within my family?

“I can’t find my place, I feel left out”, “I don’t have my place”, “I want to leave this place”, “I am forced to put my butt in another seat”, “I am at the limit, and my place is not within this territory”.

Similarly, the anus is also biologically related to identity, to the recognition of who I am for others and especially for my family.

This can be seen very clearly in the animal world, when two animals meet, they simultaneously smell each other's anus and from there they obtain all the information and recognition of the other.

Thus, the deep feelings that I keep and do not express related to the lack of recognition, by my family (real or symbolic) in a place that I consider mine, my territory (home, work, team, etc.), would be similar to the following: Who am I?

“I don't know what identity I have”, “I am not recognized in my family”, “Others leave me aside”, “Nobody cares about me”, “I am not respected”, “I am not important to my family”, “I don't know what role I have in this family”.

For that reason, believing that healing consists of taking pills, removing an organ or following a diet is truly irresponsible.

It is not about fighting the disease, but about overcoming it, transcending it.

Transcending an illness involves taking ownership of the patterns of thought and feeling that lie beneath it.

To overcome an illness we need to rise above the conflict and the level of imbalance in which we are trapped until we reach a higher level of consciousness and peace.

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The body is a projection of the mind

We live in a time where it seems that science-based medicine has most illnesses under control. We are frequently amazed by new cures and solutions that seem to be almost miraculous. However, hospitals are as full as ever!

Despite science's great advances and its fierce battle against illnesses, the later continues a step ahead of the game.

What could be the reason for this?

The reason is that medicine has not realized the underlying causes of illnesses yet. It works as if the disease was foreign to the patient, a horrible, meaningless and unjust ailment that possesses and takes over the patient.

It is considered to be a body malfunction which needs to be quickly repaired so that the patient can go on with life as usual.

The patient is treated as a machine with a broken part (organ) that needs to be replaced. This is the major cause of medicine's failure and even though there are great therapeutic innovations and huge investment devoted to research, the percentage of ill people continues to be the same.

Medicine fails since it is centered on the physical and functional aspects of the body only. It does not take into account- for some reason- that within the body there is a thinking and feeling being and that any manifestation in the physical world has been created in the realm of thoughts and ideas, in the invisible world.

Hence, we must assume that it is not the body that is ill, it is the human being. There is only one disease a human being can have, and that is, the lack of harmony in his consciousness.

His consciousness is split, thus incomplete and ill. In order to be healthy or whole, a person must integrate those aspects of reality which he rejects or avoids. He rejects these aspects because he cannot recognize them as his own, he wishes he didn't have them and he wishes he didn't have to experience them. All that which we consider evil, which we don't dare to accept and we wish, would vanish from the earth is what Carl Jung denominated "the shadow." In order to achieve balance and oneness, a person needs to incorporate all these aspects of his shadow to his consciousness.

If a person refuses to consciously own a part of him -his shadow- then, whatever principle was rejected, will go into the body and will manifest itself as a symptom, making it impossible not to experience that which was previously rejected.

The body becomes then the mirror of the soul. It shows us that which the soul does not recognize; it makes visible that part of our soul that otherwise, we would not see. Therefore, the symptom manifests physically that part which is missing, the part that would allow a human being to be complete, to be healthy.

The purpose of scientific medicine to fight disease and want to eradicate it; apart from being something impossible to achieve because, as we have verified, the human being by participating in polarity also participates in the disease and, therefore, is a sick person; what prevents is the evolution of the human being who needs the disease to be healthy.

So believing that healing consists of taking some pills, surgically removing an organ or following a diet becomes irresponsible.

It is not about fighting disease, it is about overcoming it, transcending it. To transcend disease, one must own the thought patterns and the feelings underneath the illness.

It involves going beyond conflict and the imbalance it creates, towards a higher state of peace and equilibrium.

Healing occurs only when the illness has been transcended, since, with the healing process, the patient integrates that which he previously rejected, increasing in this way his level of awareness.

Real medicine, which advocates for health, should contemplate man as a homogeneous whole consisting of body, mind, and spirit.

In this way and contrary to what is believed, we realize that disease is not a bad thing, but quite the opposite; it is an intelligent reaction of our body and our mind that guides us towards a state of balance, of health, of unity from which we had parted.

In short, illness is as closely linked to health as birth is to death.

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Addiction can be considered as the unconditional surrender of a person to something specific, a substance, activity, relationship, feelings or events that take over their will and make them dependent on it.

The unconscious purpose of an addicted person is to achieve a better feeling than the one they are experiencing; it is the attempt to obtain happiness, peace, joy, etc. through something external, an object.

All human beings are addicted to something, to thinking, money, work, success, partner, children, sex, drugs, medicines, food, traditions, etc.

Addiction is typical of the human being who feels separated from himself and tries to fill that void with something.

But that void cannot be filled because the mind will never be satisfied and will always want more and more, of whatever.

It could be a better car, a more loving wife or husband, a bigger house, etc.

We try to solve the addiction by achieving greater external achievements that are also governed by time.

The root cause of addiction and how to address it spiritually: If we want to get out of the addiction we must wake up from the dream and become aware that the compulsion cannot be filled with anything.

The use of any addiction will take us further and further away from our purpose and will lead us to the deepest frustration and suffering.

Sometimes it is said that the solution is to “accept” but, how can I accept something that I do not accept?

The addicted person does not want to be addicted and the only thing that is established is a struggle to be otherwise that has no end and that brings guilt and suffering.

The true healing for any addiction consists in creating a space between it and us, between the object and the Being.

If we establish a distance from what we are addicted to, if we can see it when it arises, without identification, then the addiction will lose strength.

For an addiction to disappear, just like a tree, we must cut the root and the root of addiction is always in the identification with the mind.

If we can see that identification from presence, if we are aware of it, the root will be torn out and, consequently, we will have stopped feeding it. Joman Romero

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Sending healing to all people on Earth, received at the perfect time for the highest and greatest good of each on a daily continuous basis in alignment with each free will. Christ is manifest now! Buddha is manifest now! Love and Light is manifest now!

I invoke the Holy Spirit to descend upon all of humanity at the perfect time for each if in alignment with each free will for the highest and greatest good of each. May all beings be happy and be blessed.

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The following are descriptions of the chakras and their frequencies:

1. Root chakra. Affirmation "I AM." Energy, Stability, Comfort, Safety. 396 hz solfeggio frequency. Survival. Also the Kundalini energy is stored here. Associated With: Earth Connection, Physical Health, Safety and Security, Groundedness, The Body, Longevity, Kundalini, Healing.

2. Sacral chakra. Affirmation "I FEEL." Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability, Creativity. 417 hz solfeggio frequency. Personal identity. Kundalini rising begins in the Hara/Belly button chaka. Associated With: Relationships, Life Force, Emotions, Intimacy, Vitality, Skin, Impulse, Desire, Motivation, Letting Go.

3. Solar Plexus chakra. Affirmation "I DO." Strength, Personality, Power, Determination. 528 hz solfeggio frequency. Ego resides here. Social relations. Associated With: Self-Esteem, Ego, Confidence, Manifesting, Willpower, Self-Belief, Grit, Success, Conscious Mind, Adaptability.

4. Heart chakra. Affirmation "I LOVE." Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity. 639 hz solfeggio frequency. Opening of ascension path. Higher Self manifestation begins. Love/Compassion of Higher Self. Universal love. Associated With: Compassion, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness, Joy, Surrender, Humility, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Balance.

5. Throat chakra. Affirmation "I TALK." Communication, Expression, Creative Expression, Inspiration. 741 hz solfeggio frequency. Expression of Higher Self. Free communication. Associated With: Communication, Expression, Honesty, Worthiness, Gratitude, Creativity, Channeling Energy.

6. Third eye chakra. "I SEE." Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust. 852 hz solfeggio frequency. Vision of Higher Self. Universal energies. Associated With: Subconscious Mind, Deep Thought, Imagination, Mind's Eye, Intuition, Clarity, Wisdom, Vision.

7. Crown chakra. Affirmation "I UNDERSTAND." Knowledge (truth), consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality. 963 hz solfeggio frequency. Bridge of light unity connection to Higher Self. Flow/Channeling state. Sacredness of each experience. Associated With: Transcendence, Spirituality, Higher Self, Ascension, Quantum Mind, Source, At One, Inner Peace, Dreams, Cosmic.

Great solfeggio frequency videos are found at

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This question was asked on another website

The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand.


So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates? 


Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the attunement or healing session, you read or say the words to receive in the book, and receive the attunement or healing session.

In 2009 I created most of the attunements and healing sessions. Some other ones like Distant Healing Session and Purification Healing Session were created more recently. All attunements, empowerments, healing sessions were created and then sent to each recipient's higher self for custody until the recipient is ready to receive. My attunements, empowerments, healing sessions, can be received 100 years from now, a 1000 years from now, it doesn't matter, since they are held by the higher self which is Spirit which is eternal. The key ingredient is intent to receive. Each recipient needs to intend to receive to receive, by thinking or saying the words to receive. This obeys a law called the law of free will.

So basically I upload the attunement or healing etc. to the higher self (a multi-dimensional level to avoid free will interference) using a chi ball (basically an etheric zip file), and then when the recipient intends to receive by thinking or saying the words (aligning personal will to Divine Will), the attunement or healing session is unzipped from the chi ball and downloaded. The chi ball can transfer from multidimensional to etheric dimension and is basically similar substance to our chakra system (which exists in etheric and connects to the physical via the nervous system).

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Laarkmaa, a group of Pleiadians, have a powerful Heart Meditation. 

It is found in appendix C of the book below


The book is on Kindle for $6.99. Click on the cover image above to go to the book.

I can't share the Meditation here because it is copyrighted, but definitely check it out.

It is kind of like the Unified Chakra Meditation or White Light Empowerment. 

You draw in Light to yourself then you send it to the world. 


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