Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Find your blog posts by visiting your profile page and clicking My Blog. 

General Spirituality (169)

When talking about esoteric topics such as, “third dimensional reality,” “ascending into fifth dimensional consciousness,” or “raising your vibration,” it can begin to sound like we are explaining the plot to a science fiction movie.

Even for the seasoned spiritual seeker, trying to describe the intangible in words that make sense and are understandable to another person with no prior knowledge of such topics can be difficult.

In order to better understand how dimensions work and what it means to be living in the third, fourth or fifth dimension, we must think of a dimension as a point of perception rather than an actual place to travel to.


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Manifestation = Root (Existence on Earth), Sacral (Relationships), and Solar Plexus (Will)

Love = Heart (Integrating/Being love) and Throat (Expressing love)

Wisdom = Throat (Expressing wisdom), Third Eye (Integrating wisdom)

Crown (Being wisdom and love)

Rainbow body (all chakras aligned, love and wisdom in manifestation)


I AM Shiva and I AM Shakti.

I AM the Divine Observer and I AM the Divine Doer.

I AM Christ in manifestation.

I AM Alpha and Omega.

I AM Divine Masculine and I AM Divine Feminine.

I AM Infinite.

I AM All That Is.

I AM Source in manifestation.





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Third Eye Awakening Session

Awaken Your 3rd Eye, Instincts and Intuition in 60 Minutes!

LIVE! International Tele-session -  April 29, 2023  

9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  90 min

Replay Available \

Would you like to strengthen the power of your Third Eye, bring forward new psychic gifts and have more clarity and insights in your personal & business life?  Join us for this interactive and stimulating accelerated spiritual awakening course.  This session will be filled with easy and fun exercises, awakening tips from the Ascended Masters and a quick look at the history of the elusive and mysterious Third Eye.  This essential metaphysical class will quickly enhance and strengthen your intuition and instincts in 1-hour…don’t miss this opportunity!

For more information please visit....

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When debating on 'Artificial Intelligence', sometimes you are told that 'everything in the universe is conscious', therefore a computer must be conscious too! You are even told that a computer can be possessed by spirits. This is then taken to mean that fears of terminator-like 'rise of the machines' to take over the world should be taken seriously! So it is no longer 'artificial intelligence' at all. No, it is not technology any more. It is now a full blown incarnate evil spirits, a 'works of the devil' that 'no human can understand'!

This happens when you insist that a computer is actually nothing but a clockwork device no different from a series of gears and gogs. In this way, the idea that a computer can be 'intelligent' is misguided. So the advocate of the devil now switches gears and talk of spirits that can be incarnate in machines, or that machines being inherently consciou is plausible. But can the 'panpsychic' idea that 'everything is conscious' means that a computer can truely become 'intelligent' like a human being? I don't think so! First, everything is not conscious. I don't think that is the proper stand of panpsychicsm. If everything was conscious, there is realy no need for the evil spirits to waite for a human being to create a sophisticated computer. They can possess TV sets, vehicles, chairs stones etc. Those spirit would simply incarnate in your car and voila, it now becomes 'artificial intelligence' driving you to wherever it chose!

In panpsychicsm, we say that 'everything is proto-conscious', not 'everything is conscious'. Proto-consciousness is, in some way, like 'potential energy'. So it is a suggestion that consciousness is fundamental in nature even though no everything at every time is manifestly conscious. Movement is fundamental in the sense that it doesn't arise from a combination of things that each of them is not itself movement. But, as you can see, this does not mean that everything is in a state of motion. An object can still stand still, even if movement is fundamental properties of objects. It is in this sense of 'stopping from moving' that things such as stones, tables etc are not conscious. They are sort of 'sleeping', and even a conscious human can cease being so in a deep sleep. So it is not true to say 'everything is conscious', but consciousness is a fundamental property of all things, nevertheless.

A computer cannot be conscious because it is designed purposefully to mimic human activities without being conscious. Pascal's adding machine is designed to add numbers unconsciously in that non of the individual activities by the gears etc act with intend to summing numbers. They are just being moved by adjacent gears, and ultimately by humans, in a totally blind way. We don't need any incarnation of 'spirit' to explain how addition of numbers comes about. The process can be perfectly understood by a human, and it is very easy to do that. The fact that both the addition machine and the brain arrives at the same end: adding numbers, doesn't mean that they work the same way.

But a computer works exactly like a Pascal's adding machine! Inspect each and every component as it works, and you find it doing simple task that are, not different from 'movement of gears'. One transistor drives an adjacent transistor just like gears drives adjacent gears. The whole thing is totally blind! Complexity is not 'magics'. If each and every activity is blind, then a 'complex' combination of such activities results in nothing but a complex, blind machine. Anything else other than this is sorcery! Perhaps a spirit could incarnate somewhere in a transistor, but a computer is made purposefully not to work on such. This is because the aim was to create a machine that can be used and controled by a human being. Incarnation of 'spirits' would merely bring uncertainties to how the computer works and it becomes unreliable. It was for this reason that we wanted a computer to do the task, rather than a human doing it. The 'spirit' in human brings about what will be 'errors' from the point of view of those who want to employ the 'computer'. If you don't understand the spirit workings in the brain, which I suppose this is the case for scientists etc, then they will only seem like errors to you, and you will want a machine that 'doesn't have such errors', and a computer is precisely such a machine.

On the other hand, the brain works in a totally different way from a computer. A brain is not an 'ensemble of blind events' that each can be understood by a human being. Each component forming the brain, down to molecular level works in a 'chaotic' manner as influenced by the surrounding environment in a totally unpredictable way. If we were seeking a theory of 'soul interaction with matter', then we will not want one that results in absurdities such as 'why the soul does not incarnate in a stone etc'. A theory that allows a soul to incarnate in a computer is precisely such a theory. But if we suppose that the soul takes the advantage of microscopic wigglings, then we can readily explain why it incarnates in thr brain but not in a stone. This is because the brain has various means for amplifying and cohering those microscopic wigglings. On the other hand, the man made computer has none and does not tolerate any 'wigglings' that those tidy brains in tech doesn't understand, as they only brings about 'errors'.

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Daily Prayer Invocation For All Beings On Gaia By
Steven Hutchinson:
*I now call forth & merge with Father/Mother/God, with Gaia, & with my Divine Self, my Soul Group, Soul Extension, & the Heavenly Host.
* I now call forth from Mother/God & Gaia the Div Love, Grace, Bliss & Crystalline Rainbow Light that I embody in my Whole Being with my every in-breath.
 And with every out-breath I extend to all Beings on Gaia this Divine Grace & Energy with the Infinite Blessings that awakens & expands the Creator's Presence within all Beings as well as all of the Divine Qualities of The I Am Presence of each Being ... & that helps each Being ground & embody & use all of their Divine Qualities in their daily lives with Divine Wisdom, Joy, & Bliss !
I accept this Divine Grace & Blessings for myself & for every Being on Gaia !
Thank You Father/Mother/God, & thank you my Divine Self & Soul-Group & Soul Extension & the Heavenly Host.
And So All of the Divine Grace, Infinite Blessings, & Divine Energies Flow & Manifest !
And So It Is ! And So I Am !
Beloved I Am Presence! Beloved I Am Presence! Beloved I Am Presence That I Am ! 


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Experience The Creator's Love On Valentine's Day - & Everyday ! By Steven Hutchinson


We rejoice that you are celebrating love today, in whatever way you are doing so.Take a deep breath now and bring your attention within your heart. Ask your Divine Self now to awaken and expand the Creator's Love within your heart... and within your mind. Let the Creator's Love flow throughout your Whole Being !


Continue breathing deeply and affirm: "I Am consciously Present with my Divine Self and accept that every moment is a sacred moment for receiving the Blessings  of the Creator, and I Am willing, able, and accepting such blessings as I now anchor and embody them for my self, and to share and extend to all."


"All of the Blessings of the Creator's Love & Light now flow through me, and I now breathe, dance, and live in the sacred rhythm and the Divine Flow of the Creator's Love & Light"


I extend to All of You Divinely Beautiful people the Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Light that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You !


Video - "3 Keys For Manifesting Love By Melanie Beckler"



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International Tele-session  February 11, 2023  

9AM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time  $35 100 mins

Along with all of the prophesies, predictions, daily news chaos, political drama and the many illusions of the global pandemic being revealed, you are probably wondering how and when the ‘Great War’ between dark and light on Earth will end!  The Ashtar Command and the Great Federation have a multi-level calculation technique that is able to forecast the most probable outcomes of situations, no matter how simple or complex it may be.  And even though the time-lines intersecting Earth are currently unstable and unpredictable, they are able to put forward a most interesting conclusion to our situation.  Come join us for this fascinating look at what is to come, along with lots of information that will help you relax, prepare for and understand the events that will be unfolding. Lots of great links will be provided as well…not to be missed!



24-Hour Replay Session Available!   



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LIVE! International Tele-session with Bryan  -  January 28, 2023 

9AM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time  $60 100 mins 


Effortlessly deprogram & re-program all your internal matrixes in 60 Minutes!


This special ‘Celestial Programming’ session will help to clean-up and ‘free up’ your internal system allowing your true heavenly programming to shine through!  This effortless 60-min process will also strengthen your soul’s destiny matrix, enhance your unique personality traits and creative soul templates.  It will also dissolve any fears, addictions, accumulated toxins, phobias, negative social programming, environmental allergies, radiation/electromagnetic frequency damage, mind control, stress and many other issues.  Ultimately, it will make you feel much lighter, happier and relaxed…promoting your ability to think for yourself and solve daily issues more quickly and easily.



24-Hour Replay Session Available!   



 For more information please visit....



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Everything you need to know about the current planetary situation...lots of great links to watch as well!

this Saturday at 6 PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time) $10 

LIVE! Session Only!


LIVE! International Tele-session with Bryan  -  January  7, 2023

6PM (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $10  30 min

For more information, please visit....



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NUC Statement of Beliefs

Statement of Beliefs


We, at the New Universal Church believe that we are all seeking and discovering our own personal truth in our own unique way.


We value all the viewpoints of our ministers and congregation, however varied and controversial they might be.


We believe in religious freedom, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others and is within the law.


We welcome any who seek truth, wisdom, and joyful acceptance.


We use teaching material from a variety of sources as wisdom is found in many places and people hear it in different ways.


We recognize that every individual has direct access to the creative source and the ultimate reality, which is the Universe.


We celebrate the Universe as the totality of all being, past, present and future.


We celebrate life and rejoice in the knowledge that all matter, energy, and life are an interconnected oneness.


Our main purpose is to help any and all who ask to find their spiritual truth, regardless of race, gender, background, lifestyle or other church affiliations.


We strive to live in harmony with nature and acknowledge the sanctity of all life.


We believe in encouraging individual responsibility for spiritual growth.


New Universal Church; a nature based church with focus on healing and self empowerment.


We hope that you will visit our website to learn more about the NUC.                            





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2023 updates

Hello my beloved Lightworkers,

Here are some of the plans I have for 2023. 

Let's start first with the background.

During 2006-2012 I had an awakening experience, published 45 Free Reiki Attunements, 36 Free Reiki Attunements, 28 Powerful Attunements, Eternal Spirit, The Ascension Rays, Alpha Omega Healing Session and the Earth Gate. I also launched the City of Shamballa Social Network in 2009. In 2012, the City of Shamballa trademark was approved to keep the website online and reach the world with Light. 

Between my books, videos, and the City of Shamballa I'll estimate that I impacted 100,000 lives for the better, helping humanity find the Divine within and helping to spread the Light. I even made it into the book Llewellyn's Complete Book of Reiki. I'm eternally grateful to my masters Steve Murray, Stephen Lovering, Ole Gabrielsen, Kathy McConnell, Tami MacDowell, and many others for teaching me Reiki. I'm also eternally grateful to AMBA for her attunements, and many many others who have contributed attunements over the years. I'm eternally grateful to Esta Lior, Lu, George, Marius, Blane Hoffman, Sebastian BotaDr. Sohini Shukla, Tercy Lonan, Steven Hutchinson, and Mary Keating for all of the positive support and words of encouragement throughout the years. I'm also grateful to Alain, who I miss, for spreading the Light. Thank you to all of the translators of my books in the past. I'm indebted to all of you. 

In 2013 I entered the crucifixion phase, which I believe was designed to burn off any arrears of karma. If you read about my past life, I stole money from the king to give to my family. My karma was to lose money and lose my family. 

During 2013-2022 I went through a series of hardships which included divorce, loss of family members, and financial struggles. In 2022 I pulled most of my books from distribution at the request of a third party, which devastated me from losing 10 years of my work, but helped me further understand the law of free will. I discuss the struggles in my book The Path of Oneness. I know I am being prepared for a mission in the Higher Realms, and the rest of my time on Earth is the Path of Earth Service prior to moving into the Path of Sirius as a Lightbody. I'm confident I will reconnect with other masters such as Dr. Joshua David Stone and Christoffer

Despite the struggles trying to dim my Light, I refuse to give up and continue to follow my dreams of spreading Light around the world. If you look at my Gene Keys profile, there are 4 Gene Keys (Gene Keys 16, 9, 37, and 40) that center around God's Grace (Gene Key 22). My purpose in life has to been to align my life with my Higher Self's mission in order to receive God's Grace (and help others receive God's Grace), and express the traits of versatility (be an author, video producer, and website manager etc.), perseverance (never give up), tenderness/compassion toward all beings, and resolve (have faith- never give up- use my energy wisely for a purpose). 

So you may ask, what is new? What do I have planned?

As you are aware, the City of Shamballa has been upgraded to a new mobile friendly platform. In 2022 I published approximately 20 ebooks with various attunements in them. The links in the new books match the new website's links. Hoping this brings more people to the platform.

I've been locked out of my Facebook account since November 2022 (a test of my resolve and perseverance) but I'm sure I will get access again in 2023. I plan to make photos with wisdom and reference the City of Shamballa bringing people to the website and then sharing them everywhere. 

I estimate by January 2023 that the City of Shamballa trademark will be renewed. 

The next phase is to re-publish the books 28 Powerful Reiki Attunements and Eternal Spirit without the third party's content. Also planned are videos such as Medicine Buddha's Death Dying Purification Ritual, an Abundance Prayer, Djwhal Khul's meditations, the new COS website overview video, a Live Essene Healing Session, and more wisdom videos. I continue to be a volunteer healer at the Distant Healing Network. 

I'll continue to contribute to lifting others up on Earth as long as I can, and follow the manifestation of my Higher Self on Earth. It is with great hope that I have impacted the world for the better.

I'm eternally grateful to all of you and may God bless all of you on your journeys.

All my love,



P.S. This song summarizes my life.

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Blood (family, clan) passes through the veins on its way back; once shared our love, it returns to the heart (house) with the love it has received from our environment.

Venous problems indicate that we find it difficult to accept or receive life, love and joy and allow a space within.

It can also mean that we are experiencing a devaluation conflict related to not being able to accept, manage, face, any family situation. "I am not able to carry this cross" "I have to clean the dirty blood of the family"

Necrosis in the veins: It mainly affects the legs and speaks of a devaluation itself, a devaluation that we perceive in ourselves.

Conflict of having "tied legs", "eggshells".

We have the feeling that "something" or "someone" binds us, we do not want or wouldn’t like to do; it is treated as an impediment to do something or we stop. We are as "trapped in a situation"


- Women who want a fulfilling professional life and an unexpected pregnancy prevents it.

- Women who want to work, but when she married, her husband opposes her.

- Men who want to travel to study, but his family is not allowed.

Conflict of not being able to go home for something ugly to expect. "I cannot go home, the center of familiar territory"

In the peripheral veins, we must add a conflict of abandonment.

The legs are a reflection of our mobility in life, in our relationships. We express that we are disappointed because we have involved a lot in life, in the family and we feel dissatisfied because we have received very little in proportion to what we have given. There is a lack of return of life, family, etc.

We are upset and tired, because what we have lived seems bleak, without passion or joy.

We have a feeling of helplessness and a feeling of not knowing how to live our desires and our desire for happiness.

Varicose veins:

Veins that dilate and become tortuous. They are commonly found on the back of the calves or on the inner side of the leg. They develop when venous valves that allow blood to flow to the heart stop working properly. As a result, blood collects in the veins and causes dilatations. They are more common among women.

The biological meaning of varicose veins is to try to keep "dirty" blood from returning to the heart (home) and to the lungs, to be cleaned. Respond to dirt that we want to hide.

Conflict of devaluation, separation and stain.

Conflict of separation from home, repentance for having left home or separated from family: "I am away from home". "I'm trapped in a situation". "I want to go home, even though it's too late". "I have been a fool, I should not have left my house or my family for that man (that woman)". "I cannot go home". "I would like to have contact with my family again".

Conflict of the stain, to drag a sentence (personal or familiar): "There are too many things to clean in this family".

Sexual conflict added to a conflict of not wanting or not being able to return to the nest (to the home). We are experiencing a sexual conflict with our partner that is not pleasing to us, but we do not have the courage to abandon this dynamic and return home.

Varicose veins can also manifest in people who, accustomed to living a good life, suddenly lose that level, either because they have gone to live with a humble partner, because they have been disinherited or repudiated by the family.

Similarly, varicose veins can express that we feel overworked and overworked. It is possible that we have the tendency to take charge of everything, that we have many tasks to do (washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning the house, taking care of the grandchildren, etc.) that we find tedious and tedious. worry if we do not. To make matters worse, our husband does not help us, he treats us badly and we are the ones who must attend him, lest he be angry. We would love to run away from here, but we do not!

Added to this is the fact that everything we do, we do for duty, without joy.

"I feel drowned in this family". "I never feel at peace, at home". "I'm trapped in a situation". "I am the servant of the house". "I got tired of looking after my grandchildren". "I've had enough of living with my husband".

With varicose veins we want to express that we need more time for ourselves, that we want more free time, that we want more freedom in our life, because we lack it.

In the same way, it can indicate that our work does not like us or even, it annoys us; but we continue to do so because we are those people who are forced to stay in a situation even if they hate.

Recommendations for restoring physical, emotional and spiritual health:

For the circulation to be restored we need to change our attitude, our thoughts and try to resolve this loss of contact with the family, assuming and accepting that if we have moved away from our home and our family, it has been to live other experiences that have made them learn and grow, even though they were not as we would have liked them to be.

The man must be like water: first, you must learn to adapt to everything that is presented; and secondly, you need to always be moving to be kept clean and pure.

We must commit ourselves to the stream of life, without expecting anything in return, free of expectations.

We must do things with absolute responsibility, not out of obligation or to give us thanks.

It is better guided by the voice of the heart, always knows our true needs.

The right way is the return on oneself to rediscover the spiritual realm: "I am the truth and live and act with joy" "I love you so much I give my place" "Now I know that I must delegate responsibilities"

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Pancreatic enzymes are the most powerful of all. If enzymes are missing, food sits in the stomach or intestine and is expelled again undigested, so the body does not get the necessary energy from food.

When you have any symptoms related to the pancreas, you have lived or are living a situation where someone has dishonored you.

We can find two conflicts: ignominy + resistance.

"I have made (or have) a disgrace, something detestable".

"I have lived something unacceptable by someone from my family, my work and my social life"

Conflict of lacking and ignominy.

Conflict of fear and disgruntled members of the family when "big crap" have happened to them, related to an inheritance (real or symbolic). Be fooled within your own family.

"I fight for my bite” "My brother stole my share of the inheritance” "They made me sign a paper where I renounced my inheritance, etc". "I have done something detestable”

Fear of not having. "I have to store energy for later” "We criticize the morsel eaten".

Pancreatitis: If someone has an inflammation on his/her pancreas is because he/she is denied or is objecting to a situation or a person in particular. A situation that makes you feel bitterness or discouragement.

"I see every day how my husband offends me and mocks my humble origin”

What offends me so much to be a total lack of respect that steals my joy and sweetness that I expected of him/her.

Pancreatic calculation: "I do not want the other think I'm not noble”

"I take away money disown me and I want to get something for me”

Pancreatic cancer: the most common cancer in this organ is adenocarcinoma and is due to a setback occurred, most of the time, in the family that cannot be digested (indigestible) and, almost always, is related to any economic matter (real or symbolic dispute over inheritance, distribution of money or property, etc). It can also be caused by a feeling of revulsion, "This disgusts me”.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

"I think the sweetness and joy in my life" "I love and approve of myself".

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At the biological level, iron is involved in the formation of haemoglobin and its main function is to carry oxygen from the respiratory organs to all other organs and tissues of the body. Oxygen is related to life/oxygen and death/ absence of oxygen.

The sense of anaemia is to preponderate the survival of the clan or my offspring above my own. I must leave the resources of life for another to take advantage of them.

If I have anaemia, it means that I feel devalued with respect to what was my reason to live. I no longer feel encouragement for life or do not feel that spirit with respect to what is happening in my life.

Devaluation of what makes us live, what carries life. Devaluation within the family:

"I have the feeling of being a nuisance, I do not want to bother my family, and I have to live as little as possible".

It may also be that a family is very serious, possibly with breathing problems, and unconsciously wants to give oxygen to recover.

Who do you want to unwittingly give oxygen to save his/her life?

Anaemia, iron deficiency: If I file anaemia, it means that I do not receive enough affection from my father or my mother. Calcium (paternal function) + Magnesium (maternal function) or I do not feel a good mother or a good father.

They may love me, but I do not feel loved. Maybe I need them to hug me, be told that I am loved, and need emotional strength. I need them to tell me I'm a good parent, not devaluing me because my inability to be it.

Toxic family environment.

"My family drowns me, does not support me".

"I need help in my role as a mother".

Anaemia expresses the exhaustion of the person, either by using too much energy to act without allowing time for recovery (regeneration of red blood cells); or it may be that the individual has done many things for a while but has not picked any fruit or obtained any results yet.

As a result, a feeling of powerlessness seizes him/her, not power, not worth enough and not being able to operate things, which further reduces their capacity and makes him/her fall into a fatalistic attitude, giving up,

"Meh ... what for?”

Anaemia expresses that the individual goes back because does not find the emotional meaning of life and action.

Anaemia occurs in people with lack of self-confidence, lack of courage and joy, to face life. This is usually occurs in sweet-natured and dreamer individuals and, therefore, they have great difficulty in surrendering to the concrete physical reality. They lack motivation, either because they feel discouraged or because they feel misunderstood, or perhaps by his/her own angst.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

The person with anaemia needs to stop relying on others and start creating his/her own life from a positive and cheerful outlook. He/she needs to do what it needs to be done, but without thinking about the results, just enjoying what he/she is doing, without expecting anything. We must learn to trust and surrender to the rhythm of life. The person who refuses to accept what life puts in his/her way is denying life and is seeking death, rhythm; even unconsciously.

"I can be happy without the recognition of others".

"I take my life as I want".

"I love life and I love myself".

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It is the joint that connects the forearm to the hand. They represent the movement, flexibility, dexterity, ease and skill. It is related to what we do, "with the precise movement of labour" The precision of movement. The will, the desire to act. The way we handle our experiences, our actions.

Devaluation for failing to perform a function, a role, a task. You may believe that we are not up to perform a certain task (feel awkward manually), we lack skill or we lack confidence in our actions, for fear of making mistakes or lack of confidence in ourselves.

Denying the weight of things in relation to work and gesture. "I will not carry that weight or that responsibility at work"

The wrist problems express that we are adamant that our thinking and our actions are rigid, we do not handle deftly, easily, decisively, and with love. So there is an obstruction, a blockage or a denial against the actions he/she should do. Expresses the attitude of the person who thinks he/she can bring the reality to his/her will, the desire to "move to force", marking guidelines excesses.

They can also hurt us when we do we prevent something when we do not grant permission to ourselves, or when we feel unable to act because someone or something prevented us.

Similarly, when we have to do something and in the end we do not feel or think that someone abuses us and we do not feel love, but by compulsion, fear or guilt; our wrists end up calming down and our excess will produce pain.

Cysts: Denial of reality.

Scaphoid: devaluation conflict with actual travel notion (vacation) or symbolic (astral travel, travel by drugs, emotional journey)... coupled with a conflict in relation to work.

Fractures: Conflict in the assimilation of responsibilities. I think something (gesture at work) is not serious but deep down is that it is much.

Canal syndrome or carpal tunnel: There is a space in the wrist called "carpal tunnel" where the median nerve and nine tendons pass from the forearm to the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when there is increased pressure in the tunnel due to swelling, and that pressure is transmitted to the nerve. When the pressure increases due to swelling, it is enough to disturb the way the nerve works, numbness, tingling and pain in the hand and fingers is experienced.

The head creates ideas and hands manifest therefore a syndrome that prevents movement of the hand will have to do with not wanting to run what we have in mind. Conflict of inconsistency: "Something I'm thinking and hand does not want to do" "I do not realize what I think" "I have a particular conflict, and especially do not want to see or do not want to act to solve it (or cannot)".

Disease intermediaries. "I do not manage to reconcile the two parties"

The wrist also has to do with work, control the order at work, with a devaluation and indecision in action.

Overzealous at work "order control at work".

Conflict between release and grab. "I want to take the reins"

Denial of my conflicts. "I have a conflict and I cannot act or do not want to act to fix it" The negative does not exist. Everything is fine.

We must also take into account the significance of hand as "father" and the ligament associated with future projects. It may be in a context of a parent, as a parent, or something related to a symbolic level.

If the tension is manifested in the hand or on the right wrist, it will be related to the Yin symbolism (feminine), and if the problem occurs in the hand or on the left wrist, is related to the Yang symbolism (masculine).

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

Where am I not giving enough? Who or what reason prevents me from acting? What don’t I want to accept? What aspect should I give in?

Love is the base where all our actions are sustained and energy manage our experiences.

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