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General Spirituality (224)

They are the organs of vision. The mirror of the soul. They do not only collect impressions from the outside but also express any emotion and feeling that is experienced from the inside. Through the eyes, we recognize immediately emotions like anger, fear, or love. The eyes represent the ability that one has to approach life and see others. All eye diseases tell us of our inability to see life objectively, they highlight our view and our way of seeing things and situations as they really are.

Cornea: In the front of the eyeball there is a transparent membrane, like the glass of a watch, called the cornea. The cornea with the lens focuses the light entering the eye.

Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), Conflict of visual separation:

"I lose eye contact with my beautiful girlfriend”

Conflict of forced contact: "I'm forced to see ... all day”

"I'm very upset, I have anger and courage for something I saw”

"I want to hit the first thing that I see".

"I want to harm...”

Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis: "What I see makes me dirty”

Keratoconus: Alteration of the curvature of the cornea, which takes a conical shape. If I have keratoconus in one or both eyes, necessarily, it means that I have lived a conflict in which I wanted or have actually achieved that people around me do not see what is inside me. I do not want to show that I am weak, vulnerable, kind, etc. Fear of being myself for fear of being rejected. Afraid to show my weaknesses. Inability to reveal my feelings.

Obsessed, I hide some of my personality. "I do not want others to see what is inside me” "What is inside should not be seen from outside".

"Nobody protects me from what I see. My eyes are put under a protective wing. "

Fear. Insecurity. Distrust. Shame.

Dry lachrymal glands: "Wanting to catch the eye". Fear of not being able to catch the moment, in the sense of not being able to see what we would like it to happen.

Conflict of inability to make one thing we like to see, that is, visually not catch/get something.

The absence of tears perhaps it may be because the person is prevented of mourning, he/she refuses to express his/her emotions.

"It is forbidden to mourn, to express feelings, to let someone else see them” Often, these are people who try to hide their great sensitivity because they are afraid of being taken advantage of them.

It may also be of angry eyes, who refuse to forgive, to look with love.

"I see all furiously, because they are not as I want to be".

"I see all furiously, because they do what I want to do"

"I'm disappointed and hurt".

Ulcers: Severe visual separation. "Losing someone from our view"

Scleritis: The sclera protects and maintains the shape of the eye.

Conflict of protection in a visual tone. Protection from what we see.

Devaluation by a (visual) territory that we are losing and we feel powerless to defend it (intolerable).

Chalazion: Meibomian gland is a cyst in the eyelid caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, located close to the lashes, usually on the upper eyelid. It differs from a sty that they are not painful.

A meibomian gland secretes the fatty substance of the tear film, which is a protection for the eye. There has been an excess of demand for protection, and this has blocked the duct.

Conflict spot by something I see, either abroad or in myself.

Devaluation conflict: Not wanting to see more of passive, childlike way.

Conflict of blindly trusting in something or someone who failed us: "I should be alert".

Conflicts with the vision we have of religion.

Dishonour conflict and separation: "It's wrong not to see him/her again"

Stye: Conflict of separation and dishonour and something we have seen and made us feel dirty.

"I've seen one thing I did not like anything"

"I feel dirty for something disgusting that I had to see"

"I have problems in my marriage or with my partner"

"I saw something that made me angry"

"I just like to see things that interest me"

Eye pain: We will not see what is happening. Pain causes us what we're seeing.

Attempt to escape from life as we accept see how it is.

Exophthalmia or large googly eyes: The muscles around the eyes are in a permanent state of shock, reflect an expression of fear experienced as a result of childhood experiences. Conflict dam which increases their visual field to see the danger coming and escape in time. "I must catch the image of danger as quickly as possible”

Blindness: Conflict of the ostrich. When it is afraid, an ostrich prefers not to see anything and hides its head under the sand; where everything is black, and cannot see anything, and solved, no problems!

Was it necessary to see the day?

Was it necessary to hide my presence in the mother's womb?

Because of a shock, trauma, etc., we refuse to see, in order to avoid confrontation with reality. We do not want to accept what the eyes tell us.

Eyelids: Conflict of motor function. You cannot see and not see, at the same time.

Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids): The eyelids are like a curtain that closes to protect from external aggression, to rest or not to see. Inflammation often comes from an anger for something that we are seeing and cause us pain. "That hurts my eyes”

Motor conflict: Related to the children, the neighbour, with our identity.

"I cannot see without being seen” "He's my son!".

There is disappointment or difficulty in something visual: "I do not want to see, I do not want to see...” related to the children or to something symbolically considered "childish" as a book, a painting, etc.

Our identity, what we want to be or what we want to and what we do not want to happen. We are not accepting some of our past and we see it again in the present. We had forgotten something, we see it again reflected in our children...

Conflict of "dirty vision" related to seduction. We want something but at the same time, we tried to stop ourselves. "I see something that stains me".

We prefer not to see the day that begins, not face life, for lack of ideas.

It can manifest itself in blepharitis those people who refuse to close the eyelids to rest or sleep, for their anxiety to see everything not granted.

Or those which, by excess of activity, and not having any help, nor have a deserved rest; which irritates them enough. We do not protect adequately against external aggression, that is to say, that we easily let ourselves be influenced by what we see.

Blepharoptosis or palpebral ptosis (drooping eyelids) is the manifestation of great sadness ... as when the curtain is lowered.

Conflict of impotence for something we see. Refusing to look at this world considered as childish and immature. Resignation.

Conflict of "danger". Not being able to see things that seem horrible, ugly or aggressive: "I cannot go back to see my son, my country, etc”.

In women, it usually appears in the left eye and speaks of apathy and sadness, in her marital relations, having chosen a husband who disappoints her. It may also indicate a problem with the child.

Similarly you can refer another person to which you want to avoid seeing.

"You can see and not see at once” "We cannot see without being seen”

Ectropion: The eyelid (most frequently, the bottom one) is folded or twisted in the opposite direction the eye surface. This causes dryness and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyelid.

Open your eyes to maintain a vision on the environment.

Conflict of fear of being alone or abandoned by something we see or related to the vision of something.

Conflict of fear of death, what lies beyond, to sense everything (spiritual vision).

Terrible conflict and ambiguous relationship with the father or whoever performs the paternal function on us.

Entropion: It is the investment of an edge of an eyelid, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eye. In most cases it is observed in the lower eyelid.

We close our eyes to not see something unpleasant.

Separation conflict, being ignored.

Controversy vision of something that is attacking us.

Conflict of relationship with the people around me, because the people who matter most to me (parents and family) have not looked after me enough and have not put their attention on me. I have not had physical signs of affection.

Gravis: Conflict of impotence for something we see.

Trichiasis: The tabs are bent towards the eye irritating the conjunctiva.

Separation conflict and guilt.

We maintain our view of biased way, because we feel guilty of "seeing or being seen”

Conflict of the father’s protection.

Amblyopia: Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is defined as a decrease in visual acuity without there being any organic injury to justify it.

Conflict: "I want to join what I see separately”

Nystagmus or ocular parkinson: To some extent, it is a kind of parkinson disease in the eye. Controversy wipers. Nystagmus is an involuntary and uncontrolled eye movement. The movement can be horizontal, vertical, rotary, oblique or a combination of these.

Nystagmus is associated with a malfunction in brain areas that are responsible for controlling movement. Those affected with nystagmus often put their head in an abnormal position to improve their vision, annulling as possible the effect produced by the movement of the eyes.

Emotional conflict: "I cannot look straight things, the danger comes from different parts". "I do not know where to look" "Survival depends on my balance; I have to stay stable" "I must watch the entire width of my territory".

Retina: The retina is the layer of light-sensitive found in the inner back of the eye and acts like the film in a camera: images pass through the lens of the eye and are focused on the retina. The retina then converts these images into electrical signals and sends them via the optic nerve to the brain. The retina is normally red due to its rich blood supply.

Retinal detachment: Intense Conflict, visual image of stress. Example: The child falls off before our eyes. The adult feels horror at such image, but the view is protected.

The retina prints... "I do not want to print what I have seen” "Feeling of having seen something terrible” A small child who does not have this protection mechanism, remains fascinated by the horrible things he/she sees. When we are struck, the child prints the image on his/her retina. Later, with all his/her stress concentrated in vision, he/she will suffer a retinal detachment.

Fear that comes from behind. What can fall on me? "The danger is coming from behind”

Macular retinopathy: This is the alteration of the capillaries of the macula (the central retina).

Stop seeing a person or thing irreversibly.

"Seeing a family member die".

Retinitis pigmentosa: Too much pigment in the retina. Melanin accumulates in the back of the eye. It is the visual equivalent of melanoma: vision of horror, ugly, nasty, with stain vision. "I've seen my father/mother with another".

Colour blindness: It consists of not seeing a colour, the relationship with a fact that is stressful. Example: alcoholic father, addicted to red wine. Red = horror, fear.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

What don’t I want to see? Am I able to see things as they are?

Am I afraid to see things clearly? What aspect of my personality do I close my eyes with?

We must be tolerant of what we see around us.

We must be aware that nothing will change in our lives refusing to see.

Any problem in the view is a message of our soul, which warns of an error in our learning and prevents us from realizing our life plan.

The eyes are to see both what we like what we dislike.

We must develop the ability to put ourselves in the place of another, to grasp the reality of his/her view and better understand the basics of their actions.

If the problem affects the right eye, will be related to the symbolism Yin (the mother). It represents my identity. It is the eye of recognition of emotion (which shows my affections). Memorize. Compare the known and unknown faces. It represents the recognition they give to others. It is related to our parents, our children, friends, etc.

If it is the left eye which is affected, it is related to the symbolism Yang (the father). It is the eye that directs the movement. Look at enemies. Look how far to shoot. It is the eye that warns us of any threats near and defends us from danger.

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Sudden movement of expulsion of air from the lungs due to discomfort of the throat. The definition refers to that cough without an apparent reason that occurs at certain times of day to day or chronically (several or many times every day).

Coughing symbolizes the expression of emotions or thoughts that have been repressed.

Conflict of territory.

Separation conflict of oneself by enemies who want to own my territory or to own me.

Conflict reject something or someone.

Coughing serves to reject something that we have inside (airways and lungs, our territory), an attacker who must be expelled.

Most of the time it is related to something we have said or that we have been said and that "has angered us" because we are very irritable and very critical with ourselves, and with others. When the cough is chronic, we mean that "we are supporting" someone who constantly irritates us: our spouse, mother, father, our leader, a friend, a co-worker, etc. It can be a person who constantly mocks us and tells us what to do and how to do it, or is someone that tells you never do what they say or do as they want.

"I see or hear something that irritates me”

"The other is inside me".

"I have no right to speak firmly”

"This what they have told me has made me feel dumb”

Dry or irritating cough is a violent reaction of irritation and rejection, it is always because of external situations that have bothered us: An intruder, an unexpected visit, an order, which we refuse to do, be in a place that cannot stand, lack of space, cigarette smoke, being with people who I do not accept, etc.

It may also indicate that we are suffering a significant outside pressure and do not know how to handle that situation.

The wet or productive cough is manifested in external situations that besides bother us, make us sad, or someone who criticized us, someone who hurt us, who offended us, or something that we could not solve, etc.

It is the sign that the aggressors have been prisoners within. Or that we have accumulated many things, many critics or negative thoughts that we could not say. We spit to eject what attacks us, despair, and inner anguish, difficult to express it.

Persistent cough crisis, it is actually a desire to bark at the world, wishes to be heard and taken into account or to shut up. It's our way of saying, "Hey, I deserve respect and attention, I am here and I am able to think and decide by myself”

Pertussis or compulsive cough: Conflict of separation and fear of death. Conflict of permanent dispute with the father because of my limits and yours.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

Whenever we cough, we need to stop for a second and see what we were thinking seconds before coughing. We have to pay attention to how many times a day we criticize or we do not accept ourselves as we are. We need to recognize who or what circumstances make us criticize. We have to become aware of emotional irritation within us and learn to be tolerant with ourselves in the same way that we want the others were.

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Dream meaning Keys



Dream meaning Keys

Common dreams about keys generally depict regular surrounding life door, lock and different keys.

The characteristics of the keys matter to great extent in its dream interpretations; along with their physical appearance the metal used for making of key is also significant in its actual analysis. Your actions with the keys are also important while depicting its meaning along with your emotions or surroundings. Dreams about keys can be of different types hence here you will find common dreams appeared to people associated with their meaning.



General guide over dreams about keys

Apart from above meanings, appearance of keys in dreams could indicate unexpected or sudden changes in your life.

To see dream of losing a key indicates unwanted circumstances or turn of events.

This dream also applies to quarrel or misunderstanding with your best pal which will be resolved later.

Loss of key also denotes to loss of status in life which will bring disappointment in your family. Same dream is synonymous to unpleasant frustrations or distress over loss of golden opportunity. Dreams of losing keys for women indicate dispute with partner or lover.

To see broken key, indicates separation from loved ones either by internal problems or natural cause like death.

If the key appears to be corroded by air then it indicates that you possess a talent that is neglected throughout the life.

To hear sound of keys rattling in bunch suggests that you are following right path in life and possess all the qualities required to achieve your goal.

To find a key in dreams indicates towards peace of life and solution for your troubles.

To find a golden key in dreams is the symbol of fortune and indicates that your bad days are over and soon you will experience a positive period of life.



Ideology after dreams of keys

If you get dreams of keys that imply to some negative meaning then you should act quickly to control its after effects.

The worst dreams as far as keys are concerned are loss of keys and such dreams indicate towards distress and disputes. These dreams are present to give you time to avoid these effects by constructing positive relationship with family. These are great warning signals for ladies, as they suggest difference of opinion and distress between two companions. These dreams suggest staying away from the person with whom you have been involved so that you can save yourself from frustrations and sorrows.



Suggestive dream about keys

Consider a dream where you are running on the street and being chased by a monstrous man from

behind. You find that the road is composed of many doors on both the sides and you are trying to

open them in order to escape this man. But all the doors are locked and not opening and when

you reach next door you find its key hanging from the lock itself. You open it and venture

inside to feel safe and secure.

This dream signify that you are running away from negative circumstance of your wake life, may be a

trouble marriage, tensions at work or similar things.

You really want to escape this tiring and frustrating situation and finding a key for happiness.

Be assured that at the end you will definitely find a solution for your problems that will make you

happy and satisfied again.




To dream of keys means unexpected or sudden changes in your life.

To dream you find keys means a happy solution to any pressing problems you may now have.

To dream that you lose keys means some unexpected unpleasantness, or disappointment in a friend.

To dream of a ring of keys means status, authority, and power. It also highlights your adaptability to a situation.

To dream of broken keys means a lost in status. You are denied access to a place where you were previously allowed.

To dream you hear the sound of keys rattling means that you have the right attitude toward life.

You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. It is also a sign of decisive action.

To dream of a bunch of keys means business dealings.

To dream of keys hanging from the lock means troubles in marriage.

To dream of three keys means that you will open the doors of wealth, love, and health.

To dream of throwing keys at a women means that you will get married.

To dream that you are holding wooden keys means that you refuse to help others. For a women to

dream of receiving keys means her marriage.

To dream that you are a keeper of keys means a position of authority.



Islamic dreams about Old Keys find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Old Keys dictionary tionary!


Key Dream Explanation — The key symbolizes access to learning, especially the Holy Quran.

It also means benefits, a safe, blessings, and support.

Keys could refer as well to children, boys, messengers, money and the piercing of mysteries, or the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah).

Other interpretations include the man and the woman, the former penetrating the latter like the key in the keyhole, the wrapped up baby, and the dead in his grave.

Holding a key: God will respond to the dreamer’s prayers.

Seizing a key: Will find a treasure or make a fortune from agriculture. If the dreamer is already a rich person, this dream is a reminder that he should pay his religious dues and be good to the needy.

Holding the key to Paradise: (1) Will acquire knowledge and turn ascetic. (2) Will find a treasure. (3) Will make honest gains or inherit.

Holding the keys of the Kabah (the Muslims holiest shrine, in Mecca (Makkah)): Will become the chamberlain of a great ruler or an imam (Muslim spiritual leader).

A king or a senior official dreaming of keys: A reference to

countries, provinces, reforms, or victories.

Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence.

Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his

money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy.

An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man.

Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan.

Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man.

Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for,

thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents prayers for him.

Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married.


Key Dream Explanation — A key in a dream represents money, a helping hand, entering the path of knowledge, or it could mean receiving divine guidance.

Carrying a bunch of keys in a dream means prosperity, knowledge and security against one's enemy.

Keys in a dream also represent one's children, emissaries, spies, servant, wife or wealth.

Keys in a dream also mean attaining one's goal, or fulfillment of one's prayers.

A key in a dream also may mean victory over one's enemy.

Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character of one who refuses to

help others, or if he holds their money in trust, it means that he does

not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy.

Holding to a key that has no teeth in a dream means cheating an orphan of his

inheritance, or becoming a guardian of an estate and deceiving its rightful heirs.

Holding to the key of Paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge, lawful

wealth, or receiving an inheritance. Keys in a dream also represent the coffers they open.

Seeing a key in a dream also means performing a pilgrimage to Mecca.

A key made of iron in a dream represent a strong and a dangerous man.

It also means openness in one's life.

Turning a key to open a door or a padlock in a dream means attaining victory over one's enemies.

Opening a door or a lock without a key in a dream means attaining the same through prayers.

Finding a key in a dream means finding a treasure, or profits from a farmland. If a wealthy

person finds a key in his dream, it means that he owes alms tax and he should

immediately distribute what he owes, pay charities and repent for his sins.

Holding to the key of the holy Kabah in a dream means working for a ruler or an Imam.

If a woman receives keys in a dream, it means her betrothal.

Having difficulty to open a door, even with a key in a dream means

hindrances in one's business, or failure to attain one's goal.

A key in a dream also represents new knowledge for a scholar or a learned person.

Putting a key inside a door in a dream means placing a deceased person inside his coffin or grave, or it could mean having sexual intercourse with one's wife.


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