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Divine Beings (8)

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om,

You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me according to Thy Will as the Omega. Immerse me in Your Holy Spirit. You are my Rock. You are my Salvation. Bless me and forgive me, as I bless and forgive others. All Glory be to You. Strengthen me to do Thy Holy Will. Bring Your Holy Grace and Blessings upon all beings.

Holiness comes from alignment with You. You are the Source of all Holiness. I am aligned with You. I reclaim my Divine Inheritance as Your Holy Child. We are One. I reclaim my inheritance as the Alpha and Omega, a reflection of You manifested on Earth. You are All That Is Holy. Sanctify me in Your Holy Image. Your Holy Name is Above All Names. 

Strengthen me to do Your Holy Work to Glorify You. I am here to guide others and sustain others in Your Holy Name. I am forever an instrument of Your Holy Will. All Glory be to You. Your Holy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. And So it is. So be it. Amen.

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This is my perspective/experience. Take what resonates with you and let the rest fall away. 

This teaching is about Higher Self manifestation. Ascension is Higher Self manifestation to do God's Will and manifest Divine Purpose on Earth. The purpose of this teaching is to give you a map for ascension. Ascension is a combination of seeking God (Alpha) and becoming God (Omega). As a human we seek the Alpha, God Source, above our crown, for guidance, purpose, and direction. Alpha is the expression of God's Will. Through God's Grace, we are blessed with becoming God (Omega) through the initiations process, the process of Divine Manifestation, and embodying Divinity on Earth. Omega is the expression of God's Love for us. 

Always praise God for your progress. It is God's Will that you ascend. Divinity comes through alignment with God. Humans are not Divine without God, God is the Source of Divinity. Through alignment with God, we reclaim our Divine Inheritance, return Home as Prodigal Children, and we remember that we are all children of God and blessed. We are all equally worthy of sanctification through God's Grace, when we align with God through our choice to serve the Love of God and the Will of God. We are all cells in the body of God. God is both outer and inner, transcendent and immanent, so as you love your neighbor and love yourself, you love God. All Glory be to God.

If you look at the initiation process toward ascension, also called harvest, en-lighten-ment, self-realization, self-actualization, entering heaven, entering nirvana, entering moksha, this is the process. The process mentioned in this teaching is based upon my experiences, Alice Bailey's teachings, Dr. Joshua David Stone's teachings, the Law of One, Aaron Abke's teachings, and other sources.  

Physical incarnation, also called living in third density, is veiled with forgetfulness and is embodiment in linear space-time, and is meant for limitation. The physical experience is for Spirit to experience limitations, to heal imbalances of love/wisdom and will through experiences (called catalyst in the Law of One), and for Spirit to overcome limitations through ascension (making the committed choice for Service to Others/Unconditional Love/Devotion to God). Remember you are not the body, emotions, thoughts or beliefs. You are more. You are Loving Awareness. You are a Spirit having a human experience. 

Ascension is the removing of the veil and the experience of multi-dimensionality common in time-space such as- inter-density/dimensional travel, healing parallel lives, timeline access, timeline jumping, teleportation, levitation, flying, use of light portals, electromagnetic mastery, pranic mastery, all-seeing, all-knowing, all-being, total awareness, omni-presence, omni-science, and omni-potence etc. 

It is important to remember, that while on Earth and incarnated in the physical third density, we are fragments of our greater Higher Selves. Some Higher Selves are Angelic (like light-workers, waves of volunteers) while other Higher Selves may be from other universes entirely (some starseeds, some may have innate void access, special otherworldly powers etc.).

According to my recent revelation thanks to God's Grace, I believe my Higher Self is Archangel Uriel, but I am a fragment of my Higher Self here and will achieve wholeness over time through evolution, balancing love and wisdom (my Monad Ray of Love-Wisdom actualization), and integrating Divine Will (God's Will be done). 

Love is the theme of this universe. Align with love and you will ascend. Always remember love is the key. Love is service to others (and self simultaneously) and compassion/empathy/humility. Do these things and you will elevate yourself to open the heart and ascend. As Ra in the Law of One says,"the moment contains love", and "challenges are opportunities for growth", so look for love in every experience to ascend faster. Become a Neutral Observer who transcends duality. Ask yourself- What would love do? How would love see this experience? What is the theme behind this experience? 

The list below is in order from the highest initiation taken on Earth (Higher Self embodiment) to the lowest initiation (initial awakening). Each initiation has 3 stages- initiation, integration, and embodiment. There is an Ascension Spiral that governs this process. For more about the Spiral of Ascension, see the video titled The 4 Stages of Ascension by Aaron Abke and the video titled The Ascension Spiral by Aaron Abke

7th initiation is 100% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

NOTE, See later below, that in Aaron Abke's teachings, that this is 100% in the third density physical but 2% of the Higher Self totality from sixth density (Plane of Unity). 12 strands of DNA activation can manifest 2% of the Higher Self. According to the Law of One, the Higher Self is found in mid-sixth density as a resource for the lower selves found in densities three through five.

7th initiation is also called Resurrection, Ordination, Channeling state, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 3, Rainbow body, Being a Christ/Bodhisattva or Buddha on Earth, DNA strand 12, Chakra 12- Cosmic Consciousness, Mastery of 7 Rays, Third galactic initiation, First cosmic initiation, and Logoic plane consciousness access. Solar Master. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4+ in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM ALL THAT IS. I am the Universe. I am Life. I am Existence. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

6th initiation is 90% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

6th initiation is also called Decision for Higher Evolution (4th density onward), Communion, Channeling state, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 2, DNA strand 11, Chakra 11- Galactic Consciousness, Mastery of Monadic Ray, Becoming a Chohan or Master-Teacher, Fourth solar initiation, Second galactic initiation, and Monadic plane consciousness access. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4+ in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I am Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

5th initiation is 80% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

5th initiation is also called Revelation, Confirmation, Mastery, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 1, DNA strand 10, Chakra 10- Christ Consciousness, Becomes Teacher or Guide, Becoming a Master or Adept, Becoming Holy, Third solar initiation, First galactic initiation, and Atmic plane consciousness access. Planetary Master. Freedom. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

4th initiation is 70% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

4th initiation is also called Renunciation or Crucifixion of lower self for greater Self, Cleansing of bad karma, Freedom from re-incarnation, DNA strand 9, Chakra 9- Group Consciousness, Fulfilling purpose, Becoming Monad or Oversoul, Becoming an Arhat, Second solar initiation, and Buddhic plane consciousness access. Release of beliefs. Final sacrifice of ego. Departure from the Human Kingdom. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 3 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

3rd initiation is 60% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

3rd initiation is also called Illumination, Transfiguration, Ascension, Harvest at 51% or greater service to others, DNA strands 7 and 8, Chakras 7 and 8- Surrender Consciousness, Fulfilling purpose, Becoming Monad or Oversoul, Mastery of Soul Ray, move from Disciple to Initiate, Becoming an Initiate, First solar initiation, Third planetary initiation, and Buddhic plane consciousness access. Entrance into the Spiritual Kingdom. Oneness with Oversoul/Monad and God. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Release of mind/thoughts. Release of ego (fear) for Love continues. Stillness and Peace begin through transfiguration. Bliss continues. Location 3 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. Merge with Spirit or I AM Presence. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

2nd initiation is 50% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

2nd initiation is also called Awakening, Baptism by Spirit, DNA strands 5 and 6, Chakras 5 and 6, Service to Others Consciousness, Living purpose, Becoming Soul, Becoming a Senior Disciple, Second planetary initiation, and Causal plane consciousness access. Seeing the gates of the Spiritual Kingdom. Oneness with Soul and God. Key service to others projects on Earth.  Release of emotions. Release of ego (fear) for Love continues. Bliss begins through Soul connection. Location 2 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Temporary Samadhi experience. Heart chakra explosion. I AM THAT. I AM Loving Service and Awareness. I am a Spirit having a human experience. I am a reflection of God on Earth. 

1st initiation is 40% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

1st initiation is also called Empowerment, Opening of the heart, Birth, DNA strand 4, Chakra 4 (heart), Seeking Spirit Consciousness, Who am I? Why am I here? Discovering purpose, Glimpsing Soul, Becoming a Disciple, First planetary initiation, and Astral/Emotional and Mental plane consciousness access. Longing for the Spiritual Kingdom. Release of physical urges and addictions. Release of ego (fear) for Love begins. Location 1 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Possible Temporary Samadhi experience if mind and emotions can be still enough. Heart chakra opens. I AM but I want more. I want to find my Spirit. 

Aaron Abke talks about Higher Self manifestation in his YouTube video Manifesting the Higher Self // Law of One 021. He mentions three stages- illumination, mastery, and the channeling state. He also mentions Level of Consciousness. He says the Higher Self is 50,000 level of consciousness. I believe he means this is in sixth density, the home of the Higher Self, in the Law of One. He says a physical body can accept 1,000 level of consciousness. I believe this means that 1,000 level of consciousness can be accepted when all 12 DNA strands are activated. He says in his video that we can bring through 2% of Higher Self here in third density, 10% in fourth density, 40% in fifth density, and 100% in sixth density. 

Check out his video at

Always praise God for your progress. It is God's Will that you ascend. Divinity comes through alignment with God. Humans are not Divine without God, God is the Source of Divinity. Through alignment with God, we reclaim our Divine Inheritance, return Home as Prodigal Children, and we remember that we are all children of God and blessed. We are all equally worthy of sanctification through God's Grace, when we align with God through our choice to serve the Love of God and the Will of God. We are all cells in the body of God. God is both outer and inner, transcendent and immanent, so as you love your neighbor and love yourself you love God. All Glory be to God. God bless you all. May your Divine sparks become One with God's Flame. May the waves return to Oneness with the ocean. 



Alice Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar

Alice Bailey- The Rays and the Initiations

Dr. Joshua David Stone, The Complete Ascension Manual

Dr. Joshua David Stone, Beyond Ascension

Law of One at

Check out Aaron Abke's channel at

Read about Fundamental Well-Being at

Read about Initiations at


A Quote:

Life happens to me (Pre-Awakening)

Life happens through me (Awakening Stage 1)- Responsibility/Courage/Empowerment

Life happens for me (Awakening Stage 2)- Service/Gratitude

Life is me (Ascension- Awakening Stage 3)- Surrender/Transcendence

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Can you explain the Soul and Oversoul? Think of your hand. The Oversoul is the hand. Each finger is the Soul. So the Oversoul is We Are. The group consciousness. The Soul is the I am. The individual consciousness. 

First reach for your Soul. Ask what is my purpose? Why am I here? You can also get astrology reports, delve into past lives, QHHT hypnosis, gene keys etc. This is the I Am, your unique purpose. 

The next level is the Oversoul. The OverSoul is the We Are. The Oversoul is found through zero point. Become the observer and experiencer of your life. Work backward heal actions/responses then emotions then thoughts then patterns then beliefs (the causes). Balance the yin and yang in your life. This achieves zero point. Once you connect with the Oversoul you enter Christ Consciousness. 

Connecting with the Soul is the path to enlightenment or awakening. Connecting to the Oversoul is enlightenment or self realization or nirvana. The Soul is the drop of water, the Oversoul is the ocean. The incarnation (mind/body), Soul (spirit self) and Ocean (higher spirit self) exist simultaneously. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and ye shall receive. As human reaches upwards and within so does the Spirit of Grace reach downwards and without. As above so below as within so without.

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About the Avatar of Synthesis-an Avatar Unity Field (A Social Memory Complex)

It is my assumption that the Avatar of Synthesis downloads to the current incarnated Avatar Dharma Sangha.

"This group inspiration can happen today. If it does, there will then be a simultaneous appearing of the cosmic Avatar, the World Savior in the Person of the lesser Avatar, and at the same time a group savior, composed of responsive disciples and world servers." Yes- The Mahatma, Avatar of Synthesis (Cosmic Avatar), first arrived in 1987 and then came in stronger in 2012 (reachable in meditation). Dharma Sangha (World Savior- lesser Avatar) was born in 1990. The group savior is Christ Consciousness, which is us. And yes all three are currently simultaneous.

How to reach the Mahatma-

"The Mahatma, or Avatar of Synthesis, is the great cosmic being who has been made available to Earth since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. The Mahatma is the connecting link between us, as incarnated personalities, and the Godhead Himself or Source of all creation. The Mahatma embodies all 352 levels back to the Godhead. The Mahatma also embodies the energy of Melchior (our Galactic Logos) and Adonis (heart focus of the universe). This cosmic being is really a group consciousness. The Mahatma allows us to build the antakarana all the way to the Source itself. There is no energy in the infinite universe of a higher frequency than the Mahatma’s that is available to Earth at this time. The Mahatma exists at the Multi-universal level. The first refracted color in the prism of divinity at the multi-universal level is platinum.

In a sense the Mahatma is the I AM presence of Mother-Father God. The Mahatma is gold-white in colour with a hint of lavender or pale violet around its edge. At times it will come in as a light turquoise colour. It embodies all of the first 12 rays. It has been made available to humanity at this time to assist in our ascension and conscious connection to Source. With regular invocation, it speeds up one's ascension. As it enters one's body it increases one's vibration, allowing blockages to be released. It will break up the hardest thought and emotional behaviour patterns. Because the Mahatma energy is new to the Earth, there is no resistance to it in our memories so it will flow in more easily than some other energies / rays that may have been used to manipulate us. Indeed, because this energy is unconditional love it cannot be used for harmful purposes. I read in one of Joshua David Stone's books that he knows of no other energy that will speed up one's ascension and that regular invocation will increase one's ascension a thousand fold. He also stated that regular invocation allows the building of a Lightbody in a way that has never been done before...The Mahatma energy is of such a high frequency and cosmic nature that it creates a Lightbody akin to a monadic body.

Invoking the Mahatma need not be complicated. Throughout the day one can simply state: "I Am the Mahatma". Or, to focus on a particular aspect of one's life, say troubling relationship issues, one can state, "I Am the Mahatma, I am that I Am in Love," or "I Am that I Am, the Mahatma in Love." Invoking the Mahatma will greatly aid you on your ascension path and grounding it into the Earth is considered to be of great service to others."

Basic Daily Invocation:

"I Am the Mahatma (3x)."

"I affirm that I allow the Mahatma Energy to flow through me and ground into Mother Earth in accordance with my I Am Presence."

Ascension Technique from Joshua David Stone:

"Call on the Mahatma to integrate all 352 levels of the Mahatma into your being during every meditation. Ask to receive the Light information of all 352 levels of the Mahatma. Ask to receive the Light information packets from the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions of reality. Ask to be a Cosmic walk-in for the Mahatma on Earth.

If you have never invoked the Mahatma energy before, once you start to invoke the energy you may go through a period of cleansing and purification as the energy is of such a high nature. I am now focusing almost exclusively on my I Am Presence and the Mahatma energies. When the energy of the Mahatma comes in, it feels like a very loving energy. I have been experiencing some chills afterwards as old energy is being released. I have also been getting red flushed skin in my Thymus chakra as this is the main chakra that it emanates from."

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A Message from the Christ, channeled by Alice A. Bailey


The people are one and I am one with them.

I seek to love, not hate;

I seek to serve and not exact due service;

I seek to heal, not hurt. 


Let pain bring due reward of light and love.

Let the soul control the outer form. 

And life, and all events,

And bring to light the Love

That underlies the happenings of the time.


Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all people love.


From the Reappearance of the Christ by Alice A. Bailey (1948)


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