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Attunements (8)

Free Will Choice

When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme of Earth life. If you want to receive you shall receive, if you don't then that is your free will choice too. God's Will supports free will choice either way. Everything is sent with the intent to be received for the highest and greatest good in alignment with free will.

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I've set the intention that all who ask to receive attunements from me receive them perfectly and instantly the moment they call them in regardless if the attunement is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is.......yes you can do this too....believe and so it is!

This quote will be in my new healing book, once I finish it. I just added it. "I've set the intention that all who ask to receive healing from me receive healing perfectly and instantly the moment they call the healing session in, regardless if the healing session is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is." ~ Chris Comish......same guidance as above applies.....yes you can do this too.....believe and so it is!

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"The bless the pregnant women for normal delivery and for good health of the baby in womb."

Also according to Brilliant Light By Madabusi Subramanium:

It is given in the third eye of husband and wife who are not getting children.

Seems like a great application with Tasman Flax Lily flower essence: "Treats polycystic ovarian disease, also good to take one month before conception to strengthen child, if taken in the last three months of pregnancy can allow child to be born with open third eye. Also gives clearer psychic visions during meditation" according to Heiko Lade (New Zealand)

Also known as Sisupa

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Lost Reiki Symbols: Hang Sa

This one needs some extra explaination.  Hang Sa or in reverse Sa Hang is the sound of inbreath and outbreath.  In chinese this is Hay Gung, when you exhale the energy expands, when you inhale it withdraws like a baloon being inflated and deflated.  Generally.  The words are Hung and Ha.  Ha can be outbreath and Hung can be inbreath, this has a different effect as is the case in some Iron body systems.

The sound Hung in fact is actually an inbreath where the back part of the nasal cavity is constricted and the Sa is the outbreath.  Not many explain this fully.  This is the symbol for Hung Sa which is drawn with Sa above and Hang below.


Cleaner version of Hang or Hung:


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This question was asked on another website

The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand.


So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates? 


Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the attunement or healing session, you read or say the words to receive in the book, and receive the attunement or healing session.

In 2009 I created most of the attunements and healing sessions. Some other ones like Distant Healing Session and Purification Healing Session were created more recently. All attunements, empowerments, healing sessions were created and then sent to each recipient's higher self for custody until the recipient is ready to receive. My attunements, empowerments, healing sessions, can be received 100 years from now, a 1000 years from now, it doesn't matter, since they are held by the higher self which is Spirit which is eternal. The key ingredient is intent to receive. Each recipient needs to intend to receive to receive, by thinking or saying the words to receive. This obeys a law called the law of free will.

So basically I upload the attunement or healing etc. to the higher self (a multi-dimensional level to avoid free will interference) using a chi ball (basically an etheric zip file), and then when the recipient intends to receive by thinking or saying the words (aligning personal will to Divine Will), the attunement or healing session is unzipped from the chi ball and downloaded. The chi ball can transfer from multidimensional to etheric dimension and is basically similar substance to our chakra system (which exists in etheric and connects to the physical via the nervous system).

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Taken from the Book Brilliant Light by Madabusi Subramanium the chapter titled: Lost Reiki Symbol Retrieved
Prosperit (Yvasudha):
"It gives prosperity. Also used for initiation and spiritual upliftment.  Found in Agastya's literature and used extensivly in ritualistic worship in Kerala"

The preview is available on Google Books: Brilliant Light by Madabusi Subramanium

Presumably it is used for Initiation into his system of Nadi Yoga which is based on Palm Leaf Manuscripts.  108 are commonly used these days, but there are supposed to be 1008.

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