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Ascended Masters (20)

This is my perspective/experience. Take what resonates with you and let the rest fall away. 

This teaching is about Higher Self manifestation. Ascension is Higher Self manifestation to do God's Will and manifest Divine Purpose on Earth. The purpose of this teaching is to give you a map for ascension. Ascension is a combination of seeking God (Alpha) and becoming God (Omega). As a human we seek the Alpha, God Source, above our crown, for guidance, purpose, and direction. Alpha is the expression of God's Will. Through God's Grace, we are blessed with becoming God (Omega) through the initiations process, the process of Divine Manifestation, and embodying Divinity on Earth. Omega is the expression of God's Love for us. 

Always praise God for your progress. It is God's Will that you ascend. Divinity comes through alignment with God. Humans are not Divine without God, God is the Source of Divinity. Through alignment with God, we reclaim our Divine Inheritance, return Home as Prodigal Children, and we remember that we are all children of God and blessed. We are all equally worthy of sanctification through God's Grace, when we align with God through our choice to serve the Love of God and the Will of God. We are all cells in the body of God. God is both outer and inner, transcendent and immanent, so as you love your neighbor and love yourself, you love God. All Glory be to God.

If you look at the initiation process toward ascension, also called harvest, en-lighten-ment, self-realization, self-actualization, entering heaven, entering nirvana, entering moksha, this is the process. The process mentioned in this teaching is based upon my experiences, Alice Bailey's teachings, Dr. Joshua David Stone's teachings, the Law of One, Aaron Abke's teachings, and other sources.  

Physical incarnation, also called living in third density, is veiled with forgetfulness and is embodiment in linear space-time, and is meant for limitation. The physical experience is for Spirit to experience limitations, to heal imbalances of love/wisdom and will through experiences (called catalyst in the Law of One), and for Spirit to overcome limitations through ascension (making the committed choice for Service to Others/Unconditional Love/Devotion to God). Remember you are not the body, emotions, thoughts or beliefs. You are more. You are Loving Awareness. You are a Spirit having a human experience. 

Ascension is the removing of the veil and the experience of multi-dimensionality common in time-space such as- inter-density/dimensional travel, healing parallel lives, timeline access, timeline jumping, teleportation, levitation, flying, use of light portals, electromagnetic mastery, pranic mastery, all-seeing, all-knowing, all-being, total awareness, omni-presence, omni-science, and omni-potence etc. 

It is important to remember, that while on Earth and incarnated in the physical third density, we are fragments of our greater Higher Selves. Some Higher Selves are Angelic (like light-workers, waves of volunteers) while other Higher Selves may be from other universes entirely (some starseeds, some may have innate void access, special otherworldly powers etc.).

According to my recent revelation thanks to God's Grace, I believe my Higher Self is Archangel Uriel, but I am a fragment of my Higher Self here and will achieve wholeness over time through evolution, balancing love and wisdom (my Monad Ray of Love-Wisdom actualization), and integrating Divine Will (God's Will be done). 

Love is the theme of this universe. Align with love and you will ascend. Always remember love is the key. Love is service to others (and self simultaneously) and compassion/empathy/humility. Do these things and you will elevate yourself to open the heart and ascend. As Ra in the Law of One says,"the moment contains love", and "challenges are opportunities for growth", so look for love in every experience to ascend faster. Become a Neutral Observer who transcends duality. Ask yourself- What would love do? How would love see this experience? What is the theme behind this experience? 

The list below is in order from the highest initiation taken on Earth (Higher Self embodiment) to the lowest initiation (initial awakening). Each initiation has 3 stages- initiation, integration, and embodiment. There is an Ascension Spiral that governs this process. For more about the Spiral of Ascension, see the video titled The 4 Stages of Ascension by Aaron Abke and the video titled The Ascension Spiral by Aaron Abke

7th initiation is 100% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

NOTE, See later below, that in Aaron Abke's teachings, that this is 100% in the third density physical but 2% of the Higher Self totality from sixth density (Plane of Unity). 12 strands of DNA activation can manifest 2% of the Higher Self. According to the Law of One, the Higher Self is found in mid-sixth density as a resource for the lower selves found in densities three through five.

7th initiation is also called Resurrection, Ordination, Channeling state, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 3, Rainbow body, Being a Christ/Bodhisattva or Buddha on Earth, DNA strand 12, Chakra 12- Cosmic Consciousness, Mastery of 7 Rays, Third galactic initiation, First cosmic initiation, and Logoic plane consciousness access. Solar Master. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4+ in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM ALL THAT IS. I am the Universe. I am Life. I am Existence. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

6th initiation is 90% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

6th initiation is also called Decision for Higher Evolution (4th density onward), Communion, Channeling state, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 2, DNA strand 11, Chakra 11- Galactic Consciousness, Mastery of Monadic Ray, Becoming a Chohan or Master-Teacher, Fourth solar initiation, Second galactic initiation, and Monadic plane consciousness access. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4+ in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I am Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

5th initiation is 80% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

5th initiation is also called Revelation, Confirmation, Mastery, Becomes Ascended Master Stage 1, DNA strand 10, Chakra 10- Christ Consciousness, Becomes Teacher or Guide, Becoming a Master or Adept, Becoming Holy, Third solar initiation, First galactic initiation, and Atmic plane consciousness access. Planetary Master. Freedom. Working in the Spiritual Kingdom while on Earth. Wrapping up Earth life. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 4 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

4th initiation is 70% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

4th initiation is also called Renunciation or Crucifixion of lower self for greater Self, Cleansing of bad karma, Freedom from re-incarnation, DNA strand 9, Chakra 9- Group Consciousness, Fulfilling purpose, Becoming Monad or Oversoul, Becoming an Arhat, Second solar initiation, and Buddhic plane consciousness access. Release of beliefs. Final sacrifice of ego. Departure from the Human Kingdom. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Ongoing Bliss and Peace. Ongoing Stillness. Location 3 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

3rd initiation is 60% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

3rd initiation is also called Illumination, Transfiguration, Ascension, Harvest at 51% or greater service to others, DNA strands 7 and 8, Chakras 7 and 8- Surrender Consciousness, Fulfilling purpose, Becoming Monad or Oversoul, Mastery of Soul Ray, move from Disciple to Initiate, Becoming an Initiate, First solar initiation, Third planetary initiation, and Buddhic plane consciousness access. Entrance into the Spiritual Kingdom. Oneness with Oversoul/Monad and God. Continued Dharma service projects on Earth. Release of mind/thoughts. Release of ego (fear) for Love continues. Stillness and Peace begin through transfiguration. Bliss continues. Location 3 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Transcendence of Human Life. Ongoing (Permanent) Samadhi experience. Merge with Spirit or I AM Presence. I AM THAT I AM. I AM Love. I and my Father are One. I am a blessed child of God. I am the Way and I am the Life. 

2nd initiation is 50% Light / Higher Self incarnation.

2nd initiation is also called Awakening, Baptism by Spirit, DNA strands 5 and 6, Chakras 5 and 6, Service to Others Consciousness, Living purpose, Becoming Soul, Becoming a Senior Disciple, Second planetary initiation, and Causal plane consciousness access. Seeing the gates of the Spiritual Kingdom. Oneness with Soul and God. Key service to others projects on Earth.  Release of emotions. Release of ego (fear) for Love continues. Bliss begins through Soul connection. Location 2 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Temporary Samadhi experience. Heart chakra explosion. I AM THAT. I AM Loving Service and Awareness. I am a Spirit having a human experience. I am a reflection of God on Earth. 

1st initiation is 40% Light / Higher Self incarnation. 

1st initiation is also called Empowerment, Opening of the heart, Birth, DNA strand 4, Chakra 4 (heart), Seeking Spirit Consciousness, Who am I? Why am I here? Discovering purpose, Glimpsing Soul, Becoming a Disciple, First planetary initiation, and Astral/Emotional and Mental plane consciousness access. Longing for the Spiritual Kingdom. Release of physical urges and addictions. Release of ego (fear) for Love begins. Location 1 in Fundamental Wellbeing. Possible Temporary Samadhi experience if mind and emotions can be still enough. Heart chakra opens. I AM but I want more. I want to find my Spirit. 

Aaron Abke talks about Higher Self manifestation in his YouTube video Manifesting the Higher Self // Law of One 021. He mentions three stages- illumination, mastery, and the channeling state. He also mentions Level of Consciousness. He says the Higher Self is 50,000 level of consciousness. I believe he means this is in sixth density, the home of the Higher Self, in the Law of One. He says a physical body can accept 1,000 level of consciousness. I believe this means that 1,000 level of consciousness can be accepted when all 12 DNA strands are activated. He says in his video that we can bring through 2% of Higher Self here in third density, 10% in fourth density, 40% in fifth density, and 100% in sixth density. 

Check out his video at

Always praise God for your progress. It is God's Will that you ascend. Divinity comes through alignment with God. Humans are not Divine without God, God is the Source of Divinity. Through alignment with God, we reclaim our Divine Inheritance, return Home as Prodigal Children, and we remember that we are all children of God and blessed. We are all equally worthy of sanctification through God's Grace, when we align with God through our choice to serve the Love of God and the Will of God. We are all cells in the body of God. God is both outer and inner, transcendent and immanent, so as you love your neighbor and love yourself you love God. All Glory be to God. God bless you all. May your Divine sparks become One with God's Flame. May the waves return to Oneness with the ocean. 



Alice Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar

Alice Bailey- The Rays and the Initiations

Dr. Joshua David Stone, The Complete Ascension Manual

Dr. Joshua David Stone, Beyond Ascension

Law of One at

Check out Aaron Abke's channel at

Read about Fundamental Well-Being at

Read about Initiations at


A Quote:

Life happens to me (Pre-Awakening)

Life happens through me (Awakening Stage 1)- Responsibility/Courage/Empowerment

Life happens for me (Awakening Stage 2)- Service/Gratitude

Life is me (Ascension- Awakening Stage 3)- Surrender/Transcendence

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When you compare the teachings of Jesus/Jeshua, Buddha, Yogananda, and Seraphim of Sarnov you will find many parallels. You can also research Mother Teresa and Peace Pilgrim. They all speak the same truth which was spoken after each was transfigured in God's Light. You can find Jesus/Jeshua's sayings by reading the Book of Matthew in the New Testament. Buddha's, Mother Teresa's, and Peace Pilgrim's sayings are found easily by searching quotes on Yogananda's sayings are found in the book "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda."

Seraphim of Sarnov's teachings are here:

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A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

I Invoke the Ascended Masters, my Higher Self, and any beings that wish to answer this question, beings of only the highest love and light.

My question from my brother Sheel Shah is-

How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulations?

What can a Lightworker do to establish sovereignty in their own personal power and protection from negative energies?

Any Ascended Master, Angel or Archangel, Any Highest Love and Light Being may answer this question.

Who wishes to speak?

How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulation?


I AM Archangel Michael.

Sovereignty is established through alignment with the Will of God.

Alignment with Source.

You are not separate from Source.

You are One with Source.

There is no you outside of Source.

This alignment with Source brings the Power of Source through you.

And only the Highest Love and Light of Source, connected to that alignment with Source, is allowed in your space.

This breaks you free from lower energies and manipulations because

Negativity cannot withstand the Power of Source.

Negativity is based on isolation and separation from Source.

As you unify with Source,

Connect with God Source,

Bring God Source through you,

You attract only purity, only love, unconditional love.

This alignment breaks the Lightworker free of all negativity and lower manipulation.

This alignment with Source is found in the core of your heart.

Open your heart to unconditional love.

Have complete faith and trust in Source.

Let Source flow through you for your highest and greatest good.

All of these actions establish complete sovereignty from lower and negative vibrations.

Part of what I do is through this connection with Source.

I AM the Will of God.

I implement God's Will,

And God's Will flows through me,

Strengthening me.

As a Lightworker you can do the same.

Although the darkest energies may try to attack you,

Go within to that core of your heart.

That connection with Eternal God Source.

That strength of Only God, of Only Source, and nothing else matters,

Will cause all negativity and lower vibrations to evaporate, to dissolve, to retreat,

For you are a blinding radiant light, and Nothing, Nothing,

Can ever dim that radiant light, because that radiant light is Source,

And You are Source, and because You are Source,

Everything that is separation and illusion, negativity, fear, it does not matter.

It is illusion and does not have any hold over your radiance, over your Love and Light.

I AM Archangel Michael and I bid you farewell.


Thank you Archangel Michael.

I appreciate you.

Thank you for your wisdom, your guidance, your strength, your empowerment,

The world appreciates you.

Love and Light to all.

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A Channeled Message from Master Kuthumi

Channeled by Chris Comish


I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Archangel Michael make it so.

I now connect with the Ascended Masters, those who can answer this question.

My brother Sheel Shah of Mumbai, India is concerned about negative shields, negative things that are blocking his ascension, please provide guidance on how to increase his ascension and remove all negative, negativity, negative shields in his fields.


As you have stated to him before, the Higher Self is a valuable tool for burning away negative energy.

As he connects more to his Higher Self. the negativity will have no hold on him, for the Higher Self is love, unconditional love.

His focus is not to be on the outside, but the inside, to grow his seed of love in the core of his heart.

This will dissolve the negativity that he is experiencing that is blocking his ascension.

What brings him happiness?

What brings him joy?

What brings him excitement?

These are things that he must focus on to grow the seed of love in his heart.

To follow this excitement, this will open his inner core of love, which will attract his Higher Self and burn away all negativity and negative shields, for negativity cannot withstand the pure presence of unconditional love.

It is dissolved.

He must focus on his inner work, his forgiveness, and this will bring the Higher Self closer to him.

Thank you for the opportunity to answer your question.

~ Master Kuthumi 

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I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.
This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.
I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.

Source: The Summit Lighthouse

Kuthumi, the master of the Golden Robe, trains students who are on the ray of wisdom in the art of meditation and the science of the Word so that they may become master psychologists of their own psyche, or soul.

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About the Avatar of Synthesis-an Avatar Unity Field (A Social Memory Complex)

It is my assumption that the Avatar of Synthesis downloads to the current incarnated Avatar Dharma Sangha.

"This group inspiration can happen today. If it does, there will then be a simultaneous appearing of the cosmic Avatar, the World Savior in the Person of the lesser Avatar, and at the same time a group savior, composed of responsive disciples and world servers." Yes- The Mahatma, Avatar of Synthesis (Cosmic Avatar), first arrived in 1987 and then came in stronger in 2012 (reachable in meditation). Dharma Sangha (World Savior- lesser Avatar) was born in 1990. The group savior is Christ Consciousness, which is us. And yes all three are currently simultaneous.

How to reach the Mahatma-

"The Mahatma, or Avatar of Synthesis, is the great cosmic being who has been made available to Earth since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. The Mahatma is the connecting link between us, as incarnated personalities, and the Godhead Himself or Source of all creation. The Mahatma embodies all 352 levels back to the Godhead. The Mahatma also embodies the energy of Melchior (our Galactic Logos) and Adonis (heart focus of the universe). This cosmic being is really a group consciousness. The Mahatma allows us to build the antakarana all the way to the Source itself. There is no energy in the infinite universe of a higher frequency than the Mahatma’s that is available to Earth at this time. The Mahatma exists at the Multi-universal level. The first refracted color in the prism of divinity at the multi-universal level is platinum.

In a sense the Mahatma is the I AM presence of Mother-Father God. The Mahatma is gold-white in colour with a hint of lavender or pale violet around its edge. At times it will come in as a light turquoise colour. It embodies all of the first 12 rays. It has been made available to humanity at this time to assist in our ascension and conscious connection to Source. With regular invocation, it speeds up one's ascension. As it enters one's body it increases one's vibration, allowing blockages to be released. It will break up the hardest thought and emotional behaviour patterns. Because the Mahatma energy is new to the Earth, there is no resistance to it in our memories so it will flow in more easily than some other energies / rays that may have been used to manipulate us. Indeed, because this energy is unconditional love it cannot be used for harmful purposes. I read in one of Joshua David Stone's books that he knows of no other energy that will speed up one's ascension and that regular invocation will increase one's ascension a thousand fold. He also stated that regular invocation allows the building of a Lightbody in a way that has never been done before...The Mahatma energy is of such a high frequency and cosmic nature that it creates a Lightbody akin to a monadic body.

Invoking the Mahatma need not be complicated. Throughout the day one can simply state: "I Am the Mahatma". Or, to focus on a particular aspect of one's life, say troubling relationship issues, one can state, "I Am the Mahatma, I am that I Am in Love," or "I Am that I Am, the Mahatma in Love." Invoking the Mahatma will greatly aid you on your ascension path and grounding it into the Earth is considered to be of great service to others."

Basic Daily Invocation:

"I Am the Mahatma (3x)."

"I affirm that I allow the Mahatma Energy to flow through me and ground into Mother Earth in accordance with my I Am Presence."

Ascension Technique from Joshua David Stone:

"Call on the Mahatma to integrate all 352 levels of the Mahatma into your being during every meditation. Ask to receive the Light information of all 352 levels of the Mahatma. Ask to receive the Light information packets from the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions of reality. Ask to be a Cosmic walk-in for the Mahatma on Earth.

If you have never invoked the Mahatma energy before, once you start to invoke the energy you may go through a period of cleansing and purification as the energy is of such a high nature. I am now focusing almost exclusively on my I Am Presence and the Mahatma energies. When the energy of the Mahatma comes in, it feels like a very loving energy. I have been experiencing some chills afterwards as old energy is being released. I have also been getting red flushed skin in my Thymus chakra as this is the main chakra that it emanates from."

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Book by Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an Avatar incarnation of Maitreya. The Buddhist words may be confusing but here is a translation of key words- Maitri is loving kindness/compassion- the will to do good. Dharma is service. Moksha is liberation. There is a translation of key words in the back of the book.

Book link:


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Divine Laws

Divine Laws:

#1 – The Law of Free Will (Free Will exists, and We all have Free Will that must be respected.....Also allows the Choice for positive or negative polarity.)
#2 – The Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma or the Law of Balance)
#3 – The Law of Divine Compensation (Good deeds will be rewarded, Be Open to Receive from all sources both seen and unseen, The Law of Attraction- Take action steps and then be open to receive)
#4 – The Law of Grace (You are graced with miracles beyond your imagination, Express gratitude for Grace)
#5 – The Law of Oneness (Everything and Everyone is connected. Everything we do has a ripple effect which affects the collective. Life is Many and the One, Life is Unity in Diversity. We are all One.)
#6 – The Law of Divine Intervention (Prayer and Forgiveness for Self and Others, the Divine is here to support you)
#7 – The Law of Correspondence (As Above, So Below)
#8 – The Law of Absolution (Life has lessons that are full of opportunities)
#9 – The Law of Infinite Possibilities (Be open to all possibilities for your highest and greatest good)
#10 – The Law of Guidance (There are Divine clues along the way)
#11 – The Law of Gender (Masculine and Feminine energies exist in all things, both are different sides of the same coin, equally important)
#12 – The Law of Rhythm (There is Movement and a Rest, Everything has cycles and rhythm, Example think of the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
#13 – The Law of Polarity (Everything has polarity- good and evil, hot and cold, love and fear, all are two sides of the same coin (degrees apart from each other)...contrast brings clarity)
#14 – The Law of Vibration (Everything vibrates at different levels, Everything is in constant motion, Vibrations can affect Vibrations.)

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A message from Maitreya

A message from one of the world Avatars today, Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an incarnation of Maitreya.

Main Teachings Link

A quote- "The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.

May all beings be happy. So be it." ~Dharma Sangha

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With mass media perpetuating so much fear in the news, has anyone considered calling upon Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, to purge Earth and all of humanity of all negativity with the Violet Flame? Although this is a free will realm for choices, a jump start (if fear release is wanted on some level) wouldn't hurt humanity. P.S. You can add Archangel Zadkiel, Saint Germain, and Kwan Yin to your invocation if you desire as well. 

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Enlightened qualities: Generosity, Moral Discipline, Patience, Enthusiasm, Meditative Concentration, Wisdom/Insight/Empowerment, Skillful Means, Will to achieve/Determination, Understanding of Self/not self, Humility, Gratitude, Satisfaction, Joy, Faith, Oneness, Forgiveness, Healthy Boundaries, Mindfulness, Right thought -> Right action, Compassionate Action, Compassionate Witness, Neutral Observer, Equanimity, Humor, Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Empathy, Appreciation, Nurturing but not smothering, Guiding but not controlling.

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Service is the hallmark of the Age of Aquarius. As humanity moves into this new and dawning era, service is understood more broadly than it has been in the past. No longer is it exclusively directed to giving assistance to those most in need. Instead, service is understood as inclusive of all events and circumstance. The Aquarian Age advocates the notion that all situations are opportunities where service can be rendered. Given this, it is true to say that all people who are selflessly making an uplifting contribution (in some arena of life) are agents of service. Today such people are found within every country, culture and racial group. In their totality, they are called the New Group of World Servers, and their work offers the promise of a better world.

More information at

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The Kybalion: Chapter VII "THE ALL" IN ALL (Originally published in 1908)

"While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE
ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this
truth hath come great knowledge."--The Kybalion.

How often have the majority of people heard repeated the statement that their Deity (called by many names) was "All in All" and how little have they suspected the inner occult truth concealed by these carelessly uttered words? The commonly used expression is a survival of the ancient Hermetic Maxim quoted above. As the Kybalion says: "To him who truly understands this truth, hath come great knowledge." And, this being so, let us seek this truth, the understanding of which means so much. In this statement of truth--this Hermetic Maxim--is concealed one of the greatest philosophical, scientific and religious truths.

We have given you the Hermetic Teaching regarding the Mental Nature of the Universe--the truth that "the Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL." As the Kybalion says, in the passage quoted above: "All is in THE ALL." But note also the co-related statement, that: "It is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL." This apparently contradictory statement is reconcilable under the Law of Paradox. It is, moreover, an exact Hermetic statement of the relations existing between THE ALL and its Mental Universe. We have seen how "All is in THE ALL"--now let us examine the other aspect of the subject.

The Hermetic Teachings are to the effect that THE ALL is Imminent in ("remaining within; inherent; abiding within") its Universe, and in every part, particle, unit, or combination, within the Universe. This statement is usually illustrated by the Teachers by a reference to the Principle of Correspondence. The Teacher instructs the student to form a Mental Image of something, a person, an idea, something having a mental form, the favorite example being that of the author or dramatist forming an idea of his characters; or a painter or sculptor forming an image of an ideal that he wishes to express by his art. In each case, the student will find that while the image has its existence, and being, solely within his own mind, yet he, the student, author, dramatist, painter, or sculptor, is, in a sense, immanent in; remaining within; or abiding within, the mental image also. In other words, the entire virtue, life, spirit, of reality in the mental image is derived from the "immanent mind" of the thinker. Consider this for a moment, until the idea is grasped.

To take a modern example, let us say that Othello, Iago, Hamlet, Lear, Richard III, existed merely in the mind of Shakespeare, at the time of their conception or creation. And yet, Shakespeare also existed within each of these characters, giving them their vitality, spirit, and action. Whose is the "spirit" of the characters that we know as Micawber, Oliver Twist, Uriah Heep--is it Dickens, or have each of these characters a personal spirit, independent of their creator? Have the Venus of Medici, the Sistine Madonna, the Apollo Belvidere, spirits and reality of their own, or do they represent the spiritual and mental power of their creators? The Law of Paradox explains that both propositions are true, viewed from the proper viewpoints. Micawber is both Micawber, and yet Dickens. And, again, while Micawber may be said to be Dickens, yet Dickens is not identical with Micawber. Man, like Micawber, may exclaim: "The Spirit of my Creator is inherent within me-- and yet I am not HE!" How different this from the shocking half-truth so vociferously announced by certain of the half-wise, who fill the air with their raucous cries of: "I am God!" Imagine poor Micawber, or the sneaky Uriah Heep, crying: "I Am Dickens"; or some of the lowly clods in one of Shakespeare's plays, eloquently announcing that: "I Am Shakespeare!" THE ALL is in the earthworm, and yet the earth-worm is far from being THE ALL. And still the wonder remains, that though the earth-worm exists merely as a lowly thing, created and having its being solely within the Mind of THE ALL--yet THE ALL is immanent in the earthworm, and in the particles that go to make up the earth-worm. Can there be any greater mystery than this of "All in THE ALL; and THE ALL in All?"

The student will, of course, realize that the illustrations given above are necessarily imperfect and inadequate, for they represent the creation of mental images in finite minds, while the Universe is a creation of Infinite Mind--and the difference between the two poles separates them. And yet it is merely a matter of degree--the same Principle is in operation--the Principle of Correspondence manifests in each--"As above, so Below; as Below, so above."

And, in the degree that Man realizes the existence of the Indwelling Spirit immanent within his being, so will he rise in the spiritual scale of life. This is what spiritual development means--the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the Spirit within us. Try to remember this last definition--that of spiritual development. It contains the Truth of True Religion.

There are many planes of Being--many sub-planes of Life--many degrees of existence in the Universe. And all depend upon the advancement of beings in the scale, of which scale the lowest point is the grossest matter, the highest being separated only by the thinnest division from the SPIRIT of THE ALL. And, upward and onward along this Scale of Life, everything is moving. All are on the Path, whose end is THE ALL. All progress is a Returning Home. All is Upward and Onward, in spite of all seemingly contradictory appearances. Such is the message of the Illumined.

The Hermetic Teachings concerning the process of the Mental Creation of the Universe, are that at the beginning of the Creative Cycle, THE ALL, in its aspect of Being, projects its Will toward its aspect of "Becoming" and the process of creation begins. It is taught that the process consists of the lowering of Vibration until a very low degree of vibratory energy is reached, at which point the grossest possible form of Matter is manifested. This process is called the stage of Involution, in which THE ALL becomes "involved," or "wrapped up," in its creation. This process is believed by the Hermetists to have a Correspondence to the mental process of an artist, writer, or inventor, who becomes so wrapped up in his mental creation as to almost forget his own existence and who, for the time being, almost "lives in his creation," If instead of "wrapped" we use the word "rapt," perhaps we will give a better idea of what is meant.

This Involuntary stage of Creation is sometimes called the "Outpouring" of the Divine Energy, just as the Evolutionary state is called the "Indrawing." The extreme pole of the Creative process is considered to be the furthest removed from THE ALL, while the beginning of the Evolutionary stage is regarded as the beginning of the return swing of the pendulum of Rhythm--a "coming home" idea being held in all of the Hermetic Teachings.

The Teachings are that during the "Outpouring," the vibrations become lower and lower until finally the urge ceases, and the return swing begins. But there is this difference, that while in the "Outpouring" the creative forces manifest compactly and as a whole, yet from the beginning of the Evolutionary or "Indrawing" stage, there is manifested the Law of Individualization--that is, the tendency to separate into Units of Force, so that finally that which left THE ALL as unindividualized energy returns to its source as countless highly developed Units of Life, having risen higher and higher in the scale by means of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Evolution.

The ancient Hermetists use the word "Meditation" in describing the process of the mental creation of the Universe in the Mind of THE ALL, the word "Contemplation" also being frequently employed. But the idea intended seems to be that of the employment of the Divine Attention. "Attention" is a word derived from the Latin root, meaning "to reach out; to stretch out," and so the act of Attention is really a mental "reaching out; extension" of mental energy, so that the underlying idea is readily understood when we examine into the real meaning of "Attention."

The Hermetic Teachings regarding the process of Evolution are that, THE ALL, having meditated upon the beginning of the Creation--having thus established the material foundations of the Universe--having thought it into existence--then gradually awakens or rouses from its Meditation and in so doing starts into manifestation the process of Evolution, on the material mental and spiritual planes, successively and in order. Thus the upward movement begins--and all begins to move Spiritward. Matter becomes less gross; the Units spring into being; the combinations begin to form; Life appears and manifests in higher and higher forms; and Mind becomes more and more in evidence--the vibrations constantly becoming higher. In short, the entire process of Evolution, in all of its phases, begins, and proceeds according to the established "Laws of the Indrawing" process. All of this occupies aeons upon aeons of Man's time, each aeon containing countless millions of years, but yet the Illumined inform us that the entire creation, including Involution and Evolution, of an Universe, is but "as the twinkle of the eye" to THE ALL. At the end of countless cycles of aeons of time, THE ALL withdraws its Attention--its Contemplation and Meditation--of the Universe, for the Great Work is finished--and All is withdrawn into THE ALL from which it emerged. But Mystery of Mysteries--the Spirit of each soul is not annihilated, but is infinitely expanded--the Created and the Creator are merged. Such is the report of the Illumined!

The above illustration of the "meditation," and subsequent "awakening from meditation," of THE ALL, is of course but an attempt of the teachers to describe the Infinite process by a finite example. And, yet: "As Below, so Above." The difference is merely in degree. And just as THE ALL arouses itself from the meditation upon the Universe, so does Man (in time) cease from manifesting upon the Material Plane, and withdraws himself more and more into the Indwelling Spirit, which is indeed "The Divine Ego."

There is one more matter of which we desire to speak in this lesson, and that comes very near to an invasion of the Metaphysical field of speculation, although our purpose is merely to show the futility of such speculation. We allude to the question which inevitably comes to the mind of all thinkers who have ventured to seek the Truth. The question is: "WHY does THE ALL create Universes" The question may be asked in different forms, but the above is the gist of the inquiry.

Men have striven hard to answer this question, but still there is no answer worthy of the name. Some have imagined that THE ALL had something to gain by it, but this is absurd, for what could THE ALL gain that it did not already possess? Others have sought the answer in the idea that THE ALL "wished something to love" and others that it created for pleasure, or amusement; or because it "was lonely" or to manifest its power;--all puerile explanations and ideas, belonging to the childish period of thought.

Others have sought to explain the mystery by assuming that THE ALL found itself "compelled" to create, by reason of its own "internal nature"--its "creative instinct." This idea is in advance of the others, but its weak point lies in the idea of THE ALL being "compelled" by anything, internal or external. If its "internal nature," or "creative instinct," compelled it to do anything, then the "internal nature" or "creative instinct" would be the Absolute, instead of THE ALL, and so accordingly that part of the proposition falls. And, yet, THE ALL does create and manifest, and seems to find some kind of satisfaction in so doing. And it is difficult to escape the conclusion that in some infinite degree it must have what would correspond to an "inner nature," or "creative instinct," in man, with correspondingly infinite Desire and Will. It could not act unless it Willed to Act; and it would not Will to Act, unless it Desired to Act and it would not Desire to Act unless it obtained some Satisfaction thereby. And all of these things would belong to an "Inner Nature," and might be postulated as existing according to the Law of Correspondence. But, still, we prefer to think of THE ALL as acting entirely FREE from any influence, internal as well as external. That is the problem which lies at the root of difficulty--and the difficulty that lies at the root of the problem.

Strictly speaking, there cannot be said to be any "Reason" whatsoever for THE ALL to act, for a "reason" implies a "cause," and THE ALL is above Cause and Effect, except when it Wills to become a Cause, at which time the Principle is set into motion. So, you see, the matter is Unthinkable, just as THE ALL is Unknowable. Just as we say THE ALL merely "IS"--so we are compelled to say that "THE ALL ACTS BECAUSE IT ACTS." At the last, THE ALL is All Reason in Itself; All Law in Itself; All Action in Itself--and it may be said, truthfully, that THE ALL is Its Own Reason; its own Law; its own Act--or still further, that THE ALL; Its Reason; Its Act; is Law; are ONE, all being names for the same thing. In the opinion of those who are giving you these present lessons, the answer is locked up in the INNER SELF of THE ALL, along with its Secret of Being. The Law of Correspondence, in our opinion, reaches only to that aspect of THE ALL, which may be spoken of as "The Aspect of BECOMING." Back of that Aspect is "The Aspect of BEING" in which all Laws are lost in LAW; all Principles merge into PRINCIPLE--and THE ALL; PRINCIPLE; and BEING; are IDENTICAL, ONE AND THE SAME. Therefore, Metaphysical speculation on this point is futile. We go into the matter here, merely to show that we recognize the question, and also the absurdity of the ordinary answers of metaphysics and theology.

In conclusion, it may be of interest to our students to learn that while some of the ancient, and modern, Hermetic Teachers have rather inclined in the direction of applying the Principle of Correspondence to the question, with the result of the "Inner Nature" conclusion,--still the legends have it that HERMES, the Great, when asked this question by his advanced students, answered them by PRESSING HIS LIPS TIGHTLY TOGETHER and saying not a word, indicating that there WAS NO ANSWER. But, then, he may have intended to apply the axiom of his philosophy, that: "The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding," believing that even his advanced students did not possess the Understanding which entitled them to the Teaching. At any rate, if Hermes possessed the Secret, he failed to impart it, and so far as the world is concerned THE LIPS OF HERMES ARE CLOSED regarding it. And where the Great Hermes hesitated to speak, what mortal may dare to teach?

But, remember, that whatever be the answer to this problem, if indeed there be an answer the truth remains that: "While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in All." The Teaching on this point is emphatic. And, we may add the concluding words of the quotation: "To him who truly understands this truth, hath come great knowledge."

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Humanity has lost its way, has strayed far from the path prepared for it by God. Many there are now in the world who know this, who search and pray, and work towards the light; but many more are blind and would rush towards disaster. My plan is to halt this headlong plunge and to turn the tide...

Allow Me to show you the way into the New Time, to outline for you the glories, which, if you will, can be yours. People are made to serve both God and humanity, and only through that correct service can the path to God be trodden. Make it your task to take upon yourselves the task of re-orientation, reconstruction and change...Make bright your lamp and let it shine forth and show the way. All are needed, every one. No one is too small or young to take part in this Great Plan for the rescue and the rehabilitation of our world. Resolve to do this and be assured that My help will not be withheld.

How to Start? Begin by dedicating yourself and all that you are and have been to the service of your brothers and sisters everywhere. Make sure not one day passes without some act of true service and be assured that My help will be yours...Together we shall fashion a new and better world.

~ Maitreya (1978)

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A Message from the Christ, channeled by Alice A. Bailey


The people are one and I am one with them.

I seek to love, not hate;

I seek to serve and not exact due service;

I seek to heal, not hurt. 


Let pain bring due reward of light and love.

Let the soul control the outer form. 

And life, and all events,

And bring to light the Love

That underlies the happenings of the time.


Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all people love.


From the Reappearance of the Christ by Alice A. Bailey (1948)


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The Prayer of Surrender ~ By Master El Morya

Beloved Father/Mother God, into Thy hands I commend my being. Use my Love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee.
Release from me all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and Ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light.
Direct and establish my lifestream in ways that, daily and hourly, my true identity in God manifests.
Beloved God-Presence I AM, Eternal Father/Mother God, May the covenant I made with Thee be totally fulfilled!
May I live my life to feel Your Love and see Your Light!
May your Will manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven!
Into thy hands I surrender my being, that through me, God be glorified in all things!

And so be it! Beloved I AM.

Repeat 3 times.


From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.

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