Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
A description of the 7th and 8th initiations. It is my understanding the 7th initiation is the highest to be taken on Earth, and the 8th initiation is taken outside of physical form. Interesting reading material however.
It is my understanding that once Humanity achieves the 5th initiation, Sanat Kumara/Planetary Logos will be freed to move onward from the 10th to the 11th initiation, and Earth will be an ascended planet entirely in the 5th dimension.
“The final goal is to help humanity achieve all seven levels of initiation instead of focusing on your own. In truth, you live as much in your brother and sister as you live in yourself. To help your brother and sister is to help yourself, for your brother and sister are you, since God has only one child. Any time you hold back on giving to your brother and sister due to competition, ego factors, or separation, you are, in truth, just shorting yourself. Your brother and sister are mirrors, and what you receive in this incarnation is exactly what you give- no more and no less. Make the choice never to compete or compare and, for the most part, to keep the statistical aspects of your spiritual growth to yourself, for in truth, all are God, whether they have taken any initiations or not.”
~ Dr. Joshua David Stone
How does a person get there (Keys to the Spiritual Kingdom)-
#1. I am not the body. I am not the emotions. I am not the thoughts. I am not the mind. I am the observer/witness. I AM Loving Awareness. Life Is. "I and my Father are One" ~ Jesus Christ ...I AM Life Itself. I AM THAT I AM.
#2. Service to others- Compassionate action. Be Unconditional Love.
So the goal is to get Humanity to Love level, and then later Peace level, then we will be fully as a collective group in the 5th dimension.
Initiations and Consciousness Levels as I understand them: Initiation 1: 200-250, Initiation 2: 350-400, Initiation 3: 500-540, Initiation 4: 540-600, Initiation 5: 600-700, Initiation 6: 600-700, Initiation 7: 700-1000.

8th initiation is the beginning of the 7 paths. Here is the link to the map of the 7th paths.
A basic outline of Initiation Levels