This month's Member of the Month is actually two members.
Christoffer and Eva / Solé-ira
Christoffer and Eva / Solé-ira, both from Sweden, have offered many attunements together for the Members of the City of Shamballa. Their attunements include Angel Wings Healing, the Star Gate 12:12 Initiation, the Star Gate 13:13 Initiation, Infinite Light, Gaja Reiki, Universal Emerald Heart Meditation, and Fusion Reiki. Christoffer also serves as a Volunteer Administrator of the network and welcomes new members bringing Love and Light to all. Christoffer is the translator for the book 45 Fria Reiki Initieringar, (45 Free Reiki Attunements in Swedish) as well. It is in gratitude to both of you for making the City of Shamballa Heaven on Earth and therefore you are the December 2011 Members of the Month.