June 17
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I'm a writer of magical realism. I do Reiki (for self, friends & group) I was awakened by my Higher Self and told to teach about Ascension. I had one successful class and am now seemingly stuck.
What brought you here?
I've discovered Chris' work and it draws me. I thought I would do Reiki to clear my past life blocks & ascend.
What can you contribute?
I use a Fire Meditation which I developed from St. Germain's Light Meditation. Reiki was too slow and I wanted healing at once. I healed from trigger fingers' in about 4-5 mths. Others can do the process, too. I don't know if this will be considered a suitable contribution. planning to put my 35 newspapers columns in a book, too. it's processes for preparing for Ascension for beginners. Folk at this web site are already up & running. That stuff will be too juvenile for them.
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"Happy Birthday!"
Hi, Anne. Thanks for your wishes. Which Reiki Group do we have in common? Nice connecting here too.