


Saint Louis, MO


July 26

Relationship Status


Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)

I'm a single female. I'm looking to be come heal from dark energy. I would like very much to have this done soon.

What brought you here?

I was looking on the internet and I saw a lot of attunements that I know will help me too get all this darkness from my life. when I'm cleared from this I can help people and the earth.

What can you contribute?

I'm a reiki level three at this time but I have sign up for thre kundalini reiki. I know this will help me a lot. And I will continue with good energy so I can help other people.


I have taken some classes located in my city with a few friends.


Louise Hayes, The john of god


The six sense. thinner, children of the corn.




I would very much like to be able too help other people from the dark energy that they maybe fighting with.

The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?

I agree, I 'm looking for a place of peace

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  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
  • Ruby

    I am delighted to welcome you to The 
    City of Shamballa.

    Blessings of Love & Light,


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