June 24
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Namaste my friends and everyone who work for the light... I which you all a great day =D My name is Mr.Robert and I`m 29 years old and I live in Oslo, Norway. And for you who think that polar bears walk freely in the streets, think again =) You have to go much farther north to see that lol =D In the last 5-6 years I have had this urge whit in my self to seek out more ansers to this exeitment time that we all live in =) But for me, and likely for some of you, it have only given me more questions that I need anserd. (Ain`t that a ..... =) ) BUT I have lean a great deal also. At lest what I CONSITER to be MY TRUTH =) And that it will maybe not be YOUR TRUTH. Remember my dear ones.... we all seek the same questions. What we are, way we are here, and what we can to to help our brothers and sisters on this beautiful planet of Gaia.
What brought you here?
I`m here to learn about SPIRITUAL GROWTH and help others understand that this is the time of LOVE, PEACE and that WE ALL COME FROM THE SAME PLACE (ONENESS) And one day help others understand what it means whit SPIRITUAL GROWTH. I love you all my sisters and brothers.
What can you contribute?
3 GOLDEN RULES 1. Raise the planets vibration 2. Raise the vibration of Mass Consciousness 3. Complete the tasks with the Highest Intent COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS: The Collective Consciousness of planet Earth is derived from collective energy signature, vibration frequency and memories of it's inhabitants. Thus as a whole, to steer consciousness towards knowingness and the light, these influences must be addressed, processed and explained in a way that every being has the opportunity to understand the parameters as it relates to their individual decisions and then how it affects the whole... And remember my friends . . Karma is a "bitch" =) Namaste
The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?
Yes I agree to honor all of your therms of this service of this website =)
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Welcome Robert, to “The City of Shamballa”.
Enjoy looking around; do join the groups where you can share like minded subjects with other beautiful souls here. Feel free to add discussion, comments, stories and pictures, to share with our, and now your family here. If you need anything, let me know. Go and get attunements .You just have to decide which one at the moment.
Blessings, Sebastian