Scotland Argyll
March 26
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
In my Very early 40's Have been attuned to reiki and Kundalini Reiki plus many more other energies for quite a few years now. I Work in healthcare and have done for the last 21 years I am in a Loving relationship with my partner for nearly 5 years We are owned by a wonderful little cat by the name of Luna whom can be quite mad at times but Im now finding our love is winning her round to heaps of kisses and cuddles
What brought you here?
I wanted to find out a little more about Love and Light
What can you contribute?
My Love and Positive energy
Many but my first was my Reiki teacher from Aberdeen......
Very varied taste. Depends on my mood
For my partner and I and the whole of humanity to raise our vibrations and arrive at the 5th Dimmension fully alive
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Have a wonderful Special Day
Happy Birthday! in 30 Different Languages
Happy Birthday (Funny Dancing)
Sai Ram, Blessings of Love & Light to you on your special day. xxx