




July 27

Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)

I am a lightworker since around 2 decades ... probably longer... work as a psychoenergetic therapist... am Reiki Master, teach All Love (SKHM)... created 40 meditationbased lessons which I teach to help people to grow step by step into the core of themselves... do and teach past life regression, ... so... a lot :-)... I live alone with my dog and try to live as close as possible to nature.

What brought you here?

Red the Pleiadian Counsel channeling from 27/7

What can you contribute?

Whaterver my intution tells me at any moment...


Aivanhov, Patrick Zeigler (founder All Love-SKHM), my Reiki Master, Maria Majoor (founder of School for Intuitive development in the Netherlands), ... many more...


Initiation (Elisabeth Haich), most of the works of Aivanhov,...many more


The Matrix, Thrive, What dreams may come, What the Bleep do we know, .... many more


Paul Horn, Tom Kenyon, ... and according to my mood ... :-)


To live in peace in a sense of brotherhood on a day by day basis... to exchange... to fullfil my path of serving humanity

The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?

I do

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  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • "Happy Birthday!"

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for all that you are! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light.
  • "Happy Birthday!"

  • "Happy Birthday!"

  • "Happy Birthday!"

  • Hi I like your page. I was wondering if you would like to check out a site I created to help unite us together. You are welcome to be my friend here, much love elshara Silverheart.
  • Happy Birthday Loesja!
  • Welcome to City of Shamballa !!! 

    Enjoy looking around; do join the groups where you can share subjects with other beautiful souls here. Feel free to add discussion, comments, stories and pictures, to share with our, and now your family here. Go and get attunements .You just have to decide which one at the moment , use Recommended Attunement Order (for Chris Comish's attunements)

    May i suggest you,for the beggining, to join the group for new users if you would like to tell us something about yourself.  We would love to get to know you!

    i also suggest you the Art of Blessing event.

    Blessings, Sebastian


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